blob: 778283892042a5b2dc70eb8ff74de4961ac79657 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:detect_api_changes/src/analyze.dart';
import 'package:detect_api_changes/src/diff.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// TODO( Currently, API changes are detected using simple string comparison. In
// the future we want to be able to provide detailed error messages. i.e.
// "Method 'foo' used to have return type 'void', now has return type 'int'"
// These tests are skipped until that functionality is implemented.
void main() {
test('New API is Empty', () async {
var sourceapi = await setup("""""");
var goldenapi = await setup("""
class exampleclass {
string examplepublicfield = "testing";
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceapi, goldenapi);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Golden API is Empty', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
var goldenAPI = await setup("""""");
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Extends statement added to existing public class', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 {
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 extends ExampleClass1{
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Implements statement added to existing public class', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 {
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 implements ExampleClass1{
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Mixin added to existing public class', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 {
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
class ExampleClass1 {
String examplePublicField = "testing";
class ExampleClass2 with ExampleClass1{
String examplePublicField2 = "testing";
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Variable count in parameter list changes for public method', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
int publicMethod(String one, String two){};
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
int publicMethod(String one, String two, String three){};
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Variable type in parameter list changes for public method', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
int publicMethod(String one, String two){return 1;};
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
int publicMethod(String one, int two){return 1;};
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
test('Type changes for public var', () async {
var sourceAPI = await setup("""
int publicVar = 1234;
var goldenAPI = await setup("""
String publicVar = "asdf";
String result = await diffTwoFiles(sourceAPI, goldenAPI);
expect("TODO", result, skip: "Re-enable when full diffing is supported");
Future<String> setup(String source, [String packages = ""]) async {
JsonEncoder encoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
String path = (await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp()).path;
File file = new File(p.join(path, "example.dart"));
await file.writeAsString(source);
File packageFile = new File(p.join(path, ".packages"));
await packageFile.writeAsString(packages);
String result = await analyzeAPI("test.dart", [path]);
String outputPath = (await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp()).path;
File outputFile = new File(p.join(outputPath, "example.dart"));
await outputFile.writeAsString(result);
return outputFile.path;