blob: d415b8477fcb8d39d1ddeedaa6edf3352af8230d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated by
library fidl.test.dangerous.method.event.arguments.camel;
using argtype = uint32;
protocol DangerousResponseArguments {
-> Event0(argtype Abstract);
-> Event1(argtype Alignas);
-> Event2(argtype Alignof);
-> Event3(argtype And);
-> Event4(argtype AndEq);
-> Event5(argtype As);
-> Event6(argtype Asm);
-> Event7(argtype Async);
-> Event8(argtype AtomicCancel);
-> Event9(argtype AtomicCommit);
-> Event10(argtype AtomicNoexcept);
-> Event11(argtype Auto);
-> Event12(argtype Await);
-> Event13(argtype Become);
-> Event14(argtype Bitand);
-> Event15(argtype Bitor);
-> Event16(argtype Bool);
-> Event17(argtype Box);
-> Event18(argtype Break);
-> Event19(argtype Byte);
-> Event20(argtype Case);
-> Event21(argtype Catch);
-> Event22(argtype Chan);
-> Event23(argtype Char);
-> Event24(argtype Char16T);
-> Event25(argtype Char32T);
-> Event26(argtype Class);
-> Event27(argtype CoAwait);
-> Event28(argtype CoReturn);
-> Event29(argtype CoYield);
-> Event30(argtype CodingTraits);
-> Event31(argtype Compl);
-> Event32(argtype Concept);
-> Event33(argtype Const);
-> Event34(argtype ConstCast);
-> Event35(argtype Constexpr);
-> Event36(argtype Continue);
-> Event37(argtype Controller);
-> Event38(argtype Crate);
-> Event39(argtype Decltype);
-> Event40(argtype Decoder);
-> Event41(argtype Default);
-> Event42(argtype Defer);
-> Event43(argtype Delete);
-> Event44(argtype Do);
-> Event45(argtype Double);
-> Event46(argtype DynamicCast);
-> Event47(argtype Else);
-> Event48(argtype Encoder);
-> Event49(argtype Enum);
-> Event50(argtype Err);
-> Event51(argtype Explicit);
-> Event52(argtype Export);
-> Event53(argtype Extern);
-> Event54(argtype Fallthrough);
-> Event55(argtype False);
-> Event56(argtype Fidl);
-> Event57(argtype FidlType);
-> Event58(argtype Final);
-> Event59(argtype Float);
-> Event60(argtype Fn);
-> Event61(argtype For);
-> Event62(argtype Friend);
-> Event63(argtype Func);
-> Event64(argtype Future);
-> Event65(argtype Futures);
-> Event66(argtype Go);
-> Event67(argtype Goto);
-> Event68(argtype HasInvalidTag);
-> Event69(argtype If);
-> Event70(argtype Impl);
-> Event71(argtype Import);
-> Event72(argtype In);
-> Event73(argtype Inline);
-> Event74(argtype Int);
-> Event75(argtype Int16);
-> Event76(argtype Int32);
-> Event77(argtype Int64);
-> Event78(argtype Int8);
-> Event79(argtype Interface);
-> Event80(argtype Let);
-> Event81(argtype Lhs);
-> Event82(argtype Long);
-> Event83(argtype Loop);
-> Event84(argtype Macro);
-> Event85(argtype Map);
-> Event86(argtype Match);
-> Event87(argtype Mod);
-> Event88(argtype Module);
-> Event89(argtype Move);
-> Event90(argtype Mut);
-> Event91(argtype Mutable);
-> Event92(argtype Namespace);
-> Event93(argtype Never);
-> Event94(argtype New);
-> Event95(argtype Noexcept);
-> Event96(argtype None);
-> Event97(argtype Not);
-> Event98(argtype NotEq);
-> Event99(argtype Nullptr);
-> Event100(argtype Offset);
-> Event101(argtype Offsetof);
-> Event102(argtype Ok);
-> Event103(argtype OnOpen);
-> Event104(argtype Operator);
-> Event105(argtype Option);
-> Event106(argtype Or);
-> Event107(argtype OrEq);
-> Event108(argtype Override);
-> Event109(argtype Package);
-> Event110(argtype Priv);
-> Event111(argtype Private);
-> Event112(argtype Proc);
-> Event113(argtype Protected);
-> Event114(argtype Proxy);
-> Event115(argtype Pub);
-> Event116(argtype Public);
-> Event117(argtype Pure);
-> Event118(argtype Range);
-> Event119(argtype Ref);
-> Event120(argtype Register);
-> Event121(argtype ReinterpretCast);
-> Event122(argtype Requires);
-> Event123(argtype Result);
-> Event124(argtype Return);
-> Event125(argtype Rhs);
-> Event126(argtype Rune);
-> Event127(argtype Select);
-> Event128(argtype Self);
-> Event129(argtype Send);
-> Event130(argtype SetController);
-> Event131(argtype Short);
-> Event132(argtype Signed);
-> Event133(argtype Sizeof);
-> Event134(argtype Some);
-> Event135(argtype Static);
-> Event136(argtype StaticAssert);
-> Event137(argtype StaticCast);
-> Event138(argtype Stream);
-> Event139(argtype String);
-> Event140(argtype Struct);
-> Event141(argtype Stub);
-> Event142(argtype Super);
-> Event143(argtype Switch);
-> Event144(argtype Synchronized);
-> Event145(argtype Tag);
-> Event146(argtype Template);
-> Event147(argtype This);
-> Event148(argtype ThreadLocal);
-> Event149(argtype Throw);
-> Event150(argtype Trait);
-> Event151(argtype True);
-> Event152(argtype Try);
-> Event153(argtype Type);
-> Event154(argtype Typedef);
-> Event155(argtype Typeid);
-> Event156(argtype Typename);
-> Event157(argtype Typeof);
-> Event158(argtype Uint16);
-> Event159(argtype Uint32);
-> Event160(argtype Uint64);
-> Event161(argtype Uint8);
-> Event162(argtype Union);
-> Event163(argtype Unsafe);
-> Event164(argtype Unsigned);
-> Event165(argtype Unsized);
-> Event166(argtype Use);
-> Event167(argtype Using);
-> Event168(argtype Value);
-> Event169(argtype ValueUnion);
-> Event170(argtype Var);
-> Event171(argtype Vec);
-> Event172(argtype Virtual);
-> Event173(argtype Void);
-> Event174(argtype Volatile);
-> Event175(argtype WcharT);
-> Event176(argtype Where);
-> Event177(argtype Which);
-> Event178(argtype While);
-> Event179(argtype Xor);
-> Event180(argtype XorEq);
-> Event181(argtype Xunion);
-> Event182(argtype Yield);
-> Event183(argtype Zx);