blob: 4dd293c50939c49219a5f6577ba64d90c0e15021 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
#pragma once
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/service_handler_interface.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/sync_call.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/vector_view.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
namespace llcpp {
namespace fuchsia {
namespace mem {
struct Range;
struct Buffer;
struct Data;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_mem_DataTable;
// Binary data that might be stored inline or in a VMO.
// Useful for performance-sensitive protocols that sometimes receive small
// amounts of binary data (i.e., which is more efficient to provide using
// `bytes`) but also need to support arbitrary amounts of data (i.e., which
// need to be provided out-of-line in a `Buffer`).
struct Data {
Data() : ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kBytes = 1, // 0x1
kBuffer = 2, // 0x2
kUnknown = ::std::numeric_limits<::fidl_union_tag_t>::max(),
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_bytes() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kBytes; }
static Data WithBytes(::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>* val) {
Data result;
return result;
// The binary data provided inline in the message.
void set_bytes(::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kBytes; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
// The binary data provided inline in the message.
::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>& mutable_bytes() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kBytes);
return *static_cast<::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>*>(;
const ::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>& bytes() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kBytes);
return *static_cast<::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>*>(;
bool is_buffer() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kBuffer; }
static Data WithBuffer(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer* val) {
Data result;
return result;
// The binary data provided out-of-line in a `Buffer`.
void set_buffer(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kBuffer; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
// The binary data provided out-of-line in a `Buffer`.
::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer& mutable_buffer() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kBuffer);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer*>(;
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer& buffer() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kBuffer);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer*>(;
void* unknownData() const {
ZX_ASSERT(which() == Tag::kUnknown);
Tag which() const;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_mem_DataTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kBytes = 1, // 0x1
kBuffer = 2, // 0x2
Ordinal ordinal() const {
switch (static_cast<fidl_xunion_tag_t>(ordinal_)) {
case 1:
case 835814982:
return Ordinal::kBytes;
case 2:
case 1925873109:
return Ordinal::kBuffer;
return ordinal_;
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
fidl_envelope_t envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_mem_RangeTable;
// A range of bytes within a VMO.
struct Range {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_mem_RangeTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The vmo that contains the bytes.
::zx::vmo vmo = {};
// The offset of the first byte within the range relative to the start of
// the VMO.
// For example, if `offset` is zero, then the first byte in the range is
// the first byte in the VMO.
uint64_t offset = {};
// The number of bytes in the range.
// For example, if the offset is 3 and the size is 2, and the VMO starts
// with "abcdefg...", then the range contains "de".
// The sum of the offset and the size must not be greater than the
// physical size of the VMO.
uint64_t size = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_mem_BufferTable;
// A buffer for data whose size is not necessarily a multiple of the page
// size.
// VMO objects have a physical size that is always a multiple of the page
// size. As such, VMO alone cannot serve as a buffer for arbitrarly sized
// data. `fuchsia.mem.Buffer` is a standard struct that aggregate the VMO
// and its size.
struct Buffer {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_mem_BufferTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The vmo that contains the buffer.
::zx::vmo vmo = {};
// The number of bytes in the buffer.
// The content of the buffer begin at the start of the VMO and continue
// for `size` bytes. To specify a range of bytes that do not start at
// the beginning of the VMO, use `Range` rather than buffer.
// This size must not be greater than the physical size of the VMO.
uint64_t size = {};
} // namespace mem
} // namespace fuchsia
} // namespace llcpp
namespace fidl {
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range, vmo) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range, offset) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range, size) == 16);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Range::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer, vmo) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer, size) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Buffer::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::mem::Data> : public std::true_type {};
} // namespace fidl