blob: 3f871d90e8624faa7200e441013563155e01c65c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This code is used by targets generated in sanitizer_default_options.gni.
// It defines three macros:
// * SANITIZER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_NAME: an identifier, e.g. `asan_default_options`
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
// This generates char arrays in two special sections whose names are derived
// from the SANITIZER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_NAME, e.g. `asan_default_options` yields:
// `asan_default_options_strings` and `asan_default_options_buffer`.
// `_strings` is a read-only section concatenating NUL-terminated strings
// together. `_buffers` is a writable/zero-fill section of the same name.
// The `_strings` section collects all the options injected from the build
// system via sanitizer_default_options() or sanitizer_extra_options() targets.
// These are concatenated in link order, which is dependency post-order in the
// build system: dependencies precede their dependents. The first value seen
// for each option in this order is the one that should be used. Individual
// sanitizer_extra_options() targets depend on the sanitizer_default_options()
// target for the variant so their settings will take precedence over those in
// any GN build argument.
// Unfortunately, this link-time order is the reverse of the order the final
// single string of options needs to be in. The sanitizer runtime parses the
// options in order, with the last setting for each option overriding any
// earlier ones. There is no good way to reorder these things at link time so
// everything can stay in read-only data with no startup work. So, the
// callback function defined here copies the strings collected at link time
// into a (static) runtime buffer to reverse the order, and join the separate
// NUL-terminated strings into a single ':'-separated string.
#define PASTE(a, b, c) PASTE1(a, b, c)
#define PASTE1(a, b, c) a##b##c
#define STRING(a, b) STRING1(a, b)
#define STRING1(a, b) #a #b
#define IN_SECTION(scn_sfx) \
__attribute__((section(STRING(SANITIZER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_NAME, scn_sfx))))
// Explicit alignas prevents the compiler from "optimizing" with extra padding.
// Likewise, asan red zones would pollute the special section.
#define DEFINE_IN_SECTION(scn_sfx) \
__attribute__((used, retain, no_sanitize_address)) IN_SECTION(scn_sfx) alignas(char)
// The linker-generated start/stop symbols are always private to this same
// module and don't need GOT indirection.
#define HIDDEN_IN_SECTION(scn_sfx) __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) IN_SECTION(scn_sfx)
// This contributes a string to the `*_strings` section.
// These collect in link order: first one wins.
DEFINE_IN_SECTION(_strings) static const char kDefaultOptions[] = SANITIZER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_STRING;
// This contributes buffer space needed to cover the string added above.
// This particular space doesn't correspond to that string, only its size.
DEFINE_IN_SECTION(_buffer) static char gBufferSpace[sizeof(SANITIZER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS_STRING)];
// This is true for the main sanitizer_default_options() target that defines
// the callback. This same source file is also compiled with this false for
// sanitizer_extra_options() targets (and dependency sanitizer_extra_options()
// targets), which just contribute their strings and buffer space to the
// special sections.
// These are defined implicitly by the linker to point at the beginning and end
// of each special section. If there are any sanitizer_extra_options() targets
// in the link, they contribute here first, with kDefaultOptions at the end.
HIDDEN_IN_SECTION(_strings) extern const char START_STRINGS[];
HIDDEN_IN_SECTION(_strings) extern const char STOP_STRINGS[];
HIDDEN_IN_SECTION(_buffer) extern char START_BUF[];
HIDDEN_IN_SECTION(_buffer) extern char STOP_BUF[];
// The runtime calls this to return the string.
const char* RUNTIME_CALLBACK(void) {
// The strings collect in link order, where the first one should win. But
// the options in the final unified string are applied successively, so the
// last one wins. Move forward through the strings and copy them into the
// buffer in reverse order, separated by ':'.
const char* in = START_STRINGS;
char* out = STOP_BUF;
while (in < STOP_STRINGS) {
size_t len = strlen(in);
out = memcpy(out - len - 1, in, len);
out[len] = ':';
in += len + 1;
// Undo the last store from the first iteration so the string is terminated.
STOP_BUF[-1] = '\0';
return out;