blob: 25e6b25d73b41d4b962f57ed44614acdd828dc14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestSplitVersion(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
arg string
expectedVersion string
expectedPath string
name: "arg with key",
arg: "llvm_profdata=key",
expectedVersion: "key",
expectedPath: "llvm_profdata",
}, {
name: "arg without key",
arg: "llvm_profdata",
expectedVersion: "",
expectedPath: "llvm_profdata",
} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
version, path := splitVersion(tc.arg)
if version != tc.expectedVersion {
t.Errorf("got version %s, want %s", version, tc.expectedVersion)
if path != tc.expectedPath {
t.Errorf("got path %s, want %s", path, tc.expectedPath)
func TestReadSummary(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
var summaryFiles []string
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
summaryBytes, err := json.Marshal(runtests.TestSummary{
Tests: []runtests.TestDetails{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("foo%d", i),
Result: runtests.TestSuccess,
DataSinks: runtests.DataSinkMap{"llvm-profile": []runtests.DataSink{{Name: fmt.Sprintf("profile%d", i), File: fmt.Sprintf("llvm-profile/profile%d", i)}}},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to marshal summary: %s", err)
summaryFile := filepath.Join(tempDir, fmt.Sprintf("summary%d.json", i))
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(summaryFile, summaryBytes, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to write summary file: %s", err)
if i > 0 {
summaryFile += "=version"
summaryFiles = append(summaryFiles, summaryFile)
expected := map[string]runtests.DataSinkMap{
"": {"llvm-profile": []runtests.DataSink{
{Name: "profile0", File: filepath.Join(tempDir, "llvm-profile/profile0")},
"version": {"llvm-profile": []runtests.DataSink{
{Name: "profile1", File: filepath.Join(tempDir, "llvm-profile/profile1")},
{Name: "profile2", File: filepath.Join(tempDir, "llvm-profile/profile2")},
actual, err := readSummary(summaryFiles)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("failed to read summaries: %s", err)
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Unexpected sinks (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
const validModule = "1696251c"
// getLLVMProfdata returns the path to a mock tool which prints the provided output.
func getLLVMProfdata(t *testing.T, filepath string, output string, wantErr bool) string {
if wantErr {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte("#!/bin/bash\nexit 1"), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to write mock llvm-profdata tool: %s", err)
} else {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("#!/bin/bash\necho \"%s\"", output)), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to write mock llvm-profdata tool: %s", err)
return filepath
type mockVersionFetcher struct {
// getVersion returns the number at the end of the file name as the version.
func (m *mockVersionFetcher) getVersion(file string) (uint64, error) {
return strconv.ParseUint(string(file[len(file)-1]), 10, 64)
func TestMergeEntries(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
tempDir := t.TempDir()
malformedProfdata := getLLVMProfdata(t, filepath.Join(tempDir, "malformed"), "", true)
validProfdata := getLLVMProfdata(t, filepath.Join(tempDir, "valid"), fmt.Sprintf("Binary IDs:\n%s\n", validModule), false)
missingProfdata := getLLVMProfdata(t, filepath.Join(tempDir, "missing"), "Binary IDs:\n", false)
cases := []struct {
name string
partitions map[string]*partition
sinks map[string][]runtests.DataSink
expectedEntries []profileEntry
expectedSinks map[string][]string
wantErr bool
name: "valid",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: validProfdata}, "version1": {tool: malformedProfdata}, "version2": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"version2": {{File: "sink1"}, {File: "sink2"}}, "": {{File: "sink0"}}},
expectedEntries: []profileEntry{
{Profile: "sink1", Module: validModule},
{Profile: "sink2", Module: validModule},
{Profile: "sink0", Module: validModule},
expectedSinks: map[string][]string{"": {"sink0"}, "version2": {"sink1", "sink2"}},
name: "fail if missing llvm-profdata version",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: validProfdata}, "version1": {tool: malformedProfdata}, "version2": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"version2": {{File: "sink1"}, {File: "sink2"}}, "version3": {{File: "sink0"}}},
wantErr: true,
name: "missing buildid returns error",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: validProfdata}, "version1": {tool: missingProfdata}, "version2": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"version1": {{File: "sink1"}}},
wantErr: true,
name: "malformed profile is skipped",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: malformedProfdata}, "version1": {tool: missingProfdata}, "version2": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"": {{File: "sink1"}}, "version2": {{File: "sink2"}}},
expectedEntries: []profileEntry{{Profile: "sink2", Module: validModule}},
expectedSinks: map[string][]string{"version2": {"sink2"}},
name: "use version fetcher if not specifying summary version",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: validProfdata}, "5": {tool: malformedProfdata}, "7": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"": {{File: "sink1"}, {File: "sink5"}, {File: "sink7"}}},
expectedEntries: []profileEntry{{Profile: "sink1", Module: validModule}, {Profile: "sink7", Module: validModule}},
expectedSinks: map[string][]string{"": {"sink1"}, "7": {"sink7"}},
name: "use default partition with version fetcher",
partitions: map[string]*partition{"": {tool: validProfdata}, "5": {tool: malformedProfdata}, "7": {tool: validProfdata}},
sinks: map[string][]runtests.DataSink{"": {{File: "sink1"}, {File: "sink2"}, {File: "sink7"}}},
expectedEntries: []profileEntry{
{Profile: "sink1", Module: validModule},
{Profile: "sink2", Module: validModule},
{Profile: "sink7", Module: validModule},
expectedSinks: map[string][]string{"": {"sink1", "sink2"}, "7": {"sink7"}},
for _, tc := range cases {
tc := tc
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
versionedSummaries := make(map[string]runtests.DataSinkMap)
for version, sinks := range tc.sinks {
versionedSummaries[version] = runtests.DataSinkMap{llvmProfileSinkType: sinks}
entries, err := mergeEntries(ctx, &mockVersionFetcher{}, versionedSummaries, tc.partitions)
if tc.wantErr != (err != nil) {
t.Errorf("got err: %s, want err: %v", err, tc.wantErr)
sortSlicesOpt := cmpopts.SortSlices(func(a, b profileEntry) bool { return a.Profile < b.Profile })
if diff := cmp.Diff(entries, tc.expectedEntries, sortSlicesOpt); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("unexpected entries: (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
if !tc.wantErr {
sortSlicesOpt = cmpopts.SortSlices(func(a, b string) bool { return a < b })
for version, partition := range tc.partitions {
if diff := cmp.Diff(partition.profiles, tc.expectedSinks[version], sortSlicesOpt); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("unexpected profiles for version %q: (-got +want):\n%s", version, diff)