blob: 1ef17b547c8319ad12273bd393a992cb38cac527 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The implementation for the FormattingTreeVisitor that pretty-prints FIDL code.
#include "fidl/formatter.h"
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <regex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace fidl {
namespace raw {
// Rules:
// No more than one blank line in a row.
// Keep blank lines before and after comments.
// Will add newlines before top level declarations later.
void FormattingTreeVisitor::Segment::RemoveExtraBlankLines(bool respects_trailing_blankline) {
std::set<int> blank_line_indices;
std::set<int> comment_line_indices;
std::map<int, int> line_offsets;
// First, find all of the blank lines and comment lines.
int line_num = 0;
line_offsets[line_num++] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(output_.size()); i++) {
if (output_[i] == '\n' && i + 1 != static_cast<int>(output_.size())) {
line_offsets[line_num] = i + 1;
bool is_blank = true;
bool is_comment = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < static_cast<int>(output_.size()) && output_[j] != '\n'; j++) {
if (!utils::IsWhitespaceNoNewline(output_[j])) {
is_blank = false;
if (utils::LineFromOffsetIsRegularComment(output_, j)) {
is_comment = true;
if (is_blank) {
if (is_comment) {
int last_line_num = line_num - 1;
// Next, get rid of any blank line that isn't next to a comment or,
// if we are respecting trailing blank lines, right before the end.
// Make an exception if the previous line is blank - i.e., coalesce
// multiple blank lines. Work backwards so we don't screw up line
// numbers.
auto unmodified_bli(blank_line_indices);
for (auto i = unmodified_bli.rbegin(); i != unmodified_bli.rend(); ++i) {
int line_num = *i;
bool is_next_to_comment = comment_line_indices.count(line_num - 1) != 0 ||
comment_line_indices.count(line_num + 1) != 0;
bool need_to_preserve_because_last =
respects_trailing_blankline && line_num == last_line_num - 1;
bool need_to_coalesce = blank_line_indices.count(line_num + 1) != 0;
if ((!is_next_to_comment && !need_to_preserve_because_last) || need_to_coalesce) {
int offset = line_offsets[line_num];
size_t next_newline = output_.find_first_of("\n", offset);
if (next_newline == std::string::npos) {
next_newline = output_.size();
output_.erase(offset, next_newline - offset + 1);
// This line doesn't exist anymore. Erase it from the various
// indices so that subsequent lines don't get confused about whether
// they need to coalesce with a line that isn't there anymore.
// Assumptions: Leading WS has been stripped.
// Rules:
// - newlines after ';', '{' (unless before a comment)
// - newlines before top-level decls (unless after a comment).
void FormattingTreeVisitor::Segment::InsertRequiredNewlines(bool is_top_level) {
// Insert lines after ';' and '{', if not already present
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(output_.size()); i++) {
MaybeWindPastComment(output_, i);
char ch = output_[i];
if (ch == ';' || ch == '{') {
if (i == static_cast<int>(output_.size()) - 1) {
} else {
size_t j = output_.find_first_not_of(utils::kWhitespaceNoNewlineChars, i + 1);
// Unless the next thing is a comment.
if (j != std::string::npos && !utils::LineFromOffsetIsRegularComment(output_, j)) {
// Make the next thing a newline.
if (utils::IsWhitespaceNoNewline(output_[i + 1])) {
output_[i + 1] = '\n';
} else if (output_[i + 1] != '\n') {
output_.insert(i + 1, "\n");
// Insert lines before top level decls.
if (is_top_level) {
// Right before the last word in this string, we need a blank line,
// followed by some (possibly zero) number of comment lines. So we
// break the string into lines, and then work backwards.
std::stringstream ss(output_);
std::string tmp;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
while (std::getline(ss, tmp, '\n')) {
std::string terminal = lines.back();
if (lines.size() == 1) {
} else {
// From the end of the list of lines, find the first line
// that isn't a comment, and insert a blank line (if it
// isn't already blank).
int i = static_cast<int>(lines.size()) - 1;
while (i >= 0 && utils::FirstLineIsRegularComment(lines[i])) {
if (!utils::FirstLineIsBlank(lines[i])) {
lines.insert(lines.begin() + i + 1, "");
output_ = "";
for (auto line : lines) {
output_ += line + "\n";
output_ += terminal;
int FormattingTreeVisitor::Segment::EraseMultipleSpacesAt(int pos, int leave_this_many,
bool incl_newline) {
std::function<bool(char)> is_ws;
if (incl_newline) {
is_ws = [](char ch) { return utils::IsWhitespace(ch); };
} else {
is_ws = [](char ch) { return utils::IsWhitespaceNoNewline(ch); };
if (!is_ws(output_[pos])) {
return 0;
int length_of_spaces = 0;
int start_pos = pos;
int end_pos = pos;
while (start_pos > 0 && is_ws(output_[start_pos - 1])) {
// int_size - 2 can be negative, and output_.size() is unsigned,
// cast to make the comparison work.
int int_size = static_cast<int>(output_.size());
while (end_pos <= int_size - 2 && is_ws(output_[end_pos + 1])) {
length_of_spaces = end_pos - start_pos + 1;
int num_deleted_spaces = std::max(length_of_spaces - leave_this_many, 0);
output_.erase(start_pos, num_deleted_spaces);
return num_deleted_spaces;
// Assumption: Trailing WS has been stripped, spaces have been changed to ' '
// Rules:
// - No non-' ' or '\n' whitespace
// - One ws token before / after every ws-requiring character
// - No non-newline ws before / after characters that don't want it.
// - "->" operators are never at the end of the line.
void FormattingTreeVisitor::Segment::RegularizeSpaces(bool& ws_required_next) {
bool last_char_required_ws = false;
// Check if this is still true from the last node.
if (ws_required_next) {
output_.insert(0, " ");
ws_required_next = false;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(output_.size()); i++) {
// If it is a comment, jump to EOL.
MaybeWindPastComment(output_, i);
// If we see "->\n", change it to "\n->".
const char arrow_nl[] = "->\n";
if (, strlen(arrow_nl), arrow_nl) == 0) {
output_.replace(i, strlen(arrow_nl), "\n->");
i -= EraseMultipleSpacesAt(i - 1, 0);
// Erase multiple spaces
// Ensure whitespace around certain characters
if (RequiresWSBeforeChar(output_[i])) {
if (i == 0 || !utils::IsWhitespace(output_[i - 1])) {
output_.insert(i, " ");
// This is a little weird. '(' requires ws if it follows an
// arrow, but not if it follows a method name. Both of these
// are in protocol method definitions, so this ends up being
// slightly easier than having it positionally defined during
// AST traversal.
if (output_[i] == '(') {
if (!last_char_required_ws && i > 0) {
i -= EraseMultipleSpacesAt(i - 1, 0);
// Ensure no whitespace around other characters
if (NoSpacesBeforeChar(output_[i])) {
if (i > 0) {
i -= EraseMultipleSpacesAt(i - 1, 0, NoWSBeforeChar(output_[i]));
// We don't want whitespace after these characters... unless there is a
// comment after the WS.
int j;
for (j = i + 1;
j < static_cast<int>(output_.size()) && utils::IsWhitespaceNoNewline(output_[j]); j++)
if (NoWSAfterChar(output_[i]) && !utils::LineFromOffsetIsRegularComment(output_, j)) {
EraseMultipleSpacesAt(i + 1, 0);
// The following clause is figuring out whether the next
// iteration requires ws, so we need to keep it past anything
// that uses that information in the loop.
if (RequiresWSAfterChar(output_[i])) {
if (i != static_cast<int>(output_.size()) - 1 && !utils::IsWhitespace(output_[i + 1])) {
output_.insert(i + 1, " ");
last_char_required_ws = true;
} else {
if (!utils::IsWhitespace(output_[i])) {
last_char_required_ws = false;
ws_required_next = last_char_required_ws;
// Rules are mostly obvious, but see TrackMethodProtocolAlignment below.
// Precondition: By now, everything should have had its leading ws
// stripped, and } characters are the first things on their own lines.
void FormattingTreeVisitor::Segment::Indent(int& current_nesting) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(output_.size()); i++) {
if (output_[i] == '\n') {
// Don't indent a blank line.
if (output_[i + 1] == '\n') {
// If this is an outdent line, do that.
if (output_[i + 1] == '}') {
int indent = current_nesting * kIndentSpaces;
if (visitor_->newline_means_indent_more_) {
if (visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_ &&
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_ > -1) {
indent = visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_;
} else {
indent += kIndentSpaces;
output_.insert(i + 1, indent, ' ');
int pos = i;
// Skip comments at this point, because we don't want to
// increase nesting based on a '{' character in a comment. :)
MaybeWindPastComment(output_, pos);
// 1 less than pos because i will be incremented on the next
// iteration. But that means it is a real character, so we need
// to skip testing that character to see if it changes the
// nesting level.
if (pos != i) {
i = pos - 1;
if (output_[i] == '{') {
if (output_[i] == ')') {
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_ = visitor_->offset_of_first_id_;
if (output_[i] == ']') {
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_ = visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_backup;
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_backup = -1;
if (output_[i] == ';') {
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_size_ = -1;
visitor_->protocol_method_alignment_ = false;
visitor_->newline_means_indent_more_ = false;
// The purpose of this method is to figure out what the indentation will be if
// we encounter a newline. The rule is :
// - If there isn't a parameter on the same line after the '(' character, +1
// indent past the beginning of the method name.
// - If there is a parameter on the same line after the '(' character,
// align at the same vertical column as that parameter.
// - If there is a parameter attribute, +1 indent past the beginning of '['
void FormattingTreeVisitor::TrackProtocolMethodAlignment(const std::string& str) {
static std::locale c_locale("C");
if (protocol_method_alignment_) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(str.size()); i++) {
MaybeWindPastComment(str, i);
char ch = str[i];
if (ch == '\n') {
distance_from_last_newline_ = 0;
} else {
// This figures out if we are supposed to align to the '(' or the
// method name.
if (ch == '(') {
bool align_on_oparen = false;
for (int j = i + 1; j < static_cast<int>(str.size()); j++) {
MaybeWindPastComment(str, j);
if (str[j] == '\n')
if (!utils::IsWhitespaceNoNewline(str[j]))
align_on_oparen = true;
if (align_on_oparen) {
protocol_method_alignment_size_ = distance_from_last_newline_;
// Alignment for attributes.
if (ch == '[') {
protocol_method_alignment_size_backup = protocol_method_alignment_size_;
protocol_method_alignment_size_ = distance_from_last_newline_;
if (isalpha(ch, c_locale) && protocol_method_alignment_size_ == -1) {
// This should be the method identifier.
offset_of_first_id_ = protocol_method_alignment_size_ =
distance_from_last_newline_ + kIndentSpaces - 1;
void FormattingTreeVisitor::OnFile(std::unique_ptr<fidl::raw::File> const& element) {
// Eat ws at the beginning of the file.
fidl::Token real_start = element->start_;
std::string_view start_view = real_start.previous_end().data();
const char* start_ptr =;
size_t initial_length = start_view.size();
size_t offset = strspn(start_ptr, utils::kWhitespaceChars);
std::string_view processed_file_start(start_ptr + offset, initial_length - offset);
fidl::SourceSpan(processed_file_start, real_start.previous_end().source_file()));
// Remove EOF whitespace
size_t final_size = formatted_output_.size();
size_t last_char_index = final_size - 1;
if ( != '\n' ||
strchr(utils::kWhitespaceChars, - 1)) != nullptr) {
while (strchr(utils::kWhitespaceChars, != nullptr) {
formatted_output_ = formatted_output_.substr(0, last_char_index + 1);
} // namespace raw
} // namespace fidl