blob: ef31f45e065a2c27741bf55b125f84cefc34be42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// [START main]
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
// [END main]
mod test {
// [START import]
use fidl_fuchsia_examples as fex;
// [END import]
// In documentation, we show example code for strict/flexible behavior on the
// same type, e.g. "If LocationType is flexible, then ...". This module allows
// us to write code that looks like it's referring to fex::LocationType, but is
// actually fex::FlexibleLocationType.
mod flexible_fex {
pub use fidl_fuchsia_examples::{
FlexibleJsonValue as JsonValue, FlexibleJsonValueUnknown as JsonValueUnknown,
FlexibleLocationType as LocationType,
FlexibleLocationTypeUnknown as LocationTypeUnknown,
fn fidl_crates_usage() {
// [START bits]
let flags = fex::FileMode::Read | fex::FileMode::Write;
println!("{:?}", flags);
// [END bits]
// [START enums_init]
let from_raw = fex::LocationType::from_primitive(1).expect("Could not create LocationType");
assert_eq!(from_raw, fex::LocationType::Museum);
assert_eq!(fex::LocationType::Restaurant.into_primitive(), 3);
// [END enums_init]
use flexible_fex as fex;
let location_type = fex::LocationType::Museum;
// [START enums_flexible_match]
match location_type {
fex::LocationType::Museum => println!("museum"),
fex::LocationType::Airport => println!("airport"),
fex::LocationType::Restaurant => println!("restaurant"),
fex::LocationTypeUnknown!() => println!("unknown!"),
// [END enums_flexible_match]
// [START structs]
let red = fex::Color { id: 0u32, name: "red".to_string() };
println!("{:?}", red);
// [END structs]
// [START unions_init]
let int_val = fex::JsonValue::IntValue(1);
let str_val = fex::JsonValue::StringValue("1".to_string());
println!("{:?}", int_val);
assert_ne!(int_val, str_val);
// [END unions_init]
use flexible_fex as fex;
let json_value = fex::JsonValue::IntValue(1);
// [START unions_flexible_match]
match json_value {
fex::JsonValue::IntValue(val) => println!("int: {}", val),
fex::JsonValue::StringValue(val) => println!("string: {}", val),
fex::JsonValueUnknown!() => println!("unknown!"),
// [END unions_flexible_match]
// [START tables_init]
let user = fex::User { age: Some(20), ..fex::User::EMPTY };
println!("{:?}", user);
// [END tables_init]
// [START tables_match]
let fex::User { age, name, .. } = user;
// [END tables_match]