blob: 4d832d25ff6808a889c9812b5d53be2a6996c68c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/system_metrics_daemon.h"
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl_test_base.h>
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/gtest/test_loop_fixture.h>
#include <lib/inspect/testing/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/component_context_provider.h>
#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/diagnostics_metrics_registry.cb.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/metrics_registry.cb.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/testing/fake_archivist_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/testing/fake_cpu_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/testing/fake_log_stats_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/testing/fake_temperature_fetcher.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/system-metrics/testing/fake_temperature_fetcher_not_supported.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/testing/fake_clock.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/testing/fake_logger.h"
#include "src/cobalt/bin/utils/clock.h"
using cobalt::FakeArchivistStatsFetcher;
using cobalt::FakeCpuStatsFetcher;
using cobalt::FakeLogger_Sync;
using cobalt::FakeSteadyClock;
using cobalt::FakeTemperatureFetcher;
using cobalt::FakeTemperatureFetcherNotSupported;
using cobalt::LogMethod;
using cobalt::TemperatureFetchStatus;
using fuchsia_system_metrics::FuchsiaLifetimeEventsMetricDimensionEvents;
using DeviceState = fuchsia_system_metrics::CpuPercentageMetricDimensionDeviceState;
using fuchsia_system_metrics::FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime;
using fuchsia_system_metrics::FuchsiaUptimeMetricDimensionUptimeRange;
using std::chrono::hours;
using std::chrono::milliseconds;
using std::chrono::minutes;
using std::chrono::seconds;
namespace {
typedef FuchsiaUptimeMetricDimensionUptimeRange UptimeRange;
static constexpr int kHour = 3600;
static constexpr int kDay = 24 * kHour;
static constexpr int kWeek = 7 * kDay;
} // namespace
class SystemMetricsDaemonTest : public gtest::TestLoopFixture {
// Note that we first save an unprotected pointer in fake_clock_ and then
// give ownership of the pointer to daemon_.
: executor_(dispatcher()),
fake_clock_(new FakeSteadyClock()),
fake_log_stats_fetcher_(new cobalt::FakeLogStatsFetcher(dispatcher())),
fake_archivist_stats_fetcher_(new cobalt::FakeArchivistStatsFetcher(dispatcher())),
daemon_(new SystemMetricsDaemon(
dispatcher(), context_provider_.context(), &fake_logger_, &fake_diagnostics_logger_,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::CpuStatsFetcher>(new FakeCpuStatsFetcher()),
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcher()),
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::LogStatsFetcher>(fake_log_stats_fetcher_), nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::ArchivistStatsFetcher>(fake_archivist_stats_fetcher_))) {
daemon_->cpu_bucket_config_ = daemon_->InitializeLinearBucketConfig(
daemon_->temperature_bucket_config_ = daemon_->InitializeLinearBucketConfig(
inspect::Inspector Inspector() { return *(daemon_->inspector_.inspector()); }
// Run a promise to completion on the default async executor.
void RunPromiseToCompletion(fit::promise<> promise) {
bool done = false;
executor_.schedule_task(std::move(promise).and_then([&]() { done = true; }));
fit::result<inspect::Hierarchy> GetHierachyFromInspect() {
fit::result<inspect::Hierarchy> hierarchy;
inspect::ReadFromInspector(Inspector()).then([&](fit::result<inspect::Hierarchy>& result) {
hierarchy = std::move(result);
return hierarchy;
void UpdateState(fuchsia::ui::activity::State state) { daemon_->UpdateState(state); }
seconds LogFuchsiaUpPing(seconds uptime) { return daemon_->LogFuchsiaUpPing(uptime); }
seconds LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() { return daemon_->LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents(); }
seconds LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents() { return daemon_->LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents(); }
seconds LogFuchsiaUptime() { return daemon_->LogFuchsiaUptime(); }
void RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents() {
return daemon_->RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents();
void RepeatedlyLogTemperature() { return daemon_->RepeatedlyLogTemperature(); }
void LogTemperatureIfSupported(bool remaining_attempts) {
return daemon_->LogTemperatureIfSupported(remaining_attempts);
void RepeatedlyLogUptime() { return daemon_->RepeatedlyLogUptime(); }
// Calls BucketIndex on temperature_bucket_config_.
uint32_t GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(int64_t temperature) {
return (daemon_->temperature_bucket_config_)->BucketIndex(temperature);
seconds LogCpuUsage() { return daemon_->LogCpuUsage(); }
void LogLogStats() { daemon_->LogLogStats(); }
void LogArchivistStats() { daemon_->LogArchivistStats(); }
void PrepareForLogCpuUsage() {
daemon_->cpu_data_stored_ = 599;
daemon_->activity_state_to_cpu_map_[fuchsia::ui::activity::State::ACTIVE][345u] = 599u;
seconds LogTemperature() {
daemon_->temperature_map_[40] = 1;
daemon_->temperature_map_[45] = 2;
daemon_->temperature_map_[48] = 1;
daemon_->temperature_map_[50] = 1;
daemon_->num_temps_ = kLastItemInTemperatureBuffer;
return daemon_->LogTemperature();
void SetTemperatureFetcher(std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher> fetcher) {
void CheckValues(LogMethod expected_log_method_invoked, size_t expected_call_count,
uint32_t expected_metric_id, uint32_t expected_last_event_code,
uint32_t expected_last_event_code_second_position = -1,
size_t expected_event_count = 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_log_method_invoked, fake_logger_.last_log_method_invoked());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_call_count, fake_logger_.call_count());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_metric_id, fake_logger_.last_metric_id());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_last_event_code, fake_logger_.last_event_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_event_count, fake_logger_.event_count());
void CheckUptimeValues(size_t expected_call_count, uint32_t expected_last_event_code,
int64_t expected_last_up_hours) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_call_count, fake_logger_.call_count());
EXPECT_EQ(fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaUptimeMetricId, fake_logger_.last_metric_id());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_last_event_code, fake_logger_.last_event_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_last_up_hours, fake_logger_.last_elapsed_time());
void DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds now_seconds, seconds expected_sleep_seconds,
size_t expected_call_count, uint32_t expected_last_event_code) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_sleep_seconds.count(), LogFuchsiaUpPing(now_seconds).count());
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogEvent, expected_call_count,
fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaUpPingMetricId, expected_last_event_code);
void DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(seconds increment_seconds, seconds expected_sleep_seconds,
size_t expected_call_count,
uint32_t expected_last_metric_id,
uint32_t expected_last_event_code) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_sleep_seconds.count(), LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents().count());
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogEvent, expected_call_count, expected_last_metric_id,
void DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds now_seconds, seconds expected_sleep_seconds,
uint32_t expected_event_code, int64_t expected_up_hours) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_sleep_seconds.count(), LogFuchsiaUptime().count());
CheckUptimeValues(1u, expected_event_code, expected_up_hours);
// This method is used by the test of the method
// RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents(). It advances our two fake clocks
// (one used by the SystemMetricDaemon, one used by the MessageLoop) by the
// specified amount, and then checks to make sure that
// RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents() was executed and did the expected
// thing.
void AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds advance_time_seconds, size_t expected_call_count,
uint32_t expected_metric_id, uint32_t expected_last_event_code,
LogMethod expected_log_method_invoked = cobalt::kOther) {
bool expected_activity = (expected_call_count != 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_activity, RunLoopFor(zx::sec(advance_time_seconds.count())));
expected_log_method_invoked =
(expected_call_count == 0 ? cobalt::kOther : expected_log_method_invoked);
CheckValues(expected_log_method_invoked, expected_call_count, expected_metric_id,
// This method is used by the test of the method RepeatedlyLogUptime(). It
// advances our two fake clocks by the specified amount, and then checks to
// make sure that RepeatedlyLogUptime() made the expected logging calls in the
// meantime.
void AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds advance_time_seconds, size_t expected_call_count,
uint32_t expected_last_event_code, int64_t expected_last_up_hours) {
bool expected_activity = (expected_call_count != 0);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_activity, RunLoopFor(zx::sec(advance_time_seconds.count())));
if (expected_activity) {
CheckUptimeValues(expected_call_count, expected_last_event_code, expected_last_up_hours);
// Rewinds the SystemMetricsDaemon's clock back to the daemon's startup time.
void SetClockToDaemonStartTime() { fake_clock_->set_time(daemon_->start_time_); }
async::Executor executor_;
sys::testing::ComponentContextProvider context_provider_;
FakeSteadyClock* fake_clock_;
FakeLogger_Sync fake_logger_;
FakeLogger_Sync fake_diagnostics_logger_;
cobalt::FakeLogStatsFetcher* const fake_log_stats_fetcher_;
cobalt::FakeArchivistStatsFetcher* const fake_archivist_stats_fetcher_;
std::unique_ptr<SystemMetricsDaemon> daemon_;
const size_t kLastItemInTemperatureBuffer = SystemMetricsDaemon::kTempArraySize - 1;
// Tests the method LogTemperature(). Uses a local FakeTemperatureFetcher and
// then read from inspect
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, InspectTemperature) {
// This is already set in the constructor. Setting it again just in case people
// change the order of tests in the future.
SetTemperatureFetcher(std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcher()));
EXPECT_EQ(seconds(10).count(), LogTemperature().count());
// Get hierarchy, node, and readings
fit::result<inspect::Hierarchy> hierarchy = GetHierachyFromInspect();
auto* metric_node = hierarchy.value().GetByPath({SystemMetricsDaemon::kInspecPlatformtNodeName});
auto* temperature_node = metric_node->GetByPath({SystemMetricsDaemon::kTemperatureNodeName});
auto* temp_readings = temperature_node->node().get_property<inspect::IntArrayValue>(
// Expect 6 readings in the array
EXPECT_EQ(SystemMetricsDaemon::kTempArraySize, temp_readings->value().size());
EXPECT_EQ(38u, temp_readings->value()[kLastItemInTemperatureBuffer]);
// Tests the method LogCpuUsage() and read from inspect
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, InspectCpuUsage) {
EXPECT_EQ(seconds(1).count(), LogCpuUsage().count());
// Call count is 1. Just one call to LogCobaltEvents, with 60 events.
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogCobaltEvents, 1, fuchsia_system_metrics::kCpuPercentageMetricId,
DeviceState::Active, -1 /*no second position event code*/, 1);
// Get hierarchy, node, and readings
fit::result<inspect::Hierarchy> hierarchy = GetHierachyFromInspect();
auto* metric_node = hierarchy.value().GetByPath({SystemMetricsDaemon::kInspecPlatformtNodeName});
auto* cpu_node = metric_node->GetByPath({SystemMetricsDaemon::kCPUNodeName});
auto* cpu_max =
// Expect 6 readings in the array
EXPECT_EQ(SystemMetricsDaemon::kCPUArraySize, cpu_max->value().size());
EXPECT_EQ(12.34, cpu_max->value()[0]);
// Tests the method LogFuchsiaUptime(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and
// does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogFuchsiaUptime) {
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(0), seconds(kHour), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 0);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(kHour - 1), seconds(1), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 0);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(5), seconds(kHour - 5), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 0);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(kDay), seconds(kHour), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 24);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(kDay + 6 * kHour + 10), seconds(kHour - 10),
UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 30);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(kWeek), seconds(kHour), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 168);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(kWeek), seconds(kHour), UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 168);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(2 * kWeek), seconds(kHour), UptimeRange::TwoWeeksOrMore, 336);
DoFuchsiaUptimeTest(seconds(2 * kWeek + 6 * kDay + 10), seconds(kHour - 10),
UptimeRange::TwoWeeksOrMore, 480);
// Tests the method LogFuchsiaUpPing(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and
// does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogFuchsiaUpPing) {
// If we were just booted, expect 1 log event of type "Up" and a return
// value of 60 seconds.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds(0), seconds(60), 1, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::Up);
// If we've been up for 10 seconds, expect 1 log event of type "Up" and a
// return value of 50 seconds.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds(10), seconds(50), 1, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::Up);
// If we've been up for 59 seconds, expect 1 log event of type "Up" and a
// return value of 1 second.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds(59), seconds(1), 1, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::Up);
// If we've been up for 60 seconds, expect 2 log events, the second one
// being of type UpOneMinute, and a return value of 9 minutes.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds(60), minutes(9), 2, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneMinute);
// If we've been up for 61 seconds, expect 2 log events, the second one
// being of type UpOneMinute, and a return value of 9 minutes minus 1
// second.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(seconds(61), minutes(9) - seconds(1), 2,
// If we've been up for 10 minutes minus 1 second, expect 2 log events, the
// second one being of type UpOneMinute, and a return value of 1 second.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(10) - seconds(1), seconds(1), 2,
// If we've been up for 10 minutes, expect 3 log events, the
// last one being of type UpTenMinutes, and a return value of 50 minutes.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(10), minutes(50), 3,
// If we've been up for 10 minutes plus 1 second, expect 3 log events, the
// last one being of type UpTenMinutes, and a return value of 50 minutes
// minus one second.
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(10) + seconds(1), minutes(50) - seconds(1), 3,
// If we've been up for 59 minutes, expect 3 log events, the last one being
// of type UpTenMinutes, and a return value of 1 minute
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(59), minutes(1), 3, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpTenMinutes);
// If we've been up for 60 minutes, expect 4 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneHour, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(60), hours(1), 4, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneHour);
// If we've been up for 61 minutes, expect 4 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneHour, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(minutes(61), hours(1), 4, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneHour);
// If we've been up for 11 hours, expect 4 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneHour, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(11), hours(1), 4, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneHour);
// If we've been up for 12 hours, expect 5 log events, the last one being
// of type UpTwelveHours, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(12), hours(1), 5, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpTwelveHours);
// If we've been up for 13 hours, expect 5 log events, the last one being
// of type UpTwelveHours, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(13), hours(1), 5, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpTwelveHours);
// If we've been up for 23 hours, expect 5 log events, the last one being
// of type UpTwelveHours, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(23), hours(1), 5, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpTwelveHours);
// If we've been up for 24 hours, expect 6 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneDay, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(24), hours(1), 6, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneDay);
// If we've been up for 25 hours, expect 6 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneDay, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(25), hours(1), 6, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneDay);
// If we've been up for 73 hours, expect 7 log events, the last one being
// of type UpOneDay, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(73), hours(1), 7, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpThreeDays);
// If we've been up for 250 hours, expect 8 log events, the last one being
// of type UpSixDays, and a return value of 1 hour
DoFuchsiaUpPingTest(hours(250), hours(1), 8, FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpSixDays);
// Tests the method LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync
// and does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents) {
// The first time LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() is invoked it should log 1
// event of type "Boot" and return seconds::max().
EXPECT_EQ(seconds::max(), LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents());
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogEvent, 1, fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaLifetimeEventsMetricId,
// The second time LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() is invoked it should do
// nothing and return seconds::max().
EXPECT_EQ(seconds::max(), LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents());
CheckValues(cobalt::kOther, 0, -1, -1);
// Tests the method LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync
// and does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents) {
// If we have been up for 1 second, expect 2 log events. First there is an
// "Up" event and then there is "Boot" event. Expect a return value of
// 59 seconds.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(seconds(1), seconds(59), 2,
// 59 Seconds later, expect 2 log events. First there is an "Up" event and
// then there is an "UpOneMinute" event. Expect a return value of 9 minutes.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(seconds(59), minutes(9), 2,
// 9 Minutes minus 1 second later, expect 2 log events. First there is an
// "Up" event and then there is an "UpOneMinute" event. Expect a return
// value of 1 second.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(minutes(9) - seconds(1), seconds(1), 2,
// 2 seconds later, expect 3 log events. First there is an
// "Up" event and then there is an "UpOneMinute" event and then there is an
// "UpTenMinutes" event. Expect a return value of 50 minutes - 1 second.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(seconds(2), minutes(50) - seconds(1), 3,
// 50 minutes - 1 second later, the device has been up for one hour.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(minutes(50) - seconds(1), hours(1), 4,
// One hour later, the device has been up for two hours.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 4,
// One hour later, the device has been up for three hours.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 4,
// One hour later, the device has been up for four hours.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 4,
// One hour later, the device has been up for five hours.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 4,
// One hour later, the device has been up for six hours.
// Expect 4 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour".
// Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 4,
// Six hours later, the device has been up for twelve hours.
// Expect 5 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour",
// "UpTwelveHours". Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(6), hours(1), 5,
// One hour later, the device has been up for 13 hours.
// Expect 5 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour",
// "UpTwelveHours". Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 5,
// One hour later, the device has been up for 14 hours.
// Expect 5 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour",
// "UpTwelveHours". Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 5,
// Ten hours later, the device has been up for 24 hours.
// Expect 6 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour",
// "UpTwelveHours", "UpOneDay". Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(10), hours(1), 6,
// One later, the device has been up for 25 hours.
// Expect 6 log events: "Up", "UpOneMinute", "UpTenMinutes", "UpOneHour",
// "UpTwelveHours", "UpOneDay". Expect a return value of one hour.
DoLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEventsTest(hours(1), hours(1), 6,
// Tests the method RepeatedlyLogUptime(). This test uses the message loop to
// schedule future runs of work. Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and does not use
// FIDL.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, RepeatedlyLogUptime) {
// Invoke the method under test. This should cause the uptime to be logged
// once, and schedules the next run for approximately 1 hour in the future.
// (More precisely, the next run should occur in 1 hour minus the amount of
// time after the daemon's start time which this method is invoked.)
// The first event should have been logged, with an uptime of 0 hours.
CheckUptimeValues(1u, UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 0);
// Advance the clock by 30 seconds. Nothing should have happened.
AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds(30), 0, -1, -1);
// Advance the clock to the next hour. The system metrics daemon has been up
// for 1 hour by now, so the second event should have been logged.
AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds(kHour - 30), 1, UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 1);
// Advance the clock by 1 day. At this point, the daemon has been up for 25
// hours. Since the last time we checked |fake_logger_|, the daemon should
// have logged the uptime 24 times, with the most recent value equal to 25.
AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds(kDay), 24, UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 25);
// Advance the clock by 1 week. At this point, the daemon has been up for 8
// days + 1 hour. Since the last time we checked |fake_logger_|, the daemon
// should have logged the uptime 168 times, with the most recent value equal
// to 193.
AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds(kWeek), 168, UptimeRange::LessThanTwoWeeks, 193);
// Advance the clock 1 more week. At this point, the daemon has been up for
// 15 days + 1 hour. Since the last time we checked |fake_logger_|, the daemon
// should have logged the uptime 168 times, with the most recent value equal
// to 361.
AdvanceAndCheckUptime(seconds(kWeek), 168, UptimeRange::TwoWeeksOrMore, 361);
// Tests the method RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents(). This test differs
// from the previous ones because it makes use of the message loop in order to
// schedule future runs of work. Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and does not use
// FIDL.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents) {
// Make sure the loop has no initial pending work.
// Invoke the method under test. This kicks of the first run and schedules
// the second run for 1 minute plus 5 seconds in the future.
// The initial two events should have been logged, the second of which is
// |Boot|.
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogEvent, 2, fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaLifetimeEventsMetricId,
// Advance the clock by 30 seconds. Nothing should have happened.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds(30), 0, -1, -1, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock by 30 seconds again. Nothing should have happened
// because the first run of RepeatedlyLogUpPingAndLifeTimeEvents() added a 5
// second buffer to the next scheduled run time.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds(30), 0, -1, -1, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock by 5 seconds to t=65s. Now expect the second batch
// of work to occur. This consists of two events the second of which is
// |UpOneMinute|. The third batch of work should be schedule for
// t = 10m + 5s.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds(5), 2, fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaUpPingMetricId,
FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneMinute, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock to t=10m. Nothing should have happened because the
// previous round added a 5s buffer.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(minutes(10) - seconds(65), 0, -1, -1, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock 5 s to t=10m + 5s. Now expect the third batch of
// work to occur. This consists of three events the second of which is
// |UpTenMinutes|. The fourth batch of work should be scheduled for
// t = 1 hour + 5s.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds(5), 3, fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaUpPingMetricId,
FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpTenMinutes, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock to t=1h. Nothing should have happened because the
// previous round added a 5s buffer.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(minutes(60) - (minutes(10) + seconds(5)), 0, -1, -1, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Advance the clock 5 s to t=1h + 5s. Now expect the fourth batch of
// work to occur. This consists of 4 events the last of which is
// |UpOneHour|.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(seconds(5), 4, fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaUpPingMetricId,
FuchsiaUpPingMetricDimensionUptime::UpOneHour, cobalt::kLogEvent);
// Tests the method LogCpuUsage(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and
// does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogCpuUsage) {
EXPECT_EQ(seconds(1).count(), LogCpuUsage().count());
// Call count is 1. Just one call to LogCobaltEvents, with 60 events.
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogCobaltEvents, 1, fuchsia_system_metrics::kCpuPercentageMetricId,
DeviceState::Active, -1 /*no second position event code*/, 1);
// Tests that temperature_bucket_config_ created will put extreme temperature data into
// overflow or underflow buckets accordingly.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, TemperatureBucketConfig) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(-25), uint32_t(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(-1), uint32_t(0));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(0), uint32_t(1));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(1), uint32_t(2));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(79), uint32_t(80));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(80), uint32_t(81));
EXPECT_EQ(GetTemperatureBucketGivenTemperature(100), uint32_t(81));
// Tests the method LogTemperature(). Uses a local FakeLogger_Sync and
// does not use FIDL. Does not use the message loop.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogTemperature) {
// This is already set in the constructor. Setting it again just in case people
// change the order of tests in the future.
SetTemperatureFetcher(std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcher()));
// When LogTemperature() is invoked it should log 6 events
// in 1 FIDL call, and return 10 second.
EXPECT_EQ(seconds(10).count(), LogTemperature().count());
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogIntHistogram, 1,
fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaTemperatureExperimentalMetricId, 0);
// Tests first call of the method LogTemperatureIfSupported()
// when temperature fetcher returns NOT_SUPPORTED.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogTemperatureIfSupportedNotSupported) {
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcherNotSupported()));
LogTemperatureIfSupported(1 /*remaining_attempts*/);
// LogTemperature would NOT be triggered.
CheckValues(cobalt::kOther, 0, -1, -1);
// There should be no logging activity forever.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(hours(24), 0, -1, -1);
// Tests second call of the method LogTemperatureIfSupported()
// when temperature fetcher returns NOT_SUPPORTED.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogTemperatureIfSupportedNotSupported2) {
// Second trial should give the same result.
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcherNotSupported()));
LogTemperatureIfSupported(0 /*remaining_attempts*/);
// LogTemperature would NOT be triggered.
CheckValues(cobalt::kOther, 0, -1, -1);
// There should be no logging activity forever.
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(hours(24), 0, -1, -1);
// Tests first call of the method LogTemperatureIfSupported()
// when temperature fetcher returns SUCCEED.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogTemperatureIfSupportedSucceed) {
// SetTemperatureFetcher(std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new
// FakeTemperatureFetcher()));
LogTemperatureIfSupported(1 /*remaining_attempts*/);
// LogTemperature would be triggered and one cobalt call would be made within 1 minute
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(minutes(1), 1,
fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaTemperatureExperimentalMetricId, 0,
// Tests second call of the method LogTemperatureIfSupported()
// when temperature fetcher returns SUCCEED.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogTemperatureIfSupportedSucceed2) {
LogTemperatureIfSupported(0 /*remaining_attempts*/);
// LogTemperature would be triggered and one cobalt call would be made within 1 minute
AdvanceTimeAndCheck(minutes(1), 1,
fuchsia_system_metrics::kFuchsiaTemperatureExperimentalMetricId, 0,
// Check that component log stats are sent to cobalt's logger.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogLogStats) {
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogCobaltEvents, 1, fuchsia_system_metrics::kErrorLogCountMetricId, -1, -1,
EXPECT_EQ(5u, fake_logger_.logged_events()[0].payload.event_count().count);
fake_log_stats_fetcher_->AddComponentErrorCount(cobalt::ComponentEventCode::Appmgr, 3);
CheckValues(cobalt::kLogCobaltEvents, 2,
cobalt::ComponentEventCode::Appmgr, -1, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, fake_logger_.logged_events()[0].payload.event_count().count);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, fake_logger_.logged_events()[1].payload.event_count().count);
// Check that archivist stats are sent to component diagnostics logger.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonTest, LogArchivistStats) {
.pipeline = fuchsia_component_diagnostics::
.data_type = fuchsia_component_diagnostics::
.pipeline = fuchsia_component_diagnostics::
.data_type = fuchsia_component_diagnostics::
EXPECT_EQ(2u, fake_diagnostics_logger_.call_count());
class MockLogger : public ::fuchsia::cobalt::testing::Logger_TestBase {
void LogCobaltEvents(std::vector<fuchsia::cobalt::CobaltEvent> events,
LogCobaltEventsCallback callback) override {
num_events_ += events.size();
void LogEvent(uint32_t metric_id, uint32_t event_code,
LogCobaltEventsCallback callback) override {
num_events_ += 1;
void NotImplemented_(const std::string& name) override {
ASSERT_TRUE(false) << name << " is not implemented";
int num_calls() { return num_calls_; }
int num_events() { return num_events_; }
int num_calls_ = 0;
int num_events_ = 0;
class MockLoggerFactory : public ::fuchsia::cobalt::testing::LoggerFactory_TestBase {
MockLogger* logger() { return logger_.get(); }
uint32_t received_project_id() { return received_project_id_; }
void CreateLoggerFromProjectId(uint32_t project_id,
::fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::cobalt::Logger> logger,
CreateLoggerFromProjectIdCallback callback) override {
received_project_id_ = project_id;
logger_.reset(new MockLogger());
logger_bindings_.AddBinding(logger_.get(), std::move(logger));
void NotImplemented_(const std::string& name) override {
ASSERT_TRUE(false) << name << " is not implemented";
uint32_t received_project_id_;
std::unique_ptr<MockLogger> logger_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::cobalt::Logger> logger_bindings_;
class SystemMetricsDaemonInitializationTest : public gtest::TestLoopFixture {
~SystemMetricsDaemonInitializationTest() override = default;
seconds LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() {
// The SystemMetricsDaemon will make asynchronous calls to the MockLogger*s that are also
// running in this class/tests thread. So the call to the SystemMetricsDaemon needs to be made
// on a different thread, such that the MockLogger*s running on the main thread can respond to
// those calls.
std::future<seconds> result = std::async([this]() {
daemon_->boot_reported_ = false;
return daemon_->LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents();
while (result.wait_for(milliseconds(1)) != std::future_status::ready) {
// Run the main thread's loop, allowing the MockLogger* objects to respond to requests.
return result.get();
void SetUp() override {
// Create a MockLoggerFactory and add it to the services the fake context can provide.
auto service_provider = context_provider_.service_directory_provider();
logger_factory_ = new MockLoggerFactory();
service_provider->AddService(factory_bindings_.GetHandler(logger_factory_, dispatcher()));
// Initialize the SystemMetricsDaemon with the fake context, and other fakes.
daemon_ = std::unique_ptr<SystemMetricsDaemon>(new SystemMetricsDaemon(
dispatcher(), context_provider_.context(), nullptr, nullptr,
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::CpuStatsFetcher>(new FakeCpuStatsFetcher()),
std::unique_ptr<cobalt::TemperatureFetcher>(new FakeTemperatureFetcher()), nullptr, nullptr,
// Note that we first save an unprotected pointer in fake_clock_ and then
// give ownership of the pointer to daemon_.
FakeSteadyClock* fake_clock_ = new FakeSteadyClock();
std::unique_ptr<SystemMetricsDaemon> daemon_;
MockLoggerFactory* logger_factory_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerFactory> factory_bindings_;
sys::testing::ComponentContextProvider context_provider_;
// Tests the initialization of a new SystemMetricsDaemon's connection to the Cobalt FIDL objects.
TEST_F(SystemMetricsDaemonInitializationTest, LogSomethingAnything) {
// Make sure the Logger has not been initialized yet.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, logger_factory_->received_project_id());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, logger_factory_->logger());
// When LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() is invoked the first time, it connects to the LoggerFactory and
// gets a logger, and returns a longer time to the next run.
EXPECT_EQ(seconds(300).count(), LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents().count());
// Make sure the Logger has now been initialized, and for the correct project, but has not yet
// logged anything.
EXPECT_EQ(fuchsia_system_metrics::kProjectId, logger_factory_->received_project_id());
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, logger_factory_->logger());
EXPECT_EQ(0, logger_factory_->logger()->num_calls());
// Second call to LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents() succeeds at logging the metric, and returns infinite
// time.
EXPECT_EQ(seconds::max(), LogFuchsiaLifetimeEvents());
EXPECT_EQ(1, logger_factory_->logger()->num_calls());