blob: 7b8365af89c59d673bac7ddc08e404ba0b43fdb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/epitaph.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/soft_migration.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace fidl {
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedClientEnd;
// The client endpoint of a FIDL channel.
// The remote (server) counterpart of the channel expects this end of the
// channel to speak the protocol represented by |Protocol|. This type is the
// dual of |ServerEnd|.
// |ClientEnd| is thread-compatible: it may be transferred to another thread
// or another process.
template <typename Protocol>
class ClientEnd final {
using ProtocolType = Protocol;
// Creates a |ClientEnd| whose underlying channel is invalid.
// Both optional and non-optional client endpoints in FIDL declarations map
// to this same type. If this ClientEnd is passed to a method or FIDL
// protocol that requires valid channels, those operations will fail at
// run-time.
ClientEnd() = default;
// Creates an |ClientEnd| that wraps the given |channel|.
// The caller must ensure the |channel| is a client endpoint speaking
// a protocol compatible with |Protocol|.
// TODO( Make the conversion explicit as users migrate to
// typed channels.
: channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
ClientEnd(ClientEnd&& other) noexcept = default;
ClientEnd& operator=(ClientEnd&& other) noexcept = default;
// Whether the underlying channel is valid.
bool is_valid() const { return channel_.is_valid(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
// Close the underlying channel if any,
// and reset the object back to an invalid state.
void reset() { channel_.reset(); }
// The underlying channel.
const zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
zx::channel& channel() { return channel_; }
// Transfers ownership of the underlying channel to the caller.
zx::channel TakeChannel() { return std::move(channel_); }
// Returns a type-safe copy of the underlying channel in this |ClientEnd|
// that does not claim ownership.
fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> borrow() const {
return UnownedClientEnd<Protocol>(channel_.borrow());
zx::channel channel_;
// A typed client endpoint that does not claim ownership. It is typically
// created from an owning |fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>|.
// These types are used by generated FIDL APIs that do not take ownership.
// The remote (server) counterpart of the channel expects this end of the
// channel to speak the protocol represented by |Protocol|.
// Compared to a |const fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>&|,
// |fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol>| has the additional flexibility of being
// able to be stored in a member variable or field, while still remembering
// the associated FIDL protocol.
template <typename Protocol>
class UnownedClientEnd final {
using ProtocolType = Protocol;
// An unowned client end can only be constructed from an existing channel.
// This constructor defines an implicit conversion to facilitate invoking
// generated FIDL APIs with either an unowned client end, or a const
// reference to a |fidl::ClientEnd<Protocol>|.
UnownedClientEnd(const ClientEnd<Protocol>& owner) : UnownedClientEnd( {}
// Creates an |UnownedClientEnd| from a raw zircon handle.
// Prefer only using this constructor when interfacing with C APIs.
constexpr explicit UnownedClientEnd(zx_handle_t h) : channel_(h) {}
// Creates an |UnownedClientEnd| from a |zx::unowned_channel|.
// Using this constructor is discouraged since it tends to erase the actual
// type of the underlying protocol.
// Consider declaring the type of the input variable as a
// |fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol>| instead.
// TODO( Make the conversion explicit as users migrate to
// typed channels.
FIDL_CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT_CONVERSION UnownedClientEnd(const zx::unowned_channel& h)
: channel_(h->get()) {}
// The unowned client end is copyable - it simply copies the handle value.
UnownedClientEnd(const UnownedClientEnd& other) = default;
UnownedClientEnd& operator=(const UnownedClientEnd& other) = default;
// Whether the underlying channel is valid.
bool is_valid() const { return channel_ != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
// The underlying channel.
zx::unowned_channel channel() const { return zx::unowned_channel(channel_); }
// The underlying channel, as a |zx_handle_t|.
zx_handle_t handle() const { return channel_; }
zx_handle_t channel_;
// Comparison operators between client-end objects.
// These comparisons have the same semantics as the comparison operators
// on the wrapped |zx::channel|s.
template <typename T>
bool operator==(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return ==;
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename T>
bool operator<(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return <;
template <typename T>
bool operator>(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return >;
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return <=;
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(const ClientEnd<T>& a, const ClientEnd<T>& b) {
return >=;
template <typename T>
bool operator==(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return ==;
template <typename T>
bool operator!=(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return !(a == b);
template <typename T>
bool operator<(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return <;
template <typename T>
bool operator>(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return >;
template <typename T>
bool operator<=(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return <=;
template <typename T>
bool operator>=(const UnownedClientEnd<T>& a, const UnownedClientEnd<T>& b) {
return >=;
} // namespace fidl