blob: e6563ee92fe22321a0defb4faca01a1b551e8dbe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# IMPORTANT: This file serves to build the Fuchsia platform sysroot, used
# at build time to provide the C library, the Zircon VDSO, and a few linker
# stubs for legacy link targets like Plus all associated headers.
sysroot_toolchain = "//build/zircon:sysroot_toolchain"
sysroot_dir = get_label_info(":sysroot($sysroot_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
sysroot_dir += "/sysroot"
if (current_toolchain != sysroot_toolchain) {
# Depend on this to only require the Zircon headers, but not link to the
# C library or Zircon VDSO.
group("headers") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
# Any regular Fuchsia binary should depend on this target to ensure the
# sysroot is properly setup, i.e. all headers are present and the C library,
# VDSO library and stub libraries are built.
group("cpp_binary_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
# An additional dependency for executable() Fuchsia user binaries. It adds
# the C runtime startup object code.
group("crt1_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
# Rust binaries should depend on this target only.
group("rust_binary_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
# Go binaries should depend on this targe tonly.
group("go_binary_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
# A special dependency that ensure that the uninstrumented C library is
# available in the system package as /lib/ For more details read
# //zircon/system/ulib/c/libc_toolchain.gni
# In practice, should only be used by the package() template, and some
# prebuilt driver binaries.
group("system_libc_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":$target_name($sysroot_toolchain)" ]
} else {
sysroot_dir = get_label_info(":sysroot($sysroot_toolchain)", "root_out_dir")
sysroot_dir += "/sysroot"
# For historical reasons, only the scopes with an `sdk` key are considered
# here. Each value associated with an `sdk` key is a scope itself, with the
# following schema:
# If `include_dir` is present then:
# include_dir (optional)
# [GN path] A GN path to a subdirectory containing zero or more headers
# to copy to the sysroot's include directory.
# headers (optional)
# [list of paths] Required if `include_dir` is specified, ignored otherwise.
# A list of header sub-paths, relative to `include_dir`, that must be
# copied to the sysroot directory.
# no_export (optional)
# [boolean] Ignored if `include_dir` is not used. A flag that is set to
# indicate that the set of headers described in the current entry should
# not be exported to the SDK sysroot (though they will still be copied
# to the platform's sysroot). This is useful for <zircon/device/*.h>
# headers, as well as ``.
# Otherwise, if `include_dir` is _not_ present:
# source (optional)
# [path] A path, relative to the current root build directory, where
# to find the source file to be copied into the sysroot, where destination
# is specified by one of the ` link`, `debug` or `dist` keys described
# below. Ignored if `include_dir` is present.
# debug (optional)
# dist (optional)
# link (optional)
# [path] A path relative to the sysroot directory, that specifies where
# the `source` file needs to be copied into the SDK. Only one of these
# keys can be used per entry. For the platform SDK, onle `dist` and `link`
# are used. The SDK sysroot will use all three though.
# deps (optional)
# [list of labels] A list of labels to dependencies for this entry,
# this should correspond to the GN target that built the `source`
# file, once the sysroot generation is moved to the Fuchsia build.
# IMPORTANT: The script in this directory relies
# on this exact schema definition. Keep it in sync if the schema changes!
sysroot_headers = []
sysroot_headers_deps = []
sysroot_deps = []
i = 0
foreach(entry, zircon_legacy_sysroot) {
if (defined(entry.sdk)) {
sdk = {
sdk = entry.sdk
if (defined(sdk.headers)) {
# This has to generate a separate copy() target for each file.
dir = rebase_path(sdk.include_dir, "", root_build_dir)
foreach(file, sdk.headers) {
sysroot_headers += [ "$sysroot_dir/include/$file" ]
if (defined(sdk.deps)) {
# Some dependencies are necessary for auto-generated headers.
# NOTE: This branch will never be taken when parsing zircon_legacy_sysroot
# but it will be once we switch to parsing the sysroot_entries directly.
# For now, hack the missing dependency in sysroot_headers below.
sysroot_headers_deps += sdk.deps
} else if (defined( {
file = "$sysroot_dir/${}"
# Only copy link libraries to the sysroot, because copying
# distribution libraries will populate the build's metadata
# with unwanted installation entries for /lib/ (e.g.
# when using the "gcc" variant).
i = i + 1
copy_target = "copy_$i"
sysroot_deps += [ ":$copy_target" ]
copy(copy_target) {
visibility = [ ":sysroot" ]
sources = [ "$zircon_root_build_dir/${sdk.source}" ]
outputs = [ file ]
forward_variables_from(sdk, [ "deps" ])
# Write sysroot_entries to a JSON file that will get parsed
# by our script below.
sysroot_entries_json_file = "$root_out_dir/sysroot-entries.json"
generated_file("sysroot-entries-json") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
outputs = [ sysroot_entries_json_file ]
contents = sysroot_uninstrumented_libc_entries +
sysroot_instrumented_libc_entries + sysroot_crt1_entries +
output_conversion = "json"
action("headers") {
inputs = [ sysroot_entries_json_file ]
outputs = sysroot_headers
depfile = "$root_out_dir/sysroot_headers.d"
script = ""
args = [
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(sysroot_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
# The --debug flag can be used to print the script's operations for debugging.
deps = [ ":sysroot-entries-json" ] + sysroot_headers_deps
# NOTE: This extra dependency is because the zircon_legacy_entries don't have
# the right dependencies on the Fuchsia build target that generates some
# Zircon headers. This can go away once we switch to parsing the sysroot_entries
# directly. See the comment about sdk.deps for headers above too.
deps += [ "//zircon/vdso:public($default_toolchain)" ]
visibility = [ ":*" ]
group("sysroot") {
deps = sysroot_deps + [ ":headers" ]
# TODO(60613): Split sysroot into the proper dependencies.
group("cpp_binary_deps") {
deps = [ ":sysroot" ]
group("crt1_deps") {
# Nothing for now
group("rust_binary_deps") {
deps = [ ":sysroot" ]
group("go_binary_deps") {
deps = [ ":sysroot" ]
group("system_libc_deps") {
data_deps = [ system_libc_target ]