blob: e43026303640402a9c2ea64537258beb53bcf440 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ldsvc/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fd.h>
#include <lib/fdio/io.h>
#include <lib/fidl-async/cpp/bind.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <loader-service/loader-service.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
namespace fuchsia = ::llcpp::fuchsia;
// Fill in all the methods with empty impls; we only care about a couple methods
// in tests
class StubFile : public fuchsia::io::File::Interface {
StubFile() {}
virtual ~StubFile() {}
virtual void Clone(uint32_t flags, ::zx::channel object, CloneCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync completer) {}
virtual void Describe(DescribeCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Sync(SyncCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void GetAttr(GetAttrCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void SetAttr(uint32_t flags, fuchsia::io::NodeAttributes attributes,
SetAttrCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Read(uint64_t count, ReadCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void ReadAt(uint64_t count, uint64_t offset, ReadAtCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Write(::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> data, WriteCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void WriteAt(::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> data, uint64_t offset,
WriteAtCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Seek(int64_t offset, fuchsia::io::SeekOrigin start, SeekCompleter::Sync _completer) {
virtual void Truncate(uint64_t length, TruncateCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void GetFlags(GetFlagsCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void SetFlags(uint32_t flags, SetFlagsCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void GetBuffer(uint32_t flags, GetBufferCompleter::Sync completer) {}
// Fill in all the methods with empty impls; we only care about a couple methods
// in tests
class StubDirectory : public fuchsia::io::Directory::Interface {
StubDirectory() {}
virtual ~StubDirectory() {}
virtual void Describe(DescribeCompleter::Sync completer) {}
virtual void Clone(uint32_t flags, ::zx::channel object, CloneCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync completer) {}
virtual void Sync(SyncCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void GetAttr(GetAttrCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void SetAttr(uint32_t flags, fuchsia::io::NodeAttributes attributes,
SetAttrCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Open(uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, ::fidl::StringView path, ::zx::channel object,
OpenCompleter::Sync completer) {}
virtual void Unlink(::fidl::StringView path, UnlinkCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void ReadDirents(uint64_t max_bytes, ReadDirentsCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Rewind(RewindCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void GetToken(GetTokenCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Rename(::fidl::StringView src, ::zx::handle dst_parent_token, ::fidl::StringView dst,
RenameCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Link(::fidl::StringView src, ::zx::handle dst_parent_token, ::fidl::StringView dst,
LinkCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
virtual void Watch(uint32_t mask, uint32_t options, ::zx::channel watcher,
WatchCompleter::Sync _completer) {}
TEST(LoaderServiceTest, Create) {
// make a mock filesystem (directory and contained file) that records:
// * Open flags
// * Open path
// * Open count
// * GetBuffer flags
uint32_t last_get_buffer_flags = 0;
uint32_t last_open_flags = 0;
uint32_t open_count = 0;
char last_opened_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
// make a dispatcher loop on a thread
async::Loop fs_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread);
class TestFile final : public StubFile {
TestFile(uint32_t* get_buffer_flags) : get_buffer_flags_ptr_(get_buffer_flags) {}
~TestFile() {}
void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync completer) override { completer.Reply(ZX_OK); }
void GetBuffer(uint32_t flags, GetBufferCompleter::Sync completer) override {
*get_buffer_flags_ptr_ = flags;
zx::vmo vmo;
zx::vmo::create(ZX_PAGE_SIZE, 0, &vmo);
fuchsia::mem::Buffer buffer = {};
buffer.size = 0;
buffer.vmo = std::move(vmo);
completer.Reply(ZX_OK, fidl::unowned_ptr(&buffer));
uint32_t* get_buffer_flags_ptr_;
class TestDirectory final : public StubDirectory {
TestDirectory(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, uint32_t* last_open_flags_ptr,
uint32_t* open_count_ptr, uint32_t* last_get_buffer_flags_ptr,
char* last_opened_path)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
last_opened_path_(last_opened_path) {}
~TestDirectory() {}
void Describe(DescribeCompleter::Sync completer) override {
fidl::aligned<fuchsia::io::DirectoryObject> obj;
fuchsia::io::NodeInfo info = fuchsia::io::NodeInfo::WithDirectory(fidl::unowned_ptr(&obj));
void Close(CloseCompleter::Sync completer) override { completer.Reply(ZX_OK); }
void Open(uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, ::fidl::StringView path, ::zx::channel object,
OpenCompleter::Sync completer) override {
// Save arguments
*last_open_flags_ptr_ = flags;
*open_count_ptr_ += 1;
memcpy(last_opened_path_,, path.size());
last_opened_path_[path.size()] = '\0';
// Send the OnOpen event on the channel
fuchsia::io::FileObject obj;
fuchsia::io::NodeInfo info = fuchsia::io::NodeInfo::WithFile(fidl::unowned_ptr(&obj));
fuchsia::io::File::SendOnOpenEvent(zx::unowned_channel{object}, ZX_OK, std::move(info));
// Wire object up to a new TestFile instance
auto file = std::make_unique<TestFile>(last_get_buffer_flags_ptr_);
ASSERT_OK(fidl::Bind(dispatcher_, std::move(object), std::move(file)));
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
uint32_t* last_open_flags_ptr_;
uint32_t* open_count_ptr_;
uint32_t* last_get_buffer_flags_ptr_;
char* last_opened_path_;
zx::channel client, server;
ASSERT_OK(zx::channel::create(0, &client, &server));
auto directory =
std::make_unique<TestDirectory>(fs_loop.dispatcher(), &last_open_flags, &open_count,
&last_get_buffer_flags, last_opened_path);
ASSERT_OK(fidl::Bind(fs_loop.dispatcher(), std::move(server), std::move(directory)));
// Install channel to that filesystem as an FD
int raw_fd;
ASSERT_OK(fdio_fd_create(client.get(), &raw_fd));
fbl::unique_fd fd(raw_fd);
// Create loader service with that fd. It blocks on the FS, so run it on
// a second new thread.
async::Loop ldsvc_loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread);
loader_service_t* service;
ASSERT_OK(loader_service_create_fd(ldsvc_loop.dispatcher(), fd.release(), &service));
// use it to load a thing
zx::channel ldsvc;
ASSERT_OK(loader_service_connect(service, ldsvc.reset_and_get_address()));
fidl::StringView lib("");
auto result =
fuchsia::ldsvc::Loader::Call::LoadObject(zx::unowned_channel{ldsvc}, std::move(lib));
// Verify that succeeded and the handle we get back is valid.
auto& vmo = result->object;
// Verify that calls to mock objects had the expected flags
EXPECT_EQ(1, open_count);
uint32_t expected_open_flags = fuchsia::io::OPEN_RIGHT_READABLE |
EXPECT_EQ(expected_open_flags, last_open_flags);
EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("lib/", last_opened_path));
uint32_t expected_get_buffer_flags =
fuchsia::io::VMO_FLAG_READ | fuchsia::io::VMO_FLAG_EXEC | fuchsia::io::VMO_FLAG_PRIVATE;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_get_buffer_flags, last_get_buffer_flags);
// tear down loader service