blob: 1177199efcc4a7b9464188eb5b9a362aa2bdb738 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
type SystemPowerctlArg = struct {
// TODO(scottmg): More unnamed unions.
//union {
// struct {
// uint8_t target_s_state; // Value between 1 and 5 indicating which S-state
// uint8_t sleep_type_a; // Value from ACPI VM (SLP_TYPa)
// uint8_t sleep_type_b; // Value from ACPI VM (SLP_TYPb)
// } acpi_transition_s_state;
// struct {
// uint32_t power_limit; // PL1 value in milliwatts
// uint32_t time_window; // PL1 time window in microseconds
// uint8_t clamp; // PL1 clamping enable
// uint8_t enable; // PL1 enable
// } x86_power_limit;
protocol system {
system_get_dcache_line_size() -> (struct {
size uint32;
/// Get number of logical processors on the system.
system_get_num_cpus() -> (struct {
count uint32;
/// Get version string for system.
system_get_version_string() -> (struct {
version string_view;
/// Get the page size for the system.
system_get_page_size() -> (struct {
size uint32;
/// Get amount of physical memory on the system.
system_get_physmem() -> (struct {
physmem uint64;
// TODO(scottmg): "features" has a features attribute. I'm not sure if/how it's used.
/// Get supported hardware capabilities.
system_get_features(struct {
kind uint32;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
features uint32;
/// Retrieve a handle to a system event.
/// Rights: None.
system_get_event(resource struct {
root_job handle:JOB;
kind uint32;
}) -> (resource struct {
status status;
event handle:EVENT;
/// Set CPU performance parameters.
/// Rights: resource must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM.
system_set_performance_info(resource struct {
resource handle:RESOURCE;
topic uint32;
info const_voidptr;
count usize;
}) -> (resource struct {
status status;
/// Get CPU performance parameters.
/// Rights: resource must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM.
system_get_performance_info(resource struct {
resource handle:RESOURCE;
topic uint32;
count usize;
}) -> (resource struct {
status status;
info voidptr;
output_count usize;
/// Soft reboot the system with a new kernel and bootimage.
/// Rights: resource must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT.
/// Rights: kernel_vmo must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO and have ZX_RIGHT_READ.
/// Rights: bootimage_vmo must be of type ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO and have ZX_RIGHT_READ.
system_mexec(resource struct {
resource handle:RESOURCE;
kernel_vmo handle:VMO;
bootimage_vmo handle:VMO;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
/// Return a ZBI containing ZBI entries necessary to boot this system.
/// Rights: resource must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_ROOT.
system_mexec_payload_get(resource struct {
resource handle:RESOURCE;
}) -> (struct {
status status;
buffer vector_void;
/// Rights: resource must have resource kind ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM with base ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_POWER_BASE.
system_powerctl(resource struct {
resource handle:RESOURCE;
cmd uint32;
arg SystemPowerctlArg;
}) -> (struct {
status status;