blob: f84fc7569eb94b8e2c3cc861d0f37d43dd545903 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <set>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/testing/lib/sim-device/device.h"
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/testing/lib/sim-env/sim-env.h"
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/testing/lib/sim-fake-ap/sim-fake-ap.h"
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/third_party/broadcom/brcmfmac/sim/sim_device.h"
namespace wlan::brcmfmac {
// This class represents an interface created on a simulated device, collecting all of the
// attributes related to that interface.
class SimInterface {
// Track state of association
struct AssocContext {
enum AssocState {
} state = kNone;
common::MacAddr bssid;
wlan_ssid_t ssid;
wlan_channel_t channel;
struct SoftApContext {
wlan_ssid_t ssid;
// Useful statistics about operations performed
struct Stats {
size_t assoc_attempts = 0;
size_t assoc_successes = 0;
std::list<wlan_join_result_t> join_results;
std::list<wlanif_auth_confirm_t> auth_results;
std::list<wlanif_assoc_confirm_t> assoc_results;
std::list<wlanif_assoc_ind_t> assoc_indications;
std::list<wlanif_auth_ind_t> auth_indications;
std::list<wlanif_deauth_indication_t> deauth_indications;
std::list<wlanif_disassoc_indication_t> disassoc_indications;
std::list<wlanif_channel_switch_info_t> csa_indications;
std::list<wlanif_start_confirm_t> start_confirmations;
std::list<wlanif_stop_confirm_t> stop_confirmations;
// SoftAP defaults
static constexpr wlan_ssid_t kDefaultSoftApSsid = {.len = 10, .ssid = "Sim_SoftAP"};
static constexpr wlan_channel_t kDefaultSoftApChannel = {
.primary = 11, .cbw = WLAN_CHANNEL_BANDWIDTH__20, .secondary80 = 0};
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSoftApBeaconPeriod = 100;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultSoftApDtimPeriod = 100;
SimInterface() = default;
SimInterface(const SimInterface&) = delete;
zx_status_t Init(std::shared_ptr<simulation::Environment> env, wlan_info_mac_role_t role);
virtual ~SimInterface() {
if (ch_sme_ != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
if (ch_mlme_ != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
// Default SME Callbacks
virtual void OnScanResult(const wlanif_scan_result_t* result) {}
virtual void OnScanEnd(const wlanif_scan_end_t* end) {}
virtual void OnJoinConf(const wlanif_join_confirm_t* resp);
virtual void OnAuthConf(const wlanif_auth_confirm_t* resp);
virtual void OnAuthInd(const wlanif_auth_ind_t* resp);
virtual void OnDeauthConf(const wlanif_deauth_confirm_t* resp) {}
virtual void OnDeauthInd(const wlanif_deauth_indication_t* ind);
virtual void OnAssocConf(const wlanif_assoc_confirm_t* resp);
virtual void OnAssocInd(const wlanif_assoc_ind_t* ind);
virtual void OnDisassocConf(const wlanif_disassoc_confirm_t* resp) {}
virtual void OnDisassocInd(const wlanif_disassoc_indication_t* ind);
virtual void OnStartConf(const wlanif_start_confirm_t* resp);
virtual void OnStopConf(const wlanif_stop_confirm_t* resp);
virtual void OnEapolConf(const wlanif_eapol_confirm_t* resp) {}
virtual void OnChannelSwitch(const wlanif_channel_switch_info_t* ind);
virtual void OnSignalReport(const wlanif_signal_report_indication_t* ind) {}
virtual void OnEapolInd(const wlanif_eapol_indication_t* ind) {}
virtual void OnStatsQueryResp(const wlanif_stats_query_response_t* resp) {}
virtual void OnRelayCapturedFrame(const wlanif_captured_frame_result_t* result) {}
virtual void OnDataRecv(const void* data, size_t data_size, uint32_t flags) {}
// Query an interface
void Query(wlanif_query_info_t* out_info);
// Get the Mac address of an interface
void GetMacAddr(common::MacAddr* out_macaddr);
// Start an assocation with a fake AP. We can use these for subsequent association events, but
// not interleaved association events (which I doubt are terribly useful, anyway). Note that for
// the moment only non-authenticated associations are supported.
void StartAssoc(const common::MacAddr& bssid, const wlan_ssid_t& ssid,
const wlan_channel_t& channel);
void AssociateWith(const simulation::FakeAp& ap,
std::optional<zx::duration> delay = std::nullopt);
// SoftAP operation
void StartSoftAp(const wlan_ssid_t& ssid = kDefaultSoftApSsid,
const wlan_channel_t& channel = kDefaultSoftApChannel,
uint32_t beacon_period = kDefaultSoftApBeaconPeriod,
uint32_t dtim_period = kDefaultSoftApDtimPeriod);
void StopSoftAp();
std::shared_ptr<simulation::Environment> env_;
static wlanif_impl_ifc_protocol_ops_t default_sme_dispatch_tbl_;
wlanif_impl_ifc_protocol default_ifc_ = {.ops = &default_sme_dispatch_tbl_, .ctx = this};
// This provides our DDK (wlanif-impl) API into the interface
void* if_impl_ctx_;
wlanif_impl_protocol_ops_t* if_impl_ops_;
// Unique identifier provided by the driver
uint16_t iface_id_;
// Handles for SME <=> MLME communication, required but never used for communication (since no
// SME is present).
zx_handle_t ch_sme_ = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; // SME-owned side
zx_handle_t ch_mlme_ = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; // MLME-owned side
// Current state of association
AssocContext assoc_ctx_;
// Current state of soft AP
SoftApContext soft_ap_ctx_;
// Allows us to track individual operations
Stats stats_;
wlan_info_mac_role_t role_ = 0;
// A base class that can be used for creating simulation tests. It provides functionality that
// should be common to most tests (like creating a new device instance and setting up and plugging
// into the environment). It also provides a factory method for creating a new interface on the
// simulated device.
class SimTest : public ::testing::Test, public simulation::StationIfc {
zx_status_t Init();
std::shared_ptr<simulation::Environment> env_;
// Create a new interface on the simulated device, providing the specified role and function
// callbacks
zx_status_t StartInterface(
wlan_info_mac_role_t role, SimInterface* sim_ifc,
std::optional<const wlanif_impl_ifc_protocol*> sme_protocol = std::nullopt,
std::optional<common::MacAddr> mac_addr = std::nullopt);
// Stop and delete a SimInterface
void DeleteInterface(uint16_t iface_id);
void DeleteInterface(const SimInterface& ifc) { DeleteInterface(ifc.iface_id_); }
// Fake device manager
std::unique_ptr<simulation::FakeDevMgr> dev_mgr_;
// brcmfmac's concept of a device
brcmfmac::SimDevice* device_;
// Keep track of the ifaces we created during test by iface id.
std::set<uint16_t> iface_id_set_;
// StationIfc methods - by default, do nothing. These can/will be overridden by superclasses.
void Rx(std::shared_ptr<const simulation::SimFrame> frame,
std::shared_ptr<const simulation::WlanRxInfo> info) override {}
// Schedule a call from within a SimTest to a member function that takes no arguments
#define SCHEDULE_CALL(when, ...) \
do { \
auto cb_fn = std::make_unique<std::function<void()>>(); \
*cb_fn = std::bind(__VA_ARGS__); \
env_->ScheduleNotification(std::move(cb_fn), when); \
} while (0)
} // namespace wlan::brcmfmac