blob: 05487b492faa4bba02f093f4e56f12ef60e832bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.external;
using fuchsia.auth;
using fuchsia.identity.tokens as tokens;
/// The request format used to create a new OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token.
resource table OauthRefreshTokenRequest {
/// The account to create the token for, if known. If omitted, the user will
/// be prompted to specify an account.
1: tokens.AccountId account_id;
/// A UI Context used to overlay a view in which the user can interactively
/// authenticate. This field is required.
2: fuchsia.auth.AuthenticationUIContext ui_context;
/// The request format used to exchange an OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token for an
/// Access Token.
table OauthAccessTokenFromOauthRefreshTokenRequest {
/// The Refresh token to exchange. This field is required.
1: tokens.OauthRefreshToken refresh_token;
/// The OAuth ClientID for the component requesting the token. If absent, a
/// default ClientID defined by the implementation will be used.
2: tokens.ClientId client_id;
/// The list of OAuth scope strings to request. If absent or empty, a
/// default set of scopes defined by the implementation will be used.
3: vector<tokens.Scope>:tokens.MAX_SCOPE_COUNT scopes;
/// A protocol to request the creation, exchange, and revokation of Oauth 2.0
/// tokens.
protocol Oauth {
/// Creates a new refresh token. If this request is successful
/// the refresh token will be returned. Optionally an access token with
/// the default client ID and scope may also be returned (if no token is
/// available the fields in access_token will be unpopulated).
CreateRefreshToken(OauthRefreshTokenRequest request) -> (
tokens.OauthRefreshToken refresh_token,
tokens.OauthAccessToken access_token
) error Error;
/// Exchanges a refresh token for an access token.
GetAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(OauthAccessTokenFromOauthRefreshTokenRequest request)
-> (tokens.OauthAccessToken access_token) error Error;
/// Attempts to revoke the supplied refresh token.
RevokeRefreshToken(tokens.OauthRefreshToken refresh_token) -> () error Error;
/// Attempts to revoke the supplied access token.
RevokeAccessToken(tokens.OauthAccessToken access_token) -> () error Error;
/// A protocol to request the creation, exchange, and revokation of OpenID
/// Connect tokens.
protocol OpenIdConnect {
/// Attempts to revoke the supplied ID token.
RevokeIdToken(tokens.OpenIdToken id_token) -> () error Error;
/// The request format used to exchange an OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token for an
/// OpenID Connect ID token.
table OpenIdTokenFromOauthRefreshTokenRequest {
/// The refresh token to exchange. This field is required.
1: tokens.OauthRefreshToken refresh_token;
/// The OpenID audience strings that the ID token should be issued to. If
/// absent or empty, a default set of scopes defined by the implementation
/// will be used.
2: vector<tokens.Audience>:tokens.MAX_AUDIENCE_COUNT audiences;
/// The request format used to exchange an OAuth 2.0 Access Token for a User
/// Info response as defined by OpenID Connect.
table OpenIdUserInfoFromOauthAccessTokenRequest {
/// The Access token to exchange. This field is required.
1: tokens.OauthAccessToken access_token;
/// A protocol to perform exchanges between Oauth 2.0 and OpenID Connect tokens.
protocol OauthOpenIdConnect {
/// Exchanges an OAuth refresh token for an OpenID Connect ID token.
GetIdTokenFromRefreshToken(OpenIdTokenFromOauthRefreshTokenRequest request)
-> (tokens.OpenIdToken id_token) error Error;
/// Exchanges an OAuth access token for an OpenID Connect UserInfo.
GetUserInfoFromAccessToken(OpenIdUserInfoFromOauthAccessTokenRequest request)
-> (tokens.OpenIdUserInfo user_info) error Error;