blob: 9e8ca8c102cae47837cf06f47fcc2beea8ae413b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Copied from src/ui/bin/brightness_manager
// TODO( consolidate usages
use crate::call;
use crate::display::light_sensor_config::LightSensorConfig;
use crate::service_context::{ExternalServiceProxy, ServiceContext};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fs, io};
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use fidl_fuchsia_input_report::{
DeviceInfo, InputDeviceMarker, InputDeviceProxy, InputReport, InputReportsReaderMarker,
InputReportsReaderProxy, SensorAxis, SensorType,
pub struct AmbientLightInputRpt {
pub rpt_id: u64,
pub illuminance: i64,
pub red: i64,
pub green: i64,
pub blue: i64,
/// Struct for managing reads to the light sensor
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Sensor {
/// A reader proxy used to query the latest light sensor values.
reader: ExternalServiceProxy<InputReportsReaderProxy>,
/// This vector represents the order that the various axes will arrive in when being sent
/// over IPC. Since the interface can be implemented by various drivers and devices, we need to
/// keep track of the order so we can properly deserialize the response.
sensor_axes: Vec<SensorAxis>,
impl Sensor {
pub async fn new(
proxy: &ExternalServiceProxy<InputDeviceProxy>,
service_context: &ServiceContext,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let (reader, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<InputReportsReaderMarker>()?;
call!(proxy => get_input_reports_reader(server))?;
let reader = service_context.wrap_proxy(reader).await;
let sensor_axes = proxy
.and_then(|sensor| sensor.input)
.and_then(|input| input.values)
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Missing sensor descriptors"))?;
Ok(Self { reader, sensor_axes })
/// Opens the sensor's device file.
/// Tries all the input devices until the one with the correct signature is found.
pub async fn open_sensor(
service_context: Arc<ServiceContext>,
config: LightSensorConfig,
) -> Result<Sensor, Error> {
const INPUT_DEVICES_DIRECTORY: &str = "/dev/class/input-report";
let path = Path::new(INPUT_DEVICES_DIRECTORY);
let entries = fs::read_dir(path)?;
for entry in entries {
let path = entry?.path();
let path = path.to_str().expect("Bad path");
let proxy = service_context.connect_path::<InputDeviceMarker>(path).await?;
let res = proxy.call_async(InputDeviceProxy::get_descriptor).await;
if let Ok(device_descriptor) = res {
if let Some(DeviceInfo { vendor_id, product_id, .. }) = device_descriptor.device_info {
let LightSensorConfig::VendorAndProduct { vendor_id: v, product_id: p } = config;
if vendor_id == v && product_id == p {
return Sensor::new(&proxy, &*service_context).await;
Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "no sensor found").into())
async fn get_reports(sensor: &Sensor) -> Result<InputReport, Error> {
let reports = sensor
.map_err(|status| format_err!("Error reading reports: {}", status))?;
reports.into_iter().last().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Missing report"))
/// Reads the sensor's HID record and decodes it.
pub async fn read_sensor(sensor: &Sensor) -> Result<AmbientLightInputRpt, Error> {
let report = get_reports(sensor).await?;
let rpt_id = report.trace_id.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Report missing trace_id"))?;
let report = report.sensor.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Report missing sensor"))?;
let values = report.values.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Report missing values"))?;
let mut illuminance = None;
let mut red = None;
let mut green = None;
let mut blue = None;
for (sensor_axis, value) in sensor.sensor_axes.iter().zip(values.into_iter()) {
match sensor_axis.type_ {
SensorType::LightIlluminance => {
illuminance = Some(value);
SensorType::LightRed => {
red = Some(value);
SensorType::LightGreen => {
green = Some(value);
SensorType::LightBlue => blue = Some(value),
_ => {}
if let (Some(illuminance), Some(red), Some(green), Some(blue)) = (illuminance, red, green, blue)
Ok(AmbientLightInputRpt { rpt_id, illuminance, red, green, blue })
} else {
Err(format_err!("Missing light data from sensor report"))
pub mod testing {
use fidl_fuchsia_input_report::{
Axis, DeviceDescriptor, DeviceInfo, InputDeviceRequest, InputDeviceRequestStream,
InputReport, InputReportsReaderReadInputReportsResponder, InputReportsReaderRequest, Range,
SensorAxis, SensorDescriptor, SensorInputDescriptor, SensorInputReport, SensorType, Unit,
UnitType, VendorGoogleProductId, VendorId,
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::prelude::*;
use std::future::Future;
pub const TEST_LUX_VAL: i64 = 605;
pub const TEST_RED_VAL: i64 = 345;
pub const TEST_BLUE_VAL: i64 = 133;
pub const TEST_GREEN_VAL: i64 = 164;
pub fn get_mock_sensor_response(
) -> (Vec<SensorAxis>, impl Fn() -> Vec<InputReport> + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static) {
// Axis copied from real data.
let axis = Axis {
range: Range { min: 0, max: 65535 },
unit: Unit { type_: UnitType::None, exponent: 0 },
SensorAxis { axis, type_: SensorType::LightRed },
SensorAxis { axis, type_: SensorType::LightIlluminance },
SensorAxis { axis, type_: SensorType::LightBlue },
SensorAxis { axis, type_: SensorType::LightGreen },
|| {
vec![InputReport {
event_time: Some(65),
mouse: None,
trace_id: Some(45),
sensor: Some(SensorInputReport {
values: Some(vec![
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
pub fn mock_descriptor_from_axes(axes: Vec<SensorAxis>) -> DeviceDescriptor {
DeviceDescriptor {
device_info: Some(DeviceInfo {
vendor_id: VendorId::Google.into_primitive(),
product_id: VendorGoogleProductId::AmsLightSensor.into_primitive(),
version: 0,
mouse: None,
sensor: Some(SensorDescriptor {
input: Some(SensorInputDescriptor {
values: Some(axes),
feature: None,
touch: None,
keyboard: None,
consumer_control: None,
pub fn spawn_mock_sensor_with_data<F>(
stream: InputDeviceRequestStream,
axes: Vec<SensorAxis>,
data_fn: impl FnMut() -> F + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
) where
F: Future<Output = Vec<InputReport>> + Send,
spawn_mock_sensor_with_handler(stream, axes, move |responder| {
let mut data_fn = data_fn.clone();
async move {
let data = data_fn().await;
responder.send(&mut Ok(data)).unwrap();
pub fn spawn_mock_sensor_with_handler<F>(
mut stream: InputDeviceRequestStream,
axes: Vec<SensorAxis>,
handler: impl FnMut(InputReportsReaderReadInputReportsResponder) -> F
+ Clone
+ Send
+ Sync
+ 'static,
) where
F: Future<Output = ()> + Send,
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
match request {
InputDeviceRequest::GetInputReportsReader { reader, control_handle: _ } => {
let mut stream = reader.into_stream().unwrap();
let mut handler = handler.clone();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some(request) = stream.try_next().await.unwrap() {
let InputReportsReaderRequest::ReadInputReports { responder } =
InputDeviceRequest::GetDescriptor { responder } => {
_ => {}
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::service_context::ServiceContext;
use futures::future;
use testing;
async fn test_read_sensor() {
let (proxy, stream) =
let (axes, data_fn) = testing::get_mock_sensor_response();
testing::spawn_mock_sensor_with_data(stream, axes, move || future::ready(data_fn()));
let proxy = ExternalServiceProxy::new(proxy, None);
let service_context = ServiceContext::new(None, None);
let sensor = Sensor::new(&proxy, &service_context).await.unwrap();
let result = read_sensor(&sensor).await;
match result {
Ok(input_rpt) => {
assert_eq!(input_rpt.illuminance, testing::TEST_LUX_VAL);
assert_eq!(, testing::TEST_RED_VAL);
assert_eq!(, testing::TEST_GREEN_VAL);
assert_eq!(, testing::TEST_BLUE_VAL);
Err(e) => {
panic!("Sensor read failed: {:?}", e);