blob: 9ebf3a2b0bb8c882484d4026152895ff44ebc8cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "xhci-enumeration.h"
#include "usb-xhci.h"
#include "xhci-async-auto-call.h"
namespace usb_xhci {
fit::promise<uint8_t, zx_status_t> GetMaxPacketSize(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t slot_id) {
std::optional<OwnedRequest> request_wrapper;
OwnedRequest::Alloc(&request_wrapper, 8, 0, hci->UsbHciGetRequestSize());
usb_request_t* request = request_wrapper->request();
request->direct = true;
request->header.device_id = slot_id - 1;
request->header.ep_address = 0;
request->setup.bm_request_type = USB_DIR_IN | USB_TYPE_STANDARD | USB_RECIP_DEVICE;
request->setup.w_value = USB_DT_DEVICE << 8;
request->setup.w_index = 0;
request->setup.b_request = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
request->setup.w_length = 8;
request->direct = true;
return hci->UsbHciRequestQueue(std::move(*request_wrapper))
.then([=](fit::result<OwnedRequest, void>& result) -> fit::result<uint8_t, zx_status_t> {
auto request = result.value().request();
auto status = request->response.status;
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(status);
usb_device_descriptor_t* descriptor;
if (usb_request_mmap(request, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&descriptor)) != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_IO);
if (descriptor->b_descriptor_type != USB_DT_DEVICE) {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_IO);
return fit::ok(descriptor->b_max_packet_size0);
TRBPromise UpdateMaxPacketSize(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t slot_id) {
return GetMaxPacketSize(hci, slot_id)
.and_then([=](const uint8_t& packet_size) {
return hci->SetMaxPacketSizeCommand(slot_id, packet_size);
struct AsyncState : public fbl::RefCounted<AsyncState> {
// The current slot that is being enumerated
uint8_t slot;
// Block Set Request -- set to true
// if a SET_ADDRESS command shouldn't be sent
// when addressing a device.
bool bsr = false;
// Whether or not we are retrying enumeration
bool retry_ctx = false;
TRBPromise EnumerateDeviceInternal(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t port, std::optional<HubInfo> hub_info,
fbl::RefPtr<AsyncState> state);
// Retries enumeration if we get a USB transaction error.
// See section 4.3 of revision 1.2 of the xHCI specification for details
TRBPromise RetryEnumeration(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t port, uint8_t old_slot,
std::optional<HubInfo> hub_info, fbl::RefPtr<AsyncState> state) {
// Disabling the slot is required due to
return hci->DisableSlotCommand(old_slot)
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) {
// DisableSlotCommand will never return an error in the TRB.
// Failure to disable a slot is considered a fatal error, and will result in
// ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE being returned.
return EnumerateDeviceInternal(hci, port, hub_info, state);
TRBPromise EnumerateDeviceInternal(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t port, std::optional<HubInfo> hub_info,
fbl::RefPtr<AsyncState> state) {
// Error handler responsible for teardown in the event of an error.
auto error_handler = fbl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncAutoCall>(hci);
if (state->bsr) {
state->retry_ctx = true;
// Obtain a Device Slot for the newly attached device
auto address_device =
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> TRBPromise {
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(result);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
return fit::make_error_promise(ZX_ERR_IO);
// After successfully obtaining a device slot,
// issue an Address Device command and enable its default control endpoint.
uint8_t slot = static_cast<uint8_t>(completion_event->SlotID());
state->slot = slot;
hci->SetDeviceInformation(slot, port, hub_info);
if (!state->retry_ctx) {
// On failure, ensure that the slot gets disabled.
// If we're in a retry context, it is the caller's responsibility to clean up.
.then([=](fit::result<void, void>& result) {
return hci->AddressDeviceCommand(slot, port, hub_info, state->bsr);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> TRBPromise {
// Check for errors and retry if the device refuses the SET_ADDRESS command
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(result);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::UsbTransactionError) {
// Retry at most once
if (!hci->IsDeviceConnected(state->slot) || state->retry_ctx) {
return fit::make_error_promise(ZX_ERR_IO);
state->bsr = true;
return RetryEnumeration(hci, port, state->slot, hub_info, state);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
return fit::make_error_promise(ZX_ERR_IO);
return fit::make_ok_promise(result);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) {
// If retry was successful, re-initialize the error handler with the new slot
if (state->bsr && !state->retry_ctx) {
state->bsr = false;
.then([=](fit::result<void, void>& result) {
return fit::ok(result);
// We're being invoked from a retry context. Return to the original caller.
if (state->retry_ctx) {
return address_device
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> TRBPromise {
// Clear the retry_ctx field before returning to the caller
state->retry_ctx = false;
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(result);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
return fit::make_ok_promise(result);
// Update the maximum packet size
return UpdateMaxPacketSize(hci, state->slot);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> TRBPromise {
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(result);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
return fit::make_ok_promise(result);
// Issue a SET_ADDRESS request to the device
return hci->AddressDeviceCommand(state->slot);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> fit::result<TRB*, zx_status_t> {
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(result);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
return fit::ok(result);
return fit::ok(result);
// We're NOT being invoked from a retry context -- finish device initialization
return address_device
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> TRBPromise {
if (hci->GetDeviceSpeed(state->slot) != USB_SPEED_SUPER) {
// See USB 2.0 specification (revision 2.0) section 9.2.6
return hci->Timeout(zx::deadline_after(zx::msec(10)));
return fit::make_ok_promise(result);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> fit::promise<uint8_t, zx_status_t> {
// For full-speed devices, system software should read the first 8 bytes
// of the device descriptor to determine the max packet size of the default control
// endpoint. Additionally, certain devices may require the controller to read this value
// before fetching the full descriptor; so we always read the max packet size in order to
// prevent later enumeration failures.
return GetMaxPacketSize(hci, state->slot);
.and_then([=](uint8_t& result) -> TRBPromise {
// Set the max packet size if the device is a full speed device.
if (hci->GetDeviceSpeed(state->slot) == USB_SPEED_FULL) {
return hci->SetMaxPacketSizeCommand(state->slot, result);
return fit::make_ok_promise((TRB*)nullptr);
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) -> fit::result<TRB*, zx_status_t> {
// Online the device, making it visible to the DDK (enumeration has completed)
zx_status_t status = hci->DeviceOnline(state->slot, port, hci->GetDeviceSpeed(state->slot));
if (status == ZX_OK) {
return fit::ok(result);
return fit::error(status);
TRBPromise EnumerateDevice(UsbXhci* hci, uint8_t port, std::optional<HubInfo> hub_info) {
return EnumerateDeviceInternal(hci, port, hub_info, fbl::MakeRefCounted<AsyncState>());
} // namespace usb_xhci