blob: d1b56c0284d624e38cd26194ded1ea43a8ce503d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_output.h"
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <limits>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_driver.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/base_renderer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/mixer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/no_op.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
namespace media::audio {
// This MONOTONIC-based duration is the maximum interval between trim operations.
static constexpr zx::duration kMaxTrimPeriod = zx::msec(10);
// TODO( We should not need driver to be set for all Audio Devices.
AudioOutput::AudioOutput(const std::string& name, ThreadingModel* threading_model,
DeviceRegistry* registry, LinkMatrix* link_matrix)
: AudioDevice(Type::Output, name, threading_model, registry, link_matrix,
reporter_(Reporter::Singleton().CreateOutputDevice(name)) {
AudioOutput::AudioOutput(const std::string& name, ThreadingModel* threading_model,
DeviceRegistry* registry, LinkMatrix* link_matrix,
std::unique_ptr<AudioDriver> driver)
: AudioDevice(Type::Output, name, threading_model, registry, link_matrix, std::move(driver)),
reporter_(Reporter::Singleton().CreateOutputDevice(name)) {
void AudioOutput::Process() {
auto mono_now = async::Now(mix_domain().dispatcher());
int64_t trace_wake_delta =
next_sched_time_mono_.has_value() ? (mono_now - next_sched_time_mono_.value()).get() : 0;
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioOutput::Process", "wake delta", TA_INT64(trace_wake_delta));
// At this point, we should always know when our implementation would like to be called to do some
// mixing work next. If we do not know, then we should have already shut down.
// If the next sched time has not arrived yet, don't attempt to mix anything. Just trim the queues
// and move on.
if (mono_now >= next_sched_time_mono_.value()) {
// Clear the flag. If the implementation does not set it during the cycle by calling
// SetNextSchedTimeMono, we consider it an error and shut down.
auto ref_now = reference_clock().ReferenceTimeFromMonotonicTime(mono_now);
uint32_t frames_remaining;
do {
float* payload = nullptr;
auto mix_frames = StartMixJob(ref_now);
// If we have frames to mix that are non-silent, we should do the mix now.
if (mix_frames && !mix_frames->is_mute) {
auto buf = pipeline_->ReadLock(Fixed(mix_frames->start), mix_frames->length);
if (buf) {
// We have a buffer so call FinishMixJob on this region and perform another MixJob if
// we did not mix enough data. This can happen if our pipeline is unable to produce the
// entire requested frame region in a single pass.
FX_DCHECK(buf->start().Floor() == mix_frames->start);
FX_DCHECK(buf->length().Floor() > 0);
FX_DCHECK(pipeline_->format().sample_format() ==
payload = reinterpret_cast<float*>(buf->payload());
// Reduce the frame range if we did not fill the entire requested frame region.
int64_t buffer_length = buf->length().Floor();
FX_CHECK(buffer_length >= 0);
uint64_t valid_frames =
std::min(mix_frames->length, static_cast<uint64_t>(buffer_length));
frames_remaining = mix_frames->length - valid_frames;
mix_frames->length = valid_frames;
} else {
// If the mix pipeline has no frames for this range, we treat this region as silence.
// FinishMixJob will be responsible for filling this region of the ring with silence.
mix_frames->is_mute = true;
payload = nullptr;
frames_remaining = 0;
} else {
// If we did not |ReadLock| on this region of the pipeline, we should instead trim now to
// ensure any client packets that otherwise would have been mixed are still released.
frames_remaining = 0;
// If we have a mix job, we need to call |FinishMixJob| to commit these bytes to the hardware.
if (mix_frames) {
FinishMixJob(*mix_frames, payload);
} while (frames_remaining > 0);
auto mono_end = async::Now(mix_domain().dispatcher());
if (auto dt = mono_end - mono_now; dt > MixDeadline()) {
TRACE_ALERT("audio", "audiounderflow");
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "PIPELINE UNDERFLOW: Mixer ran for " << std::setprecision(4)
<< static_cast<double>(dt.to_nsecs()) / ZX_MSEC(1) << " ms, overran goal of "
<< static_cast<double>(MixDeadline().to_nsecs()) / ZX_MSEC(1) << " ms";
reporter().PipelineUnderflow(mono_now + MixDeadline(), mono_end);
if (!next_sched_time_mono_) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Output failed to schedule next service time. Shutting down!";
// Figure out when we should wake up to do more work again. No matter how long our implementation
// wants to wait, we need to make sure to wake up and periodically trim our input queues.
auto max_sched_time_mono = mono_now + kMaxTrimPeriod;
if (next_sched_time_mono_.value() > max_sched_time_mono) {
zx_status_t status =
mix_timer_.PostForTime(mix_domain().dispatcher(), next_sched_time_mono_.value());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to schedule mix";
fit::result<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Mixer>, ExecutionDomain*>, zx_status_t>
AudioOutput::InitializeSourceLink(const AudioObject& source,
std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source_stream) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioOutput::InitializeSourceLink");
// If there's no source, use a Mixer that only trims, and no execution domain.
if (!source_stream) {
return fit::ok(std::make_pair(std::make_shared<audio::mixer::NoOp>(), nullptr));
auto usage = source.usage();
FX_DCHECK(usage) << "Source has no assigned usage";
if (!usage) {
usage = {StreamUsage::WithRenderUsage(RenderUsage::MEDIA)};
float gain_db = Gain::kUnityGainDb;
if (device_settings()) {
auto [flags, cur_gain_state] = device_settings()->SnapshotGainState();
gain_db = cur_gain_state.muted
? fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB
: std::clamp(cur_gain_state.gain_db, Gain::kMinGainDb, Gain::kMaxGainDb);
// In rendering, we expect the source clock to originate from a client.
// For now, "loop out" (direct device-to-device) routing is unsupported.
FX_CHECK(source_stream->reference_clock().is_client_clock() ||
source_stream->reference_clock() == reference_clock());
auto mixer = pipeline_->AddInput(std::move(source_stream), *usage, gain_db);
return fit::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(mixer), &mix_domain()));
void AudioOutput::CleanupSourceLink(const AudioObject& source,
std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream> source_stream) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioOutput::CleanupSourceLink");
if (source_stream) {
fit::result<std::shared_ptr<ReadableStream>, zx_status_t> AudioOutput::InitializeDestLink(
const AudioObject& dest) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioOutput::InitializeDestLink");
if (!pipeline_) {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
return fit::ok(pipeline_->loopback());
std::unique_ptr<OutputPipeline> AudioOutput::CreateOutputPipeline(
const PipelineConfig& config, const VolumeCurve& volume_curve, size_t max_block_size_frames,
TimelineFunction device_reference_clock_to_fractional_frame, AudioClock& ref_clock) {
auto pipeline =
std::make_unique<OutputPipelineImpl>(config, volume_curve, max_block_size_frames,
device_reference_clock_to_fractional_frame, ref_clock);
return pipeline;
void AudioOutput::SetupMixTask(const DeviceConfig::OutputDeviceProfile& profile,
size_t max_block_size_frames,
TimelineFunction device_reference_clock_to_fractional_frame) {
DeviceConfig updated_config = config();
updated_config.SetOutputDeviceProfile(driver()->persistent_unique_id(), profile);
max_block_size_frames_ = max_block_size_frames;
pipeline_ =
CreateOutputPipeline(profile.pipeline_config(), profile.volume_curve(), max_block_size_frames,
device_reference_clock_to_fractional_frame, reference_clock());
void AudioOutput::Cleanup() {
fit::promise<void, fuchsia::media::audio::UpdateEffectError> AudioOutput::UpdateEffect(
const std::string& instance_name, const std::string& config) {
fit::bridge<void, fuchsia::media::audio::UpdateEffectError> bridge;
mix_domain().PostTask([this, self = shared_from_this(), instance_name, config,
completer = std::move(bridge.completer)]() mutable {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, &mix_domain());
if (pipeline_ && !is_shutting_down()) {
completer.complete_or_abandon(pipeline_->UpdateEffect(instance_name, config));
return bridge.consumer.promise();
fit::promise<void, zx_status_t> AudioOutput::UpdateDeviceProfile(
const DeviceConfig::OutputDeviceProfile::Parameters& params) {
fit::bridge<void, zx_status_t> bridge;
mix_domain().PostTask([this, params, completer = std::move(bridge.completer)]() mutable {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, &mix_domain());
DeviceConfig device_config = config();
auto current_profile = config().output_device_profile(driver()->persistent_unique_id());
auto updated_profile = DeviceConfig::OutputDeviceProfile(
device_config.SetOutputDeviceProfile(driver()->persistent_unique_id(), updated_profile);
auto snapshot = pipeline_->ref_time_to_frac_presentation_frame();
pipeline_ =
CreateOutputPipeline(updated_profile.pipeline_config(), updated_profile.volume_curve(),
max_block_size_frames_, snapshot.timeline_function, reference_clock());
return bridge.consumer.promise();
void AudioOutput::SetGainInfo(const fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo& info,
fuchsia::media::AudioGainValidFlags set_flags) {
reporter_->SetGainInfo(info, set_flags);
AudioDevice::SetGainInfo(info, set_flags);
} // namespace media::audio