blob: 2a22dcfae69457bcc38a1dcbb3ade9ed54ef6472 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::{diagnostics::BatchIteratorConnectionStats, error::AccessorError},
fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics::{DataType, FormattedContent, StreamMode, MAXIMUM_ENTRIES_PER_BATCH},
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
io::{BufWriter, Result as IoResult, Write},
task::{Context, Poll},
tracing::{error, warn},
pub type FormattedStream =
Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Vec<Result<FormattedContent, AccessorError>>> + Send>>;
pub struct FormattedContentBatcher<C> {
items: C,
stats: Arc<BatchIteratorConnectionStats>,
/// Make a new `FormattedContentBatcher` with a chunking strategy depending on stream mode.
/// In snapshot mode, batched items will not be flushed to the client until the batch is complete
/// or the underlying stream has terminated.
/// In subscribe or snapshot-then-subscribe mode, batched items will be flushed whenever the
/// underlying stream is pending, ensuring clients always receive latest results.
pub fn new_batcher<I, T, E>(
items: I,
stats: Arc<BatchIteratorConnectionStats>,
mode: StreamMode,
) -> FormattedStream
I: Stream<Item = Result<T, E>> + Send + 'static,
T: Into<FormattedContent> + Send,
E: Into<AccessorError> + Send,
match mode {
StreamMode::Subscribe | StreamMode::SnapshotThenSubscribe => {
Box::pin(FormattedContentBatcher {
items: items.ready_chunks(MAXIMUM_ENTRIES_PER_BATCH as _),
StreamMode::Snapshot => Box::pin(FormattedContentBatcher {
items: items.chunks(MAXIMUM_ENTRIES_PER_BATCH as _),
impl<I, T, E> Stream for FormattedContentBatcher<I>
I: Stream<Item = Vec<Result<T, E>>>,
T: Into<FormattedContent>,
E: Into<AccessorError>,
type Item = Vec<Result<FormattedContent, AccessorError>>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let this = self.project();
match this.items.poll_next(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(chunk)) => {
// loop over chunk instead of into_iter/map because we can't move `this`
let mut batch = vec![];
for item in chunk {
let result = match item {
Ok(i) => Ok(i.into()),
Err(e) => {
Poll::Ready(None) => Poll::Ready(None),
Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending,
struct VmoWriter {
inner: Arc<Mutex<InnerVmoWriter>>,
enum InnerVmoWriter {
Active { vmo: zx::Vmo, capacity: u64, tail: u64 },
impl VmoWriter {
// TODO( take the name of the VMO as well.
fn new(start_size: u64) -> Self {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create_with_opts(zx::VmoOptions::RESIZABLE, start_size)
.expect("can always create resizable vmo's");
let capacity = vmo.get_size().expect("can always read vmo size");
Self { inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(InnerVmoWriter::Active { vmo, capacity, tail: 0 })) }
fn tail(&self) -> u64 {
match *self.inner.lock() {
InnerVmoWriter::Done => 0,
InnerVmoWriter::Active { tail, .. } => tail,
fn capacity(&self) -> u64 {
match *self.inner.lock() {
InnerVmoWriter::Done => 0,
InnerVmoWriter::Active { capacity, .. } => capacity,
fn finalize(self) -> Option<(zx::Vmo, u64)> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
let mut swapped = InnerVmoWriter::Done;
std::mem::swap(&mut *inner, &mut swapped);
match swapped {
InnerVmoWriter::Done => None,
InnerVmoWriter::Active { vmo, tail, .. } => Some((vmo, tail)),
fn reset(&mut self, new_tail: u64, new_capacity: u64) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock();
match &mut *inner {
InnerVmoWriter::Done => {}
InnerVmoWriter::Active { vmo, capacity, tail } => {
vmo.set_size(new_capacity).expect("can always resize a plain vmo");
*capacity = new_capacity;
*tail = new_tail;
impl Write for VmoWriter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<usize> {
match &mut *self.inner.lock() {
InnerVmoWriter::Done => Ok(0),
InnerVmoWriter::Active { vmo, tail, capacity } => {
let new_tail = *tail + buf.len() as u64;
if new_tail > *capacity {
vmo.set_size(new_tail).expect("can always resize a plain vmo");
*capacity = new_tail;
vmo.write(buf, *tail)?;
*tail = new_tail;
fn flush(&mut self) -> IoResult<()> {
/// Holds a VMO containing valid JSON as well as the size of that json string.
pub struct JsonString {
pub vmo: zx::Vmo,
pub size: u64,
impl JsonString {
pub fn serialize(source: &impl Serialize, data_type: DataType) -> Result<Self, AccessorError> {
let writer = VmoWriter::new(match data_type {
DataType::Inspect => inspect_format::constants::DEFAULT_VMO_SIZE_BYTES as u64,
DataType::Lifecycle => 4096, // page size
// Logs won't go through this codepath anyway, but in case we ever want to serialize a
// single log instance it makes sense to start at the page size.
DataType::Logs => 4096, // page size
let batch_writer = BufWriter::new(writer.clone());
serde_json::to_writer(batch_writer, source).map_err(AccessorError::Serialization)?;
// Safe to unwrap we should always be able to take the vmo here.
let (vmo, tail) = writer.finalize().unwrap();
Ok(Self { vmo, size: tail })
impl From<JsonString> for FormattedContent {
fn from(string: JsonString) -> FormattedContent {
FormattedContent::Json(fidl_fuchsia_mem::Buffer { vmo: string.vmo, size: string.size })
/// Wraps an iterator over serializable items and yields FormattedContents, packing items
/// into a JSON array in each VMO up to the size limit provided.
pub struct JsonPacketSerializer<I, S> {
items: I,
stats: Option<Arc<BatchIteratorConnectionStats>>,
max_packet_size: u64,
overflow: Option<S>,
impl<I, S> JsonPacketSerializer<I, S> {
pub fn new(stats: Arc<BatchIteratorConnectionStats>, max_packet_size: u64, items: I) -> Self {
Self { items, stats: Some(stats), max_packet_size, overflow: None }
pub fn new_without_stats(max_packet_size: u64, items: I) -> Self {
Self { items, max_packet_size, overflow: None, stats: None }
impl<I, S> Stream for JsonPacketSerializer<I, S>
I: Stream<Item = S> + Unpin,
S: Serialize,
type Item = Result<JsonString, AccessorError>;
/// Serialize log messages in a JSON array up to the maximum size provided. Returns Ok(None)
/// when there are no more messages to serialize.
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let mut this = self.project();
let mut writer = VmoWriter::new(*this.max_packet_size);
if let Some(item) = this.overflow.take() {
let batch_writer = BufWriter::new(writer.clone());
serde_json::to_writer(batch_writer, &item)?;
if let Some(stats) = &this.stats {
let mut items_is_pending = false;
loop {
let item = match this.items.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(item)) => item,
Poll::Ready(None) => break,
Poll::Pending => {
items_is_pending = true;
let writer_tail = writer.tail();
let is_first = writer_tail == 1;
let (last_tail, previous_size) = (writer_tail, writer.capacity());
if !is_first {
let batch_writer = BufWriter::new(writer.clone());
serde_json::to_writer(batch_writer, &item)?;
let writer_tail = writer.tail();
let item_len = writer_tail - last_tail;
// +1 for the ending bracket
if item_len + 1 >= *this.max_packet_size {
"serializing oversize item into packet (limit={} actual={})",
writer_tail - last_tail,
// existing batch + item + array end bracket
if writer_tail + 1 > *this.max_packet_size {
writer.reset(last_tail, previous_size);
*this.overflow = Some(item);
if let Some(stats) = &this.stats {
let writer_tail = writer.tail();
if writer_tail > *this.max_packet_size {
actual = writer_tail,
max = *this.max_packet_size,
"returned a string longer than maximum specified",
// we only want to return an item if we wrote more than opening & closing brackets,
// and as a string the batch's length is measured in bytes
if writer_tail > 2 {
// safe to unwrap, the vmo is guaranteed to be present.
let (vmo, size) = writer.finalize().unwrap();
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(JsonString { vmo, size })))
} else if items_is_pending {
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::diagnostics::AccessorStats;
use futures::stream::iter;
async fn two_items_joined_and_split() {
let inputs = &[&"FFFFFFFFFF", &"GGGGGGGGGG"];
let joined = &["[\"FFFFFFFFFF\",\n\"GGGGGGGGGG\"]"];
let split = &[r#"["FFFFFFFFFF"]"#, r#"["GGGGGGGGGG"]"#];
let smallest_possible_joined_len = joined[0].len() as u64;
let make_packets = |max| async move {
let node = fuchsia_inspect::Node::default();
let accessor_stats = Arc::new(AccessorStats::new(node));
let test_stats = Arc::new(accessor_stats.new_logs_batch_iterator());
JsonPacketSerializer::new(test_stats, max, iter(inputs.iter()))
.map(|r| {
let result = r.unwrap();
let mut buf = vec![0; result.size as usize]; buf, 0).expect("reading vmo");
let actual_joined = make_packets(smallest_possible_joined_len).await;
assert_eq!(&actual_joined[..], joined);
let actual_split = make_packets(smallest_possible_joined_len - 1).await;
assert_eq!(&actual_split[..], split);