blob: 5c13e1e39acfa9755e022f6dde283cfff408b627 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
#pragma once
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/service_handler_interface.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/sync_call.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/vector_view.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
namespace llcpp {
namespace fuchsia {
namespace hardware {
namespace audio {
struct RingBufferPositionInfo;
struct PlugState;
struct RingBufferProperties;
class Device;
enum class SampleFormat : uint8_t {
struct PcmSupportedFormats;
struct SupportedFormats;
struct PcmFormat;
struct Format;
struct RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response;
enum class PlugDetectCapabilities : uint32_t {
struct StreamProperties;
enum class GetVmoError : uint32_t {
struct RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result;
class RingBuffer;
struct GainState;
class StreamConfig;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PlugStateTable;
// Plug state as returned by the driver.
struct PlugState final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// Stream is currently plugged in. Must be included.
const bool& plugged() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool& plugged() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_plugged() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Timestamps the information provided in the rest of the fields of this struct.
// Must be included.
const int64_t& plug_state_time() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
int64_t& plug_state_time() {
return *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool has_plug_state_time() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 2 && EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data != nullptr;
PlugState() = default;
~PlugState() = default;
PlugState(PlugState&& other) noexcept = default;
PlugState& operator=(PlugState&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PlugStateTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 48;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
PlugState(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class PlugState::Builder {
PlugState view() { return PlugState(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// Stream is currently plugged in. Must be included.
Builder&& set_plugged(bool* elem);
// Timestamps the information provided in the rest of the fields of this struct.
// Must be included.
Builder&& set_plug_state_time(int64_t* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder PlugState::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 2> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferPropertiesTable;
struct RingBufferProperties final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// The driver's best estimate of the external delay (in nanoseconds) present in the
// presentation pipeline for the chosen format. When precisely synchronizing presentation
// across multiple entities (e.g. devices), the external delay should be taken into account.
const int64_t& external_delay() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
int64_t& external_delay() {
return *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_external_delay() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Size (in bytes) representing a temporary buffer used by the driver in order to consume or
// generate the ring buffer contents. The ring buffer contents must be produced and consumed
// at the rate specified with the |CreateRingBuffer| command, however some amount of buffering
// is required when the data is written into and read from the ring buffer. For playback the
// data is consumed by the driver by reading ahead up to |fifo_depth| bytes. For capture the
// data is produced by the driver holding up to |fifo_depth| bytes at the time before
// committing it to main system memory. Hence |fifo_depth| must be taken into account by the
// client when determining either the minimum lead time requirement (for playback) or the
// maximum capture delay (for capture).
// To convert |fifo_depth| to the corresponding number of audio frames, use the frame size
// returned by |CreateRingBuffer| in the |StreamConfig| protocol, note that the |fifo_depth|
// is not necessarily a multiple size of an audio frame.
// The ring buffer data may be directly consumed/generated by hardware, in this case
// |fifo_depth| maps directly to the size of a hardware FIFO block, since the hardware FIFO
// block determines the amount of data read ahead or held back.
// The ring buffer data may instead be consumed/generated by audio driver software that is
// conceptually situated between the ring buffer and the audio hardware. In this case, for
// playback the |fifo_depth| read ahead amount is set large enough such that the driver
// guarantees no undetected underruns, this assuming the client is generating the data as
// determined by the |CreateRingBuffer| and |Start| commands. For capture, the
// |fifo_depth| held back amount is set large enough such that the driver guarantees no
// undetected underruns when generating the data as determined by the |CreateRingBuffer| and
// |Start| commands. The driver must set |fifo_depth| big enough such that the potential
// delays added by any software interfacing with the audio hardware do not occur under most
// scenarios, and must detect and report underruns. How an underrun is reported is not defined
// in this API.
const uint32_t& fifo_depth() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
uint32_t& fifo_depth() {
return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool has_fifo_depth() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 2 && EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data != nullptr;
// An identifier for the clock domain in which this hardware operates. If the hardware is
// operating in CLOCK_DOMAIN_MONOTONIC, its nominal rate is locked to that of the
// ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC time reference. Given the start time, and a nominal rate, the position
// of the playback/capture pointer may always be calculated using a clock monotonic timestamp
// as the pointer's movement is locked to that of ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
// Other values indicate that playback/capture is not locked to ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, and moves
// at its own rate depending on a number of factors. Client will need to make use of the
// timing information present in the position notification updates in order to recover the
// clock of the audio stream. The clock_domain comes from an system wide entity (or instance a
// platform bus or clock tree/global driver). Audio drivers retrieve clock_domain from such
// system wide entity.
const uint32_t& clock_domain() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
uint32_t& clock_domain() {
return *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
bool has_clock_domain() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 3 && EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data != nullptr;
// When set to true, indicates that clients need to make sure that their data has been flushed
// all the way to physical memory (in the case of playback) or that their view of the ring
// buffer will need to be invalidated before read (in the case of capture).
const bool& needs_cache_flush_or_invalidate() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data);
bool& needs_cache_flush_or_invalidate() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data);
bool has_needs_cache_flush_or_invalidate() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 4 && EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data != nullptr;
RingBufferProperties() = default;
~RingBufferProperties() = default;
RingBufferProperties(RingBufferProperties&& other) noexcept = default;
RingBufferProperties& operator=(RingBufferProperties&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferPropertiesTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 96;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
RingBufferProperties(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class RingBufferProperties::Builder {
RingBufferProperties view() { return RingBufferProperties(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// The driver's best estimate of the external delay (in nanoseconds) present in the
// presentation pipeline for the chosen format. When precisely synchronizing presentation
// across multiple entities (e.g. devices), the external delay should be taken into account.
Builder&& set_external_delay(int64_t* elem);
// Size (in bytes) representing a temporary buffer used by the driver in order to consume or
// generate the ring buffer contents. The ring buffer contents must be produced and consumed
// at the rate specified with the |CreateRingBuffer| command, however some amount of buffering
// is required when the data is written into and read from the ring buffer. For playback the
// data is consumed by the driver by reading ahead up to |fifo_depth| bytes. For capture the
// data is produced by the driver holding up to |fifo_depth| bytes at the time before
// committing it to main system memory. Hence |fifo_depth| must be taken into account by the
// client when determining either the minimum lead time requirement (for playback) or the
// maximum capture delay (for capture).
// To convert |fifo_depth| to the corresponding number of audio frames, use the frame size
// returned by |CreateRingBuffer| in the |StreamConfig| protocol, note that the |fifo_depth|
// is not necessarily a multiple size of an audio frame.
// The ring buffer data may be directly consumed/generated by hardware, in this case
// |fifo_depth| maps directly to the size of a hardware FIFO block, since the hardware FIFO
// block determines the amount of data read ahead or held back.
// The ring buffer data may instead be consumed/generated by audio driver software that is
// conceptually situated between the ring buffer and the audio hardware. In this case, for
// playback the |fifo_depth| read ahead amount is set large enough such that the driver
// guarantees no undetected underruns, this assuming the client is generating the data as
// determined by the |CreateRingBuffer| and |Start| commands. For capture, the
// |fifo_depth| held back amount is set large enough such that the driver guarantees no
// undetected underruns when generating the data as determined by the |CreateRingBuffer| and
// |Start| commands. The driver must set |fifo_depth| big enough such that the potential
// delays added by any software interfacing with the audio hardware do not occur under most
// scenarios, and must detect and report underruns. How an underrun is reported is not defined
// in this API.
Builder&& set_fifo_depth(uint32_t* elem);
// An identifier for the clock domain in which this hardware operates. If the hardware is
// operating in CLOCK_DOMAIN_MONOTONIC, its nominal rate is locked to that of the
// ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC time reference. Given the start time, and a nominal rate, the position
// of the playback/capture pointer may always be calculated using a clock monotonic timestamp
// as the pointer's movement is locked to that of ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
// Other values indicate that playback/capture is not locked to ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, and moves
// at its own rate depending on a number of factors. Client will need to make use of the
// timing information present in the position notification updates in order to recover the
// clock of the audio stream. The clock_domain comes from an system wide entity (or instance a
// platform bus or clock tree/global driver). Audio drivers retrieve clock_domain from such
// system wide entity.
Builder&& set_clock_domain(uint32_t* elem);
// When set to true, indicates that clients need to make sure that their data has been flushed
// all the way to physical memory (in the case of playback) or that their view of the ring
// buffer will need to be invalidated before read (in the case of capture).
Builder&& set_needs_cache_flush_or_invalidate(bool* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder RingBufferProperties::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 4> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_SupportedFormatsTable;
struct SupportedFormats final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// Supported formats for non-compressed PCM samples.
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats& pcm_supported_formats() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats& pcm_supported_formats() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_pcm_supported_formats() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
SupportedFormats() = default;
~SupportedFormats() = default;
SupportedFormats(SupportedFormats&& other) noexcept = default;
SupportedFormats& operator=(SupportedFormats&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_SupportedFormatsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 440;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
SupportedFormats(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class SupportedFormats::Builder {
SupportedFormats view() { return SupportedFormats(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// Supported formats for non-compressed PCM samples.
Builder&& set_pcm_supported_formats(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder SupportedFormats::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 1> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_FormatTable;
struct Format final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// Format supporting non-compressed PCM samples.
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat& pcm_format() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat& pcm_format() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_pcm_format() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
Format() = default;
~Format() = default;
Format(Format&& other) noexcept = default;
Format& operator=(Format&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_FormatTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 40;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
Format(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class Format::Builder {
Format view() { return Format(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// Format supporting non-compressed PCM samples.
Builder&& set_pcm_format(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder Format::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 1> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamPropertiesTable;
struct StreamProperties final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// A unique identifier. If not included, there is no unique id for the StreamConfig.
const ::fidl::Array<uint8_t, 16>& unique_id() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::fidl::Array<uint8_t, 16>*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
::fidl::Array<uint8_t, 16>& unique_id() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::fidl::Array<uint8_t, 16>*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_unique_id() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Stream type is input or output. Must be included.
const bool& is_input() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool& is_input() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool has_is_input() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 2 && EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Gain mute capability. If not included, the StreamConfig can't mute.
const bool& can_mute() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
bool& can_mute() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
bool has_can_mute() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 3 && EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Automatic Gain Control (AGC) capability. If not included, the StreamConfig can't AGC.
const bool& can_agc() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data);
bool& can_agc() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data);
bool has_can_agc() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 4 && EnvelopesView::at(4 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Minimum gain in decibels. Must be included.
const float& min_gain_db() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(EnvelopesView::at(5 - 1).data);
float& min_gain_db() {
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(EnvelopesView::at(5 - 1).data);
bool has_min_gain_db() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 5 && EnvelopesView::at(5 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Maximum gain in decibels. Must be included.
const float& max_gain_db() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(EnvelopesView::at(6 - 1).data);
float& max_gain_db() {
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(EnvelopesView::at(6 - 1).data);
bool has_max_gain_db() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 6 && EnvelopesView::at(6 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Gain step in decibels, this value must not be negative, but may be zero to convey an
// effectively continuous range of values. Must be included.
const float& gain_step_db() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(EnvelopesView::at(7 - 1).data);
float& gain_step_db() {
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(EnvelopesView::at(7 - 1).data);
bool has_gain_step_db() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 7 && EnvelopesView::at(7 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Plug Detect Capabilities. Must be included.
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugDetectCapabilities& plug_detect_capabilities() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugDetectCapabilities*>(EnvelopesView::at(8 - 1).data);
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugDetectCapabilities& plug_detect_capabilities() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugDetectCapabilities*>(EnvelopesView::at(8 - 1).data);
bool has_plug_detect_capabilities() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 8 && EnvelopesView::at(8 - 1).data != nullptr;
// UI string for the manufacturer name. If not included, the manufacturer is unspecified.
const ::fidl::StringView& manufacturer() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::fidl::StringView*>(EnvelopesView::at(9 - 1).data);
::fidl::StringView& manufacturer() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::fidl::StringView*>(EnvelopesView::at(9 - 1).data);
bool has_manufacturer() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 9 && EnvelopesView::at(9 - 1).data != nullptr;
// UI string for the product name. If not included, the product name is unspecified.
const ::fidl::StringView& product() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ::fidl::StringView*>(EnvelopesView::at(10 - 1).data);
::fidl::StringView& product() {
return *reinterpret_cast<::fidl::StringView*>(EnvelopesView::at(10 - 1).data);
bool has_product() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 10 && EnvelopesView::at(10 - 1).data != nullptr;
StreamProperties() = default;
~StreamProperties() = default;
StreamProperties(StreamProperties&& other) noexcept = default;
StreamProperties& operator=(StreamProperties&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamPropertiesTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 776;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
StreamProperties(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class StreamProperties::Builder {
StreamProperties view() { return StreamProperties(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// A unique identifier. If not included, there is no unique id for the StreamConfig.
Builder&& set_unique_id(::fidl::Array<uint8_t, 16>* elem);
// Stream type is input or output. Must be included.
Builder&& set_is_input(bool* elem);
// Gain mute capability. If not included, the StreamConfig can't mute.
Builder&& set_can_mute(bool* elem);
// Automatic Gain Control (AGC) capability. If not included, the StreamConfig can't AGC.
Builder&& set_can_agc(bool* elem);
// Minimum gain in decibels. Must be included.
Builder&& set_min_gain_db(float* elem);
// Maximum gain in decibels. Must be included.
Builder&& set_max_gain_db(float* elem);
// Gain step in decibels, this value must not be negative, but may be zero to convey an
// effectively continuous range of values. Must be included.
Builder&& set_gain_step_db(float* elem);
// Plug Detect Capabilities. Must be included.
Builder&& set_plug_detect_capabilities(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugDetectCapabilities* elem);
// UI string for the manufacturer name. If not included, the manufacturer is unspecified.
Builder&& set_manufacturer(::fidl::StringView* elem);
// UI string for the product name. If not included, the product name is unspecified.
Builder&& set_product(::fidl::StringView* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder StreamProperties::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 10> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBuffer_GetVmo_ResultTable;
struct RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result {
RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result() : ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result WithResponse(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response* val) {
RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response& mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response*>(;
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response& response() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response*>(;
bool is_err() const { return ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr; }
static RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result WithErr(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError* val) {
RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError* elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr; = static_cast<void*>(elem);
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError*>(;
const ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal() == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GetVmoError*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal());
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBuffer_GetVmo_ResultTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
Ordinal ordinal() const {
return ordinal_;
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
fidl_envelope_t envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_GainStateTable;
// Gain state requested by the client or returned a current by the driver.
struct GainState final : private ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t> {
using EnvelopesView = ::fidl::VectorView<fidl_envelope_t>;
// Returns whether no field is set.
bool IsEmpty() const { return EnvelopesView::empty(); }
// Current mute state. If not included, the state is unmuted.
const bool& muted() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool& muted() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data);
bool has_muted() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 1 && EnvelopesView::at(1 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Current Automatic Gain Control (AGC) state. If not included, AGC is disabled.
const bool& agc_enabled() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool& agc_enabled() {
return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data);
bool has_agc_enabled() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 2 && EnvelopesView::at(2 - 1).data != nullptr;
// Current gain in decibels. Must be included.
const float& gain_db() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const float*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
float& gain_db() {
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data);
bool has_gain_db() const {
return EnvelopesView::count() >= 3 && EnvelopesView::at(3 - 1).data != nullptr;
GainState() = default;
~GainState() = default;
GainState(GainState&& other) noexcept = default;
GainState& operator=(GainState&& other) noexcept = default;
class Builder;
friend class Builder;
static Builder Build();
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_GainStateTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 72;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
GainState(uint64_t max_ordinal, fidl_envelope_t* data) : EnvelopesView(data, max_ordinal) {}
class GainState::Builder {
GainState view() { return GainState(max_ordinal_, envelopes_.data_); }
~Builder() = default;
Builder(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
Builder& operator=(Builder&& other) noexcept = default;
// Current mute state. If not included, the state is unmuted.
Builder&& set_muted(bool* elem);
// Current Automatic Gain Control (AGC) state. If not included, AGC is disabled.
Builder&& set_agc_enabled(bool* elem);
// Current gain in decibels. Must be included.
Builder&& set_gain_db(float* elem);
Builder() = default;
friend Builder GainState::Build();
uint64_t max_ordinal_ = 0;
::fidl::Array<fidl_envelope_t, 3> envelopes_ = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferPositionInfoTable;
struct RingBufferPositionInfo {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferPositionInfoTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// The driver's best estimate of the time at which the playback/capture pointer reached the
// position indicated by |position|.
int64_t timestamp = {};
// The playback/capture pointer position (in bytes) in the ring buffer at time
// |timestamp| as estimated by the driver.
uint32_t position = {};
constexpr uint32_t CLOCK_DOMAIN_MONOTONIC = 0u;
constexpr uint32_t CLOCK_DOMAIN_EXTERNAL = 4294967295u;
constexpr uint32_t UNIQUE_ID_SIZE = 16u;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_DeviceGetChannelRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_DeviceGetChannelResponseTable;
class Device final {
Device() = delete;
struct GetChannelResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::channel channel;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_DeviceGetChannelResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using GetChannelRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetChannel_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetChannel_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~GetChannel_Impl() = default;
GetChannel_Impl(GetChannel_Impl&& other) = default;
GetChannel_Impl& operator=(GetChannel_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetChannel = GetChannel_Impl<GetChannelResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetChannel_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetChannel_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetChannel_Impl() = default;
GetChannel_Impl(GetChannel_Impl&& other) = default;
GetChannel_Impl& operator=(GetChannel_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetChannel = GetChannel_Impl<GetChannelResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// This method obtains a channel in order to serve FIDL over it outside the devhost's control.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::GetChannel GetChannel();
// This method obtains a channel in order to serve FIDL over it outside the devhost's control.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetChannel GetChannel(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// This method obtains a channel in order to serve FIDL over it outside the devhost's control.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::GetChannel GetChannel(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// This method obtains a channel in order to serve FIDL over it outside the devhost's control.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetChannel GetChannel(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// This method obtains a channel in order to serve FIDL over it outside the devhost's control.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetChannelResponse> GetChannel(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = Device;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class GetChannelCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::zx::channel channel);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::zx::channel channel);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetChannelResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetChannelCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetChannelCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetChannel(GetChannelCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void GetChannelRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Device::GetChannelRequest>& _msg);
static void GetChannelResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<Device::GetChannelResponse>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PcmSupportedFormatsTable;
// Format supporting non-compressed PCM audio. Frames are made up of |number_of_channels| samples
// which have |valid_bits_per_sample| bits of left-justified data within |bytes_per_sample|
// bytes. All values listed in each vector are supported. When not all combinations supported by
// the driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats| (and hence one |PcmSupportedFormats|),
// |GetSupportedFormats| returns more than one |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector.
// For more detailed information see //zircon/driver_interfaces/
struct PcmSupportedFormats {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PcmSupportedFormatsTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 80;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 344;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
// Vector of possible number of channels supported in ascending order.
::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> number_of_channels = {};
// Vector of possible |SampleFormat|s supported.
::fidl::VectorView<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SampleFormat> sample_formats = {};
// Vector of possible number of bits allocated to hold a sample,
// equal or bigger than the actual sample size in |valid_bits_per_sample| in ascending order.
::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> bytes_per_sample = {};
// Vector of possible number of bits in a sample in ascending order, must be equal or smaller
// than |bytes_per_channel| for samples to fit. If smaller, bits are left justified, and any
// additional bits will be ignored.
::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> valid_bits_per_sample = {};
// Vector of possible frame rates supported in ascending order.
::fidl::VectorView<uint32_t> frame_rates = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PcmFormatTable;
// Format supporting non-compressed PCM audio. Frames are made up of |number_of_channels| samples
// which have |valid_bits_per_sample| bits of left-justified data within |bytes_per_channel|.
// bytes. For more detailed information see //zircon/driver_interfaces/
struct PcmFormat {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_PcmFormatTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
// Number of channels.
uint8_t number_of_channels = {};
// Which channels to use as a bitmask. Channels not set in the bitmask are ignored.
// The least significant bit corresponds to index 0.
uint64_t channels_to_use_bitmask = {};
// The format of all samples.
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SampleFormat sample_format = {};
// Bytes allocated to hold a sample, equal or bigger than the valid sample size in
// |valid_bits_per_sample|.
uint8_t bytes_per_sample = {};
// Number of valid bits in a sample, must be equal or smaller than bits in |bytes_per_sample|.
// If smaller, bits are left justified, and any additional bits must be ignored by the
// receiver.
uint8_t valid_bits_per_sample = {};
// The frame rate for all samples.
uint32_t frame_rate = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBuffer_GetVmo_ResponseTable;
struct RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBuffer_GetVmo_ResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 8;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
uint32_t num_frames = {};
::zx::vmo ring_buffer = {};
constexpr uint32_t MAX_UI_STRING_SIZE = 256u;
constexpr uint32_t MAX_COUNT_SUPPORTED_RATES = 64u;
constexpr uint32_t MAX_COUNT_FORMATS = 64u;
constexpr uint32_t MAX_COUNT_CHANNELS_TO_USE = 64u;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetPropertiesRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetPropertiesResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferWatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferWatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetVmoRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetVmoResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferStartRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferStartResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferStopRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferStopResponseTable;
class RingBuffer final {
RingBuffer() = delete;
struct GetPropertiesResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferProperties properties;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetPropertiesResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 96;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using GetPropertiesRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo position_info;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferWatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct GetVmoResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result result;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetVmoResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = true;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct GetVmoRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
uint32_t min_frames;
uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferGetVmoRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = GetVmoResponse;
struct StartResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t start_time;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_RingBufferStartResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using StartRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
using StopResponse = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
using StopRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetProperties_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetProperties_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~GetProperties_Impl() = default;
GetProperties_Impl(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
GetProperties_Impl& operator=(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl() = default;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl(WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl& operator=(WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetVmo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetVmo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring);
~GetVmo_Impl() = default;
GetVmo_Impl(GetVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
GetVmo_Impl& operator=(GetVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Start_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Start_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Start_Impl() = default;
Start_Impl(Start_Impl&& other) = default;
Start_Impl& operator=(Start_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Stop_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Stop_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~Stop_Impl() = default;
Stop_Impl(Stop_Impl&& other) = default;
Stop_Impl& operator=(Stop_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetProperties = GetProperties_Impl<GetPropertiesResponse>;
using WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo = WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl<WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse>;
using GetVmo = GetVmo_Impl<GetVmoResponse>;
using Start = Start_Impl<StartResponse>;
using Stop = Stop_Impl<StopResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetProperties_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetProperties_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetProperties_Impl() = default;
GetProperties_Impl(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
GetProperties_Impl& operator=(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl() = default;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl(WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl& operator=(WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetVmo_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetVmo_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetVmo_Impl() = default;
GetVmo_Impl(GetVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
GetVmo_Impl& operator=(GetVmo_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Start_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Start_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~Start_Impl() = default;
Start_Impl(Start_Impl&& other) = default;
Start_Impl& operator=(Start_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Stop_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Stop_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~Stop_Impl() = default;
Stop_Impl(Stop_Impl&& other) = default;
Stop_Impl& operator=(Stop_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetProperties = GetProperties_Impl<GetPropertiesResponse>;
using WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo = WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo_Impl<WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse>;
using GetVmo = GetVmo_Impl<GetVmoResponse>;
using Start = Start_Impl<StartResponse>;
using Stop = Stop_Impl<StopResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Accessor for top level static properties.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties();
// Accessor for top level static properties.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Gets the ring buffer current position via a hanging get. The driver must immediately
// respond to a client's first |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| call, but will not respond to
// subsequent client calls until the position information has changed from what was most
// recently provided to that client. If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is not zero,
// the driver will reply with its estimated position to be used for clock recovery at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency.
// Must be delivered with timestamps that are monotonically increasing.
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo();
// Gets the ring buffer current position via a hanging get. The driver must immediately
// respond to a client's first |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| call, but will not respond to
// subsequent client calls until the position information has changed from what was most
// recently provided to that client. If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is not zero,
// the driver will reply with its estimated position to be used for clock recovery at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency.
// Must be delivered with timestamps that are monotonically increasing.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Requests a shared buffer to be used for moving bulk audio data. Requests the buffer size to
// fit at least |min_frames|, and returns the actual |num_frames| allocated in
// |ring_buffer|.
// If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is non-zero, the driver will send replies to
// |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| client requests at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency. These notifications are meant to be used
// for clock recovery.
// Allocates 72 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::GetVmo GetVmo(uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring);
// Requests a shared buffer to be used for moving bulk audio data. Requests the buffer size to
// fit at least |min_frames|, and returns the actual |num_frames| allocated in
// |ring_buffer|.
// If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is non-zero, the driver will send replies to
// |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| client requests at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency. These notifications are meant to be used
// for clock recovery.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetVmo GetVmo(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Start the ring buffer.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Start Start();
// Start the ring buffer.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::Start Start(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Stop the ring buffer. Once this call's response is received, no further position
// notifications will be sent until Start() is called again. TODO(39494): Add timestamp
// parameter.
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Stop Stop();
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Accessor for top level static properties.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Accessor for top level static properties.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Gets the ring buffer current position via a hanging get. The driver must immediately
// respond to a client's first |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| call, but will not respond to
// subsequent client calls until the position information has changed from what was most
// recently provided to that client. If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is not zero,
// the driver will reply with its estimated position to be used for clock recovery at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency.
// Must be delivered with timestamps that are monotonically increasing.
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Gets the ring buffer current position via a hanging get. The driver must immediately
// respond to a client's first |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| call, but will not respond to
// subsequent client calls until the position information has changed from what was most
// recently provided to that client. If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is not zero,
// the driver will reply with its estimated position to be used for clock recovery at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency.
// Must be delivered with timestamps that are monotonically increasing.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Requests a shared buffer to be used for moving bulk audio data. Requests the buffer size to
// fit at least |min_frames|, and returns the actual |num_frames| allocated in
// |ring_buffer|.
// If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is non-zero, the driver will send replies to
// |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| client requests at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency. These notifications are meant to be used
// for clock recovery.
// Allocates 72 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::GetVmo GetVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring);
// Requests a shared buffer to be used for moving bulk audio data. Requests the buffer size to
// fit at least |min_frames|, and returns the actual |num_frames| allocated in
// |ring_buffer|.
// If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is non-zero, the driver will send replies to
// |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| client requests at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency. These notifications are meant to be used
// for clock recovery.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetVmo GetVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Start the ring buffer.
// Allocates 40 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Start Start(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Start the ring buffer.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::Start Start(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Stop the ring buffer. Once this call's response is received, no further position
// notifications will be sent until Start() is called again. TODO(39494): Add timestamp
// parameter.
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::Stop Stop(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// Accessor for top level static properties.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetPropertiesResponse> GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Gets the ring buffer current position via a hanging get. The driver must immediately
// respond to a client's first |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| call, but will not respond to
// subsequent client calls until the position information has changed from what was most
// recently provided to that client. If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is not zero,
// the driver will reply with its estimated position to be used for clock recovery at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency.
// Must be delivered with timestamps that are monotonically increasing.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse> WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Requests a shared buffer to be used for moving bulk audio data. Requests the buffer size to
// fit at least |min_frames|, and returns the actual |num_frames| allocated in
// |ring_buffer|.
// If |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| is non-zero, the driver will send replies to
// |WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo| client requests at most at
// |clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring| frequency. These notifications are meant to be used
// for clock recovery.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetVmoResponse> GetVmo(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetVmoRequest> params, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Start the ring buffer.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<StartResponse> Start(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Stop the ring buffer. Once this call's response is received, no further position
// notifications will be sent until Start() is called again. TODO(39494): Add timestamp
// parameter.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<StopResponse> Stop(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = RingBuffer;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class GetPropertiesCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferProperties properties);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferProperties properties);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetPropertiesResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetPropertiesCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetPropertiesCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetProperties(GetPropertiesCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo position_info);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo position_info);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoCompleterBase>;
virtual void WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfo(WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class GetVmoCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(uint32_t num_frames, ::zx::vmo ring_buffer);
void ReplyError(GetVmoError error);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, uint32_t num_frames, ::zx::vmo ring_buffer);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetVmoResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetVmoCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetVmoCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetVmo(uint32_t min_frames, uint32_t clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring, GetVmoCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class StartCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int64_t start_time);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t start_time);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<StartResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using StartCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<StartCompleterBase>;
virtual void Start(StartCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class StopCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using StopCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<StopCompleterBase>;
virtual void Stop(StopCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void GetPropertiesRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::GetPropertiesRequest>& _msg);
static void GetPropertiesResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::GetPropertiesResponse>& _msg);
static void WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoRequest>& _msg);
static void WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse>& _msg);
static void GetVmoRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest>& _msg);
static void GetVmoResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::GetVmoResponse>& _msg);
static void StartRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::StartRequest>& _msg);
static void StartResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::StartResponse>& _msg);
static void StopRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::StopRequest>& _msg);
static void StopResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<RingBuffer::StopResponse>& _msg);
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetPropertiesRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetPropertiesResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetSupportedFormatsRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetSupportedFormatsResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigCreateRingBufferRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigCreateRingBufferResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchGainStateRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchGainStateResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigSetGainRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigSetGainResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchPlugStateRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchPlugStateResponseTable;
class StreamConfig final {
StreamConfig() = delete;
struct GetPropertiesResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamProperties properties;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetPropertiesResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 776;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using GetPropertiesRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct GetSupportedFormatsResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::VectorView<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SupportedFormats> supported_formats;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigGetSupportedFormatsResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 29184;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using GetSupportedFormatsRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct CreateRingBufferRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format;
::zx::channel ring_buffer;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigCreateRingBufferRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 40;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct WatchGainStateResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchGainStateResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 72;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using WatchGainStateRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
struct SetGainRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigSetGainRequestTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 72;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 72;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
struct WatchPlugStateResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState plug_state;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = &v1_fuchsia_hardware_audio_StreamConfigWatchPlugStateResponseTable;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 48;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = true;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using WatchPlugStateRequest = ::fidl::AnyZeroArgMessage;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetProperties_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetProperties_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~GetProperties_Impl() = default;
GetProperties_Impl(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
GetProperties_Impl& operator=(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetSupportedFormats_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~GetSupportedFormats_Impl() = default;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl(GetSupportedFormats_Impl&& other) = default;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl& operator=(GetSupportedFormats_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CreateRingBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
~CreateRingBuffer_Impl() = default;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl(CreateRingBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl& operator=(CreateRingBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchGainState_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchGainState_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~WatchGainState_Impl() = default;
WatchGainState_Impl(WatchGainState_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchGainState_Impl& operator=(WatchGainState_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class SetGain_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetGain_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
~SetGain_Impl() = default;
SetGain_Impl(SetGain_Impl&& other) = default;
SetGain_Impl& operator=(SetGain_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchPlugState_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchPlugState_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~WatchPlugState_Impl() = default;
WatchPlugState_Impl(WatchPlugState_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchPlugState_Impl& operator=(WatchPlugState_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetProperties = GetProperties_Impl<GetPropertiesResponse>;
using GetSupportedFormats = GetSupportedFormats_Impl<GetSupportedFormatsResponse>;
using CreateRingBuffer = CreateRingBuffer_Impl;
using WatchGainState = WatchGainState_Impl<WatchGainStateResponse>;
using SetGain = SetGain_Impl;
using WatchPlugState = WatchPlugState_Impl<WatchPlugStateResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this interface,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetProperties_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetProperties_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetProperties_Impl() = default;
GetProperties_Impl(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
GetProperties_Impl& operator=(GetProperties_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class GetSupportedFormats_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~GetSupportedFormats_Impl() = default;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl(GetSupportedFormats_Impl&& other) = default;
GetSupportedFormats_Impl& operator=(GetSupportedFormats_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class CreateRingBuffer_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
~CreateRingBuffer_Impl() = default;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl(CreateRingBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
CreateRingBuffer_Impl& operator=(CreateRingBuffer_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchGainState_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchGainState_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WatchGainState_Impl() = default;
WatchGainState_Impl(WatchGainState_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchGainState_Impl& operator=(WatchGainState_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class SetGain_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
SetGain_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
~SetGain_Impl() = default;
SetGain_Impl(SetGain_Impl&& other) = default;
SetGain_Impl& operator=(SetGain_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WatchPlugState_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WatchPlugState_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WatchPlugState_Impl() = default;
WatchPlugState_Impl(WatchPlugState_Impl&& other) = default;
WatchPlugState_Impl& operator=(WatchPlugState_Impl&& other) = default;
using Super::status;
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using GetProperties = GetProperties_Impl<GetPropertiesResponse>;
using GetSupportedFormats = GetSupportedFormats_Impl<GetSupportedFormatsResponse>;
using CreateRingBuffer = CreateRingBuffer_Impl;
using WatchGainState = WatchGainState_Impl<WatchGainStateResponse>;
using SetGain = SetGain_Impl;
using WatchPlugState = WatchPlugState_Impl<WatchPlugStateResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Retrieves top level static properties.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties();
// Retrieves top level static properties.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Gets formats supported by a given driver. When not all combinations supported by the
// driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats|, the driver returns more than one
// |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector. For example, if one |SupportedFormats| allows
// for 32 bits samples at 48KHz, and 16 bits samples at 96KHz, but not 32 bits samples at
// 96KHz, then the driver replies with 2 |SupportedFormats|: <<32bits>,<48KHz>> and
// <<16bits>,<96KHz>>. For simplicity, this example ignores parameters other than rate and
// bits per sample. In the case where the driver supports either 16 or 32 bits samples at
// either 48 or 96KHz, the driver would reply with 1 |SupportedFormats|:
// <<16bits,32bits>,<48KHz,96KHz>>.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::GetSupportedFormats GetSupportedFormats();
// Gets formats supported by a given driver. When not all combinations supported by the
// driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats|, the driver returns more than one
// |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector. For example, if one |SupportedFormats| allows
// for 32 bits samples at 48KHz, and 16 bits samples at 96KHz, but not 32 bits samples at
// 96KHz, then the driver replies with 2 |SupportedFormats|: <<32bits>,<48KHz>> and
// <<16bits>,<96KHz>>. For simplicity, this example ignores parameters other than rate and
// bits per sample. In the case where the driver supports either 16 or 32 bits samples at
// either 48 or 96KHz, the driver would reply with 1 |SupportedFormats|:
// <<16bits,32bits>,<48KHz,96KHz>>.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::GetSupportedFormats GetSupportedFormats(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// |CreateRingBuffer| is sent by clients to select a stream format based on information that
// the driver provides in |GetSupportedFormats| what is supported by the client, and any other
// requirement. The |ring_buffer| channel is used to control the audio buffer, if a previous
// ring buffer channel had been established and was still active, the driver must close that
// (ring buffer) channel and make every attempt to gracefully quiesce any on-going streaming
// operations in the process.
// Allocates 80 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::CreateRingBuffer CreateRingBuffer(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
// |CreateRingBuffer| is sent by clients to select a stream format based on information that
// the driver provides in |GetSupportedFormats| what is supported by the client, and any other
// requirement. The |ring_buffer| channel is used to control the audio buffer, if a previous
// ring buffer channel had been established and was still active, the driver must close that
// (ring buffer) channel and make every attempt to gracefully quiesce any on-going streaming
// operations in the process.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::CreateRingBuffer CreateRingBuffer(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
// Get the gain state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first |WatchGainState|
// sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client |WatchGainState| calls
// until the gain state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WatchGainState WatchGainState();
// Get the gain state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first |WatchGainState|
// sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client |WatchGainState| calls
// until the gain state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WatchGainState WatchGainState(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Client update of the gain state.
// Allocates 104 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::SetGain SetGain(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
// Client update of the gain state.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::SetGain SetGain(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
// Get the plug detect state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first
// |WatchPlugState| sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client
// |WatchPlugState| calls until the plug state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WatchPlugState WatchPlugState();
// Get the plug detect state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first
// |WatchPlugState| sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client
// |WatchPlugState| calls until the plug state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WatchPlugState WatchPlugState(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Retrieves top level static properties.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Retrieves top level static properties.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetProperties GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Gets formats supported by a given driver. When not all combinations supported by the
// driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats|, the driver returns more than one
// |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector. For example, if one |SupportedFormats| allows
// for 32 bits samples at 48KHz, and 16 bits samples at 96KHz, but not 32 bits samples at
// 96KHz, then the driver replies with 2 |SupportedFormats|: <<32bits>,<48KHz>> and
// <<16bits>,<96KHz>>. For simplicity, this example ignores parameters other than rate and
// bits per sample. In the case where the driver supports either 16 or 32 bits samples at
// either 48 or 96KHz, the driver would reply with 1 |SupportedFormats|:
// <<16bits,32bits>,<48KHz,96KHz>>.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::GetSupportedFormats GetSupportedFormats(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Gets formats supported by a given driver. When not all combinations supported by the
// driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats|, the driver returns more than one
// |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector. For example, if one |SupportedFormats| allows
// for 32 bits samples at 48KHz, and 16 bits samples at 96KHz, but not 32 bits samples at
// 96KHz, then the driver replies with 2 |SupportedFormats|: <<32bits>,<48KHz>> and
// <<16bits>,<96KHz>>. For simplicity, this example ignores parameters other than rate and
// bits per sample. In the case where the driver supports either 16 or 32 bits samples at
// either 48 or 96KHz, the driver would reply with 1 |SupportedFormats|:
// <<16bits,32bits>,<48KHz,96KHz>>.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::GetSupportedFormats GetSupportedFormats(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// |CreateRingBuffer| is sent by clients to select a stream format based on information that
// the driver provides in |GetSupportedFormats| what is supported by the client, and any other
// requirement. The |ring_buffer| channel is used to control the audio buffer, if a previous
// ring buffer channel had been established and was still active, the driver must close that
// (ring buffer) channel and make every attempt to gracefully quiesce any on-going streaming
// operations in the process.
// Allocates 80 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::CreateRingBuffer CreateRingBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
// |CreateRingBuffer| is sent by clients to select a stream format based on information that
// the driver provides in |GetSupportedFormats| what is supported by the client, and any other
// requirement. The |ring_buffer| channel is used to control the audio buffer, if a previous
// ring buffer channel had been established and was still active, the driver must close that
// (ring buffer) channel and make every attempt to gracefully quiesce any on-going streaming
// operations in the process.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::CreateRingBuffer CreateRingBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer);
// Get the gain state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first |WatchGainState|
// sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client |WatchGainState| calls
// until the gain state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WatchGainState WatchGainState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Get the gain state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first |WatchGainState|
// sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client |WatchGainState| calls
// until the gain state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WatchGainState WatchGainState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Client update of the gain state.
// Allocates 104 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
static ResultOf::SetGain SetGain(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
// Client update of the gain state.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::SetGain SetGain(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state);
// Get the plug detect state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first
// |WatchPlugState| sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client
// |WatchPlugState| calls until the plug state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WatchPlugState WatchPlugState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Get the plug detect state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first
// |WatchPlugState| sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client
// |WatchPlugState| calls until the plug state changes from what was most recently reported.
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WatchPlugState WatchPlugState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
// Retrieves top level static properties.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetPropertiesResponse> GetProperties(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Gets formats supported by a given driver. When not all combinations supported by the
// driver can be described with one |SupportedFormats|, the driver returns more than one
// |SupportedFormats| in the returned vector. For example, if one |SupportedFormats| allows
// for 32 bits samples at 48KHz, and 16 bits samples at 96KHz, but not 32 bits samples at
// 96KHz, then the driver replies with 2 |SupportedFormats|: <<32bits>,<48KHz>> and
// <<16bits>,<96KHz>>. For simplicity, this example ignores parameters other than rate and
// bits per sample. In the case where the driver supports either 16 or 32 bits samples at
// either 48 or 96KHz, the driver would reply with 1 |SupportedFormats|:
// <<16bits,32bits>,<48KHz,96KHz>>.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<GetSupportedFormatsResponse> GetSupportedFormats(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// |CreateRingBuffer| is sent by clients to select a stream format based on information that
// the driver provides in |GetSupportedFormats| what is supported by the client, and any other
// requirement. The |ring_buffer| channel is used to control the audio buffer, if a previous
// ring buffer channel had been established and was still active, the driver must close that
// (ring buffer) channel and make every attempt to gracefully quiesce any on-going streaming
// operations in the process.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError CreateRingBuffer(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<CreateRingBufferRequest> params);
// Get the gain state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first |WatchGainState|
// sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client |WatchGainState| calls
// until the gain state changes from what was most recently reported.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WatchGainStateResponse> WatchGainState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Client update of the gain state.
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError SetGain(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::DecodedMessage<SetGainRequest> params);
// Get the plug detect state via a hanging get. The driver will reply to the first
// |WatchPlugState| sent by the client. The driver will not respond to subsequent client
// |WatchPlugState| calls until the plug state changes from what was most recently reported.
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WatchPlugStateResponse> WatchPlugState(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = StreamConfig;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class GetPropertiesCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamProperties properties);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamProperties properties);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetPropertiesResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetPropertiesCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetPropertiesCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetProperties(GetPropertiesCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class GetSupportedFormatsCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::fidl::VectorView<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SupportedFormats> supported_formats);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::fidl::VectorView<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SupportedFormats> supported_formats);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<GetSupportedFormatsResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using GetSupportedFormatsCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<GetSupportedFormatsCompleterBase>;
virtual void GetSupportedFormats(GetSupportedFormatsCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using CreateRingBufferCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void CreateRingBuffer(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format format, ::zx::channel ring_buffer, CreateRingBufferCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WatchGainStateCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState gain_state);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<WatchGainStateResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WatchGainStateCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<WatchGainStateCompleterBase>;
virtual void WatchGainState(WatchGainStateCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using SetGainCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void SetGain(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState target_state, SetGainCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WatchPlugStateCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState plug_state);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState plug_state);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<WatchPlugStateResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WatchPlugStateCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<WatchPlugStateCompleterBase>;
virtual void WatchPlugState(WatchPlugStateCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the server implementation.
// If there is no matching handler, it returns false, leaving the message and transaction intact.
// In all other cases, it consumes the message and returns true.
// It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the interface.
// If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in |msg| and closes the channel with
// a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used with |fidl::Bind|
// to reduce template expansion.
// Do not call this method manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg, ::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
// Helper functions to fill in the transaction header in a |DecodedMessage<TransactionalMessage>|.
class SetTransactionHeaderFor final {
SetTransactionHeaderFor() = delete;
static void GetPropertiesRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::GetPropertiesRequest>& _msg);
static void GetPropertiesResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::GetPropertiesResponse>& _msg);
static void GetSupportedFormatsRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsRequest>& _msg);
static void GetSupportedFormatsResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsResponse>& _msg);
static void CreateRingBufferRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest>& _msg);
static void WatchGainStateRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::WatchGainStateRequest>& _msg);
static void WatchGainStateResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::WatchGainStateResponse>& _msg);
static void SetGainRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::SetGainRequest>& _msg);
static void WatchPlugStateRequest(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateRequest>& _msg);
static void WatchPlugStateResponse(const ::fidl::DecodedMessage<StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateResponse>& _msg);
} // namespace audio
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace fuchsia
} // namespace llcpp
namespace fidl {
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo, timestamp) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo, position) == 8);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferPositionInfo::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PlugState> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBufferProperties> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Device::GetChannelResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Device::GetChannelResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Device::GetChannelResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Device::GetChannelResponse, channel) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats, number_of_channels) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats, sample_formats) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats, bytes_per_sample) == 32);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats, valid_bits_per_sample) == 48);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats, frame_rates) == 64);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmSupportedFormats::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::SupportedFormats> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, number_of_channels) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, channels_to_use_bitmask) == 8);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, sample_format) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, bytes_per_sample) == 17);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, valid_bits_per_sample) == 18);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat, frame_rate) == 20);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::PcmFormat::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::Format> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response, num_frames) == 0);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response, ring_buffer) == 4);
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response) == ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Response::PrimarySize);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamProperties> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer_GetVmo_Result> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetPropertiesResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetPropertiesResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetPropertiesResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetPropertiesResponse, properties) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::WatchClockRecoveryPositionInfoResponse, position_info) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest, min_frames) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoRequest, clock_recovery_notifications_per_ring) == 20);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::GetVmoResponse, result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::StartResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::StartResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::StartResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::RingBuffer::StartResponse, start_time) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::GainState> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetPropertiesResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetPropertiesResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetPropertiesResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetPropertiesResponse, properties) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::GetSupportedFormatsResponse, supported_formats) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest, format) == 16);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::CreateRingBufferRequest, ring_buffer) == 32);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchGainStateResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchGainStateResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchGainStateResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchGainStateResponse, gain_state) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::SetGainRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::SetGainRequest> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::SetGainRequest::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::SetGainRequest, target_state) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateResponse> : public std::true_type {};
== ::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateResponse::PrimarySize);
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::fuchsia::hardware::audio::StreamConfig::WatchPlugStateResponse, plug_state) == 16);
} // namespace fidl