blob: 882f4d280a8c8a15e5a72056f84a3400adb39f9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/commit.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/commit_watcher.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/data_source.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/journal.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/object.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/page_sync_client.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace storage {
// |PageStorage| manages the local storage of a single page.
class PageStorage : public PageSyncClient {
struct CommitIdAndBytes {
CommitIdAndBytes(CommitId id, std::string bytes);
CommitIdAndBytes(CommitIdAndBytes&& other) noexcept;
CommitIdAndBytes& operator=(CommitIdAndBytes&& other) noexcept;
CommitId id;
std::string bytes;
// Location where to search an object. See |GetObject| call for usage.
class Location {
// Object should only be searched locally.
static Location Local();
// Object is from a value and should be searched both locally and from the network.
// Compatibility: during the transition to diffs, using |ValueFromNetwork| as a location for a
// tree node is valid, and indicates that this object is expected to be present in the cloud and
// should be fetched using |GetObject|.
// TODO(LE-823): remove once transition to diffs is complete.
static Location ValueFromNetwork();
// Object is from a tree node and should be searched both locally and from the
// network. |in_commit| is the identifier of a commit that has the object as part of a tree
// node.
static Location TreeNodeFromNetwork(CommitId in_commit);
bool is_local() const;
bool is_value_from_network() const;
bool is_tree_node_from_network() const;
bool is_network() const;
const CommitId& in_commit() const;
enum class Tag {
Location(Tag flag, CommitId in_commit);
friend bool operator==(const Location& lhs, const Location& rhs);
friend bool operator<(const Location& lhs, const Location& rhs);
Tag tag_;
// Only valid if |tag_| is |NETWORK_TREE_NODE|.
CommitId in_commit_;
PageStorage() = default;
~PageStorage() override = default;
// Returns the id of this page.
virtual PageId GetId() = 0;
// Returns the ObjectIdentifierFactory associated with this page. |PageStorage| must outlive the
// returned pointer.
virtual ObjectIdentifierFactory* GetObjectIdentifierFactory() = 0;
// Finds all head commits. It is guaranteed that valid pages have at least one
// head commit, even if they are empty. The returned list is sorted according
// to |Commit::TimestampOrdered|.
virtual Status GetHeadCommits(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>>* head_commits) = 0;
// Finds the ids of all merge commits that have as parents the commits with
// ids |parent1_id| and |parent2_id| and calls the given |callback| with the
// result.
virtual void GetMergeCommitIds(CommitIdView parent1_id, CommitIdView parent2_id,
fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<CommitId>)> callback) = 0;
// Finds the commit with the given |commit_id| and calls the given |callback|
// with the result. |PageStorage| must outlive any |Commit| obtained through
// it.
// TODO( What status is passed to the
// callback in the commit-was-garbage-collected circumstance?
virtual void GetCommit(CommitIdView commit_id,
fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Commit>)> callback) = 0;
// Returns the generation of the given commit, and the list of its parents that are not present in
// local storage.
virtual void GetGenerationAndMissingParents(
const CommitIdAndBytes& id_and_bytes,
fit::function<void(Status, uint64_t, std::vector<CommitId>)> callback) = 0;
// Adds a list of commits with the given ids and bytes to storage. The
// callback is called when the storage has finished processing the commits. If
// the status passed to the callback is OK, this indicates that storage
// fetched all referenced objects and is ready to accept subsequent commits.
virtual void AddCommitsFromSync(std::vector<CommitIdAndBytes> ids_and_bytes, ChangeSource source,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Starts a new journal based on the commit with the given |commit_id|. The
// base commit must be one of the head commits. |PageStorage| must outlive any
// |Journal| obtained through it.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Journal> StartCommit(std::unique_ptr<const Commit> commit_id) = 0;
// Starts a new journal for a merge commit, based on the given commits.
// |left| and |right| must both be in the set of head commits. All
// modifications to the journal consider the |left| as the base of the new
// commit. Merge commits are always explicit, that is in case of a crash all
// changes to the journal will be lost. |PageStorage| must outlive any
// |Journal| obtained through it.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Journal> StartMergeCommit(std::unique_ptr<const Commit> left,
std::unique_ptr<const Commit> right) = 0;
// Commits the given |journal| and when finished, returns the success/failure
// status and the created Commit object through the given |callback|. If the
// operation is a no-op, the returned commit will be null. |PageStorage| must
// outlive any |Commit| obtained through it.
virtual void CommitJournal(
std::unique_ptr<Journal> journal,
fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Commit>)> callback) = 0;
// Registers the given |CommitWatcher| which will be notified on new commits.
// A given |CommitWatcher| must not be added more than once.
virtual void AddCommitWatcher(CommitWatcher* watcher) = 0;
// Unregisters the given |CommitWatcher|, if present.
virtual void RemoveCommitWatcher(CommitWatcher* watcher) = 0;
// Checks whether there are any unsynced commits or pieces in this page. Note
// that since the result is computed asynchronously, the caller must have
// exclusive access to the page to ensure a correct result.
virtual void IsSynced(fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) = 0;
// Checks whether this page storage is empty. A page is not empty if there is
// more than one head commits. Note that since the result is computed
// asynchronously, the caller must have exclusive access to the page to ensure
// a correct result.
virtual void IsEmpty(fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) = 0;
// Checks whether this page is online, i.e. has been synced to the cloud or a
// peer. The page is marked as online if any of these has occured: a local
// commit has been synced to the cloud, commits from the cloud have been
// downloaded, or the page has been synced to a peer. Note that the result of
// this method might be incorrect if there are other asynchronous operations
// in progress. To ensure a correct result, the caller must have exclusive
// access to the page.
virtual bool IsOnline() = 0;
// Finds the commits that have not yet been synced.
// The commits passed in the callback are sorted in a non-decreasing order of
// their generations. |PageStorage| must outlive any |Commit| obtained through
// it.
virtual void GetUnsyncedCommits(
fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Commit>>)> callback) = 0;
// Marks the given commit as synced.
virtual void MarkCommitSynced(const CommitId& commit_id,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Finds all objects in the storage that are not yet synced, and calls
// |callback| with the operation status and the corresponding
// |ObjectIdentifier|s vector.
virtual void GetUnsyncedPieces(
fit::function<void(Status, std::vector<ObjectIdentifier>)> callback) = 0;
// Marks the object with the given |object_identifier| as synced.
virtual void MarkPieceSynced(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Returns true if the object is known to be synced to the cloud, false
// otherwise.
virtual void IsPieceSynced(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier,
fit::function<void(Status, bool)> callback) = 0;
// Marks this page as synced to a peer.
virtual void MarkSyncedToPeer(fit::function<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Adds the given local object and passes the new object's id to the callback.
// |tree_references| are the BTree-level references (eg. references from the
// node to its BTree children and values) if |object_type| is TREE_NODE, and
// must be empty otherwise.
virtual void AddObjectFromLocal(ObjectType object_type, std::unique_ptr<DataSource> data_source,
ObjectReferencesAndPriority tree_references,
fit::function<void(Status, ObjectIdentifier)> callback) = 0;
// Finds the Object associated with the given |object_identifier|. The result
// or an an error will be returned through the given |callback|. If |location|
// is LOCAL, only local storage will be checked. If |location| is NETWORK,
// then a network request may be made if the requested object is not present
// locally.
virtual void GetObject(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, Location location,
fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Object>)> callback) = 0;
// Retrieves a part of an object of type BLOB, starting at |offset| with a
// maximum size of |max_size|, and maps it to a VMO.
// If |offset| is less than 0, starts from |-offset| from the end of the
// value. If |max_size| is less than 0, retrieves everything until the end of
// an object.
// This method must not be called on TREE_NODE objects.
virtual void GetObjectPart(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier, int64_t offset, int64_t max_size,
Location location,
fit::function<void(Status, fsl::SizedVmo)> callback) = 0;
// Finds the piece associated with the given |object_identifier|. The result
// or an error will be returned through the given |callback|. Only local
// storage is checked, and if the object is an index, is it returned as is,
// and not expanded. The piece is guaranteed to remain available in storage as
// long as the returned token is alive. The returned token must be nullptr if
// and only if the returned piece is nullptr.
virtual void GetPiece(ObjectIdentifier object_identifier,
fit::function<void(Status, std::unique_ptr<const Piece>)> callback) = 0;
// Sets the opaque sync metadata associated with this page associated with the
// given |key|. This state is persisted through restarts and can be retrieved
// using |GetSyncMetadata()|.
virtual void SetSyncMetadata(fxl::StringView key, fxl::StringView value,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback) = 0;
// Retrieves the opaque sync metadata associated with this page and the given
// |key|.
virtual void GetSyncMetadata(fxl::StringView key,
fit::function<void(Status, std::string)> callback) = 0;
// Commit contents.
// Iterates over the entries of the given |commit| and calls |on_next| on
// found entries with a key equal to or greater than |min_key|. Returning
// false from |on_next| will immediately stop the iteration. |on_done| is
// called once, upon successful completion, i.e. when there are no more
// elements or iteration was interrupted, or if an error occurs.
virtual void GetCommitContents(const Commit& commit, std::string min_key,
fit::function<bool(Entry)> on_next,
fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) = 0;
// Retrieves the entry with the given |key| and calls |on_done| with the
// result. The status of |on_done| will be |OK| on success, |KEY_NOT_FOUND| if
// there is no such key in the given commit or an error status on failure.
virtual void GetEntryFromCommit(const Commit& commit, std::string key,
fit::function<void(Status, Entry)> on_done) = 0;
// Diff used for the cloud provider.
// Computes the diff between the |target_commit| and another commit, available locally. |callback|
// is called with the status of the operation, the id of the commit used as the base of the diff
// and the vector of all changes. Note that updating an entry will add two values in the vector of
// changes: one deleting the previous entry and one adding the next one.
virtual void GetDiffForCloud(
const Commit& target_commit,
fit::function<void(Status, CommitIdView, std::vector<EntryChange>)> callback) = 0;
// Diffs for Merging and other client-facing usages.
// Iterates over the difference between the contents of two commits and calls |on_next_diff| on
// found changed entries. Returning false from |on_next_diff| will immediately stop the iteration.
// |on_done| is called once, upon successful completion, i.e. when there are no more differences
// or iteration was interrupted, or if an error occurs.
virtual void GetCommitContentsDiff(const Commit& base_commit, const Commit& other_commit,
std::string min_key,
fit::function<bool(EntryChange)> on_next_diff,
fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) = 0;
// Computes the 3-way diff between a base commit and two other commits. Calls |on_next_diff| on
// found changed entries. Returning false from |on_next_diff| will immediately stop the iteration.
// |on_done| is called once, upon successful completion, i.e. when there are no more differences
// or iteration was interrupted, or if an error occurs.
virtual void GetThreeWayContentsDiff(const Commit& base_commit, const Commit& left_commit,
const Commit& right_commit, std::string min_key,
fit::function<bool(ThreeWayChange)> on_next_diff,
fit::function<void(Status)> on_done) = 0;
// Gets the current clock for this page.
virtual void GetClock(fit::function<void(Status, std::map<DeviceId, ClockEntry>)> callback) = 0;
// Finds the commit id of the commit with the given |remote_commit_id|.
virtual void GetCommitIdFromRemoteId(fxl::StringView remote_commit_id,
fit::function<void(Status, CommitId)> callback) = 0;
bool operator==(const PageStorage::CommitIdAndBytes& lhs, const PageStorage::CommitIdAndBytes& rhs);
bool operator==(const PageStorage::Location& lhs, const PageStorage::Location& rhs);
bool operator!=(const PageStorage::Location& lhs, const PageStorage::Location& rhs);
bool operator<(const PageStorage::Location& lhs, const PageStorage::Location& rhs);
} // namespace storage