blob: 905200f0cc096a38ea743885c557c2b3b4066c9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fs/block-txn.h>
#include <fs/trace.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <minfs/fsck.h>
#include <minfs/minfs.h>
#include <utility>
#include "minfs-private.h"
namespace minfs {
namespace {
// Deletes all known slices from an MinFS Partition.
void minfs_free_slices(Bcache* bc, const Superblock* info) {
if ((info->flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) == 0) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
extend_request_t request;
const size_t kBlocksPerSlice = info->slice_size / kMinfsBlockSize;
if (info->ibm_slices) {
request.length = info->ibm_slices;
request.offset = kFVMBlockInodeBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if (info->abm_slices) {
request.length = info->abm_slices;
request.offset = kFVMBlockDataBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if (info->ino_slices) {
request.length = info->ino_slices;
request.offset = kFVMBlockInodeStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if (info->dat_slices) {
request.length = info->dat_slices;
request.offset = kFVMBlockDataStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
} // namespace
void DumpInfo(const Superblock* info) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: data blocks: %10u (size %u)\n", info->block_count, info->block_size);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: inodes: %10u (size %u)\n", info->inode_count, info->inode_size);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: allocated blocks @ %10u\n", info->alloc_block_count);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: allocated inodes @ %10u\n", info->alloc_inode_count);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: inode bitmap @ %10u\n", info->ibm_block);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: alloc bitmap @ %10u\n", info->abm_block);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: inode table @ %10u\n", info->ino_block);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: data blocks @ %10u\n", info->dat_block);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("minfs: FVM-aware: %s\n", (info->flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) ? "YES" : "NO");
void DumpInode(const Inode* inode, ino_t ino) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("inode[%u]: magic: %10u\n", ino, inode->magic);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("inode[%u]: size: %10u\n", ino, inode->size);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("inode[%u]: blocks: %10u\n", ino, inode->block_count);
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("inode[%u]: links: %10u\n", ino, inode->link_count);
zx_status_t CheckSuperblock(const Superblock* info, Bcache* bc) {
uint32_t max = bc->Maxblk();
if ((info->magic0 != kMinfsMagic0) || (info->magic1 != kMinfsMagic1)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: bad magic\n");
if (info->version != kMinfsVersion) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: FS Version: %08x. Driver version: %08x\n", info->version,
if ((info->block_size != kMinfsBlockSize) || (info->inode_size != kMinfsInodeSize)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: bsz/isz %u/%u unsupported\n", info->block_size, info->inode_size);
TransactionLimits limits(*info);
if ((info->flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) == 0) {
if (info->dat_block + info->block_count > max) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: too large for device\n");
if (info->dat_block - info->journal_start_block < limits.GetMinimumJournalBlocks()) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: journal too small\n");
} else {
const size_t kBlocksPerSlice = info->slice_size / kMinfsBlockSize;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo fvm_info;
if (bc->FVMQuery(&fvm_info) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Unable to query FVM\n");
if (info->slice_size != fvm_info.slice_size) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Slice size did not match expected\n");
size_t expected_count[4];
expected_count[0] = info->ibm_slices;
expected_count[1] = info->abm_slices;
expected_count[2] = info->ino_slices;
expected_count[3] = info->dat_slices;
query_request_t request;
request.count = 4;
request.vslice_start[0] = kFVMBlockInodeBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
request.vslice_start[1] = kFVMBlockDataBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
request.vslice_start[2] = kFVMBlockInodeStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
request.vslice_start[3] = kFVMBlockDataStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
size_t ranges_count;
if (bc->FVMVsliceQuery(&request, ranges, &ranges_count) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Unable to query FVM\n");
if (ranges_count != request.count) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Unable to query FVM\n");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < request.count; i++) {
size_t minfs_count = expected_count[i];
size_t fvm_count = ranges[i].count;
if (!ranges[i].allocated || fvm_count < minfs_count) {
// Currently, since Minfs can only grow new slices, it should not be possible for
// the FVM to report a slice size smaller than what is reported by Minfs. In this
// case, automatically fail without trying to resolve the situation, as it is
// possible that Minfs structures are allocated in the slices that have been lost.
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Mismatched slice count\n");
if (fvm_count > minfs_count) {
// If FVM reports more slices than we expect, try to free remainder.
extend_request_t shrink;
shrink.length = fvm_count - minfs_count;
shrink.offset = request.vslice_start[i] + minfs_count;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = bc->FVMShrink(&shrink)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Unable to shrink to expected size, status: %d\n",
// Verify that the allocated slices are sufficient to hold
// the allocated data structures of the filesystem.
size_t ibm_blocks_needed = (info->inode_count + kMinfsBlockBits - 1) / kMinfsBlockBits;
size_t ibm_blocks_allocated = info->ibm_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
if (ibm_blocks_needed > ibm_blocks_allocated) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough slices for inode bitmap\n");
} else if (ibm_blocks_allocated + info->ibm_block >= info->abm_block) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Inode bitmap collides into block bitmap\n");
size_t abm_blocks_needed = (info->block_count + kMinfsBlockBits - 1) / kMinfsBlockBits;
size_t abm_blocks_allocated = info->abm_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
if (abm_blocks_needed > abm_blocks_allocated) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough slices for block bitmap\n");
} else if (abm_blocks_allocated + info->abm_block >= info->ino_block) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Block bitmap collides with inode table\n");
size_t ino_blocks_needed =
(info->inode_count + kMinfsInodesPerBlock - 1) / kMinfsInodesPerBlock;
size_t ino_blocks_allocated = info->ino_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
if (ino_blocks_needed > ino_blocks_allocated) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough slices for inode table\n");
} else if (ino_blocks_allocated + info->ino_block >= info->journal_start_block) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Inode table collides with data blocks\n");
size_t journal_blocks_needed = limits.GetMinimumJournalBlocks();
size_t journal_blocks_allocated = info->journal_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
if (journal_blocks_needed > journal_blocks_allocated) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough slices for journal\n");
if (journal_blocks_allocated + info->journal_start_block > info->dat_block) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Journal collides with data blocks\n");
size_t dat_blocks_needed = info->block_count;
size_t dat_blocks_allocated = info->dat_slices * kBlocksPerSlice;
if (dat_blocks_needed > dat_blocks_allocated) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough slices for data blocks\n");
} else if (dat_blocks_allocated + info->dat_block > std::numeric_limits<blk_t>::max()) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Data blocks overflow blk_t\n");
} else if (dat_blocks_needed <= 1) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: Not enough data blocks\n");
// TODO: validate layout
return 0;
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
BlockOffsets::BlockOffsets(const Bcache& bc, const SuperblockManager& sb) {
if (bc.extent_lengths_.size() > 0) {
ZX_ASSERT(bc.extent_lengths_.size() == kExtentCount);
ibm_block_count_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[1] / kMinfsBlockSize);
abm_block_count_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[2] / kMinfsBlockSize);
ino_block_count_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[3] / kMinfsBlockSize);
journal_block_count_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[4] / kMinfsBlockSize);
dat_block_count_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[5] / kMinfsBlockSize);
ibm_start_block_ = static_cast<blk_t>(bc.extent_lengths_[0] / kMinfsBlockSize);
abm_start_block_ = ibm_start_block_ + ibm_block_count_;
ino_start_block_ = abm_start_block_ + abm_block_count_;
journal_start_block_ = ino_start_block_ + ino_block_count_;
dat_start_block_ = journal_start_block_ + journal_block_count_;
} else {
ibm_start_block_ = sb.Info().ibm_block;
abm_start_block_ = sb.Info().abm_block;
ino_start_block_ = sb.Info().ino_block;
journal_start_block_ = sb.Info().journal_start_block;
dat_start_block_ = sb.Info().dat_block;
ibm_block_count_ = abm_start_block_ - ibm_start_block_;
abm_block_count_ = ino_start_block_ - abm_start_block_;
ino_block_count_ = dat_start_block_ - ino_start_block_;
journal_block_count_ = dat_start_block_ - journal_start_block_;
dat_block_count_ = sb.Info().block_count;
zx_status_t Minfs::BeginTransaction(size_t reserve_inodes, size_t reserve_blocks,
fbl::unique_ptr<Transaction>* out) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reserve_inodes <= TransactionLimits::kMaxInodeBitmapBlocks);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
if (writeback_ == nullptr) {
// TODO(planders): Once we are splitting up write transactions, assert this on host as well.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(reserve_blocks <= limits_.GetMaximumDataBlocks());
// Reserve blocks from allocators before returning WritebackWork to client.
return Transaction::Create(this, reserve_inodes, reserve_blocks, inodes_.get(),
block_allocator_.get(), out);
zx_status_t Minfs::EnqueueWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
return writeback_->Enqueue(std::move(work));
return work->Complete();
zx_status_t Minfs::CommitTransaction(fbl::unique_ptr<Transaction> transaction) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(writeback_ != nullptr);
// TODO(planders): Move this check to Journal enqueue.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(transaction->GetWork()->BlockCount() <= limits_.GetMaximumEntryDataBlocks());
return EnqueueWork(transaction->RemoveWork());
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
void Minfs::Sync(SyncCallback closure) {
fbl::unique_ptr<Transaction> transaction;
zx_status_t status = BeginTransaction(0, 0, &transaction);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// This may return an error, but it doesn't matter - the closure will be called anyway.
status = CommitTransaction(std::move(transaction));
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
Minfs::Minfs(fbl::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, fbl::unique_ptr<SuperblockManager> sb,
fbl::unique_ptr<Allocator> block_allocator, fbl::unique_ptr<InodeManager> inodes,
uint64_t fs_id)
: bc_(std::move(bc)), sb_(std::move(sb)), block_allocator_(std::move(block_allocator)),
inodes_(std::move(inodes)), fs_id_(fs_id), limits_(sb_->Info()) {}
Minfs::Minfs(fbl::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, fbl::unique_ptr<SuperblockManager> sb,
fbl::unique_ptr<Allocator> block_allocator, fbl::unique_ptr<InodeManager> inodes,
BlockOffsets offsets)
: bc_(std::move(bc)), sb_(std::move(sb)), block_allocator_(std::move(block_allocator)),
inodes_(std::move(inodes)), offsets_(std::move(offsets)), limits_(sb_->Info()) {}
Minfs::~Minfs() {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t Minfs::FVMQuery(fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo* info) const {
if (!(Info().flags & kMinfsFlagFVM)) {
return bc_->FVMQuery(info);
zx_status_t Minfs::InoFree(Transaction* transaction, VnodeMinfs* vn) {
TRACE_DURATION("minfs", "Minfs::InoFree", "ino", vn->ino_);
inodes_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), vn->ino_);
uint32_t block_count = vn->inode_.block_count;
// release all direct blocks
for (unsigned n = 0; n < kMinfsDirect; n++) {
if (vn->inode_.dnum[n] == 0) {
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), vn->inode_.dnum[n]);
// release all indirect blocks
for (unsigned n = 0; n < kMinfsIndirect; n++) {
if (vn->inode_.inum[n] == 0) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = vn->InitIndirectVmo()) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
uint32_t* entry;
vn->ReadIndirectVmoBlock(n, &entry);
uint32_t entry[kMinfsBlockSize];
vn->ReadIndirectBlock(vn->inode_.inum[n], entry);
// release the direct blocks pointed at by the entries in the indirect block
for (unsigned m = 0; m < kMinfsDirectPerIndirect; m++) {
if (entry[m] == 0) {
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), entry[m]);
// release the direct block itself
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), vn->inode_.inum[n]);
// release doubly indirect blocks
for (unsigned n = 0; n < kMinfsDoublyIndirect; n++) {
if (vn->inode_.dinum[n] == 0) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = vn->InitIndirectVmo()) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
uint32_t* dentry;
vn->ReadIndirectVmoBlock(GetVmoOffsetForDoublyIndirect(n), &dentry);
uint32_t dentry[kMinfsBlockSize];
vn->ReadIndirectBlock(vn->inode_.dinum[n], dentry);
// release indirect blocks
for (unsigned m = 0; m < kMinfsDirectPerIndirect; m++) {
if (dentry[m] == 0) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
if ((status = vn->LoadIndirectWithinDoublyIndirect(n)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
uint32_t* entry;
vn->ReadIndirectVmoBlock(GetVmoOffsetForIndirect(n) + m, &entry);
uint32_t entry[kMinfsBlockSize];
vn->ReadIndirectBlock(dentry[m], entry);
// release direct blocks
for (unsigned k = 0; k < kMinfsDirectPerIndirect; k++) {
if (entry[k] == 0) {
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), entry[k]);
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), dentry[m]);
// release the doubly indirect block itself
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), vn->inode_.dinum[n]);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(block_count == 0);
return ZX_OK;
void Minfs::AddUnlinked(Transaction* transaction, VnodeMinfs* vn) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vn->inode_.link_count == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vn->fd_count_ > 0);
Superblock* info = sb_->MutableInfo();
if (info->unlinked_tail == 0) {
// If no other vnodes are unlinked, |vn| is now both the head and the tail.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(info->unlinked_head == 0);
info->unlinked_head = vn->ino_;
info->unlinked_tail = vn->ino_;
} else {
// Since all vnodes in the unlinked list are necessarily open, the last vnode
// must currently exist in the vnode lookup.
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> last_vn = VnodeLookupInternal(info->unlinked_tail);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_vn != nullptr);
// Add |vn| to the end of the unlinked list.
last_vn->inode_.next_inode = vn->ino_;
vn->inode_.last_inode = last_vn->ino_;
info->unlinked_tail = vn->ino_;
last_vn->InodeSync(transaction->GetWork(), kMxFsSyncDefault);
vn->InodeSync(transaction->GetWork(), kMxFsSyncDefault);
void Minfs::RemoveUnlinked(Transaction* transaction, VnodeMinfs* vn) {
if (vn->inode_.last_inode == 0) {
// If |vn| is the first unlinked inode, we just need to update the list head
// to the next inode (which may not exist).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(Info().unlinked_head == vn->ino_,
"Vnode %u has no previous link, but is not listed as unlinked list head", vn->ino_);
sb_->MutableInfo()->unlinked_head = vn->inode_.next_inode;
} else {
// Set the previous vnode's next to |vn|'s next.
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> last_vn = VnodeLookupInternal(vn->inode_.last_inode);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(last_vn != nullptr);
last_vn->inode_.next_inode = vn->inode_.next_inode;
last_vn->InodeSync(transaction->GetWork(), kMxFsSyncDefault);
if (vn->inode_.next_inode == 0) {
// If |vn| is the last unlinked inode, we just need to update the list tail
// to the previous inode (which may not exist).
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(Info().unlinked_tail == vn->ino_,
"Vnode %u has no next link, but is not listed as unlinked list tail", vn->ino_);
sb_->MutableInfo()->unlinked_tail = vn->inode_.last_inode;
} else {
// Set the next vnode's previous to |vn|'s previous.
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> next_vn = VnodeLookupInternal(vn->inode_.next_inode);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_vn != nullptr);
next_vn->inode_.last_inode = vn->inode_.last_inode;
next_vn->InodeSync(transaction->GetWork(), kMxFsSyncDefault);
zx_status_t Minfs::PurgeUnlinked() {
ino_t last_ino = 0;
ino_t next_ino = Info().unlinked_head;
ino_t unlinked_count = 0;
// Loop through the unlinked list and free all allocated resources.
while (next_ino != 0) {
zx_status_t status;
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn;
fbl::unique_ptr<Transaction> transaction;
if ((status = BeginTransaction(0, 0, &transaction)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if ((status = VnodeMinfs::Recreate(this, next_ino, &vn)) != ZX_OK) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vn->GetInode()->last_inode == last_ino);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vn->GetInode()->link_count == 0);
if ((status = InoFree(transaction.get(), vn.get())) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
last_ino = next_ino;
next_ino = vn->GetInode()->next_inode;
sb_->MutableInfo()->unlinked_head = next_ino;
if (next_ino == 0) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Info().unlinked_tail == last_ino);
sb_->MutableInfo()->unlinked_tail = 0;
status = CommitTransaction(std::move(transaction));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Info().unlinked_head == 0);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(Info().unlinked_tail == 0);
if (unlinked_count > 0) {
FS_TRACE_WARN("minfs: Found and purged %u unlinked vnode(s) on mount\n", unlinked_count);
return ZX_OK;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t Minfs::CreateFsId(uint64_t* out) {
zx::event event;
zx_status_t status = zx::event::create(0, &event);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
zx_info_handle_basic_t info;
status = event.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out = info.koid;
return ZX_OK;
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> Minfs::VnodeLookupInternal(uint32_t ino) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn;
// Avoid releasing a reference to |vn| while holding |hash_lock_|.
fbl::AutoLock lock(&hash_lock_);
auto rawVn = vnode_hash_.find(ino);
if (!rawVn.IsValid()) {
// Nothing exists in the lookup table
return nullptr;
vn = fbl::MakeRefPtrUpgradeFromRaw(rawVn.CopyPointer(), hash_lock_);
if (vn == nullptr) {
// The vn 'exists' in the map, but it is being deleted.
// Remove it (by key) so the next person doesn't trip on it,
// and so we can insert another node with the same key into the hash
// map.
// Notably, VnodeRelease erases the vnode by object, not key,
// so it will not attempt to replace any distinct Vnodes that happen
// to be re-using the same inode.
return vn;
return fbl::WrapRefPtr(vnode_hash_.find(ino).CopyPointer());
void Minfs::InoNew(Transaction* transaction, const Inode* inode, ino_t* out_ino) {
size_t allocated_ino = transaction->AllocateInode();
*out_ino = static_cast<ino_t>(allocated_ino);
// Write the inode back to storage.
InodeUpdate(transaction->GetWork(), *out_ino, inode);
zx_status_t Minfs::VnodeNew(Transaction* transaction, fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs>* out, uint32_t type) {
TRACE_DURATION("minfs", "Minfs::VnodeNew");
if ((type != kMinfsTypeFile) && (type != kMinfsTypeDir)) {
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn;
// Allocate the in-memory vnode
VnodeMinfs::Allocate(this, type, &vn);
// Allocate the on-disk inode
ino_t ino;
InoNew(transaction, vn->GetInode(), &ino);
*out = std::move(vn);
return ZX_OK;
void Minfs::VnodeInsert(VnodeMinfs* vn) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fbl::AutoLock lock(&hash_lock_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(!vnode_hash_.find(vn->GetKey()).IsValid(), "ino %u already in map\n",
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> Minfs::VnodeLookup(uint32_t ino) {
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn = VnodeLookupInternal(ino);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
if (vn != nullptr && vn->IsUnlinked()) {
vn = nullptr;
return vn;
void Minfs::VnodeRelease(VnodeMinfs* vn) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fbl::AutoLock lock(&hash_lock_);
zx_status_t Minfs::VnodeGet(fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs>* out, ino_t ino) {
TRACE_DURATION("minfs", "Minfs::VnodeGet", "ino", ino);
if ((ino < 1) || (ino >= Info().inode_count)) {
fs::Ticker ticker(StartTicker());
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn = VnodeLookup(ino);
if (vn != nullptr) {
*out = std::move(vn);
UpdateOpenMetrics(/* cache_hit= */ true, ticker.End());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = VnodeMinfs::Recreate(this, ino, &vn)) != ZX_OK) {
if (vn->IsUnlinked()) {
// If a vnode we have recreated from disk is unlinked, something has gone wrong during the
// unlink process and our filesystem is now in an inconsistent state. In order to avoid
// further inconsistencies, prohibit access to this vnode.
FS_TRACE_WARN("minfs: Attempted to load unlinked vnode %u\n", ino);
*out = std::move(vn);
UpdateOpenMetrics(/* cache_hit= */ false, ticker.End());
return ZX_OK;
// Allocate a new data block from the block bitmap.
void Minfs::BlockNew(Transaction* transaction, blk_t* out_bno) {
size_t allocated_bno = transaction->AllocateBlock();
*out_bno = static_cast<blk_t>(allocated_bno);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
void Minfs::BlockSwap(Transaction* transaction, blk_t in_bno, blk_t* out_bno) {
if (in_bno > 0) {
size_t allocated_bno = transaction->SwapBlock(in_bno);
*out_bno = static_cast<blk_t>(allocated_bno);
void Minfs::BlockFree(Transaction* transaction, blk_t bno) {
block_allocator_->Free(transaction->GetWork(), bno);
void InitializeDirectory(void* bdata, ino_t ino_self, ino_t ino_parent) {
#define DE0_SIZE DirentSize(1)
// directory entry for self
Dirent* de = (Dirent*)bdata;
de->ino = ino_self;
de->reclen = DE0_SIZE;
de->namelen = 1;
de->type = kMinfsTypeDir;
de->name[0] = '.';
// directory entry for parent
de = (Dirent*)((uintptr_t)bdata + DE0_SIZE);
de->ino = ino_parent;
de->reclen = DirentSize(2) | kMinfsReclenLast;
de->namelen = 2;
de->type = kMinfsTypeDir;
de->name[0] = '.';
de->name[1] = '.';
zx_status_t Minfs::Create(fbl::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, const Superblock* info,
fbl::unique_ptr<Minfs>* out) {
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
if (bc->extent_lengths_.size() != 0 && bc->extent_lengths_.size() != kExtentCount) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: invalid number of extents\n");
fbl::unique_ptr<SuperblockManager> sb;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = SuperblockManager::Create(bc.get(), info, &sb)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Minfs::Create failed to initialize superblock: %d\n", status);
return status;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
const blk_t abm_start_block = sb->Info().abm_block;
const blk_t ibm_start_block = sb->Info().ibm_block;
const blk_t ino_start_block = sb->Info().ino_block;
BlockOffsets offsets(*bc, *sb);
const blk_t abm_start_block = offsets.AbmStartBlock();
const blk_t ibm_start_block = offsets.IbmStartBlock();
const blk_t ino_start_block = offsets.InoStartBlock();
fs::ReadTxn transaction(bc.get());
// Block Bitmap allocator initialization.
AllocatorFvmMetadata block_allocator_fvm = AllocatorFvmMetadata(
&sb->MutableInfo()->dat_slices, &sb->MutableInfo()->abm_slices, info->slice_size);
AllocatorMetadata block_allocator_meta =
AllocatorMetadata(info->dat_block, abm_start_block, (info->flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) != 0,
std::move(block_allocator_fvm), &sb->MutableInfo()->alloc_block_count,
fbl::unique_ptr<PersistentStorage> storage(
new PersistentStorage(bc.get(), sb.get(), kMinfsBlockSize, nullptr,
fbl::unique_ptr<Allocator> block_allocator;
if ((status = Allocator::Create(&transaction, std::move(storage), &block_allocator)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Minfs::Create failed to initialize block allocator: %d\n", status);
return status;
// Inode Bitmap allocator initialization.
AllocatorFvmMetadata inode_allocator_fvm = AllocatorFvmMetadata(
&sb->MutableInfo()->ino_slices, &sb->MutableInfo()->ibm_slices, info->slice_size);
AllocatorMetadata inode_allocator_meta =
AllocatorMetadata(ino_start_block, ibm_start_block, (info->flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) != 0,
std::move(inode_allocator_fvm), &sb->MutableInfo()->alloc_inode_count,
fbl::unique_ptr<InodeManager> inodes;
if ((status = InodeManager::Create(bc.get(), sb.get(), &transaction,
ino_start_block, info->inode_count, &inodes)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Minfs::Create failed to initialize inodes: %d\n", status);
return status;
if ((status = transaction.Transact()) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Minfs::Create failed to read initial blocks: %d\n", status);
return status;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
uint64_t id;
status = Minfs::CreateFsId(&id);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: failed to create fs_id:%d\n", status);
return status;
*out =
fbl::unique_ptr<Minfs>(new Minfs(std::move(bc), std::move(sb), std::move(block_allocator),
std::move(inodes), id));
*out =
fbl::unique_ptr<Minfs>(new Minfs(std::move(bc), std::move(sb), std::move(block_allocator),
std::move(inodes), std::move(offsets)));
return ZX_OK;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t Minfs::InitializeWriteback() {
// Use a heuristics-based approach based on physical RAM size to
// determine the size of the writeback buffer.
// Currently, we set the writeback buffer size to 2% of physical
// memory.
static const size_t kWriteBufferSize =
fbl::round_up((zx_system_get_physmem() * 2) / 100, kMinfsBlockSize);
static const blk_t kWriteBufferBlocks = static_cast<blk_t>(kWriteBufferSize / kMinfsBlockSize);
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = WritebackQueue::Create(bc_.get(), kWriteBufferBlocks, &writeback_)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if ((status = PurgeUnlinked()) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Mount(fbl::unique_ptr<minfs::Bcache> bc, const MountOptions& options,
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs>* root_out) {
TRACE_DURATION("minfs", "minfs_mount");
zx_status_t status;
char blk[kMinfsBlockSize];
if ((status = bc->Readblk(0, &blk)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: could not read info block\n");
return status;
const Superblock* info = reinterpret_cast<Superblock*>(blk);
fbl::unique_ptr<Minfs> fs;
if ((status = Minfs::Create(std::move(bc), info, &fs)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: mount failed\n");
return status;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
if (!options.readonly && (status = fs->InitializeWriteback()) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn;
if ((status = fs->VnodeGet(&vn, kMinfsRootIno)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs: cannot find root inode\n");
return status;
__UNUSED auto r = fs.release();
*root_out = std::move(vn);
return ZX_OK;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t MountAndServe(const MountOptions& options, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fbl::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc, zx::channel mount_channel,
fbl::Closure on_unmount) {
TRACE_DURATION("minfs", "MountAndServe");
fbl::RefPtr<VnodeMinfs> vn;
zx_status_t status = Mount(std::move(bc), options, &vn);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
Minfs* vfs = vn->fs_;
return vfs->ServeDirectory(std::move(vn), std::move(mount_channel));
void Minfs::Shutdown(fs::Vfs::ShutdownCallback cb) {
ManagedVfs::Shutdown([this, cb = std::move(cb)](zx_status_t status) mutable {
Sync([this, cb = std::move(cb)](zx_status_t) mutable {
async::PostTask(dispatcher(), [this, cb = std::move(cb)]() mutable {
// Ensure writeback buffer completes before auxilliary structures
// are deleted.
writeback_ = nullptr;
auto on_unmount = std::move(on_unmount_);
// Explicitly delete this (rather than just letting the memory release when
// the process exits) to ensure that the block device's fifo has been
// closed.
delete this;
// Identify to the unmounting channel that teardown is complete.
// Identify to the unmounting thread that teardown is complete.
if (on_unmount) {
zx_status_t Mkfs(const MountOptions& options, fbl::unique_ptr<Bcache> bc) {
Superblock info;
memset(&info, 0x00, sizeof(info));
info.magic0 = kMinfsMagic0;
info.magic1 = kMinfsMagic1;
info.version = kMinfsVersion;
info.flags = kMinfsFlagClean;
info.block_size = kMinfsBlockSize;
info.inode_size = kMinfsInodeSize;
uint32_t blocks = 0;
uint32_t inodes = 0;
zx_status_t status;
auto fvm_cleanup =
fbl::MakeAutoCall([bc = bc.get(), &info]() { minfs_free_slices(bc, &info); });
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo fvm_info;
if (bc->FVMQuery(&fvm_info) == ZX_OK) {
info.slice_size = fvm_info.slice_size;
info.flags |= kMinfsFlagFVM;
if (info.slice_size % kMinfsBlockSize) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Slice size not multiple of minfs block\n");
return -1;
const size_t kBlocksPerSlice = info.slice_size / kMinfsBlockSize;
extend_request_t request;
request.length = 1;
request.offset = kFVMBlockInodeBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if ((status = bc->FVMReset()) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to reset FVM slices: %d\n", status);
return status;
if ((status = bc->FVMExtend(&request)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to allocate inode bitmap: %d\n", status);
return status;
info.ibm_slices = 1;
request.offset = kFVMBlockDataBmStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if ((status = bc->FVMExtend(&request)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to allocate data bitmap: %d\n", status);
return status;
info.abm_slices = 1;
request.offset = kFVMBlockInodeStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if ((status = bc->FVMExtend(&request)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to allocate inode table: %d\n", status);
return status;
info.ino_slices = 1;
TransactionLimits limits(info);
blk_t journal_blocks = limits.GetRecommendedJournalBlocks();
request.length = fbl::round_up(journal_blocks, kBlocksPerSlice) / kBlocksPerSlice;
request.offset = kFVMBlockJournalStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if ((status = bc->FVMExtend(&request)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to allocate journal blocks\n");
return status;
info.journal_slices = static_cast<blk_t>(request.length);
ZX_ASSERT(options.fvm_data_slices > 0);
request.length = options.fvm_data_slices;
request.offset = kFVMBlockDataStart / kBlocksPerSlice;
if ((status = bc->FVMExtend(&request)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("minfs mkfs: Failed to allocate data blocks\n");
return status;
info.dat_slices = options.fvm_data_slices;
inodes = static_cast<uint32_t>(info.ino_slices * info.slice_size / kMinfsInodeSize);
blocks = static_cast<uint32_t>(info.dat_slices * info.slice_size / kMinfsBlockSize);
if ((info.flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) == 0) {
inodes = kMinfsDefaultInodeCount;
blocks = bc->Maxblk();
// determine how many blocks of inodes, allocation bitmaps,
// and inode bitmaps there are
uint32_t inoblks = (inodes + kMinfsInodesPerBlock - 1) / kMinfsInodesPerBlock;
uint32_t ibmblks = (inodes + kMinfsBlockBits - 1) / kMinfsBlockBits;
uint32_t abmblks = 0;
info.inode_count = inodes;
info.alloc_block_count = 0;
info.alloc_inode_count = 0;
if ((info.flags & kMinfsFlagFVM) == 0) {
blk_t non_dat_blocks;
blk_t journal_blocks = 0;
info.ibm_block = 8;
info.abm_block = info.ibm_block + fbl::round_up(ibmblks, 8u);
for (uint32_t alloc_bitmap_rounded = 8; alloc_bitmap_rounded < blocks;
alloc_bitmap_rounded += 8) {
// Increment bitmap blocks by 8, since we will always round this value up to 8.
ZX_ASSERT(alloc_bitmap_rounded % 8 == 0);
info.ino_block = info.abm_block + alloc_bitmap_rounded;
// Calculate the journal size based on other metadata structures.
TransactionLimits limits(info);
journal_blocks = limits.GetRecommendedJournalBlocks();
non_dat_blocks = 8 + fbl::round_up(ibmblks, 8u) + alloc_bitmap_rounded + inoblks;
// If the recommended journal count is too high, try using the minimum instead.
if (non_dat_blocks + journal_blocks >= blocks) {
journal_blocks = limits.GetMinimumJournalBlocks();
non_dat_blocks += journal_blocks;
if (non_dat_blocks >= blocks) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Partition size (%" PRIu64 " bytes) is too small\n",
static_cast<uint64_t>(blocks) * kMinfsBlockSize);
info.block_count = blocks - non_dat_blocks;
// Calculate the exact number of bitmap blocks needed to track this many data blocks.
abmblks = (info.block_count + kMinfsBlockBits - 1) / kMinfsBlockBits;
if (alloc_bitmap_rounded >= abmblks) {
// It is possible that the abmblks value will actually bring us back to the next
// lowest tier of 8-rounded values. This means we may have 8 blocks allocated for
// the block bitmap which will never actually be used. This is not ideal, but is
// expected, and should only happen for very particular block counts.
info.journal_start_block = info.ino_block + inoblks;
info.dat_block = info.journal_start_block + journal_blocks;
} else {
info.block_count = blocks;
abmblks = (info.block_count + kMinfsBlockBits - 1) / kMinfsBlockBits;
info.ibm_block = kFVMBlockInodeBmStart;
info.abm_block = kFVMBlockDataBmStart;
info.ino_block = kFVMBlockInodeStart;
info.journal_start_block = kFVMBlockJournalStart;
info.dat_block = kFVMBlockDataStart;
RawBitmap abm;
RawBitmap ibm;
// By allocating the bitmap and then shrinking it, we keep the underlying
// storage a block multiple but ensure we can't allocate beyond the last
// real block or inode.
if ((status = abm.Reset(fbl::round_up(info.block_count, kMinfsBlockBits))) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Failed to allocate block bitmap\n");
return status;
if ((status = ibm.Reset(fbl::round_up(info.inode_count, kMinfsBlockBits))) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Failed to allocate inode bitmap\n");
return status;
if ((status = abm.Shrink(info.block_count)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Failed to shrink block bitmap\n");
return status;
if ((status = ibm.Shrink(info.inode_count)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Failed to shrink inode bitmap\n");
return status;
// write rootdir
uint8_t blk[kMinfsBlockSize];
memset(blk, 0, sizeof(blk));
InitializeDirectory(blk, kMinfsRootIno, kMinfsRootIno);
if ((status = bc->Writeblk(info.dat_block + 1, blk)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("mkfs: Failed to write root directory\n");
return status;
// update inode bitmap
ibm.Set(0, 1);
ibm.Set(kMinfsRootIno, kMinfsRootIno + 1);
info.alloc_inode_count += 2;
// update block bitmap:
// Reserve the 0th data block (as a 'null' value)
// Reserve the 1st data block (for root directory)
abm.Set(0, 2);
info.alloc_block_count += 2;
// write allocation bitmap
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < abmblks; n++) {
void* bmdata = fs::GetBlock(kMinfsBlockSize, abm.StorageUnsafe()->GetData(), n);
memcpy(blk, bmdata, kMinfsBlockSize);
bc->Writeblk(info.abm_block + n, blk);
// write inode bitmap
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < ibmblks; n++) {
void* bmdata = fs::GetBlock(kMinfsBlockSize, ibm.StorageUnsafe()->GetData(), n);
memcpy(blk, bmdata, kMinfsBlockSize);
bc->Writeblk(info.ibm_block + n, blk);
// write inodes
memset(blk, 0, sizeof(blk));
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < inoblks; n++) {
bc->Writeblk(info.ino_block + n, blk);
// setup root inode
Inode* ino = reinterpret_cast<Inode*>(&blk[0]);
ino[kMinfsRootIno].magic = kMinfsMagicDir;
ino[kMinfsRootIno].size = kMinfsBlockSize;
ino[kMinfsRootIno].block_count = 1;
ino[kMinfsRootIno].link_count = 2;
ino[kMinfsRootIno].dirent_count = 2;
ino[kMinfsRootIno].dnum[0] = 1;
bc->Writeblk(info.ino_block, blk);
memset(blk, 0, sizeof(blk));
memcpy(blk, &info, sizeof(info));
bc->Writeblk(0, blk);
// Write the journal info block to disk.
memset(blk, 0, sizeof(blk));
JournalInfo* journal_info = reinterpret_cast<JournalInfo*>(blk);
journal_info->magic = kJournalMagic;
bc->Writeblk(info.journal_start_block, blk);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Minfs::ReadDat(blk_t bno, void* data) {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
return bc_->Readblk(Info().dat_block + bno, data);
return ReadBlk(bno, offsets_.DatStartBlock(), offsets_.DatBlockCount(), Info().block_count,
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t Minfs::ReadBlk(blk_t bno, blk_t start, blk_t soft_max, blk_t hard_max, void* data) {
if (bno >= hard_max) {
if (bno >= soft_max) {
memset(data, 0, kMinfsBlockSize);
return ZX_OK;
return bc_->Readblk(start + bno, data);
zx_status_t SparseFsck(fbl::unique_fd fd, off_t start, off_t end,
const fbl::Vector<size_t>& extent_lengths) {
if (start >= end) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: Insufficient space allocated\n");
if (extent_lengths.size() != kExtentCount) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: invalid number of extents\n");
struct stat s;
if (fstat(fd.get(), &s) < 0) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: minfs could not find end of file/device\n");
return ZX_ERR_IO;
if (s.st_size < end) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: invalid file size\n");
size_t size = (end - start) / minfs::kMinfsBlockSize;
zx_status_t status;
fbl::unique_ptr<minfs::Bcache> bc;
if ((status = minfs::Bcache::Create(&bc, std::move(fd), static_cast<uint32_t>(size))) !=
ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: cannot create block cache\n");
return status;
if ((status = bc->SetSparse(start, extent_lengths)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Bcache is already sparse\n");
return status;
return Fsck(std::move(bc));
void Minfs::UpdateInitMetrics(uint32_t dnum_count, uint32_t inum_count, uint32_t dinum_count,
uint64_t user_data_size, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.init_user_data_size += user_data_size;
metrics_.init_user_data_ticks += duration.get();
metrics_.init_dnum_count += dnum_count;
metrics_.init_inum_count += inum_count;
metrics_.init_dinum_count += dinum_count;
void Minfs::UpdateLookupMetrics(bool success, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.lookup_calls_success += success ? 1 : 0;
metrics_.lookup_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateCreateMetrics(bool success, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.create_calls_success += success ? 1 : 0;
metrics_.create_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateReadMetrics(uint64_t size, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.read_size += size;
metrics_.read_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateWriteMetrics(uint64_t size, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.write_size += size;
metrics_.write_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateTruncateMetrics(const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.truncate_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateUnlinkMetrics(bool success, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.unlink_calls_success += success ? 1 : 0;
metrics_.unlink_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateRenameMetrics(bool success, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.rename_calls_success += success ? 1 : 0;
metrics_.rename_ticks += duration.get();
void Minfs::UpdateOpenMetrics(bool cache_hit, const fs::Duration& duration) {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
metrics_.vnodes_opened_cache_hit += cache_hit ? 1 : 0;
metrics_.vnode_open_ticks += duration.get();
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
fbl::Vector<BlockRegion> Minfs::GetAllocatedRegions() const {
return block_allocator_->GetAllocatedRegions();
} // namespace minfs