blob: bd37cb00e5d8286c6ec35b40fa495c63022d75d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/instrumentation/asan.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <new>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/wait.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <vm/physmap.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm_address_region.h>
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#include "../asan/asan-internal.h"
namespace {
unsigned char global_buffer[8];
// TODO( Enable for x86_64 once it can add shadow mappings after early init.
#if !defined(__x86_64__)
inline uint8_t* test_addr2shadow(uintptr_t address) {
uint8_t* const kasan_shadow_map = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(KASAN_SHADOW_OFFSET);
uint8_t* const shadow_byte_address =
kasan_shadow_map + ((address - KERNEL_ASPACE_BASE) >> kAsanShift);
return shadow_byte_address;
#endif // !defined(__x86_64__)
// Makes sure that a region returned by malloc are unpoisoned.
bool kasan_test_malloc_poisons() {
constexpr size_t sizes[] = {1, 10, 32, 1023, 1024};
for (auto size : sizes) {
void* m = malloc(size);
EXPECT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m), size));
// Makes sure that a region recently freed is poisoned.
bool kasan_test_free_poisons() {
// TODO( Test is flaky. Fix and re-enable.
constexpr size_t sizes[] = {1, 10, 32, 1023, 1024};
for (auto size : sizes) {
void* m = malloc(size);
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_entire_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m), size));
// Makes sure that the surrounding parts of a buffer are poisoned.
bool kasan_test_detects_buffer_overflows() {
constexpr size_t sizes[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 32, 1023, 1024};
for (auto size : sizes) {
void* m = malloc(size);
uintptr_t base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(m);
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_address_is_poisoned(base + size));
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_address_is_poisoned(base - 1));
// Makes sure that a regions from the heap can be poisoned.
bool kasan_test_poison_heap() {
constexpr size_t sizes[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19};
constexpr size_t kBufSz = 1024;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto buf = ktl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[kBufSz]);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
for (size_t size : sizes) {
size_t poisoned_size = ROUNDDOWN(size, 1 << kAsanShift);
asan_poison_shadow(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), size, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
asan_entire_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), poisoned_size));
asan_unpoison_shadow(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz);
EXPECT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
// Make sure poison checks works in partially poisoned regions.
bool kasan_test_poison_heap_partial() {
constexpr size_t kBufSz = 128;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto buf = ktl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[kBufSz]);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
// Leave the first and last two granules unpoisoned.
const uintptr_t poison_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()) + (2 << kAsanShift);
const size_t poison_size = kBufSz - (4 << kAsanShift);
asan_poison_shadow(poison_start, poison_size, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_EQ(poison_start, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
asan_unpoison_shadow(poison_start, poison_size);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
bool kasan_test_poison_unaligned_offsets() {
constexpr size_t kBufSz = 128;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto buf = ktl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[kBufSz]);
uintptr_t bufptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get());
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// Poison from byte 4 onwards.
size_t poison_skip = 3;
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr + poison_skip, kBufSz - poison_skip, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_entire_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()) + poison_skip,
kBufSz - poison_skip));
// Unpoison the last chunk
size_t unpoison_start = 2 * kAsanGranularity - 1;
asan_unpoison_shadow(bufptr + unpoison_start, kBufSz - unpoison_start);
EXPECT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr + unpoison_start, kBufSz - unpoison_start));
// It didn't unpoison the first asan granule.
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_entire_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()) + poison_skip,
kAsanGranularity - poison_skip));
// Poisoning the third byte onwards should increase the left poison size.
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr + poison_skip - 1, kBufSz - poison_skip + 1, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip - 1, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()) + poison_skip - 1, kBufSz - poison_skip + 1));
// Unpoison the fourth byte should unpoison bytes 0, 1, 2 and 3.
asan_unpoison_shadow(bufptr + poison_skip, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip + 1, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()) + poison_skip + 1, kBufSz - poison_skip));
// Make sure poisoning less than an entire granule works.
bool kasan_test_poison_small() {
constexpr size_t kBufSz = 128;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto buf = ktl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new (&ac) uint8_t[kBufSz]);
uintptr_t bufptr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get());
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// If we try to poison the first kAsanGranularity - 1 bytes into an unpoisoned
// region, it shouldn't do anything.
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr, kAsanGranularity - 1, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// Poison from byte 3 onwards.
size_t poison_skip = 3;
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr + poison_skip, kBufSz - poison_skip, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
ASSERT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// If we poison the first 2 bytes, nothing should happen.
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr, poison_skip - 1, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// Poisoning the third byte should increase the poisoned region.
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr + poison_skip - 1, 1, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_EQ(bufptr + poison_skip - 1, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
// Poisoning the from the start should make the whole range poisoned.
asan_poison_shadow(bufptr, poison_skip, kAsanHeapLeftRedzoneMagic);
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_entire_region_is_poisoned(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buf.get()), kBufSz));
asan_unpoison_shadow(bufptr, kBufSz);
ASSERT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(bufptr, kBufSz));
bool kasan_test_quarantine() {
static constexpr uintptr_t kFirstPtr = 0xA1FA1FA;
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
auto test_quarantine = ktl::make_unique<asan::Quarantine>(&ac);
for (size_t i = 0; i < asan::Quarantine::kQuarantineElements; i++) {
void* const fake_pointer = reinterpret_cast<void*>(kFirstPtr + i);
void* const retrieved = test_quarantine->push(fake_pointer);
EXPECT_EQ(retrieved, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < asan::Quarantine::kQuarantineElements; i++) {
void* const retrieved = test_quarantine->push(nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(retrieved, reinterpret_cast<void*>(kFirstPtr + i));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, test_quarantine->push(nullptr));
// Read one byte from every page of the kASAN shadow. Serves as a consistency check for shadow
// page tables.
bool kasan_test_walk_shadow() {
// This test is only valid on x86-64, because it has the full shadow memory
// mapped (with some parts as read-only).
#if defined(__x86_64__)
uint8_t* const start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(KASAN_SHADOW_OFFSET);
uint8_t* const end = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(KASAN_SHADOW_OFFSET + kAsanShadowSize);
for (volatile uint8_t* p = start; p < end; p += PAGE_SIZE) {
p[0]; // Read one byte from each page of the shadow.
#endif // defined(__x64_64__)
// Test that asan_map_shadow_for makes a writable shadow region for address ranges.
// asan_remap_shadow is normally only allowed to be called in early boot; this test is safe
// to use it, however, because it only runs on one CPU.
NO_ASAN bool kasan_test_map_shadow_for() {
// TODO( Enable for x86_64 once it can add shadow mappings after early init.
#if !defined(__x86_64__)
auto kernel_vmar = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->RootVmar()->as_vm_address_region();
fbl::RefPtr<VmAddressRegion> test_vmar;
auto status = kernel_vmar->CreateSubVmar(
/*offset=*/0, /*size=*/(2 * PAGE_SIZE) << kAsanShift, /*align_pow2=*/kAsanShift,
/*vmar_flags=*/VMAR_FLAG_CAN_MAP_READ | VMAR_FLAG_CAN_MAP_WRITE, "kasan_test_remap_shadow",
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, status);
uint8_t* test_vmar_shadow_start = test_addr2shadow(test_vmar->base());
uint8_t* test_vmar_shadow_end = test_addr2shadow(test_vmar->base() + test_vmar->size());
asan_map_shadow_for(test_vmar->base(), test_vmar->size());
// Walk the shadow after asan_map_shadow_for and write to every page. The write should succeed and
// write to newly-allocated shadow pages.
for (volatile uint8_t* p = test_vmar_shadow_start; p < test_vmar_shadow_end; p += PAGE_SIZE) {
p[0] = 1;
__unsanitized_memset(test_vmar_shadow_start, 0, test_vmar_shadow_end - test_vmar_shadow_start);
#endif // !defined(__x86_64__)
bool kasan_test_globals_are_poisoned() {
uintptr_t buf = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(global_buffer);
EXPECT_TRUE(asan_address_is_poisoned(buf + sizeof(global_buffer)));
EXPECT_EQ(0UL, asan_region_is_poisoned(buf, sizeof(global_buffer)));
// Verify that (asan-instrumented) memcpy succeeds when dst equals src even though they overlap
// (
bool kasan_test_memcpy_dst_src_equal() {
char buffer[256]{};
memcpy(buffer, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
} // namespace
UNITTEST("small_poison", kasan_test_poison_small)
UNITTEST("unaligned_poison", kasan_test_poison_unaligned_offsets)
UNITTEST("malloc_unpoisons", kasan_test_malloc_poisons)
UNITTEST("free_poisons", kasan_test_free_poisons)
UNITTEST("detects_buffer_overflows", kasan_test_detects_buffer_overflows)
UNITTEST("test_poisoning_heap", kasan_test_poison_heap)
UNITTEST("test_poisoning_heap_partial", kasan_test_poison_heap_partial)
UNITTEST("test_quarantine", kasan_test_quarantine)
UNITTEST("test_walk_shadow", kasan_test_walk_shadow)
UNITTEST("test_asan_map_shadow_for", kasan_test_map_shadow_for)
UNITTEST("test_globals", kasan_test_globals_are_poisoned)
UNITTEST("memcpy_dst_src_equal", kasan_test_memcpy_dst_src_equal)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(kasan_tests, "kasan", "Kernel Address Sanitizer Tests")
#endif // _has_feature(address_sanitizer)