blob: c9698abbf03624bb3886ccceb66e0a2976946e3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "sdk/lib/fdio/cleanpath.h"
#define TEST_CLEAN(p1, p2, dir) \
{ \
fdio_internal::PathBuffer out; \
const char in[] = (p1); \
constexpr std::string_view out_gold = (p2); \
bool is_dir; \
EXPECT_TRUE(fdio_internal::CleanPath(in, &out, &is_dir)); \
EXPECT_EQ(is_dir, dir); \
EXPECT_EQ(out.length(), out_gold.length()); \
EXPECT_EQ(std::string_view(out), out_gold, "\"%s\" \"%s\"",,; \
namespace {
TEST(PathCanonicalizationTest, Basic) {
TEST_CLEAN("/foo", "/foo", false);
TEST_CLEAN("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/bar/baz", false);
TEST_CLEAN("/foo/bar/baz/", "/foo/bar/baz", true);
TEST(PathCanonicalizationTest, DotDot) {
TEST_CLEAN("/foo/bar/../baz", "/foo/baz", false);
TEST_CLEAN("/foo/bar/../baz/..", "/foo", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/foo/bar/../baz/../", "/foo", true);
TEST_CLEAN("../../..", "../../..", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/../../..", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/./././../foo", "/foo", false);
TEST(PathCanonicalizationTest, Dot) {
TEST_CLEAN("/.", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/./././.", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/././././", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/foobar/././.", "/foobar", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/foobar/./../././././///.", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN(".", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("./.", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("./././../foo", "../foo", false);
TEST(PathCanonicalizationTest, Minimal) {
TEST_CLEAN("", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("//", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("///", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN("a", "a", false);
TEST_CLEAN("a/", "a", true);
TEST_CLEAN("a/.", "a", true);
TEST_CLEAN("a/..", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("a/../.", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("/a/../.", "/", true);
TEST_CLEAN(".", ".", true);
TEST_CLEAN("..", "..", true);
TEST_CLEAN("...", "...", false);
} // anonymous namespace