blob: 18b8af78bdd352834de8722c7065aa00492d8a7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <lib/fxl/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/suspend_token.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/dso_list.h"
#include "garnet/lib/debugger_utils/util.h"
#include "garnet/lib/process/process_builder.h"
#include "breakpoint.h"
#include "exception_port.h"
#include "memory_process.h"
#include "thread.h"
namespace inferior_control {
class Server;
class Thread;
// Represents an inferior process that we're attached to.
class Process final {
enum class State { kNew, kStarting, kRunning, kGone };
// Delegate interface for listening to Process life-time events.
// TODO(PT-105): Passing of |eport| will need to change when exception
// handling changes to include an "exception token". It is currently passed
// because it is needed as an argument to |zx_task_resume_from_exception()|,
// that is the only reason for passing it and its only intended use.
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Called when a new thread that is part of this process has been started.
// This is indicated by ZX_EXCP_THREAD_STARTING.
virtual void OnThreadStarting(Process* process, Thread* thread,
zx_handle_t eport,
const zx_exception_context_t& context) = 0;
// Called when |thread| has exited (ZX_EXCP_THREAD_EXITING).
virtual void OnThreadExiting(Process* process, Thread* thread,
zx_handle_t eport,
const zx_exception_context_t& context) = 0;
// Called when |thread| suspends, resumes, and terminates.
// Some apps don't need to do anything with these so they're not
// pure-virtual.
virtual void OnThreadSuspension(Thread* thread);
virtual void OnThreadResumption(Thread* thread);
virtual void OnThreadTermination(Thread* thread);
// Called when |process| has exited.
virtual void OnProcessTermination(Process* process) = 0;
// Called when the kernel reports an architectural exception.
virtual void OnArchitecturalException(
Process* process, Thread* thread, zx_handle_t eport,
const zx_excp_type_t type, const zx_exception_context_t& context) = 0;
// Called when |thread| has gets a synthetic exception
// (e.g., ZX_EXCP_POLICY_ERROR) that is akin to an architectural
// exception: the program got an error and by default crashes.
virtual void OnSyntheticException(
Process* process, Thread* thread, zx_handle_t eport,
const zx_excp_type_t type, const zx_exception_context_t& context) = 0;
// This value is used as the return code if something prevents us from
// obtaining it from the process.
static constexpr int kDefaultFailureReturnCode = -1;
static const char* StateName(Process::State state);
explicit Process(Server* server, Delegate* delegate_,
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services);
std::string GetName() const;
// Note: This includes the program in |argv[0]|.
const debugger_utils::Argv& argv() { return argv_; }
void set_argv(const debugger_utils::Argv& argv) { argv_ = argv; }
// Add extra handles to the process.
// Must be called before |Initialize|.
void AddStartupHandle(fuchsia::process::HandleInfo handle);
// Returns the current state of this process.
State state() const { return state_; }
// Change the state to |new_state|.
void set_state(State new_state);
int return_code() const { return return_code_; }
bool return_code_set() const { return return_code_set_; }
// Creates and initializes the inferior process, via ProcessBuilder, but does
// not start it. set_argv() must have already been called.
// This also "attaches" to the inferior: A debug-capable process handle is
// obtained and the debugger exception port is bound to.
// Returns false if there is an error.
// Do not call this if the process is currently live (state is kStarting or
// kRunning).
bool Initialize();
// Attach to running program with pid |pid|.
// A debug-capable process handle is obtained and the debugger exception
// port is bound to.
// Returns false if there is an error.
// Do not call this if the process is currently live (state is kStarting or
// kRunning).
bool Attach(zx_koid_t pid);
// Detach from an attached process, and return to pre-attached state.
// This includes unbinding from the exception port and closing the process
// handle. To keep things simple and clean "detach" means "release all
// connections with the inferior". After detaching we should have absolutely
// no effect on the inferior, including not preserving the lifetime of the
// kernel process instance because we still have a handle of the process.
// Returns true on success, or false if already detached.
// N.B. It is the caller's responsibility to have first removed any and all
// breakpoints. This includes the breakpoint which is automagically
// set if we launched the inferior. Furthermore, if the breakpoint
// hasn't been hit yet, which can be determined by calling
// |ldso_debug_data_has_initialized()|, then this must be called while the
// inferior is stopped. Typically this happens when processing the
// THREAD_STARTING exception for the initial thread.
bool Detach();
// Starts running the process. Returns false in case of an error.
// Initialize() MUST be called successfully before calling Start().
bool Start();
// Terminate the process.
// This doesn't wait for the process to die. The server loop will get a
// ZX_PROCESS_TERMINATED signal when that happens.
bool Kill();
// Request all threads in the process to suspend.
// This doesn't wait for them to suspend, just requests it.
// It is up to the app's server loop to wait for threads to suspend if
// it wants to.
bool RequestSuspend();
// Resume the process after having been suspended.
void ResumeFromSuspension();
// Returns true if the process is running or has been running.
bool IsLive() const;
// Returns true if the process is currently attached.
bool IsAttached() const;
// Returns the process handle. This handle is owned and managed by this
// Process instance, thus the caller should not close the handle.
zx_handle_t handle() const { return handle_; }
// Returns the process ID.
zx_koid_t id() const { return id_; }
Server* server() { return server_; }
Delegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// Returns a mutable handle to the set of breakpoints managed by this process.
ProcessBreakpointSet* breakpoints() { return &breakpoints_; }
// Returns the base load address of the dynamic linker.
zx_vaddr_t base_address() const { return base_address_; }
// Returns the entry point of the dynamic linker.
zx_vaddr_t entry_address() const { return entry_address_; }
// Returns the thread with the thread ID |thread_id| that's owned by this
// process. Returns nullptr if no such thread exists. The returned pointer is
// owned and managed by this Process instance.
Thread* FindThreadById(zx_koid_t thread_id);
// Returns an arbitrary thread that is owned by this process. This picks the
// first thread that is returned from zx_object_get_info for the
// ZX_INFO_PROCESS_THREADS topic. This will refresh all threads.
// TODO(dje): ISTR GNU gdbserver being more random to avoid starving threads.
Thread* PickOneThread();
// If the thread map might be stale, refresh it.
// Returns true on success.
bool EnsureThreadMapFresh();
// Refreshes the complete Thread list for this process. Returns false if an
// error is returned from a syscall.
// Pointers to existing threads are maintained.
bool RefreshAllThreads();
// Iterates through all cached threads and invokes |callback| for each of
// them. |callback| is guaranteed to get called only before ForEachThread()
// returns, so it is safe to bind local variables to |callback|.
using ThreadCallback = fit::function<void(Thread*)>;
void ForEachThread(const ThreadCallback& callback);
// Same as ForEachThread except ignores State::kGone threads.
void ForEachLiveThread(const ThreadCallback& callback);
// Reads the block of memory of length |length| bytes starting at address
// |address| into |out_buffer|. |out_buffer| must be at least as large as
// |length|. Returns true on success or false on failure.
bool ReadMemory(uintptr_t address, void* out_buffer, size_t length);
// Writes the block of memory of length |length| bytes from |data| to the
// memory address |address| of this process. Returns true on success or false
// on failure.
bool WriteMemory(uintptr_t address, const void* data, size_t length);
bool attached_running() const { return attached_running_; }
// See if the list of loaded dsos has been built, and if not build it.
// This is called when |thread| is stopped at s/w breakpoints (and thus
// potentially dynamic linker breakpoints).
// Returns true if the thread was stopped at a dynamic linker breakpoint,
// and thus the caller should immediately resume the thread.
bool CheckDsosList(Thread* thread);
// Return true if dsos, including the main executable, have been loaded
// into the inferior.
bool DsosLoaded() { return dsos_ != nullptr; }
// Return list of loaded dsos.
// Returns nullptr if none loaded yet or loading failed.
// TODO(dje): constness wip
debugger_utils::dsoinfo_t* GetDsos() const { return dsos_; }
// Return the DSO for |pc| or nullptr if none.
// TODO(dje): Result is not const for debug file lookup support.
debugger_utils::dsoinfo_t* LookupDso(zx_vaddr_t pc) const;
// Return the entry for the main executable from the dsos list.
// Returns nullptr if not present (could happen if inferior data structure
// has been clobbered).
const debugger_utils::dsoinfo_t* GetExecDso();
// Called when ZX_PROCESS_TERMINATED is received, update our internal state.
void OnTermination();
// Print an Inspector-style dump of each thread.
// Threads that are not currently in an exception or suspended are ignored.
// It is the caller's responsibility to stop desired threads first (and wait
// for them to stop).
void Dump();
zx_vaddr_t debug_addr_property() const { return debug_addr_property_; }
bool ldso_debug_data_has_initialized() const {
return ldso_debug_data_has_initialized_;
zx_vaddr_t ldso_debug_break_addr() const { return ldso_debug_break_addr_; }
zx_vaddr_t ldso_debug_map_addr() const { return ldso_debug_map_addr_; }
// Wrapper on |zx_object_get_property()| to fetch the value of
// Returns a boolean indicating success.
bool GetDebugAddrProperty(zx_vaddr_t* out_debug_addr);
// Wrapper on |zx_object_set_property()| to set the value of
// Returns a boolean indicating success.
bool SetDebugAddrProperty(zx_vaddr_t debug_addr);
// Cause to execute a s/w breakpoint instruction after all dsos have
// been loaded at startup. Returns true on success.
bool SetLdsoDebugTrigger();
// Fetch the value of ZX_PROP_PROCESS_DEBUG_ADDR.
// Returns true the value if it has been set (by the dynamic linker) or
// zero if it has not been set yet (or there's an error).
// The value is cached in |debug_addr_|.
zx_vaddr_t GetDebugAddr();
// Assuming the inferior is stopped at a s/w breakpoint, check if it's
// stopped at the ZX_PROCESS_DEBUG_ADDR_BREAK_ON_SET breakpoint.
// If so, update |ldso_debug_break_addr_| and
// |seen_ldso_debug_addr_break_| and return true.
// Otherwise return false.
bool CheckLdsoDebugAddrBreak();
// Try to build the list of loaded dsos.
// This must be called at a point where it is safe to read the list.
void TryBuildLoadedDsosList(Thread* thread);
// The exception handler invoked by ExceptionPort.
// TODO(dje): Friend is temporary, pending completion of the refactor moving
// the exception/signal handler to |Server|.
friend class Server;
void OnExceptionOrSignal(const zx_port_packet_t& packet);
// Debug handle mgmt.
bool AllocDebugHandle(process::ProcessBuilder* builder);
bool AllocDebugHandle(zx_koid_t pid);
void CloseDebugHandle();
// Exception port mgmt.
bool BindExceptionPort();
void UnbindExceptionPort();
// Detach from the inferior, but don't clear out any data structures.
void RawDetach();
// Release all resources held by the process.
// Called after all other processing of a process exit has been done.
void Clear();
// Record new thread |thread_handle,thread_id|.
Thread* AddThread(zx_handle_t thread_handle, zx_koid_t thread_id);
// Record the process's return code.
void RecordReturnCode();
// The server that owns us (non-owning).
Server* server_;
// The delegate that we send life-cycle notifications to (non-owning).
Delegate* delegate_;
// Handle containing services available to this process.
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> services_;
// The argv that this process was initialized with.
debugger_utils::Argv argv_;
// Extra handles to pass to process during creation.
std::vector<fuchsia::process::HandleInfo> extra_handles_;
// The process::ProcessBuilder instance used to bootstrap and run the process.
std::unique_ptr<process::ProcessBuilder> builder_;
// The debug-capable handle that we use to invoke zx_debug_* syscalls.
zx_handle_t handle_ = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// The current state of this process.
State state_ = State::kNew;
// The process ID (also the kernel object ID).
zx_koid_t id_ = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
// The value of ZX_PROP_PROCESS_DEBUG_ADDR or zero if not known yet.
// The value is never legitimately zero, except if we attached to a running
// program prior to reaching its debug breakpoint on startup.
zx_vaddr_t debug_addr_property_ = 0;
// True if's debug data structures are initialized.
bool ldso_debug_data_has_initialized_ = false;
// The address of the "standard" dynamic linker breakpoint.
// I.e., the contents of |r_debug.r_brk|.
// Zero if not known yet.
zx_vaddr_t ldso_debug_break_addr_ = 0;
// The address of the dynamic linker's list of loaded shared libraries.
// I.e., the contents of |r_debug.r_map|.
// Zero if not known yet.
zx_vaddr_t ldso_debug_map_addr_ = 0;
// The base load address of the dynamic linker.
zx_vaddr_t base_address_ = 0;
// The entry point of the dynamic linker.
zx_vaddr_t entry_address_ = 0;
// True if the debugging exception port has been bound.
bool eport_bound_ = false;
// True if we attached, or will attach, to a running program.
// Otherwise we're launching a program from scratch.
bool attached_running_ = false;
// Suspend token when entire process is suspended.
zx::suspend_token suspend_token_;
// The API to access memory.
std::shared_ptr<debugger_utils::ByteBlock> memory_;
// The collection of breakpoints that belong to this process.
ProcessBreakpointSet breakpoints_;
// The threads owned by this process. This is map is populated lazily when
// threads are requested through FindThreadById(). It can also be repopulated
// from scratch, e.g., when attaching to an already running program.
using ThreadMap = std::unordered_map<zx_koid_t, std::unique_ptr<Thread>>;
ThreadMap threads_;
// If true then |threads_| needs to be recalculated from scratch.
bool thread_map_stale_ = false;
// List of dsos loaded.
// NULL if none have been loaded yet (including main executable).
// TODO(dje): Code taking from crashlogger, to be rewritten.
// TODO(dje): Doesn't include dsos loaded later.
debugger_utils::dsoinfo_t* dsos_ = nullptr;
// If true then building the dso list failed, don't try again.
bool dsos_build_failed_ = false;
// Processes are detached from when they exit.
// Save the return code for later testing.
int return_code_ = kDefaultFailureReturnCode;
bool return_code_set_ = false;
} // namespace inferior_control