blob: cee6fe8ae8c0b20ce19e9c3a0eac19b5b4f13c1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The implementation for the ConvertingTreeVisitor that re-prints a raw::File
// back into text format per some set of syntax rules.
#include "fidl/new_syntax_converter.h"
namespace fidl::conv {
// Until FTP-033 is fully implemented, it is possible for "strict" types to not
// have an actual "strict" keyword preceding them (ie, "strict union U {...}"
// and "union U {...}" are represented identically in the raw AST). This
// helper function works around that problem by determining whether or not the
// actual "strict" keyword was used in the declaration text.
std::optional<types::Strictness> optional_strictness(types::Strictness strictness, bool specified) {
if (!specified) {
return std::nullopt;
return strictness;
// For types that only accept the strictness modifier (currently "bits" and
// "enum"), we don't store the presence of the modifier keyword as a bool.
// Instead, we just match the first token to its sub-kind to deduce whether or
// not the modifier keyword is used.
std::optional<types::Strictness> optional_strictness(Token& decl_start_token) {
switch (decl_start_token.subkind()) {
case Token::Subkind::kStrict:
return types::Strictness::kStrict;
case Token::Subkind::kFlexible:
return types::Strictness::kFlexible;
return std::nullopt;
// Returns the "builtin" definition underpinning a type. If named declaration
// is actually an alias, this method will recurse until all aliases are
// dereferenced and an actual, FIDL-native type can be deduced.
std::optional<UnderlyingType> resolve_as_user_defined_type(const flat::Name& name,
bool is_behind_alias) {
const flat::Library* lib = name.library();
const flat::Decl* decl_ptr = lib->LookupDeclByName(name);
if (decl_ptr == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
const flat::Decl::Kind& kind = decl_ptr->kind;
if (kind != flat::Decl::Kind::kTypeAlias) {
if (kind == flat::Decl::Kind::kResource) {
// Special case: the only "resource_definition" in existence at the
// moment is the one that defines "handle," so if we get to this point, we
// should just assume the underlying type is a handle.
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kHandle, is_behind_alias);
return UnderlyingType(decl_ptr->kind, is_behind_alias);
auto type_alias_ptr = static_cast<const flat::TypeAlias*>(decl_ptr);
auto underlying_type =
resolve_as_user_defined_type(type_alias_ptr->partial_type_ctor->name, true);
if (underlying_type != std::nullopt) {
return underlying_type;
return UnderlyingType(type_alias_ptr->partial_type_ctor->type->kind, true);
// Matches a string keyword to the "builtin" representing the FIDL-native type
// it represents.
std::optional<UnderlyingType> resolve_as_user_defined_type(const std::string& keyword) {
const flat::Typespace root = flat::Typespace::RootTypes(nullptr);
const flat::Name instrinsic = flat::Name::CreateIntrinsic(keyword);
const flat::TypeTemplate* t = root.LookupTemplate(instrinsic);
if (t == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
if (keyword == "array") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kArray, false);
} else if (keyword == "vector") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kVector, false);
} else if (keyword == "bytes") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kVector, false);
} else if (keyword == "string") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kString, false);
} else if (keyword == "handle") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kHandle, false);
} else if (keyword == "request") {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kRequestHandle, false);
} else {
return UnderlyingType(flat::Type::Kind::kPrimitive, false);
// Given a non-compound identifier, and a reference to the library in which
// that identifier is defined, we should be able to resolve the underlying
// built-in type underpinning that identifier.
std::optional<UnderlyingType> resolve_identifier(const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& identifier,
const flat::Library* lib) {
std::string type_decl = identifier->copy_to_str();
// Break up the type declaration - discard any "wrapped" types.
size_t bracket_pos = type_decl.find_first_of('<');
if (bracket_pos != std::string::npos) {
type_decl = type_decl.substr(0, bracket_pos);
// We'll need to make a flat::Name from the type_decl string, which can then
// be used to search the library for the name's definition recursively until
// its underlying type can be deduced.
auto underlying_type =
resolve_as_user_defined_type(flat::Name::CreateSourced(lib, identifier->span()), false);
if (underlying_type) {
return underlying_type;
return resolve_as_user_defined_type(type_decl);
// Lookup the definition of a type's "key" identifier (ie, "vector" in the
// identifier "vector<array<uint8>:>" or "Foo" in "some.lib.Foo") in a given
// library.
std::optional<UnderlyingType> resolve_type(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>& type_ctor, const flat::Library* lib) {
std::unique_ptr<raw::CompoundIdentifier>& id = type_ctor->identifier;
std::string type_decl = id->copy_to_str();
// If there is at least one period in the declaration identifier, there is a
// possibility that this is a reference to an imported library. To verify
// this, we'll construct the library name (ex, "some.library.Foo" becomes
// just "some.library") and see if we can find it in the final library's
// dependent libraries.
size_t last_dot_pos = type_decl.find_last_of('.');
if (last_dot_pos != std::string::npos) {
flat::Library* dep_lib = nullptr;
std::vector<std::string_view> lib_name;
for (size_t i = 0; i < id->components.size() - 1; i++) {
auto filename = id->span().source_file().filename();
if (lib->LookupDependency(filename, lib_name, &dep_lib)) {
return resolve_identifier(id->components.back(), dep_lib);
// Looks like this was not a reference to a definition in an imported
// library after all. Go ahead and look for it in our current library.
return resolve_identifier(id->components.back(), lib);
std::optional<UnderlyingType> ConvertingTreeVisitor::resolve(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>& type_ctor) {
return resolve_type(type_ctor, library_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnAttribute(const raw::Attribute& element) {
// This branching ensures that we do not attempt any conversion on doc comment
// attributes.
if (element.provenance == raw::Attribute::Provenance::kDefault) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<AttributeConversion>(, element.value);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element.start_, element.end_);
} else {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NoopConversion>(element.start_, element.end_);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element.start_, element.end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnAttributeList(const std::unique_ptr<raw::AttributeList>& element) {
if (attribute_lists_seen_.insert(element.get()).second) {
bool has_doc_comment = false;
// If there is a "doc comment" attached to this attribute list, it will
// always be the first element of that list.
if (!element->attributes.empty() &&
element->attributes[0].provenance == raw::Attribute::Provenance::kDocComment) {
has_doc_comment = true;
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<AttributeListConversion>(has_doc_comment);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->start_, element->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnBitsDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsDeclaration>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
Token& end = element->identifier->end_;
if (element->maybe_type_ctor != nullptr) {
end = element->maybe_type_ctor->end_;
auto ref =
element->maybe_type_ctor == nullptr
? std::nullopt
: std::make_optional<std::reference_wrapper<std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>>>(
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<BitsDeclarationConversion>(
element->identifier, ref, optional_strictness(*element->decl_start_token));
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token, end);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnBitsMember(const std::unique_ptr<raw::BitsMember>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NoopConversion>(element->identifier->start_, element->value->end_);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->identifier->start_, element->value->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnConstDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::ConstDeclaration>& element) {
const auto& type_ctor = std::get<std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>>(element->type_ctor);
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(element->identifier, type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), type_ctor->start_, element->identifier->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnEnumDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumDeclaration>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
Token& end = element->identifier->end_;
if (element->maybe_type_ctor != nullptr) {
end = element->maybe_type_ctor->end_;
auto ref =
element->maybe_type_ctor == nullptr
? std::nullopt
: std::make_optional<std::reference_wrapper<std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>>>(
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<EnumDeclarationConversion>(
element->identifier, ref, optional_strictness(*element->decl_start_token));
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token, end);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnEnumMember(const std::unique_ptr<raw::EnumMember>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NoopConversion>(element->identifier->start_, element->value->end_);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->identifier->start_, element->value->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnFile(std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::File> const& element) {
last_conversion_end_ = element->start_.previous_end().data().data();
comments_ = std::move(element->comment_tokens_list);
converted_output_ += last_conversion_end_;
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnParameter(const std::unique_ptr<raw::Parameter>& element) {
const auto& type_ctor = std::get<std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>>(element->type_ctor);
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(element->identifier, type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), type_ctor->start_, element->identifier->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnResourceProperty(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::ResourceProperty>& element) {
const auto& type_ctor = std::get<std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>>(element->type_ctor);
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(element->identifier, type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), type_ctor->start_, element->identifier->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnStructDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::StructDeclaration>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<StructDeclarationConversion>(element->identifier, element->resourceness);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token,
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnStructMember(const std::unique_ptr<raw::StructMember>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(element->identifier, element->type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->type_ctor->start_,
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnTableDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::TableDeclaration>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<TableDeclarationConversion>(element->identifier, element->resourceness);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token,
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnTableMember(const std::unique_ptr<raw::TableMember>& element) {
if (element->maybe_used != nullptr) {
if (element->maybe_used->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(
element->maybe_used->identifier, element->maybe_used->type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->maybe_used->type_ctor->start_,
} else {
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnTypeConstructorOld(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::TypeConstructorOld>& element) {
std::optional<UnderlyingType> underlying_type = resolve(element);
// We should never get a null Builtin - if we do, there is a mistake in the
// converter code. Failing this assert means we are looking at an
// identifier that is neither explicitly defined in the source, nor
// intrinsic to the language. If that's the case, where did it come from?
assert(underlying_type.has_value() && "must resolve underlying builtin value for type");
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<TypeConversion>(element, underlying_type.value());
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->start_, element->end_);
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnUnionDeclaration(
const std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionDeclaration>& element) {
if (element->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<UnionDeclarationConversion>(
element->identifier, optional_strictness(element->strictness, element->strictness_specified),
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token,
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnUnionMember(const std::unique_ptr<raw::UnionMember>& element) {
if (element->maybe_used != nullptr) {
if (element->maybe_used->attributes != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::make_unique<NameAndTypeConversion>(
element->maybe_used->identifier, element->maybe_used->type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), element->maybe_used->type_ctor->start_,
} else {
void ConvertingTreeVisitor::OnUsing(const std::unique_ptr<raw::Using>& element) {
if (element->maybe_type_ctor != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv =
std::make_unique<UsingKeywordConversion>(element->using_path, element->maybe_type_ctor);
Converting converting(this, std::move(conv), *element->decl_start_token,
Converting::Converting(ConvertingTreeVisitor* ctv, std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conversion,
const Token& start, const Token& end)
: ctv_(ctv) {
const char* copy_from = ctv_->last_conversion_end_;
const char* copy_until =;
const char* conversion_end = +;
if (conversion_end > ctv_->last_conversion_end_) {
// We should only enter this block if we are in a nested conversion.
ctv_->last_conversion_end_ = conversion_end;
if (copy_from < copy_until) {
auto cr = std::make_unique<CopyRange>(copy_from, copy_until);
// Any stray comments contained inside the span being converted should be
// added to the prefix as well.
while (ctv->last_comment_ < ctv->comments_.size()) {
std::string_view comment = ctv->comments_[ctv->last_comment_]->span().data();
// Make sure not to consume comments past the end of the current conversion
// span.
if ( > ctv_->last_conversion_end_) {
if ( > {
const char* from =;
const char* until = from + comment.length() + 1;
auto cr = std::make_unique<CopyRange>(from, until);
Converting::~Converting() {
std::unique_ptr<Conversion> conv = std::move(ctv_->;
std::string text = conv->Write(ctv_->to_syntax_);
if (!ctv_->open_conversions_.empty()) {
} else {
ctv_->converted_output_ += text;
} // namespace fidl::conv