blob: c7cb13ee83b9b81a2926fea6d17676e6cb789526 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/modular/internal/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include "src/modular/bin/sessionmgr/storage/story_storage.h"
#include "src/modular/bin/sessionmgr/storage/watcher_list.h"
#include "src/modular/lib/async/cpp/future.h"
namespace modular {
// A callback passed to |SessionStorage.SubscribeStoryDeleted| that is called when the story
// |story_id| has been deleted.
// Returns a |WatchInterest| value that signals whether the callback should be deleted or
// kept after it has been called.
using StoryDeletedCallback = fit::function<WatchInterest(std::string story_id)>;
// A callback passed to |SessionStorage.SubscribeStoryUpdated| that is called when the story
// |story_id| has been updated.
// Returns a |WatchInterest| value that signals whether the callback should be deleted or
// kept after it has been called.
using StoryUpdatedCallback = fit::function<WatchInterest(
std::string story_id, const fuchsia::modular::internal::StoryData& story_data)>;
// A callback passed to |SessionStorage.SubscribeAnnotationsUpdated| that is called when the
// annotations for story |story_id| have been updated or deleted.
// |annotations| contains the new, complete set of annotations.
// |annotation_keys_updated| contains keys of annotations that were added or had their value
// set since last update.
// |annotation_keys_deleted| contains keys of annotations that have been deleted, i.e.
// were present in the last update, and are no longer present in |annotations|.
using AnnotationsUpdatedCallback = fit::function<WatchInterest(
std::string story_id, const std::vector<fuchsia::modular::Annotation>& annotations,
const std::set<std::string>& annotation_keys_updated,
const std::set<std::string>& annotation_keys_deleted)>;
// This class has the following responsibilities:
// * Manage in-memory metadata about what stories are part of a single session.
class SessionStorage {
// Constructs a new SessionStorage with internal storage.
SessionStorage() = default;
// |callback| is notified whenever a story has been deleted. This
// notification is either the result of:
// a) The story being deleted on another device.
// b) The story having been deleted locally with DeleteStory().
void SubscribeStoryDeleted(StoryDeletedCallback callback) {
// |callback| is notified whenever a story has been added or updated.
// Currently we do not differentiate between the two, and it is up to the
// client to make this distinction.
// The update could be the result of a local modification (ie, through
// Update*()) or a modification on another device.
void SubscribeStoryUpdated(StoryUpdatedCallback callback) {
// |callback| is notified whenever a |story_id|'s annotations are updated or deleted.
void SubscribeAnnotationsUpdated(AnnotationsUpdatedCallback callback) {
// Creates a new story with the given name and returns |story_name|.
std::string CreateStory(std::string story_name,
std::vector<fuchsia::modular::Annotation> annotations);
// Deletes the |story_id| from the list of known stories.
void DeleteStory(std::string story_id);
// Returns a StoryDataPtr for |story_id|. If |story_id| is not a valid
// story, the returned StoryDataPtr will be null.
fuchsia::modular::internal::StoryDataPtr GetStoryData(std::string story_id);
// Returns a vector of StoryData for all stories in this session.
std::vector<fuchsia::modular::internal::StoryData> GetAllStoryData();
// Adds the given annotations for |story_id| to |annotations|. Existing annotations are not
// removed, but existing annotations with the same key as a given annotation will be updated
// with the value of the given annotation.
// Returns an optional AnnotationError that is either:
// * std::nullopt - successful merge
// * AnnotationError::TOO_MANY_ANNOTATIONS - the merge operation would result in too many
// annotations
// * AnnotationError::NOT_FOUND - the story does not exist
// * AnnotationError::VALUE_TOO_BIG - one of the annotations had a buffer value that
// exceeded the size limit
std::optional<fuchsia::modular::AnnotationError> MergeStoryAnnotations(
std::string story_name, std::vector<fuchsia::modular::Annotation> annotations);
// Gets the StoryStorage for the story with the given |story_id| to perform
// operations on the story such as adding modules, updating links, etc.
std::shared_ptr<StoryStorage> GetStoryStorage(std::string story_id);
// Invokes callbacks in |story_updated_watchers_| to notify watchers that the story |story_id|'s
// data was updated.
// The story must exist in |story_data_backing_store_|.
void NotifyStoryUpdated(std::string story_id);
// A list of callbacks invoked when a story is deleted.
WatcherList<StoryDeletedCallback> story_deleted_watchers_;
// A list of callbacks invoked when a story's StoryData is updated.
WatcherList<StoryUpdatedCallback> story_updated_watchers_;
// A list of callbacks invoked when a story's annotations are updated or deleted.
WatcherList<AnnotationsUpdatedCallback> annotations_updated_watchers_;
// In-memory map from story_id to the corresponding StoryData.
std::map<std::string, fuchsia::modular::internal::StoryData> story_data_backing_store_;
// In-memory map from story_id to the corresponding StoryStorage.
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<StoryStorage>> story_storage_backing_store_;
} // namespace modular