blob: 77083fe526c80288103bbda4395f98d9797de7e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.keyboard.focus;
using fuchsia.ui.views;
/// Updates the focus of the keyboard subsystem.
/// # Roles
/// This protocol will typically be:
/// * Implemented by platform components implementing the keyboard
/// subsystem. For example, `ime_service.cmx`.
/// * Consumed by platform components which control UI policy.
/// E.g. Root Presenter, or the Workstation Session.
/// # Related protocols
/// * `fuchsia.ui.input3.Keyboard` (for receiving keystrokes)
/// * `fuchsia.ui.input.InputMethodEditor` (for text editing)
protocol Controller {
/// Informs the implementer of `Controller` that further keyboard
/// data should be routed to the keystroke/text consumer
/// associated with `view_ref`.
/// # Notes
/// * The callee should monitor the provided `ViewRef` for a
/// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` signal (see documentation for
/// `fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRefControl`).
/// * When the `ViewRef` receives `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED`, the
/// callee should stop delivering keystroke/text to
/// the consumer associated with `view_ref`.
/// * The caller should wait for each call to be acknowledged
/// before calling again, to avoid queueing large numbers of
/// of updates.
Notify(fuchsia.ui.views.ViewRef view_ref) -> ();