blob: b57ed15a66d4cf5fc2b3b4af9e2e1a62dfb7f863 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Guessing of MIME types by file extension.
//! Uses a static list of file-extension : MIME type mappings.
//! #### Note: MIME Types Returned Are Not Stable/Guaranteed
//! The media types returned for a given extension are not considered to be part of the crate's
//! stable API and are often updated in patch (#.#.x) releases to be as correct as possible.
//! Additionally, only the extensions of paths/filenames are inspected in order to guess the MIME
//! type. The file that may or may not reside at that path may or may not be a valid file of the
//! returned MIME type. Be wary of unsafe or un-validated assumptions about file structure or
//! length.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "bench", feature(test))]
extern crate mime;
extern crate phf;
extern crate unicase;
pub use mime::Mime;
use unicase::UniCase;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::path::Path;
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
struct TopLevelExts {
start: usize,
end: usize,
subs: phf::Map<UniCase<&'static str>, (usize, usize)>,
macro_rules! try_opt (
($expr:expr) => (
match $expr {
Some(val) => val,
None => return None,
#[path = ""]
mod mime_types_src;
/// Guess the MIME type of `path` by its extension (as defined by `Path::extension()`).
/// If `path` has no extension, or its extension has no known MIME type mapping,
/// then the MIME type is assumed to be `application/octet-stream`.
/// ## Note
/// **Guess** is the operative word here, as there are no guarantees that the contents of the file
/// that `path` points to match the MIME type associated with the path's extension.
/// Take care when processing files with assumptions based on the return value of this function.
pub fn guess_mime_type<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Mime {
/// Guess the MIME type of `path` by its extension (as defined by `Path::extension()`).
/// If `path` has no extension, or its extension has no known MIME type mapping,
/// then `None` is returned.
/// ## Note
/// **Guess** is the operative word here, as there are no guarantees that the contents of the file
/// that `path` points to match the MIME type associated with the path's extension.
/// Take care when processing files with assumptions based on the return value of this function.
pub fn guess_mime_type_opt<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Option<Mime> {
let ext = path.as_ref().extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str).unwrap_or("");
/// Get the MIME type associated with a file extension.
/// If there is no association for the extension, or `ext` is empty,
/// `application/octet-stream` is returned.
pub fn get_mime_type(search_ext: &str) -> Mime {
/// Get the MIME type associated with a file extension.
/// If there is no association for the extension, or `ext` is empty,
/// `None` is returned.
pub fn get_mime_type_opt(search_ext: &str) -> Option<Mime> {
.map(|mime| mime.parse::<Mime>().unwrap())
/// Get the MIME type string associated with a file extension. Case-insensitive.
/// If `search_ext` is not already lowercase,
/// it will be converted to lowercase to facilitate the search.
/// Returns `None` if `search_ext` is empty or an associated extension was not found.
pub fn get_mime_type_str(search_ext: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
if search_ext.is_empty() { return None; }
map_lookup(&MIME_TYPES, search_ext).cloned()
/// Get a list of known extensions for a given `Mime`.
/// Ignores parameters (only searches with `<main type>/<subtype>`). Case-insensitive (for extension types).
/// Returns `None` if the MIME type is unknown.
/// ### Wildcards
/// If the top-level of the MIME type is a wildcard (`*`), returns all extensions.
/// If the sub-level of the MIME type is a wildcard, returns all extensions for the top-level.
pub fn get_mime_extensions(mime: &Mime) -> Option<&'static [&'static str]> {
get_extensions(&mime.0, &mime.1)
/// Get a list of known extensions for a MIME type string.
/// Ignores parameters (only searches `<main type>/<subtype>`). Case-insensitive.
/// Returns `None` if the MIME type is unknown.
/// ### Wildcards
/// If the top-level of the MIME type is a wildcard (`*`), returns all extensions.
/// If the sub-level of the MIME type is a wildcard, returns all extensions for the top-level.
/// ### Panics
/// If `mime_str` is not a valid MIME type specifier (naive).
pub fn get_mime_extensions_str(mut mime_str: &str) -> Option<&'static [&'static str]> {
mime_str = mime_str.trim();
if let Some(sep_idx) = mime_str.find(';') {
mime_str = &mime_str[..sep_idx];
let (top, sub) = {
let split_idx = mime_str.find('/').unwrap();
(&mime_str[..split_idx], &mime_str[split_idx + 1 ..])
get_extensions(top, sub)
/// Get the extensions for a given top-level and sub-level of a MIME type
/// (`{toplevel}/{sublevel}`).
/// Returns `None` if `toplevel` or `sublevel` are unknown.
/// ### Wildcards
/// If the top-level of the MIME type is a wildcard (`*`), returns all extensions.
/// If the sub-level of the MIME type is a wildcard, returns all extensions for the top-level.
pub fn get_extensions(toplevel: &str, sublevel: &str) -> Option<&'static [&'static str]> {
if toplevel == "*" {
return Some(EXTS);
let top = try_opt!(map_lookup(&REV_MAPPINGS, toplevel));
if sublevel == "*" {
return Some(&EXTS[top.start .. top.end]);
let sub = try_opt!(map_lookup(&top.subs, sublevel));
Some(&EXTS[sub.0 .. sub.1])
/// Get the MIME type for `application/octet-stream` (generic binary stream)
pub fn octet_stream() -> Mime {
fn map_lookup<'map, V>(map: &'map phf::Map<UniCase<&'static str>, V>, key: &str) -> Option<&'map V> {
// This transmute should be safe as `get` will not store the reference with
// the expanded lifetime. This is due to `Borrow` being overly strict and
// can't have an impl for `&'static str` to `Borrow<&'a str>`.
// See
let key = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute::<_, &'static str>(key) };
mod tests {
use mime::Mime;
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
use std::path::Path;
use super::{get_mime_type, guess_mime_type, MIME_TYPES};
use super::{get_mime_type_opt, guess_mime_type_opt};
fn test_mime_type_guessing() {
assert_eq!(get_mime_type("gif").to_string(), "image/gif".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_mime_type("TXT").to_string(), "text/plain".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_mime_type("blahblah").to_string(), "application/octet-stream".to_string());
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type(Path::new("/path/to/file.gif")).to_string(), "image/gif".to_string());
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type("/path/to/file.gif").to_string(), "image/gif".to_string());
fn test_mime_type_guessing_opt() {
assert_eq!(get_mime_type_opt("gif").unwrap().to_string(), "image/gif".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_mime_type_opt("TXT").unwrap().to_string(), "text/plain".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_mime_type_opt("blahblah"), None);
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type_opt("/path/to/file.gif").unwrap().to_string(), "image/gif".to_string());
assert_eq!(guess_mime_type_opt("/path/to/file"), None);
fn test_are_mime_types_parseable() {
for (_, mime) in &MIME_TYPES {
// RFC: Is this test necessary anymore? --@cybergeek94, 2/1/2016
fn test_are_extensions_ascii() {
for (ext, _) in &MIME_TYPES {
assert!(ext.is_ascii(), "Extension not ASCII: {:?}", ext);
fn test_are_extensions_sorted() {
use mime_types_src::MIME_TYPES;
for (&(ext, _), &(n_ext, _)) in MIME_TYPES.iter().zip(MIME_TYPES.iter().skip(1)) {
ext <= n_ext,
"Extensions in src/mime_types should be sorted alphabetically
in ascending order. Failed assert: {:?} <= {:?}",
ext, n_ext
#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use self::test::Bencher;
use super::{get_mime_type_str, MIME_TYPES};
/// WARNING: this may take a while!
fn bench_mime_str(b: &mut Bencher) {
for (mime_ext, _) in &MIME_TYPES {
b.iter(|| {
fn bench_mime_str_uppercase(b: &mut Bencher) {
let uppercased : Vec<_> = MIME_TYPES.into_iter().map(|(s, _)| s.to_uppercase()).collect();
for mime_ext in &uppercased {
b.iter(|| {