blob: 7dc56bdfe0c8aaed08d78f005ac9a6df386880ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/elf-psabi/sp.h>
#include <lib/processargs/processargs.h>
#include <lib/userabi/userboot.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/default_stack_size.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/log.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/resource.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/system.h>
#include <array>
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "bootfs.h"
#include "loader-service.h"
#include "option.h"
#include "userboot-elf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "zbi.h"
namespace {
constexpr const char kStackVmoName[] = "userboot-child-initial-stack";
using namespace userboot;
[[noreturn]] void do_powerctl(const zx::debuglog& log, const zx::resource& rroot, uint32_t reason) {
const char* r_str = (reason == ZX_SYSTEM_POWERCTL_SHUTDOWN) ? "poweroff" : "reboot";
printl(log, "Waiting 3 seconds...");
printl(log, "Process exited. Executing \"%s\".", r_str);
zx_system_powerctl(rroot.get(), reason, NULL);
printl(log, "still here after %s!", r_str);
while (true)
void load_child_process(const zx::debuglog& log, const struct options* o, const Bootfs& bootfs,
const char* root_prefix, const zx::vmo& vdso_vmo, const zx::process& proc,
const zx::vmar& vmar, const zx::thread& thread, const zx::channel& to_child,
zx_vaddr_t* entry, zx_vaddr_t* vdso_base, size_t* stack_size,
zx::channel* loader_svc) {
// Examine the bootfs image and find the requested file in it.
// This will handle a PT_INTERP by doing a second lookup in bootfs.
*entry = elf_load_bootfs(log, bootfs, root_prefix, proc, vmar, thread, o->value[OPTION_FILENAME],
to_child, stack_size, loader_svc);
// Now load the vDSO into the child, so it has access to system calls.
*vdso_base = elf_load_vdso(log, vmar, vdso_vmo);
// Reserve roughly the low half of the address space, so the initial
// process can use sanitizers that need to allocate shadow memory there.
// The reservation VMAR is kept around just long enough to make sure all
// the initial allocations (mapping in the initial ELF object, and
// allocating the initial stack) stay out of this area, and then destroyed.
// The process's own allocations can then use the full address space; if
// it's using a sanitizer, it will set up its shadow memory first thing.
zx::vmar reserve_low_address_space(const zx::debuglog& log, const zx::vmar& root_vmar) {
zx_info_vmar_t info;
check(log, root_vmar.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMAR, &info, sizeof(info), NULL, NULL),
"zx_object_get_info failed on child root VMAR handle");
zx::vmar vmar;
uintptr_t addr;
size_t reserve_size = (((info.base + info.len) / 2) + zx_system_get_page_size() - 1) &
zx_status_t status =
root_vmar.allocate(ZX_VM_SPECIFIC, 0, reserve_size - info.base, &vmar, &addr);
check(log, status, "zx_vmar_allocate failed for low address space reservation");
if (addr != info.base) {
fail(log, "zx_vmar_allocate gave wrong address?!?");
return vmar;
// This is the main logic:
// 1. Read the kernel's bootstrap message.
// 2. Load up the child process from ELF file(s) on the bootfs.
// 3. Create the initial thread and allocate a stack for it.
// 4. Load up a channel with the zx_proc_args_t message for the child.
// 5. Start the child process running.
// 6. Optionally, wait for it to exit and then shut down.
[[noreturn]] void bootstrap(zx::channel channel) {
// Before we've gotten the root resource and created the debuglog,
// errors will be reported via zx_debug_write.
zx::debuglog log;
// We don't need our own thread handle, but the child does.
// We pass the decompressed BOOTFS VMO along as well as the others.
// So we're passing along two more handles than we got.
constexpr uint32_t kThreadSelf = kHandleCount;
constexpr uint32_t kBootfsVmo = kHandleCount + 1;
constexpr uint32_t kChildHandleCount = kHandleCount + 2;
// This is the processargs message the child will receive. The command
// line block the kernel sends us is formatted exactly to become the
// environ strings for the child message, so we read it directly into
// the same buffer.
struct child_message_layout {
zx_proc_args_t pargs{};
uint32_t info[kChildHandleCount];
char cmdline[kCmdlineMax]; // aka environ
} child_message;
// We pass all the same handles the kernel gives us along to the child,
// except replacing our own process/root-VMAR handles with its, and
// passing along the two extra handles (BOOTFS and thread-self).
std::array<zx_handle_t, kChildHandleCount> handles;
// Read the command line and the essential handles from the kernel.
uint32_t cmdline_len, nhandles;
zx_status_t status =, child_message.cmdline,, sizeof(child_message.cmdline),
handles.size(), &cmdline_len, &nhandles);
check(log, status, "cannot read bootstrap message");
if (nhandles != kHandleCount) {
fail(log, "read %u handles instead of %u", nhandles, kHandleCount);
// All done with the channel from the kernel now. Let it go.
// Now that we have the root resource, we can use it to get a debuglog.
status = zx::debuglog::create(*zx::unowned_resource{handles[kRootResource]}, 0, &log);
if (status != ZX_OK || !log) {
printl(log, "zx_debuglog_create failed: %d, using zx_debug_write instead", status);
// Hang on to the resource root handle in case we call powerctl below.
zx::resource root_resource;
status = zx::unowned_resource {
} -> duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &root_resource);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate");
// Process the kernel command line, which gives us options and also
// becomes the environment strings for our child.
options o;
child_message.pargs.environ_num = parse_options(log, child_message.cmdline, cmdline_len, &o);
// Fill in the child message header.
child_message.pargs.protocol = ZX_PROCARGS_PROTOCOL;
child_message.pargs.version = ZX_PROCARGS_VERSION;
child_message.pargs.handle_info_off = offsetof(child_message_layout, info);
child_message.pargs.environ_off = offsetof(child_message_layout, cmdline);
// Fill in the handle info table.[kBootfsVmo] = PA_HND(PA_VMO_BOOTFS, 0);[kProcSelf] = PA_HND(PA_PROC_SELF, 0);[kRootJob] = PA_HND(PA_JOB_DEFAULT, 0);[kRootResource] = PA_HND(PA_RESOURCE, 0);[kMmioResource] = PA_HND(PA_MMIO_RESOURCE, 0);[kIrqResource] = PA_HND(PA_IRQ_RESOURCE, 0);
#if __x86_64__[kIoportResource] = PA_HND(PA_IOPORT_RESOURCE, 0);
#elif __aarch64__[kSmcResource] = PA_HND(PA_SMC_RESOURCE, 0);
#endif[kSystemResource] = PA_HND(PA_SYSTEM_RESOURCE, 0);[kThreadSelf] = PA_HND(PA_THREAD_SELF, 0);[kVmarRootSelf] = PA_HND(PA_VMAR_ROOT, 0);[kZbi] = PA_HND(PA_VMO_BOOTDATA, 0);
for (uint32_t i = kFirstVdso; i <= kLastVdso; ++i) {[i] = PA_HND(PA_VMO_VDSO, i - kFirstVdso);
for (uint32_t i = kFirstKernelFile; i < kHandleCount; ++i) {[i] = PA_HND(PA_VMO_KERNEL_FILE, i - kFirstKernelFile);
// Hang on to our own process handle. If we closed it, our process
// would be killed. Exiting will clean it up.
zx::process proc_self{handles[kProcSelf]};
handles[kProcSelf] = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// We need our own root VMAR handle to map in the ZBI.
zx::vmar vmar_self{handles[kVmarRootSelf]};
handles[kVmarRootSelf] = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// Locate the ZBI_TYPE_STORAGE_BOOTFS item and decompress it.
// We need it to load bootsvc and libc from.
// Later bootfs sections will be processed by devmgr.
zx::vmo bootfs_vmo = GetBootfsFromZbi(log, vmar_self, *zx::unowned_vmo{handles[kZbi]});
zx::process proc;
// Map in the bootfs so we can look for files in it.
zx::vmo bootfs_vmo_dup;
zx::debuglog log_dup;
zx::resource vmex_resource;
zx_status_t status = bootfs_vmo.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &bootfs_vmo_dup);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate failed on bootfs VMO handle");
status = log.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &log_dup);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate failed on debuglog handle");
zx::unowned_resource system_resource(handles[kSystemResource]);
status = zx::resource::create(*system_resource, ZX_RSRC_KIND_SYSTEM, ZX_RSRC_SYSTEM_VMEX_BASE,
1, nullptr, 0, &vmex_resource);
check(log, status, "zx_resource_create failed");
Bootfs bootfs{std::move(vmar_self), std::move(bootfs_vmo_dup), std::move(vmex_resource),
// Pass the decompressed bootfs VMO on.
handles[kBootfsVmo] = bootfs_vmo.release();
// Canonicalize the (possibly empty) userboot.root option string so that
// it never starts with a slash but always ends with a slash unless it's
// empty. That lets us use it as a simple prefix on the full file name
// strings in the BOOTFS directory.
const char* root_option = o.value[OPTION_ROOT];
while (*root_option == '/') {
size_t root_len = strlen(root_option);
char root_prefix[NAME_MAX + 1];
if (root_len >= sizeof(root_prefix) - 1) {
fail(log, "`userboot.root` string too long (%zu > %zu)", root_len, sizeof(root_prefix) - 1);
memcpy(root_prefix, root_option, root_len);
while (root_len > 0 && root_prefix[root_len - 1] == '/') {
if (root_len > 0) {
root_prefix[root_len++] = '/';
root_prefix[root_len] = '\0';
// Make the channel for the bootstrap message.
zx::channel to_child, child_start_handle;
status = zx::channel::create(0, &to_child, &child_start_handle);
check(log, status, "zx_channel_create failed");
// Create the process itself.
zx::vmar vmar;
const char* filename = o.value[OPTION_FILENAME];
status = zx::process::create(*zx::unowned_job{handles[kRootJob]}, filename,
static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(filename)), 0, &proc, &vmar);
check(log, status, "zx_process_create");
// Squat on some address space before we start loading it up.
zx::vmar reserve_vmar{reserve_low_address_space(log, vmar)};
// Create the initial thread in the new process
zx::thread thread;
status =
zx::thread::create(proc, filename, static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(filename)), 0, &thread);
check(log, status, "zx_thread_create");
// Map in the code.
zx_vaddr_t entry, vdso_base;
size_t stack_size = ZIRCON_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
zx::channel loader_service_channel;
load_child_process(log, &o, bootfs, root_prefix, *zx::unowned_vmo{handles[kFirstVdso]}, proc,
vmar, thread, to_child, &entry, &vdso_base, &stack_size,
// Allocate the stack for the child.
uintptr_t sp;
stack_size = (stack_size + zx_system_get_page_size() - 1) &
zx::vmo stack_vmo;
status = zx::vmo::create(stack_size, 0, &stack_vmo);
check(log, status, "zx_vmo_create failed for child stack");
stack_vmo.set_property(ZX_PROP_NAME, kStackVmoName, sizeof(kStackVmoName) - 1);
zx_vaddr_t stack_base;
status = | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, stack_vmo, 0, stack_size, &stack_base);
check(log, status, "zx_vmar_map failed for child stack");
sp = compute_initial_stack_pointer(stack_base, stack_size);
// We're done doing mappings, so clear out the reservation VMAR.
check(log, reserve_vmar.destroy(), "zx_vmar_destroy failed on reservation VMAR handle");
// Pass along the child's root VMAR. We're done with it.
handles[kVmarRootSelf] = vmar.release();
// Duplicate the child's process handle to pass to it.
status = zx_handle_duplicate(proc.get(), ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &handles[kProcSelf]);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate failed on child process handle");
// Duplicate the child's thread handle to pass to it.
status = zx_handle_duplicate(thread.get(), ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &handles[kThreadSelf]);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate failed on child thread handle");
for (const auto& h : handles) {
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
status = zx_object_get_info(h, ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
check(log, status, "bad handle %d is %x", (int)(&h - &handles[0]), h);
// Now send the bootstrap message. This transfers away all the handles
// we have left except the process and thread themselves.
status =
to_child.write(0, &child_message, sizeof(child_message),, handles.size());
check(log, status, "zx_channel_write to child failed");
// Start the process going.
status = proc.start(thread, entry, sp, std::move(child_start_handle), vdso_base);
check(log, status, "zx_process_start failed");
printl(log, "process %s started.", o.value[OPTION_FILENAME]);
// Now become the loader service for as long as that's needed.
if (loader_service_channel) {
zx::debuglog log_dup;
status = log.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &log_dup);
check(log, status, "zx_handle_duplicate failed on debuglog handle");
LoaderService ldsvc(std::move(log_dup), &bootfs, root_prefix);
// All done with bootfs! Let it go out of scope.
if (o.value[OPTION_SHUTDOWN] || o.value[OPTION_REBOOT]) {
printl(log, "Waiting for %s to exit...", o.value[OPTION_FILENAME]);
status = proc.wait_one(ZX_PROCESS_TERMINATED, zx::time::infinite(), nullptr);
check(log, status, "zx_object_wait_one on process failed");
zx_info_process_v2_t info;
status = proc.get_info(ZX_INFO_PROCESS_V2, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
check(log, status, "zx_object_get_info on process failed");
printl(log, "*** Exit status %zd ***\n", info.return_code);
if (info.return_code == 0) {
// The test runners match this exact string on the console log
// to determine that the test succeeded since shutting the
// machine down doesn't return a value to anyone for us.
printl(log, "%s\n", ZBI_TEST_SUCCESS_STRING);
if (o.value[OPTION_REBOOT]) {
do_powerctl(log, root_resource, ZX_SYSTEM_POWERCTL_REBOOT);
} else if (o.value[OPTION_SHUTDOWN]) {
do_powerctl(log, root_resource, ZX_SYSTEM_POWERCTL_SHUTDOWN);
// Now we've accomplished our purpose in life, and we can die happy.
printl(log, "finished!");
} // namespace
} // anonymous namespace
// This is the entry point for the whole show, the very first bit of code
// to run in user mode.
extern "C" [[noreturn]] void _start(zx_handle_t arg) { bootstrap(zx::channel{arg}); }