blob: e335a051b72df259feb22e37d6408072279c9300 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
variant_replaces_allocator = toolchain_variant.tags + [ "replaces-allocator" ] -
[ "replaces-allocator" ] != toolchain_variant.tags
scudo_common_vars = {
dir = "//third_party/scudo/src"
include_dirs = [
# The gwp_asan code uses #include "gwp_asan/..." so gwp_asan is at
# //third_party/scudo/gwp_asan and this makes those includes work.
configs = [ ":common.config" ]
deps = [
libc_source_set("scudo") {
forward_variables_from(scudo_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
# The code needs to be compiled separately for production and test use for
# two reasons.
# The first reason only affects the flag-parsing code (src/flags.cpp): it
# uses the `__scudo_default_options` callback function. The test code wants
# to define this to set special options needed by certain tests. But
# defining it by that name will also affect the production Scudo built into
# libc, which the test should not do (and it makes it very hard to e.g. debug
# the test linked against a libc containing a slightly different version of
# Scudo than the code under test). So both the flag-parsing code and the
# test code must be compiled with `-D__scudo_default_options=<some other
# name>` to make the test code safe.
# TODO( The second reason is similar but more subtle and it
# affects much of the code, both the Scudo code proper and the gwp_asan code
# it incorporates. These both use thread-local state that is directly
# located in the thread structure when the code is built into libc, because
# normal `thread_local` C++ variables are not available inside libc itself
# (due to implementation constraints in the dynamic linker). If the test
# code is built the same way, then it will clobber the thread-local state of
# the libc Scudo/gwp_asan code, which the test should not do.
non_test_deps = [
testonly_deps = [
config("common.config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
defines = [ "GWP_ASAN_HOOKS=1" ]
# These define the public API entry points (malloc et al). They cannot be
# included in the test code without polluting the test harness and other
# unrelated code with the allocator code under test. So they are only
# included in libc itself, not in the test build.
libc_source_set("wrappers") {
forward_variables_from(scudo_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): maybe use this later
non_test_deps = [ ":libc" ]
group("libc") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_configs = [ ":libc.config" ]
public_deps = [
# The local headers introduced by libc.config (below) use libc internals,
# so they need access to the internal headers.
config("libc.config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
defines = [
# Tell the scudo and gwp_asan code to use our headers.
# GWP-ASan is opt-in via the SCUDO_OPTIONS environment variable.
# This library is linked into libc, which is used by libfuzzer.
# Don't instrument it to avoid getting noise in code coverage.
# TODO( Once a cleaner solution is found, remove this.
configs = [ "//build/config/zircon:no_fuzzer" ]
group("testonly") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_configs = [ ":testonly.config" ]
config("testonly.config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# TODO( testonly = true
# The test version avoids that symbol name since it also affects the system
# libc and not only the code under test. Instead it renames the function to
# a safe name for the test. The test code that defines its own function by
# this name also uses this config so it renames its definition to match.
defines = [ "__scudo_default_options=testonly_scudo_default_options" ]
gwp_asan_common_vars = {
forward_variables_from(scudo_common_vars, "*")
dir = "//third_party/scudo/gwp_asan"
libc_source_set("gwp_asan") {
forward_variables_from(gwp_asan_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
non_test_deps = [ ":libc" ]
testonly_deps = [ ":testonly" ]
# This is included in libc-unittests and standalone core-tests.
libc_test("unittests") {
forward_variables_from(scudo_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
deps += [
# The public API tests both assume Scudo's behavior rather than purely kosher
# standard behavior and they include testing error cases. The instrumented
# runtimes' allocators often make error cases or dubiously kosher uses fatal.
if (!variant_replaces_allocator) {
deps += [ ":wrapper-tests" ]
# These tests use the public API, so they are testing what's actually in libc
# rather than the isolated test code.
libc_test("wrapper-tests") {
forward_variables_from(scudo_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): see src/wrappers_cpp.cpp inclusion above.
libc_test("gwp_asan-unittests") {
forward_variables_from(gwp_asan_common_vars, "*")
sources = [
# TODO(kostyak): enable when we have backtrace support
# TODO(kostyak): fork() based, see if it can apply to Fuchsia
# TODO( flaky due to TLS pollution
deps += [ ":gwp_asan.testonly" ]