blob: cbba0cccc5ee2a0900578bf4cfc898968e91a3a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/asm.h>
#include <lib/arch/ticks.h>
#include <zircon/tls.h>
#include "phys32.h"
#include <phys/stack.h>
// An argument is in %esi.
.function Phys32Entry, global
// As early as possible collect the time stamp into %eax and %edx.
// Now save the arch::EarlyTicks in %ebx, %edx since %eax is needed for
// the loop below. The boot loader argument is still in %esi.
mov %eax, %ebx
// Clear .bss. Note this assumes it's aligned to 4, which is ensured
// by BOOT_STACK_ALIGN (and other alignments in .bss) and the linker script.
xor %eax, %eax
mov $_edata, %edi
mov $_end, %ecx
sub %edi, %ecx
shr $2, %ecx
rep stosl
// Set up the machine stack.
mov $(boot_stack + BOOT_STACK_SIZE), %esp
// Clear the IDT to zero address and zero limit, so any trap is sure to
// get a triple-fault. We've just cleared the .bss containing the stack,
// so these bytes are known to be zero.
lidt -6(%esp)
// Now we can use the stack for scratch space. %eax is already zero
// from above. Use it to clear EFLAGS, since Multiboot makes few
// guarantees about the initial state.
push %eax
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4
// Set up our own GDT rather than continuing with what the boot loader
// supplied. This lets us use a %gs segment for the stack-safety ABIs.
// It's also needed eventually to switch to 64-bit mode, so might as well.
// Since 32-bit links are fixed-address, the contents of the GDT are in fact
// all fixed at link time. But the way the base address is split up is
// not supported by any relocation types, so fill in the address at runtime.
// Note gPhys32Gdt is declared as const in C++ and placed in RODATA, but
// since there are no page protections anyway it's fine to just write it.
mov $boot_thread_area, %eax
mov %ax, gPhys32Gdt + PHYS32_GS_BASE_LO16_OFFSET
shr $16, %eax
mov %al, gPhys32Gdt + PHYS32_GS_BASE_MID8_OFFSET
mov %ah, gPhys32Gdt + PHYS32_GS_BASE_HI8_OFFSET
// Build a temporary descriptor pointing at the GDT to load it.
movl $gPhys32Gdt, -4(%esp)
movw $(PHYS32_GDT_SIZE - 1), -6(%esp)
lgdt -6(%esp)
// The GDT is in place, but we're still on the old incoming segments.
// Jump to the new code segment and then reset the other segment registers.
ljmp $PHYS32_CODE32_SEL, $0f
mov $PHYS32_GS32_SEL, %ax
mov %ax, %gs
mov $PHYS32_DATA32_SEL, %ax
mov %ax, %ds
mov %ax, %es
mov %ax, %ss
xor %eax, %eax
mov %ax, %fs
// Clear frame pointer: at the root of the call stack.
xor %ebp, %ebp
push %eax // Adjust down to maintain stack alignment after argument pushes.
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
push %ebx // Second argument (3rd word): arch::EarlyTicks (high order)
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
push %edx // Second argument (2nd word): arch::EarlyTicks (low order)
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
push %esi // First argument (1st word): void* (Multiboot or boot_params)
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 4
// Initialize cpuid data. This could be done earlier, but nothing needs it
// and doing it here avoids saving and restoring any extra registers.
call InitializeBootCpuid
// Now the full C++ ABI is available. This could theoretically be a tail
// call since it's obliged never to return, but it's nice to have the
// caller in a backtrace (and the call implicitly adjusts the stack
// alignment as the ABI requires).
call PhysMain
// Pop the arguments (and padding) in the standard way (not that it matters).
addl $4 * 4, %esp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -4 * 4
// Trap forever just in case it does return.
jmp 0b
.object boot_thread_area, data, local, align=8
.org boot_thread_area + ZX_TLS_STACK_GUARD_OFFSET
.quad 0xdeadbeef1badd00d
.org boot_thread_area + ZX_TLS_UNSAFE_SP_OFFSET
#if __has_feature(safe_stack)
.long boot_unsafe_stack + BOOT_STACK_SIZE
.org boot_thread_area + ZX_TLS_UNSAFE_SP_OFFSET + 8