blob: 4aff4143d1f349eb600bb2bc03ef532601bfbedc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::format_err;
use fidl::endpoints::{RequestStream, ServerEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::{
self as fidl_svc, DeviceWatcherControlHandle, DeviceWatcherRequestStream,
use futures::channel::mpsc::{self, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::try_join;
use log::error;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use void::Void;
use crate::watchable_map::{MapEvent, WatchableMap};
// In reality, P and I are always PhyDevice and IfaceDevice, respectively.
// They are generic solely for the purpose of mocking for tests.
pub fn serve_watchers<P, I>(
phys: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, P>>,
ifaces: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, I>>,
phy_events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, P>>,
iface_events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, I>>,
) -> (WatcherService<P, I>, impl Future<Output = Result<Void, anyhow::Error>>)
P: 'static,
I: 'static,
let inner =
Arc::new(Mutex::new(Inner { watchers: HashMap::new(), next_watcher_id: 0, phys, ifaces }));
let (reaper_sender, reaper_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let s = WatcherService { inner: Arc::clone(&inner), reaper_queue: reaper_sender };
let fut = async move {
let phy_fut = notify_phy_watchers(phy_events, &inner);
let iface_fut = notify_iface_watchers(iface_events, &inner);
let reaper_fut = reap_watchers(&inner, reaper_receiver);
try_join!(phy_fut, iface_fut, reaper_fut).map(|x: (Void, Void, Void)| x.0)
(s, fut)
// TODO( Remove the DeviceWatcher Iface monitoring when policy code no longer relies on it.
pub struct WatcherService<P, I> {
inner: Arc<Mutex<Inner<P, I>>>,
reaper_queue: UnboundedSender<ReaperTask>,
// Manual clone impl since #derive uses incorrect trait bounds
impl<P, I> Clone for WatcherService<P, I> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
WatcherService { inner: self.inner.clone(), reaper_queue: self.reaper_queue.clone() }
impl<P, I> WatcherService<P, I> {
pub fn add_watcher(
endpoint: ServerEnd<fidl_svc::DeviceWatcherMarker>,
) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
let stream = endpoint.into_stream()?;
let handle = stream.control_handle();
let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
let inner = &mut *guard;
.unbounded_send(ReaperTask {
watcher_channel: stream,
watcher_id: inner.next_watcher_id,
.expect("failed to submit a task to the watcher reaper: {}");
Watcher { handle, sent_phy_snapshot: false, sent_iface_snapshot: false },
inner.next_watcher_id += 1;
struct Inner<P, I> {
watchers: HashMap<u64, Watcher>,
next_watcher_id: u64,
phys: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, P>>,
ifaces: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, I>>,
struct Watcher {
handle: DeviceWatcherControlHandle,
sent_phy_snapshot: bool,
sent_iface_snapshot: bool,
impl<P, I> Inner<P, I> {
fn notify_watchers<F, G>(&mut self, sent_snapshot: F, send_event: G)
F: Fn(&Watcher) -> bool,
G: Fn(&DeviceWatcherControlHandle) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>,
self.watchers.retain(|_, w| {
if sent_snapshot(w) {
let r = send_event(&w.handle);
handle_send_result(&w.handle, r)
} else {
fn send_snapshot<F, G, T>(
&mut self,
sent_snapshot: F,
send_on_add: G,
snapshot: Arc<HashMap<u16, T>>,
) where
F: Fn(&mut Watcher) -> &mut bool,
G: Fn(&DeviceWatcherControlHandle, u16) -> Result<(), fidl::Error>,
self.watchers.retain(|_, w| {
if !*sent_snapshot(w) {
for key in snapshot.keys() {
let r = send_on_add(&w.handle, *key);
if !handle_send_result(&w.handle, r) {
return false;
*sent_snapshot(w) = true;
fn handle_send_result(handle: &DeviceWatcherControlHandle, r: Result<(), fidl::Error>) -> bool {
if let Err(e) = r.as_ref() {
error!("Error sending event to watcher: {}", e);
async fn notify_phy_watchers<P, I>(
mut events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, P>>,
inner: &Mutex<Inner<P, I>>,
) -> Result<Void, anyhow::Error> {
while let Some(e) = {
match e {
MapEvent::KeyInserted(id) => {
inner.lock().notify_watchers(|w| w.sent_phy_snapshot, |h| h.send_on_phy_added(id))
MapEvent::KeyRemoved(id) => {
inner.lock().notify_watchers(|w| w.sent_phy_snapshot, |h| h.send_on_phy_removed(id))
MapEvent::Snapshot(s) => inner.lock().send_snapshot(
|w| &mut w.sent_phy_snapshot,
|h, id| h.send_on_phy_added(id),
Err(format_err!("stream of events from the phy device map has ended unexpectedly"))
async fn notify_iface_watchers<P, I>(
mut events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, I>>,
inner: &Mutex<Inner<P, I>>,
) -> Result<Void, anyhow::Error> {
while let Some(e) = {
match e {
MapEvent::KeyInserted(id) => inner
.notify_watchers(|w| w.sent_iface_snapshot, |h| h.send_on_iface_added(id)),
MapEvent::KeyRemoved(id) => inner
.notify_watchers(|w| w.sent_iface_snapshot, |h| h.send_on_iface_removed(id)),
MapEvent::Snapshot(s) => inner.lock().send_snapshot(
|w| &mut w.sent_iface_snapshot,
|h, id| h.send_on_iface_added(id),
Err(format_err!("stream of events from the iface device map has ended unexpectedly"))
struct ReaperTask {
watcher_channel: DeviceWatcherRequestStream,
watcher_id: u64,
/// A future that removes watchers from device maps when their FIDL channels get
/// closed. Performing this clean up solely when notification fails is not
/// sufficient: in the scenario where devices are not being added or removed,
/// but new clients come and go, the watcher list could grow without bound.
async fn reap_watchers<P, I>(
inner: &Mutex<Inner<P, I>>,
watchers: UnboundedReceiver<ReaperTask>,
) -> Result<Void, anyhow::Error> {
const REAP_CONCURRENT_LIMIT: usize = 10000;
.for_each_concurrent(REAP_CONCURRENT_LIMIT, move |w| {
// Wait for the other side to close the channel (or an error to occur)
// and remove the watcher from the maps
async move {|_| ()).collect::<()>().await;
Err(format_err!("stream of watcher channels has ended unexpectedly"))
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::DeviceWatcherEvent;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::task::Poll;
use pin_utils::pin_mut;
use std::mem;
fn reap_watchers() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
assert_eq!(0, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
let (client_end, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_endpoints().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
// Add a watcher and check that it was added to the map
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end).expect("add_watcher failed");
assert_eq!(1, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
// Run the reaper and make sure the watcher is still there
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("future returned an error (1): {:?}", e);
assert_eq!(1, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
// Drop the client end of the channel and run the reaper again
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("future returned an error (1): {:?}", e);
assert_eq!(0, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
fn add_remove_phys() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
let (proxy, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end).expect("add_watcher failed");
helper.phys.insert(20, 2000);
helper.phys.insert(30, 3000);
// Run the server future to propagate the events to FIDL clients
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("server future returned an error: {:?}", e);
let events = fetch_events(exec, proxy.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(3, events.len());
// Sadly, generated Event struct doesn't implement PartialEq
match &events[0] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnPhyAdded { phy_id: 20 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnPhyAdded(20), got {:?}", other),
match &events[1] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnPhyAdded { phy_id: 30 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnPhyAdded(30), got {:?}", other),
match &events[2] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnPhyRemoved { phy_id: 20 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnPhyRemoved(20), got {:?}", other),
fn add_remove_ifaces() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
let (proxy, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end).expect("add_watcher failed");
helper.ifaces.insert(50, 5000);
// Run the server future to propagate the events to FIDL clients
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("server future returned an error: {:?}", e);
let events = fetch_events(exec, proxy.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(2, events.len());
match &events[0] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnIfaceAdded { iface_id: 50 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnIfaceAdded(50), got {:?}", other),
match &events[1] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnIfaceRemoved { iface_id: 50 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnIfaceRemoved(50), got {:?}", other),
fn snapshot_phys() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
// Add and remove phys before we the watcher is added
helper.phys.insert(20, 2000);
helper.phys.insert(30, 3000);
// Now add the watcher and pump the events
let (proxy, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end).expect("add_watcher failed");
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("server future returned an error: {:?}", e);
// The watcher should only see phy #30 being "added"
let events = fetch_events(exec, proxy.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(1, events.len());
match &events[0] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnPhyAdded { phy_id: 30 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnPhyAdded(30), got {:?}", other),
fn snapshot_ifaces() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
// Add and remove ifaces before we the watcher is added
helper.ifaces.insert(20, 2000);
helper.ifaces.insert(30, 3000);
// Now add the watcher and pump the events
let (proxy, server_end) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end).expect("add_watcher failed");
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("server future returned an error: {:?}", e);
// The watcher should only see iface #30 being "added"
let events = fetch_events(exec, proxy.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(1, events.len());
match &events[0] {
&DeviceWatcherEvent::OnIfaceAdded { iface_id: 30 } => {}
other => panic!("Expected OnIfaceAdded(30), got {:?}", other),
fn two_watchers() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
helper.ifaces.insert(20, 2000);
// Add first watcher
let (proxy_one, server_end_one) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end_one).expect("add_watcher failed (1)");
// Add second watcher
let (proxy_two, server_end_two) =
fidl::endpoints::create_proxy().expect("Failed to create endpoints");
helper.service.add_watcher(server_end_two).expect("add_watcher failed (2)");
// Deliver events
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("server future returned an error: {:?}", e);
// Each should only receive a single snapshot, despite two snapshots being
// requested
let events_one = fetch_events(exec, proxy_one.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(1, events_one.len());
let events_two = fetch_events(exec, proxy_two.take_event_stream());
assert_eq!(1, events_two.len());
fn remove_watcher_on_send_error() {
let exec = &mut fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (helper, future) = setup();
let (client_chan, server_chan) = zx::Channel::create().unwrap();
// Make a channel without a WRITE permission to make sure sending an event fails
let server_handle: zx::Handle = server_chan.into();
let reduced_chan: zx::Channel =
server_handle.replace(zx::Rights::READ | zx::Rights::WAIT).unwrap().into();
helper.service.add_watcher(ServerEnd::new(reduced_chan)).expect("add_watcher failed");
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("future returned an error (1): {:?}", e);
assert_eq!(1, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
// Not add a phy to trigger an event
helper.phys.insert(20, 2000);
// The watcher should be now removed since sending the event fails
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut future) {
panic!("future returned an error (1): {:?}", e);
assert_eq!(0, helper.service.inner.lock().watchers.len());
// Make sure the client endpoint is only dropped at the end, so that the watcher
// is not removed by the reaper thread
struct Helper {
phys: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, i32>>,
ifaces: Arc<WatchableMap<u16, i32>>,
service: WatcherService<i32, i32>,
fn setup() -> (Helper, impl Future<Output = Result<Void, anyhow::Error>>) {
let (phys, phy_events) = WatchableMap::new();
let (ifaces, iface_events) = WatchableMap::new();
let phys = Arc::new(phys);
let ifaces = Arc::new(ifaces);
let (service, future) =
serve_watchers(phys.clone(), ifaces.clone(), phy_events, iface_events);
let helper = Helper { phys, ifaces, service };
(helper, future)
fn fetch_events(
exec: &mut fasync::Executor,
stream: fidl_svc::DeviceWatcherEventStream,
) -> Vec<DeviceWatcherEvent> {
let events = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(Vec::new())));
let events_two = events.clone();
let mut event_fut = stream
.try_for_each(move |e| future::ready(Ok(events_two.lock().as_mut().unwrap().push(e))));
if let Poll::Ready(Err(e)) = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut event_fut) {
panic!("event stream future returned an error: {:?}", e);
let events = events.lock().take().unwrap();