blob: a8f723a6140abd74d5e78c0fc6c367ea3acee6d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This shard is meant to contain stuff that is meant to be shared across all flavors of the
// archivist.
include: [ "inspect/client.shard.cml" ],
program: {
runner: "elf",
capabilities: [
protocol: [
use: [
protocol: [ "fuchsia.sys2.EventSource" ],
event: [
from: "parent",
event: "directory_ready",
from: "parent",
as: "diagnostics_ready",
filter: { name: "diagnostics" },
event: "capability_requested",
from: "parent",
as: "log_sink_requested",
filter: { name: "fuchsia.logger.LogSink" },
event_stream_deprecated: "EventStream",
subscriptions: [
{ event: "diagnostics_ready" },
{ event: "log_sink_requested" },
{ event: "running" },
{ event: "started" },
{ event: "stopped" },
expose: [
protocol: [
from: "self",
config: {
// Ingest events coming from CFv1.
enable_component_event_provider: { type: "bool" },
// Drain klog.
enable_klog: { type: "bool" },
// Ingest events coming from CFv2.
enable_event_source: { type: "bool" },
// Ingest attributed log connections coming from CFv1.
enable_log_connector: { type: "bool" },
// Install the test controller to stop the archviist in v1 tests.
install_controller: { type: "bool" },
// Serve the Lifecycle protocol used to stop the archivist in v2.
listen_to_lifecycle: { type: "bool" },
// Send archivist logs to klog.
log_to_debuglog: { type: "bool" },
// Maximum value of the sum of original (format in which they were written) log message
// sizes stored in the archivist. Logs are rolled out when this value is exceeded.
logs_max_cached_original_bytes: { type: "uint64" },
// Number of threads that the archivist will use for its multithreaded executor.
num_threads: { type: "uint64" },
// Path to the archivist pipeline configuration.
pipelines_path: {
type: "string",
max_size: 256,
// Call the given "fuchsia.component.Binder" protocols at startup. These protocols
// must be offered and used in the archivist manifest.
bind_services: {
type: "vector",
max_count: 10,
element: {
type: "string",
max_size: 256,