blob: ce7ea5edd5f1e8d08cb8738234e40e0b00fae106 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/dispatcher.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
struct EncodedDriverStartArgs {
// |msg| is an encoded `fuchsia.driver.framework/DriverStartArgs` table. The
// ownership of handles in |msg| are transferred to the driver. The driver may
// mutate the bytes referenced by |msg|, but those are only alive until the
// |DriverRecordV1::start| method returns.
fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg;
// |wire_format_metadata| describes the the revision of the FIDL wire format
// used to encode |msg|.
fidl_opaque_wire_format_metadata wire_format_metadata;
struct DriverRecordV1 {
// This is the version of `DriverRecord` and all structures used by it.
uint64_t version;
// Pointer to a function that can start execution of the driver. This
// function is executed on the shared driver thread within a `driver_host`.
// |start_args| contains the arguments for starting a driver.
// |dispatcher| is the default fdf dispatcher on which to run the driver.
// The driver is free to ignore this and use its own.
// |driver| provides a place to store the opaque driver structure.
zx_status_t (*start)(EncodedDriverStartArgs start_args, fdf_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
void** driver);
// Pointer to a function that can stop execution of the driver. This function
// is executed on the shared driver thread within a `driver_host`.
// |driver| is the value that was stored when the driver was started.
zx_status_t (*stop)(void* driver);
#define FUCHSIA_DRIVER_RECORD_V1(start, stop) \
extern "C" const DriverRecordV1 __fuchsia_driver_record__ __EXPORT { .version = 1, start, stop, }