blob: 9ce73c173dfca5ea00ad65aea07dc4e594922054 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Asynchronous task management and tracking
//! # Summary
//! The Task module helps manage and track asynchronous tasks by categorizing
//! tasks and processing them through a central authority.
//! [`Manager`] helps track asynchronous tasks in the setting service. Created
//! by [`Builder`], [`Manager`] is informed of every asynchronous task spawned.
//! [`Manager`] is generically typed based on [`Category`] to allow flexibilty
//! in use cases.
//! Tasks are created through the [`Manager`]'s counterpart [`Client`] by
//! specifying the task as a future and a [`Category`] that can identify the
//! task's purpose. In the current implementation, the [`Client`] communicates
//! the lifecycle events of the task to the [`Manager`].
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! # use crate::task::Builder;
//! /// Task categories for specifying the task purpose.
//! #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
//! pub enum Category {
//! Foo(usize),
//! }
//! pub fn execute_task() {
//! // Create task manager. Normally this would be created at the top level,
//! // and the cloneable client would be passed down to child components.
//! let (processing_future, client) = Builder::<Category>::new().build();
//! // Initiate task manager thread (we do not manager the future in the
//! // example so it is detached).
//! processing_future.detach();
//! // Use client to run task.
//! client.spawn(&Category::Foo(1), async move {
//! println!("Hello!");
//! });
//! }
//! ```
//! [`Client`]: struct.Client.html
//! [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
//! [`Builder`]: struct.Builder.html
//! [`Category`]: trait.Category.html
use core::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::StreamExt;
use itertools::{sorted, Itertools};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::clock::now;
/// The `Category` trait defines the data that can be used as a key for the
/// types of tasks managed by [`Manager`].
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
pub trait Category: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync {}
impl<T: Clone + Debug + Eq + Hash + Send + Sync> Category for T {}
/// A unique identifier within the task space for a spawned task instance.
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Id {
key: usize,
/// a generator responsible for producing unique [`Id`].
/// [`Id`]: struct.Id.html
struct IdGenerator {
next_id: AtomicUsize,
impl IdGenerator {
/// Returns a handle to a new `IdGenerator`.
pub fn create() -> Arc<Self> {
Arc::new(Self { next_id: AtomicUsize::new(0) })
/// generates a unique identifier.
pub fn generate(&self) -> Id {
Id { key: self.next_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) }
/// The handle to a given [`Sink`] outlet which can receive task summary data.
/// [`Sink`]: trait.Sink.html
type SinkHandle<C> = Arc<Mutex<dyn Sink<C> + Send + Sync>>;
/// Implementations of `Sink` are handed to [`Manager`] at creation.
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
pub trait Sink<C: Category + 'static> {
/// Invoked when new [`Summary`] information is available.
/// [`Summary`]: struct.Summary.html
fn process(&mut self, summary: &Summary<C>);
/// Task actions specified to [`Manager`].
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
enum Action<C: Category + 'static> {
/// Create indicates a task is being spawned for the given [`Category`].
/// [`Category`]: enum.Category.html
/// Complete indicates the task associated with this action has exited.
/// `Client` is passed to other parts of the codebase to spawn new tasks. This
/// interface takes care of communicating the task actions to the underlying
/// [Manager].
/// [Manager]: struct.Manager.html
pub struct Client<C: Category + 'static> {
/// A sender to communicate changes back to the [`Manager`].
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
action_tx: futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<(Id, Action<C>, zx::Time)>,
/// A generator for retrieving an identifier to associate with a task.
id_generator: Arc<IdGenerator>,
impl<C: Category + 'static> Client<C> {
/// Spawns a new task, tracking its lifetime with the provided [`Category`].
/// [`Category`]: enum.Category.html
pub fn spawn<T: Send>(&self, category: &C, future: impl Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static) {
let task_id = self.id_generator.generate();
// We report the creation before spawning in case spawning fails.
self.action_tx.unbounded_send((task_id, Action::Create(category.clone()), now())).ok();
// Pass a clone of the action sender to the spawned task in order to
// signal when the task completes.
let action_tx = self.action_tx.clone();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
// Report exit.
action_tx.unbounded_send((task_id, Action::Complete, now())).ok();
/// `Summary` provides an overview of task activity through the [`Manager`].
/// This information is passed to [`Sink`] instances.
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
/// [`Sink`]: trait.Sink.html
pub struct Summary<C: Category + 'static> {
/// Current tasks that are underway. Mapping helps update the task category
/// when a task completes.
active_tasks: HashMap<Id, C>,
/// Mapping of seen task categories to category statistics.
statistics: HashMap<C, Statistics<C>>,
impl<C: Category + 'static> Summary<C> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { active_tasks: HashMap::new(), statistics: HashMap::new() }
/// Invoked by [`Manager`] when a new task [`Action`] occurs.
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
/// [`Action`]: enum.Action.html
fn ingest(&mut self, id: Id, action: Action<C>, timestamp: zx::Time) {
match action {
Action::Create(category) => {
self.active_tasks.insert(id, category.clone());
// Ensure stats exist for the particular category.
if !self.statistics.contains_key(&category) {
.insert(category.clone(), Statistics::<C>::new(category.clone()));
// Inform stats of task start.
.expect("category should be present")
.start(id, timestamp);
Action::Complete => {
// Inform completion.
.get_mut(&self.active_tasks.remove(&id).expect("id should be present"))
.expect("stats must be present")
.complete(id, timestamp);
/// Returns the longest running active task and its start time.
pub fn get_longest_active_task(&self) -> Option<(C, zx::Time)> {
let mut return_val = None;
for statistics in self.statistics.values() {
for timestamp in statistics.active_tasks.values() {
return_val = Some(return_val.map_or_else(
|| (statistics.category.clone(), timestamp.clone()),
|x: (C, zx::Time)| {
if timestamp < &x.1 {
(statistics.category.clone(), timestamp.clone())
} else {
/// Returns the completed task count.
pub fn get_completed_task_count(&self) -> i64 {
self.statistics.values().into_iter().map(|stat| stat.lifetime_count).sum()
/// Returns the active task count.
pub fn get_active_task_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the categories with currently running tasks.
pub fn get_active_categories(&self) -> Vec<C> {
/// Returns the seen categories.
pub fn get_seen_categories(&self) -> Vec<C> {
/// Get the [`Statistics`] for a given [`Category`].
/// [`Category`]: enum.Category.html
/// [`Statistics`]: struct.Statistics.html
pub fn get_statistics(&self, category: &C) -> Option<Statistics<C>> {
/// Returns the [`Category`] and duration of the longest completed task.
/// [`Category`]: enum.Category.html
pub fn longest_completed_task(&self) -> Option<(C, zx::Duration)> {
let mut return_val = None;
while let Some(statistics) = self.statistics.values().next() {
if let Some(duration) = statistics.longest_duration {
return_val = Some(return_val.map_or_else(
|| (statistics.category.clone(), duration),
|x: (C, zx::Duration)| {
if duration > x.1 {
(statistics.category.clone(), duration)
} else {
pub struct Statistics<C: Category + 'static> {
/// The category represented by the given Statistics.
pub category: C,
/// The number of completed tasks.
pub lifetime_count: i64,
/// The average amount of time spent completing tasks.
pub average_duration: Option<zx::Duration>,
/// The longest amount of time spent completing a task.
pub longest_duration: Option<zx::Duration>,
/// The id and start time for currently active tasks in this category.
pub active_tasks: HashMap<Id, zx::Time>,
impl<C: Category + 'static> Statistics<C> {
/// Creates a `Statistics` instance with default values.
pub fn new(category: C) -> Self {
Self {
lifetime_count: 0,
average_duration: None,
longest_duration: None,
active_tasks: HashMap::new(),
/// Returns the start time of the oldest actively running task.
pub fn get_oldest_active_start_time(&self) -> Option<zx::Time> {
/// Returns the number of tasks actively running.
pub fn get_active_task_count(&self) -> usize {
/// Ingests data around the start of a task.
pub fn start(&mut self, id: Id, start_time: zx::Time) {
self.active_tasks.insert(id, start_time);
/// Ingests data surrounding the end of a task.
pub fn complete(&mut self, id: Id, end_time: zx::Time) {
let start_time = self
.expect(&format!("timestamp for {:?} should be present", id));
let duration = end_time - start_time;
self.lifetime_count += 1;
// Adjust the average duration of completed tasks.
self.average_duration = Some(self.average_duration.map_or(duration, |x| {
(x * (self.lifetime_count - 1) + duration) / self.lifetime_count
// Update the longest duration of completed tasks if necessary.
self.longest_duration =
|x| {
if duration > x {
} else {
impl<C: Category + 'static> Debug for Statistics<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
"category:{:?} [completed] count:{:?} longest:{:?} average:{:?} [active] count:{:?}",
/// `Builder` provides a way to construct a [`Manager`] by specifying an
/// unbound set of [`SinkHandle`].
/// [`Manager`]: struct.Manager.html
/// [`SinkHandle`]: type.SinkHandle.html
pub struct Builder<C: Category + 'static> {
sinks: Vec<SinkHandle<C>>,
impl<C: Category + 'static> Builder<C> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { sinks: Vec::new() }
pub fn add_sink(mut self, handle: SinkHandle<C>) -> Self {
pub fn build(self) -> (fasync::Task<()>, Client<C>) {
/// `Manager` receives signals from its counterpart [`Client`] to track active
/// tasks and statistics around them.
/// [`Client`]: struct.Client.html
pub struct Manager<C: Category + 'static> {
summary: Summary<C>,
sinks: Vec<SinkHandle<C>>,
impl<C: Category + 'static> Manager<C> {
/// Instantiates a new `Manager` instance and returns a tuple containg
/// the processing Task and [`Client`] to interact.
/// [`Client`]: struct.Client.html
pub fn create(sinks: Vec<SinkHandle<C>>) -> (fasync::Task<()>, Client<C>) {
// Create an unbounded channel for clients to communicate with the task
// manager.
let (action_tx, mut action_rx) =
futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<(Id, Action<C>, zx::Time)>();
let mut manager = Self { sinks, summary: Summary::<C>::new() };
// This should be one of the only untracked async tasks in the codebase.
let processing_future = fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some((id, action, timestamp)) = {
manager.handle(id, action, timestamp).await;
(processing_future, Client { action_tx, id_generator: IdGenerator::create() })
async fn handle(&mut self, id: Id, action: Action<C>, timestamp: zx::Time) {
self.summary.ingest(id, action, timestamp);
for sink in &self.sinks {
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TestCategory {
type TestSummary = Summary<TestCategory>;
struct TestSink {
sender: futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender<TestSummary>,
impl TestSink {
fn create() -> (Arc<Mutex<Self>>, futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TestSummary>) {
let (summary_tx, summary_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded::<TestSummary>();
(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Self { sender: summary_tx })), summary_rx)
impl Sink<TestCategory> for TestSink {
fn process(&mut self, summary: &TestSummary) {
/// Verifies the adjustments to `Summary` and `Statistics` based on the
/// actions around a single task.
async fn test_single_task() {
let (sink, mut receiver) = TestSink::create();
let (process_future, client) = Builder::<TestCategory>::new().add_sink(sink).build();
let category = TestCategory::Foo(1);
// Capture timestamp before spawning to verify any action is recorded
// after this point.
let before_timestamp = now();
client.spawn(&category, async move {});
// After spawning a task, the manager should send an update indicating
// a single active tasks with no completed tasks.
let summary ="should get summary");
verify_summary(&summary, 1, 0);
let active_categories = summary.get_active_categories();
assert!(active_categories.contains(&category) && active_categories.len() == 1);
let stats = summary.get_statistics(&category).expect("should be found");
stats.get_oldest_active_start_time().expect("should be found") >= before_timestamp
// After the task exits, the completion count should increase and there
// should not be any active tasks left.
let summary ="should get summary");
verify_summary(&summary, 0, 1);
let stats = summary
.expect("statistics for the category should be present");
assert_eq!(stats.lifetime_count, 1);
assert_eq!(stats.average_duration, stats.longest_duration);
/// Verifies `Summary` and associated `Statistics` properly reflect changes
/// in tasks.
async fn test_multiple_tasks() {
let (sink, mut receiver) = TestSink::create();
let (process_future, client) = Builder::<TestCategory>::new().add_sink(sink).build();
let category_1 = TestCategory::Foo(1);
// Spawn first task.
let (future_1, exit_tx_1) = create_exitable_future();
client.spawn(&category_1, future_1);
let start_time_1;
let summary ="should get summary");
// Ensure only one task is active and none has completed.
verify_summary(&summary, 1, 0);
// There should be a single active category matching the new task.
let active_categories = summary.get_active_categories();
assert!(active_categories.contains(&category_1) && active_categories.len() == 1);
let stats = summary.get_statistics(&category_1).expect("should be found");
// The oldest start time should be the task just created.
start_time_1 = stats.get_oldest_active_start_time();
let category_2 = TestCategory::Foo(2);
// Spawn second task.
let (future_2, exit_tx_2) = create_exitable_future();
client.spawn(&category_2, future_2);
let start_time_2;
let summary ="should get summary");
// The active count should have grown.
verify_summary(&summary, 2, 0);
// Active categories should have grown to include the second task's
// category.
let active_categories = summary.get_active_categories();
assert!(active_categories.contains(&category_2) && active_categories.len() == 2);
let stats = summary.get_statistics(&category_2).expect("should be found");
start_time_2 = stats.get_oldest_active_start_time();
// Ensure the first task's start time is still the oldest.
summary.get_longest_active_task().expect("should have longest active task").1,
start_time_1.expect("first start time should be present")
// Signal first task to exit.
let summary ="should get summary");
// Only one task should be active with another completed.
verify_summary(&summary, 1, 1);
let active_categories = summary.get_active_categories();
// Active categories should shrink to just the second task's
// category.
assert!(active_categories.contains(&category_2) && active_categories.len() == 1);
let stats_1 = summary.get_statistics(&category_1).expect("should be found");
// The first task's category should no longer have active tasks.
// The second task should be the longest active task.
summary.get_longest_active_task().expect("should have longest active task").1,
start_time_2.expect("first start time should be present")
// Signal second task to exit.
let summary ="should get summary");
// There should not be any more active tasks.
verify_summary(&summary, 0, 2);
let active_categories = summary.get_active_categories();
let stats_2 = summary.get_statistics(&category_2).expect("should be found");
// The second task's category should not report any active tasks.
fn create_exitable_future() -> (impl Future<Output = ()>, futures::channel::oneshot::Sender<()>)
let (tx, rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
async move {
let _ = rx.await;
fn verify_summary<C: Category + 'static>(
summary: &Summary<C>,
active_count: usize,
completed_count: i64,
) {
assert_eq!(summary.get_active_task_count(), active_count);
assert_eq!(summary.get_completed_task_count(), completed_count);