blob: 7be2b5f681bafaa9de57bff8a28f428f2b227a84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.realm.builder;
using fuchsia.component.runner;
using fuchsia.component.types;
using fuchsia.sys2;
using zx;
const uint32 MAX_MOCK_ID_LENGTH = 1000;
/// The handles a mock component uses to consume capabilities from and provide
/// capabilities to the framework.
resource table MockComponentStartInfo {
1: vector<fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentNamespaceEntry>:fuchsia.component.runner.MAX_NAMESPACE_COUNT ns;
2: request<> outgoing_dir;
/// The protocol used to coordinate state between the realm builder library and
/// the framework intermediary child component. This is necessary because the
/// realm builder library is likely running in a component using a test runner,
/// and thus the outgoing directory handle is unavailable and the library
/// cannot expose the runner and resolver services itself. To work around this,
/// a child component using the elf runner exposes these services and this
/// protocol is used to interact with the child.
protocol FrameworkIntermediary {
/// Registers a new component declaration, and returns the URL at which the
/// framework intermediary will make this declaration available to the
/// framework.
RegisterDecl(fuchsia.sys2.ComponentDecl decl) -> (string:fuchsia.component.types.MAX_URL_LENGTH component_url) error zx.status;
/// Registers a new mock component. When a mock component with the returned
/// ID in its program.mock_id field is run, `OnMockRunRequest` is called
/// over the same channel that the mock was registered on.
RegisterMock() -> (string:MAX_MOCK_ID_LENGTH mock_id);
/// The component framework is requesting that a mock component start
/// running
-> OnMockRunRequest(string:MAX_MOCK_ID_LENGTH mock_id, MockComponentStartInfo start_info);
/// The component framework is requesting that a mock component stop
/// running
-> OnMockStopRequest(string:MAX_MOCK_ID_LENGTH mock_id);