blob: 5e95b84a97c01c5442f38e397b49f34d059e5ec5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library ddk.protocol.ispimpl;
using zx;
const uint8 WDR_MODE_LINEAR = 0x00000000;
const uint8 WDR_MODE_NATIVE = 0x00000001;
const uint8 WDR_MODE_FS_LIN = 0x00000002;
const uint8 WDR_MODE_COUNT = 0x00000003;
const uint8 BAYER_RGGB = 0;
const uint8 BAYER_GRBG = 1;
const uint8 BAYER_GBRG = 2;
const uint8 BAYER_BGGR = 3;
/// This structure represents image resolution.
struct ImageResolution {
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
// A sensor can support several different predefined modes.
struct SensorMode {
// Frames per milliseconds. NOTE: (Reference code has fps * 256)
uint32 fpms;
// Resolution of the mode.
ImageResolution resolution;
// How many exposures this mode supports.
uint8 exposures;
// The wdr mode.
uint8 wdr_mode;
// Bit depth of data from sensor.
uint8 bits;
// Lane count.
uint8 lanes;
// MBps per lane.
uint32 mbps;
// The setting idx in seq.
uint8 idx;
// The setting bayer pattern
uint8 bayer;
struct SensorInfo {
// Total resolution of the image with blanking.
ImageResolution total;
// Active resolution without blanking.
ImageResolution active;
// Actual pixels per line after scaling/binning.
uint32 pixels_per_line;
// Maximum analog gain value in log2 format.
int32 again_log2_max;
// Maximum digital gain value in log2 format.
int32 dgain_log2_max;
// Precision of the gain - If required gain step
// is less then this do not try to allocate it.
int32 again_accuracy;
// Minimum integration time for the sensor in lines.
uint32 integration_time_min;
// Maximum integration time for the sensor in lines
// without dropping fps.
uint32 integration_time_max;
// Maximum integration time for long in lines.
uint32 integration_time_long_max;
// Maximum possible integration time for the sensor in lines.
uint32 integration_time_limit;
// Limit of integration time for non-flickering light source.
uint16 day_light_integration_time_max;
// Delay to apply integration time in frames.
uint8 integration_time_apply_delay;
// Select which WDR exposure channel gain
// is delayed 0-none, 1-long, 2-medium, 3-short
// (only 0 and 1 implemented)
uint8 isp_exposure_channel_delay;
// Used for image stabilization.
int32 xoffset;
// Used for image stabilization.
int32 yoffset;
// Number of lines per second used for antiflicker.
uint32 lines_per_second;
// Number of different exposures supported by the sensor.
int32 sensor_exp_number;
// Current mode. This value is from the range [ 0 : countof(supported_modes) - 1 ].
uint8 mode;
// sensor setting bayer pattern.
uint8 bayer;
[Layout = "ddk-interface"]
protocol IspCallbacks {
// Initializes the Camera Sensor.
Init() -> (zx.status s);
// De-Initializes the Camera Sensor.
DeInit() -> ();
// Sets the Camera Sensor Mode to one of the supported modes.
SetMode(uint8 mode) -> (zx.status s);
// Start streaming from the camera sensor.
StartStreaming() -> ();
// Stop steaming.
StopStreaming() -> ();
// Change Analog Gain.
SetAnalogGain(int32 gain) -> (int32 gain);
// Change Digital Gain.
SetDigitalGain(int32 gain) -> (int32 gain);
// Set Integration Time.
SetIntegrationTime(int32 int_time, int32 int_time_M, int32 int_time_L) -> ();
// Update the sensor with new parameters.
Update() -> (zx.status s);
// Gets the Sensor Parameters.
GetInfo() -> (zx.status s, SensorInfo info);
// Get the supported modes.
GetSupportedModes() ->(zx.status s, vector<SensorMode> modes);
[Layout = "ddk-protocol"]
protocol IspImpl {
RegisterCallbacks(IspCallbacks intf) -> (zx.status s);
DeRegisterCallbacks() -> (zx.status s);