blob: 2cabff373df90c74932ccc2b7b801df3515d95da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/hw/pci.h>
#include <dev/address_provider/address_provider.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
namespace {
inline bool isRootBridge(const zx_pci_bdf_t& bdf) {
// The Root Bridge _must_ be BDF 0:0:0, there are no other devices on Bus 0
// and we short circuit and return false.
return bdf.bus_id == 0 && bdf.device_id == 0 && bdf.function_id == 0;
inline bool isDownstream(const zx_pci_bdf_t& bdf) {
// This is hacky but it's reasonable. The controller appears to (?) support
// more than a single downstream device but we've never seen this in
// practice. If we wanted to _actually_ support multiple downstream devices
// we'd have to perform additional iATU acrobatics (which we will eventually
// do, when this driver lives in userland).
// For now, we pin this device to BDF 1:0:0. Also note that the choice of
// bus_id and device_id are arbitrary.
return bdf.bus_id == 1 && bdf.device_id == 0 && bdf.function_id == 0;
} // namespace
zx_status_t DesignWarePcieAddressProvider::Init(const PciEcamRegion& root_bridge,
const PciEcamRegion& downstream_device) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
if (root_bridge.bus_start != 0 || root_bridge.bus_end != 0) {
TRACEF("Root bridge must be responsible for only bus 0\n");
if (downstream_device.bus_start != 1 || downstream_device.bus_end != 1) {
TRACEF("Downstream device must responsible for only bus 1\n");
root_bridge_region_ = ktl::make_unique<MappedEcamRegion>(&ac, root_bridge);
if (!ac.check()) {
TRACEF("Failed to allocate root_bridge ECAM region\n");
downstream_region_ = ktl::make_unique<MappedEcamRegion>(&ac, downstream_device);
if (!ac.check()) {
TRACEF("Failed to allocate downstream ECAM region\n");
zx_status_t st;
if ((st = root_bridge_region_->MapEcam()) != ZX_OK) {
TRACEF("Failed to map root bridge ECAM region\n");
return st;
if ((st = downstream_region_->MapEcam()) != ZX_OK) {
TRACEF("Failed to map downstream ECAM region\n");
return st;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t DesignWarePcieAddressProvider::Translate(const uint8_t bus_id, const uint8_t device_id,
const uint8_t function_id, vaddr_t* virt,
paddr_t* phys) {
if (!root_bridge_region_ || !downstream_region_) {
"DesignWarePcieAddressProvider::Translate called before "
const zx_pci_bdf_t bdf = {
.bus_id = bus_id,
.device_id = device_id,
.function_id = function_id,
// Two comments here:
// (1) Firstly, the Root Bridge and Downstream devices live in different
// apertures of memory so we need to decide if the BDF translates to the
// root bridge aperture or the downstream device aperture.
// (2) Secondly, the controller appears to support multiple downstream
// devices however we've only ever seen configurations with exactly one
// root bridge attached to exactly one downstream device in the wild.
// There are two strategies for supporting downstream devices and they
// each have their advantages and drawbacks:
// (i) If the SoC vendor has granted us a generous* aperture into PCI
// memory, we should map all devices contiguously thus producing an
// ECAM that is entirely standards compliant!
// (ii) Otherwise (the situation that we see most often), we should
// program the iATU each time we perform a config access and stack
// ECAMs for all devices as shadow registers on top of one another.
// * Enough to accommodate all PF/MMIO/IO BARs for all downstream devices
// with enough aperture left over for a full ECAM.
if (isRootBridge(bdf)) {
*virt = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(root_bridge_region_->vaddr());
if (phys) {
*phys = root_bridge_region_->ecam().phys_base;
return ZX_OK;
} else if (isDownstream(bdf)) {
*virt = reinterpret_cast<vaddr_t>(downstream_region_->vaddr());
if (phys) {
*phys = downstream_region_->ecam().phys_base;
return ZX_OK;
fbl::RefPtr<PciConfig> DesignWarePcieAddressProvider::CreateConfig(const uintptr_t addr) {
// DesignWare has a strange translation mechanism from BDF->Memory Address
// but at the end of the day it's still a memory mapped device which means
// we can create an MMIO address space.
return PciConfig::Create(addr, PciAddrSpace::MMIO);