blob: b4d1194e1730f84e92a4bd2e5a6e203768f83ef7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/trace_manager/util.h"
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
namespace tracing {
TransferStatus WriteBufferToSocket(const zx::socket& socket, const void* buffer, size_t len) {
auto data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer);
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < len) {
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
size_t actual = 0;
if ((status = socket.write(0u, data + offset, len - offset, &actual)) < 0) {
if (status == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT) {
zx_signals_t pending = 0;
status = socket.wait_one(ZX_SOCKET_WRITABLE | ZX_SOCKET_PEER_CLOSED, zx::time::infinite(),
if (status < 0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Wait on socket failed: " << status;
return TransferStatus::kWriteError;
if (pending & ZX_SOCKET_WRITABLE)
if (pending & ZX_SOCKET_PEER_CLOSED) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Peer closed while writing to socket";
return TransferStatus::kReceiverDead;
return TransferStatus::kWriteError;
offset += actual;
return TransferStatus::kComplete;
} // namespace tracing