blob: d48ed342bc33984f620690cffe1354da1a9f539c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports
import 'package:fuchsia_inspect/inspect.dart' as inspect;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:torus15/src/logic/torus_logic.dart';
class MockNode extends Mock implements inspect.Node {}
void main() {
group('Torus Puzzle Logic:', () {
const testPuzzleRows = 3;
const testPuzzleCols = 3;
test('Generation Test', () {
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols);
var expectedPuzzle = TorusPuzzle.from('0 1 2 '
'3 4 5 '
'6 7 8');
expect(testPuzzle, expectedPuzzle);
test('Row Rotate', () {
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols);
var expectedPuzzle = TorusPuzzle.from('0 1 2 '
'4 5 3 '
'8 6 7');
..rotateRow(1, rotateRight: false)
..rotateRow(2, rotateRight: true);
expect(testPuzzle, expectedPuzzle);
test('Column Rotate', () {
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols);
var expectedPuzzle = TorusPuzzle.from('6 4 2 '
'0 7 5 '
'3 1 8');
..rotateCol(0, rotateDown: true)
..rotateCol(1, rotateDown: false);
expect(testPuzzle, expectedPuzzle);
test('Rotation Composition', () {
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols);
var expectedPuzzle = TorusPuzzle.from('3 7 1 '
'4 0 5 '
'2 8 6');
..rotateRow(0, rotateRight: true)
..rotateCol(1, rotateDown: true)
..rotateRow(2, rotateRight: false)
..rotateCol(0, rotateDown: false);
expect(testPuzzle, expectedPuzzle);
group('Inspect Integration:', () {
const testPuzzleRows = 4;
const testPuzzleCols = 4;
const testPuzzleTilec = testPuzzleRows * testPuzzleCols;
test('Generation Test', () {
var mockNode = MockNode(); // fake inspect node
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols, mockNode);
// satisfy dart unused_local_variable
// each tile's inspect data should be written
for (int i = 0; i < testPuzzleTilec; i++) {
test('Row Rotate', () {
var mockNode = MockNode();
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols, mockNode);
testPuzzle.rotateRow(0, rotateRight: true);
// only first row should update inspect info
for (int i = 0; i < testPuzzleTilec; i++) {
if (i < testPuzzleCols) {
} else {
test('Column Rotate', () {
var mockNode = MockNode();
var testPuzzle = TorusPuzzle(testPuzzleRows, testPuzzleCols, mockNode);
testPuzzle.rotateCol(0, rotateDown: true);
for (int i = 0; i < testPuzzleTilec; i++) {
if (i % testPuzzleRows == 0) {
} else {