blob: aff1691b54259219b53be8adb8d08da16f0f19cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The cobalt system metrics collection daemon uses cobalt to log system metrics
// on a regular basis.
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/hierarchy.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/sys/inspect/cpp/component.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/activity_listener.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/archivist_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/cpu_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/log_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/metrics_registry.cb.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/temperature_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/utils/clock.h"
#include "third_party/cobalt/src/registry/buckets_config.h"
// A daemon to send system metrics to Cobalt.
// Usage:
// async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigAttachToCurrentThread);
// std::unique_ptr<sys::ComponentContext> context(
// sys::ComponentContext::CreateAndServeOutgoingDirectory());
// SystemMetricsDaemon daemon(loop.dispatcher(), context.get());
// daemon.StartLogging();
// loop.Run();
class SystemMetricsDaemon {
// Constructor
// |dispatcher|. This is used to schedule future work.
// |context|. The Cobalt LoggerFactory interface is fetched from this context.
SystemMetricsDaemon(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, sys::ComponentContext* context);
// Starts asynchronously logging all system metrics.
void StartLogging();
// Reader side must use the exact name to read from Inspect.
// Design doc in go/fuchsia-metrics-to-inspect-design.
// Details about config file are in b/152076901#comment6.
static constexpr const char* kInspecPlatformtNodeName = "platform_metrics";
static constexpr const char* kTemperatureNodeName = "temperature";
static constexpr const char* kReadingTemperature = "readings";
static constexpr size_t kTempArraySize = 6;
// Details about config file are in b/152073842#comment6.
static constexpr const char* kCPUNodeName = "cpu";
static constexpr const char* kReadingCPUMax = "max";
static constexpr const char* kReadingCPUMean = "mean";
static constexpr size_t kCPUArraySize = 6;
friend class SystemMetricsDaemonTest;
friend class SystemMetricsDaemonInitializationTest;
// This private constructor is intended for use in tests. |context| may
// be null because InitializeLogger() will not be invoked. Instead,
// pass a non-null |logger| which may be a local mock that does not use FIDL.
SystemMetricsDaemon(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, sys::ComponentContext* context,
fuchsia::cobalt::Logger_Sync* logger,
fuchsia::cobalt::Logger_Sync* component_diagnostics_logger,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::SteadyClock> clock,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::CpuStatsFetcher> cpu_stats_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher> temperature_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::LogStatsFetcher> log_stats_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::ActivityListener> activity_listener,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::ArchivistStatsFetcher> archivist_stats_fetcher);
void InitializeLogger();
void InitializeDiagnosticsLogger();
void InitializeRootResourceHandle();
// If the peer has closed the FIDL connection, automatically reconnect.
zx_status_t ReinitializeIfPeerClosed(zx_status_t zx_status);
zx_status_t ReinitializeDiagnosticsIfPeerClosed(zx_status_t zx_status);
// Calls LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents,
// and then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the constructor to
// schedule the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents();
// Calls LogFuchsiaUptime and then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the
// constructor to schedule the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogUptime();
// Calls LogCpuUsage,
// then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the constructor to schedule
// the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogCpuUsage();
// Calls LogLogStats and then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the
// constructor to schedule the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogLogStats();
// Calls LogArchivistStats and then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the
// constructor to schedule the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogArchivistStats();
// Check if fetching device temperature is supported, and if successful
// start logging temperature.
// If it fails, attempt again after 1 minute. Repeat the process
// |remaining_attempts| times.
void LogTemperatureIfSupported(int remaining_attempts);
// Create linear bucket config with the bucket_floor, number of buckets and step size.
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::config::IntegerBucketConfig> InitializeLinearBucketConfig(
int64_t bucket_floor, int32_t num_buckets, int32_t step_size);
// Calls LogTemperature,
// then uses the |dispatcher| passed to the constructor to schedule
// the next round.
void RepeatedlyLogTemperature();
// Returns the amount of time since SystemMetricsDaemon started.
std::chrono::seconds GetUpTime();
// Calls LogFuchsiaUpPing and LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
std::chrono::seconds LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents();
// Logs one or more UpPing events depending on how long the device has been
// up.
// |uptime| An estimate of how long since device boot time.
// First the "Up" event is logged indicating only that the device is up.
// If the device has been up for at least a minute then "UpOneMinute" is also
// logged.
// If the device has been up for at least 10 minutes, then "UpTenMinutes" is
// also logged. Etc.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
std::chrono::seconds LogFuchsiaUpPing(std::chrono::seconds uptime);
// Logs one FuchsiaLifetimeEvent event of type "Boot" the first time it
// is invoked and does nothing on subsequent invocations.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
// Currently returns std::chrono::seconds::max().
std::chrono::seconds LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents();
// Once per hour, rounds the current uptime down to the nearest number of
// hours and logs an event for the fuchsia_uptime metric.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
// This is the number of seconds until the uptime reaches the next full hour.
std::chrono::seconds LogFuchsiaUptime();
// Fetches and logs system-wide CPU usage.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
std::chrono::seconds LogCpuUsage();
// Fetches and logs the number of error log messages across all components.
void LogLogStats();
// Fetches and logs archivist stats.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
std::chrono::seconds LogArchivistStats();
// Helper function to store the fetched CPU data and store until flush.
void StoreCpuData(double cpu_percentage); // histogram, flush every 10 min
// Helper function to call Cobalt logger's LogCobaltEvent to log
// cpu percentages.
bool LogCpuToCobalt(); // INT_HISTOGRAM metric type
// Fetches and logs device temperature.
// Returns the amount of time before this method needs to be invoked again.
std::chrono::seconds LogTemperature();
// Helper function to call Cobalt logger's LogIntHistogram to log
// a vector of temperature readings taken in one minute into Cobalt.
void LogTemperatureToCobalt();
// Callback function to be called by ActivityListener to update current_state_
void UpdateState(fuchsia::ui::activity::State state) { current_state_ = state; }
bool boot_reported_ = false;
async_dispatcher_t* const dispatcher_;
sys::ComponentContext* context_;
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerFactorySyncPtr factory_;
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerSyncPtr logger_fidl_proxy_;
fuchsia::cobalt::Logger_Sync* logger_;
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerFactorySyncPtr component_diagnostics_factory_;
fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerSyncPtr component_diagnostics_logger_fidl_proxy_;
fuchsia::cobalt::Logger_Sync* component_diagnostics_logger_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start_time_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::SteadyClock> clock_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::CpuStatsFetcher> cpu_stats_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher> temperature_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::LogStatsFetcher> log_stats_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::ActivityListener> activity_listener_;
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::ArchivistStatsFetcher> archivist_stats_fetcher_;
fuchsia::ui::activity::State current_state_ = fuchsia::ui::activity::State::UNKNOWN;
fidl::InterfacePtr<fuchsia::ui::activity::Provider> activity_provider_;
sys::ComponentInspector inspector_;
inspect::Node platform_metric_node_;
inspect::Node metric_cpu_node_;
inspect::DoubleArray inspect_cpu_max_;
inspect::DoubleArray inspect_cpu_mean_;
double cpu_usage_accumulator_ = 0;
double cpu_usage_max_ = 0;
size_t cpu_array_index_ = 0;
inspect::Node metric_temperature_node_;
inspect::IntArray inspect_temperature_readings_;
template <typename T>
T GetCobaltEventCodeForDeviceState(fuchsia::ui::activity::State state) {
switch (state) {
case fuchsia::ui::activity::State::IDLE:
return T::Idle;
case fuchsia::ui::activity::State::ACTIVE:
return T::Active;
case fuchsia::ui::activity::State::UNKNOWN:
return T::Unknown;
struct CpuWithActivityState {
double cpu_percentage;
fuchsia::ui::activity::State state;
std::unordered_map<fuchsia::ui::activity::State, std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>>
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> temperature_map_;
uint32_t num_temps_ = 0;
uint32_t cpu_data_stored_ = 0;
// This bucket config is used to calculate the histogram bucket index for a given cpu percentage.
// Usage: cpu_bucket_config_->BucketIndex(cpu_percentage * 100)
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::config::IntegerBucketConfig> cpu_bucket_config_;
// This bucket config is used to calculate the histogram bucket index for a given temperature.
// Usage: temperature_bucket_config_->BucketIndex(temperature)
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::config::IntegerBucketConfig> temperature_bucket_config_;
// This function should only be used in test to change temperature fetcher.
void SetTemperatureFetcher(std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher> fetcher);