blob: e235aaad04f4fd740f0cc67636cf4f76013d1c01 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/thread_impl.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/breakpoint.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/frame_impl.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/process_impl.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/register_dwarf.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/remote_api.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/session.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/target_impl.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/client/thread_controller.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debug_ipc/helper/message_loop.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debug_ipc/helper/zx_status.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace zxdb {
ThreadImpl::ThreadImpl(ProcessImpl* process,
const debug_ipc::ThreadRecord& record)
: Thread(process->session()),
weak_factory_(this) {
ThreadImpl::~ThreadImpl() = default;
Process* ThreadImpl::GetProcess() const { return process_; }
uint64_t ThreadImpl::GetKoid() const { return koid_; }
const std::string& ThreadImpl::GetName() const { return name_; }
debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State ThreadImpl::GetState() const { return state_; }
debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::BlockedReason ThreadImpl::GetBlockedReason() const {
return blocked_reason_;
void ThreadImpl::Pause() {
// The frames may have been requested when the thread was running which
// will have marked them "empty but complete." When a pause happens the
// frames will become available so we want subsequent requests to request
// them.
debug_ipc::PauseRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request.thread_koid = koid_;
[](const Err& err, debug_ipc::PauseReply) {});
void ThreadImpl::Continue() {
debug_ipc::ResumeRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
if (controllers_.empty()) { = debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How::kContinue;
} else {
// When there are thread controllers, ask the most recent one for how to
// continue.
// Theoretically we're running with all controllers at once and we want to
// stop at the first one that triggers, which means we want to compute the
// most restrictive intersection of all of them.
// This is annoying to implement and it's difficult to construct a
// situation where this would be required. The controller that doesn't
// involve breakpoints is "step in range" and generally ranges refer to
// code lines that will align. Things like "until" are implemented with
// breakpoints so can overlap arbitrarily with other operations with no
// problem.
// A case where this might show up:
// 1. Do "step into" which steps through a range of instructions.
// 2. In the middle of that range is a breakpoint that's hit.
// 3. The user does "finish." We'll ask the finish controller what to do
// and it will say "continue" and the range from step 1 is lost.
// However, in this case probably does want to end up one stack frame
// back rather than several instructions after the breakpoint due to the
// original "step into" command, so even when "wrong" this current behavior
// isn't necessarily bad.
controllers_.back()->Log("Continuing with this controller as primary.");
ThreadController::ContinueOp op = controllers_.back()->GetContinueOp();
if (op.synthetic_stop_) {
// Synthetic stop. Skip notifying the backend and broadcast a stop
// notification for the current state.
controllers_.back()->Log("Synthetic stop, controller done.");
controllers_.pop_back(); // Remove controller.
for (auto& observer : observers()) {
this, debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kSynthetic, {});
} else {
// Dispatch the continuation message. =;
request.range_begin = op.range.begin();
request.range_end = op.range.end();
request, [](const Err& err, debug_ipc::ResumeReply) {});
void ThreadImpl::ContinueWith(std::unique_ptr<ThreadController> controller,
std::function<void(const Err&)> on_continue) {
ThreadController* controller_ptr = controller.get();
// Add it first so that its presence will be noted by anything its
// initialization function does.
this, [this, controller_ptr,
on_continue = std::move(on_continue)](const Err& err) {
if (err.has_error()) {
controller_ptr->Log("InitWithThread failed.");
NotifyControllerDone(controller_ptr); // Remove the controller.
} else {
controller_ptr->Log("Initialized, continuing...");
void ThreadImpl::JumpTo(uint64_t new_address,
std::function<void(const Err&)> cb) {
// The register to set.
debug_ipc::Register reg; = GetSpecialRegisterID(session()->arch(),
memcpy(&[0], &new_address, sizeof(new_address));
debug_ipc::WriteRegistersRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request.thread_koid = koid_;
// The "jump" command updates the thread's location so we need to recompute
// the stack. So once the jump is complete we re-request the thread's
// status.
// This could be made faster by requesting status immediately after sending
// the update so we don't have to wait for two round-trips, but that
// complicates the callback logic and this feature is not performance-
// sensitive.
// Another approach is to make the register request message able to
// optionally request a stack backtrace and include that in the reply.
request, [thread = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), cb = std::move(cb)](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::WriteRegistersReply reply) {
if (err.has_error()) {
cb(err); // Transport error.
} else if (reply.status != 0) {
cb(Err("Could not set thread instruction pointer. Error %" PRIu64
" (%s).",
} else if (!thread) {
cb(Err("Thread destroyed."));
} else {
// Success, update the current stack before issuing the callback.
void ThreadImpl::NotifyControllerDone(ThreadController* controller) {
controller->Log("Controller done, removing.");
// We expect to have few controllers so brute-force is sufficient.
for (auto cur = controllers_.begin(); cur != controllers_.end(); ++cur) {
if (cur->get() == controller) {
FXL_NOTREACHED(); // Notification for unknown controller.
void ThreadImpl::StepInstruction() {
debug_ipc::ResumeRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request.thread_koids.push_back(koid_); = debug_ipc::ResumeRequest::How::kStepInstruction;
request, [](const Err& err, debug_ipc::ResumeReply) {});
const Stack& ThreadImpl::GetStack() const { return stack_; }
Stack& ThreadImpl::GetStack() { return stack_; }
void ThreadImpl::ReadRegisters(
std::vector<debug_ipc::RegisterCategory::Type> cats_to_get,
std::function<void(const Err&, const RegisterSet&)> callback) {
debug_ipc::ReadRegistersRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request.thread_koid = koid_;
request.categories = std::move(cats_to_get);
request, [thread = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::ReadRegistersReply reply) {
thread->registers_ = std::make_unique<RegisterSet>(
thread->session()->arch(), std::move(reply.categories));
if (callback)
callback(err, *thread->registers_.get());
void ThreadImpl::SetMetadata(const debug_ipc::ThreadRecord& record) {
FXL_DCHECK(koid_ == record.koid);
name_ =;
state_ = record.state;
blocked_reason_ = record.blocked_reason;
stack_.SetFrames(record.stack_amount, record.frames);
void ThreadImpl::OnException(
debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type type,
const std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>>& hit_breakpoints) {
ThreadController::LogRaw("----------\r\nGot exception @ 0x%" PRIx64,
bool should_stop;
if (controllers_.empty()) {
// When there are no controllers, all stops are effective.
should_stop = true;
} else {
// Ask all controllers and continue only if all controllers agree the
// thread should continue. Multiple controllers should say "stop" at the
// same time and we need to be able to delete all that no longer apply
// (say you did "finish", hit a breakpoint, and then "finish" again, both
// finish commands would be active and you would want them both to be
// completed when the current frame actually finishes).
should_stop = false;
// Don't use iterators since the map is mutated in the loop.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(controllers_.size()); i++) {
switch (controllers_[i]->OnThreadStop(type, hit_breakpoints)) {
case ThreadController::kContinue:
// Try the next controller.
controllers_[i]->Log("Reported continue on exception.");
case ThreadController::kStop:
// Once a controller tells us to stop, we assume the controller no
// longer applies and delete it.
"Reported stop on exception, stopping and removing it.");
controllers_.erase(controllers_.begin() + i);
should_stop = true;
// The existence of any non-internal breakpoints being hit means the thread
// should always stop. This check happens after notifying the controllers so
// if a controller triggers, it's counted as a "hit" (otherwise, doing
// "run until" to a line with a normal breakpoint on it would keep the "run
// until" operation active even after it was hit).
// Also, filter out internal breakpoints in the notification sent to the
// observers.
std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>> external_breakpoints;
for (auto& hit : hit_breakpoints) {
if (!hit)
if (!hit->IsInternal()) {
should_stop = true;
// Non-debug exceptions also mean the thread should always stop (check this
// after running the controllers for the same reason as the breakpoint check
// above).
if (type == debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type::kGeneral)
should_stop = true;
if (should_stop) {
// Stay stopped and notify the observers.
for (auto& observer : observers())
observer.OnThreadStopped(this, type, external_breakpoints);
} else {
// Controllers all say to continue.
void ThreadImpl::SyncFramesForStack(std::function<void(const Err&)> callback) {
debug_ipc::ThreadStatusRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request.thread_koid = koid_;
[callback = std::move(callback), thread = weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::ThreadStatusReply reply) {
if (!thread) {
callback(Err("Thread destroyed."));
std::unique_ptr<Frame> ThreadImpl::MakeFrameForStack(
const debug_ipc::StackFrame& input, Location location) {
return std::make_unique<FrameImpl>(this, input, std::move(location));
Location ThreadImpl::GetSymbolizedLocationForStackFrame(
const debug_ipc::StackFrame& input) {
auto vect =
// Symbolizing an address should always give exactly one result.
FXL_DCHECK(vect.size() == 1u);
return vect[0];
void ThreadImpl::ClearFrames() {
if (stack_.ClearFrames()) {
for (auto& observer : observers())
} // namespace zxdb