blob: 051196546dc7d67dbcda93ac508e659669fd8cd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const fragmentClientAsyncMethodsTmpl = `
{{- define "AsyncClientAllocationComment" -}}
{{- $alloc := .Request.ClientAllocation }}
{{- if $alloc.IsStack -}}
Allocates {{ $alloc.Size }} bytes of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
{{- else -}}
The request and callback are allocated on the heap.
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "ClientAsyncRequestManagedCallbackSignature" -}}
::fit::callback<void ({{ .WireResponse }}* response)>
{{- end }}
{{- define "ClientAsyncRequestManagedMethodArguments" -}}
{{ .RequestArgs | CalleeParams }}{{ if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end }}
{{- template "ClientAsyncRequestManagedCallbackSignature" . }} _cb
{{- end }}
{{- define "ClientAsyncRequestCallerAllocateMethodArguments" -}}
{{ template "CallerBufferParams" .RequestArgs }}{{ if .RequestArgs }}, {{ end }}{{ .WireResponseContext }}* _context
{{- end }}
{{- define "ClientAsyncRequestManagedMethodDefinition" }}
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
::fidl::Result {{ .Protocol.WireClientImpl.NoLeading }}::{{ .Name }}(
{{ template "ClientAsyncRequestManagedMethodArguments" . }}) {
class ResponseContext final : public {{ .WireResponseContext }} {
ResponseContext({{ template "ClientAsyncRequestManagedCallbackSignature" . }} cb)
: cb_(std::move(cb)) {}
void OnReply({{ .WireResponse }}* response) override {
{{ if and .HasResponse .Response.IsResource }}
{{ end }}
delete this;
void OnError() override {
delete this;
{{ template "ClientAsyncRequestManagedCallbackSignature" . }} cb_;
auto* _context = new ResponseContext(std::move(_cb));
{{ .WireRequest }}::OwnedEncodedMessage _request(_context->Txid()
{{- .RequestArgs | ForwardCommaParams -}}
return _request.GetOutgoingMessage().Write(this, _context);
::fidl::Result {{ .Protocol.WireClientImpl.NoLeading }}::{{ .Name }}({{ template "ClientAsyncRequestCallerAllocateMethodArguments" . }}) {
{{ if .RequestArgs }}
{{ .WireRequest }}::UnownedEncodedMessage _request(, _request_buffer.capacity, _context->Txid()
{{- else }}
{{ .WireRequest }}::OwnedEncodedMessage _request(_context->Txid()
{{- end }}
{{- .RequestArgs | ForwardCommaParams -}}
return _request.GetOutgoingMessage().Write(this, _context);
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- end }}