blob: b71ec988e1185488560a1d6152c0cc2435a9e1d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: This file is machine generated by fidlgen.
#pragma once
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/array.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/buffer_allocator.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/buffer_then_heap_allocator.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/client.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/connect_service.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/envelope.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/errors.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/linearized_and_encoded.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/memory.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/server.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/service_handler_interface.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/string_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/sync_call.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/tracking_ptr.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/transaction.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/vector_view.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/socket.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <variant>
namespace llcpp {
namespace test {
namespace name {
enum class obj_type : uint32_t {
NONE = 0u,
SOCKET = 14u,
struct WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Response;
class WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result;
struct WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Response;
class WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result;
struct WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response;
class Transitional;
class ChannelProtocol;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse;
enum class ErrorEnun : uint32_t {
ERR_FOO = 1u,
ERR_BAR = 2u,
class WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result;
class WithErrorSyntax;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
class WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result {
: ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result&&) = default;
WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result& operator=(
WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result&&) = default;
~WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result() { reset_ptr(nullptr); }
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result WithResponse(
val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(
elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse;
mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
const ::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Response&
response() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
bool is_err() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result WithErr(
::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t>&& val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t>&& elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr;
uint32_t& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<uint32_t*>(;
const uint32_t& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<uint32_t*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal_);
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 24;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
void reset_ptr(::fidl::tracking_ptr<void>&& new_ptr) {
// To clear the existing value, std::move it and let it go out of scope.
switch (static_cast<fidl_xunion_tag_t>(ordinal_)) {
case 1: {
to_destroy = static_cast<::fidl::tracking_ptr<
case 2: {
::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t> to_destroy =
} = std::move(new_ptr);
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
::fidl::Envelope<void> envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
class WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result {
: ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result&&) = default;
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result& operator=(
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result&&) = default;
~WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result() { reset_ptr(nullptr); }
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result WithResponse(
val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(
elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse;
mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
const ::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Response&
response() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
bool is_err() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result WithErr(
::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t>&& val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t>&& elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr;
uint32_t& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<uint32_t*>(;
const uint32_t& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<uint32_t*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal_);
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
void reset_ptr(::fidl::tracking_ptr<void>&& new_ptr) {
// To clear the existing value, std::move it and let it go out of scope.
switch (static_cast<fidl_xunion_tag_t>(ordinal_)) {
case 1: {
to_destroy = static_cast<::fidl::tracking_ptr<
case 2: {
::fidl::tracking_ptr<uint32_t> to_destroy =
} = std::move(new_ptr);
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
::fidl::Envelope<void> envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_ResultTable;
class WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result {
: ordinal_(Ordinal::Invalid), envelope_{} {}
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result(WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result&&) =
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result& operator=(
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result&&) = default;
~WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result() { reset_ptr(nullptr); }
enum class Tag : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
bool has_invalid_tag() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::Invalid; }
bool is_response() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result WithResponse(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response>&& val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result;
return result;
void set_response(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response>&& elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kResponse;
mutable_response() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
const ::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response& response()
const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kResponse);
return *static_cast<
bool is_err() const { return ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr; }
static WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result WithErr(
::fidl::tracking_ptr<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun>&& val) {
WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result;
return result;
void set_err(::fidl::tracking_ptr<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun>&& elem) {
ordinal_ = Ordinal::kErr;
::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun& mutable_err() {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun*>(;
const ::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun& err() const {
ZX_ASSERT(ordinal_ == Ordinal::kErr);
return *static_cast<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun*>(;
Tag which() const {
return static_cast<Tag>(ordinal_);
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
enum class Ordinal : fidl_xunion_tag_t {
Invalid = 0,
kResponse = 1, // 0x1
kErr = 2, // 0x2
void reset_ptr(::fidl::tracking_ptr<void>&& new_ptr) {
// To clear the existing value, std::move it and let it go out of scope.
switch (static_cast<fidl_xunion_tag_t>(ordinal_)) {
case 1: {
to_destroy = static_cast<::fidl::tracking_ptr<
case 2: {
::fidl::tracking_ptr<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun> to_destroy =
} = std::move(new_ptr);
static void SizeAndOffsetAssertionHelper();
Ordinal ordinal_;
::fidl::Envelope<void> envelope_;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
struct WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
int64_t a = {};
int64_t b = {};
int64_t c = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
struct WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
uint8_t __reserved = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
struct WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 1;
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
uint8_t __reserved = {};
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalRequestRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalRequestResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalOneWayRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalOneWayResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalEventRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_TransitionalEventEventTable;
class Transitional final {
Transitional() = delete;
struct RequestResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t y;
explicit RequestResponse(int64_t y) : y(y) { _InitHeader(); }
RequestResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct RequestRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t x;
explicit RequestRequest(zx_txid_t _txid, int64_t x) : x(x) {
explicit RequestRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = RequestResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct OneWayRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t x;
explicit OneWayRequest(zx_txid_t _txid, int64_t x) : x(x) {
explicit OneWayRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct EventResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t x;
explicit EventResponse(int64_t x) : x(x) { _InitHeader(); }
EventResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct EventHandlers {
fit::callback<zx_status_t(int64_t x)> event;
// Fallback handler when an unknown ordinal is received.
// Caller may put custom error handling logic here.
fit::callback<zx_status_t()> unknown;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Request_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Request_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int64_t x);
~Request_Impl() = default;
Request_Impl(Request_Impl&& other) = default;
Request_Impl& operator=(Request_Impl&& other) = default;
Request_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class OneWay_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OneWay_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int64_t x);
~OneWay_Impl() = default;
OneWay_Impl(OneWay_Impl&& other) = default;
OneWay_Impl& operator=(OneWay_Impl&& other) = default;
OneWay_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Request = Request_Impl<RequestResponse>;
using OneWay = OneWay_Impl;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class Request_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
Request_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t x,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~Request_Impl() = default;
Request_Impl(Request_Impl&& other) = default;
Request_Impl& operator=(Request_Impl&& other) = default;
Request_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class OneWay_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
OneWay_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t x);
~OneWay_Impl() = default;
OneWay_Impl(OneWay_Impl&& other) = default;
OneWay_Impl& operator=(OneWay_Impl&& other) = default;
OneWay_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Request = Request_Impl<RequestResponse>;
using OneWay = OneWay_Impl;
class SyncClient final {
SyncClient() = default;
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::Request Request(int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::Request Request(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t x,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::OneWay OneWay(int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::OneWay OneWay(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t x);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
zx_status_t HandleEvents(EventHandlers handlers);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding
// setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::Request Request(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::Request Request(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t x,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::OneWay OneWay(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::OneWay OneWay(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t x);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
static zx_status_t HandleEvents(::zx::unowned_channel client_end,
EventHandlers handlers);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL
// wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<RequestResponse> Request(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<RequestRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<RequestResponse> Request(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<RequestRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError OneWay(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<OneWayRequest> params);
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError OneWay(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<OneWayRequest> params);
struct AsyncEventHandlers;
class RequestResponseContext;
class ClientImpl;
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = Transitional;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class RequestCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int64_t y);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t y);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<RequestResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using RequestCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<RequestCompleterBase>;
virtual void Request(int64_t x, RequestCompleter::Sync _completer) {
using OneWayCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void OneWay(int64_t x, OneWayCompleter::Sync _completer) {
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the
// server implementation. If there is no matching handler, it returns false,
// leaving the message and transaction intact. In all other cases, it consumes
// the message and returns true. It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch
// functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the
// protocol. If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in
// |msg| and closes the channel with a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before
// returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used
// with |fidl::Bind| to reduce template expansion. Do not call this method
// manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
static zx_status_t SendEventEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan, int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via response buffers.
static zx_status_t SendEventEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t x);
// Messages are encoded in-place.
static zx_status_t SendEventEvent(
::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<EventResponse> params);
class EventSender;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMethodARequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMethodAResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolEventARequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolEventAEventTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMethodBRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMethodBResponseTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMutateSocketRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_ChannelProtocolMutateSocketResponseTable;
class ChannelProtocol final {
ChannelProtocol() = delete;
struct MethodARequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t a;
int64_t b;
explicit MethodARequest(zx_txid_t _txid, int64_t a, int64_t b)
: a(a), b(b) {
explicit MethodARequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct EventAResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t a;
int64_t b;
explicit EventAResponse(int64_t a, int64_t b) : a(a), b(b) {
EventAResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct MethodBResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t result;
explicit MethodBResponse(int64_t result) : result(result) { _InitHeader(); }
MethodBResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct MethodBRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
int64_t a;
int64_t b;
explicit MethodBRequest(zx_txid_t _txid, int64_t a, int64_t b)
: a(a), b(b) {
explicit MethodBRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = MethodBResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct MutateSocketResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::socket b;
explicit MutateSocketResponse(::zx::socket& b) : b(std::move(b)) {
MutateSocketResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = true;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct MutateSocketRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::zx::socket a;
explicit MutateSocketRequest(zx_txid_t _txid, ::zx::socket& a)
: a(std::move(a)) {
explicit MutateSocketRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 1;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 24;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = true;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = MutateSocketResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct EventHandlers {
fit::callback<zx_status_t(int64_t a, int64_t b)> event_a;
// Fallback handler when an unknown ordinal is received.
// Caller may put custom error handling logic here.
fit::callback<zx_status_t()> unknown;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class MethodA_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
MethodA_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int64_t a, int64_t b);
~MethodA_Impl() = default;
MethodA_Impl(MethodA_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodA_Impl& operator=(MethodA_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodA_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class MethodB_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
MethodB_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, int64_t a, int64_t b);
~MethodB_Impl() = default;
MethodB_Impl(MethodB_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodB_Impl& operator=(MethodB_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodB_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class MutateSocket_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
MutateSocket_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::socket& a);
~MutateSocket_Impl() = default;
MutateSocket_Impl(MutateSocket_Impl&& other) = default;
MutateSocket_Impl& operator=(MutateSocket_Impl&& other) = default;
MutateSocket_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using MethodA = MethodA_Impl;
using MethodB = MethodB_Impl<MethodBResponse>;
using MutateSocket = MutateSocket_Impl<MutateSocketResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class MethodA_Impl final : private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
MethodA_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t a, int64_t b);
~MethodA_Impl() = default;
MethodA_Impl(MethodA_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodA_Impl& operator=(MethodA_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodA_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class MethodB_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
MethodB_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t a, int64_t b,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~MethodB_Impl() = default;
MethodB_Impl(MethodB_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodB_Impl& operator=(MethodB_Impl&& other) = default;
MethodB_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class MutateSocket_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
MutateSocket_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::socket a,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~MutateSocket_Impl() = default;
MutateSocket_Impl(MutateSocket_Impl&& other) = default;
MutateSocket_Impl& operator=(MutateSocket_Impl&& other) = default;
MutateSocket_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using MethodA = MethodA_Impl;
using MethodB = MethodB_Impl<MethodBResponse>;
using MutateSocket = MutateSocket_Impl<MutateSocketResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
SyncClient() = default;
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::MethodA MethodA(int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::MethodA MethodA(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Allocates 56 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::MethodB MethodB(int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::MethodB MethodB(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t a, int64_t b,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket(::zx::socket a);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::socket a,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
zx_status_t HandleEvents(EventHandlers handlers);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding
// setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::MethodA MethodA(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::MethodA MethodA(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Allocates 56 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::MethodB MethodB(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::MethodB MethodB(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t a, int64_t b,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 48 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::zx::socket a);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::zx::socket a, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
static zx_status_t HandleEvents(::zx::unowned_channel client_end,
EventHandlers handlers);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL
// wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError MethodA(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<MethodARequest> params);
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError MethodA(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<MethodARequest> params);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<MethodBResponse> MethodB(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<MethodBRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<MethodBResponse> MethodB(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<MethodBRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<MutateSocketResponse> MutateSocket(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<MutateSocketRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<MutateSocketResponse> MutateSocket(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<MutateSocketRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
struct AsyncEventHandlers;
class MethodBResponseContext;
class MutateSocketResponseContext;
class ClientImpl;
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = ChannelProtocol;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using MethodACompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void MethodA(int64_t a, int64_t b,
MethodACompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class MethodBCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(int64_t result);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t result);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<MethodBResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using MethodBCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<MethodBCompleterBase>;
virtual void MethodB(int64_t a, int64_t b,
MethodBCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class MutateSocketCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::zx::socket b);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::zx::socket b);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<MutateSocketResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using MutateSocketCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<MutateSocketCompleterBase>;
virtual void MutateSocket(::zx::socket a,
MutateSocketCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the
// server implementation. If there is no matching handler, it returns false,
// leaving the message and transaction intact. In all other cases, it consumes
// the message and returns true. It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch
// functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the
// protocol. If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in
// |msg| and closes the channel with a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before
// returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used
// with |fidl::Bind| to reduce template expansion. Do not call this method
// manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
static zx_status_t SendEventAEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan, int64_t a,
int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via response buffers.
static zx_status_t SendEventAEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t a,
int64_t b);
// Messages are encoded in-place.
static zx_status_t SendEventAEvent(
::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<EventAResponse> params);
class EventSender;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse final {
WithAndWithoutRequestResponse() = delete;
struct NoRequestNoResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit NoRequestNoResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct NoRequestEmptyResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
NoRequestEmptyResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct NoRequestEmptyResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit NoRequestEmptyResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct NoRequestWithResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView ret;
explicit NoRequestWithResponseResponse(const ::fidl::StringView& ret)
: ret(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, ret.size()) {
NoRequestWithResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct NoRequestWithResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit NoRequestWithResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = NoRequestWithResponseResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct WithRequestNoResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView arg;
explicit WithRequestNoResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg)
: arg(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, arg.size()) {
explicit WithRequestNoResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct WithRequestEmptyResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
WithRequestEmptyResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView arg;
explicit WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg)
: arg(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, arg.size()) {
explicit WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct WithRequestWithResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView ret;
explicit WithRequestWithResponseResponse(const ::fidl::StringView& ret)
: ret(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, ret.size()) {
WithRequestWithResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct WithRequestWithResponseRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView arg;
explicit WithRequestWithResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg)
: arg(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, arg.size()) {
explicit WithRequestWithResponseRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = WithRequestWithResponseResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct OnEmptyResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
OnEmptyResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct OnWithResponseResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::fidl::StringView ret;
explicit OnWithResponseResponse(const ::fidl::StringView& ret)
: ret(::fidl::unowned_ptr_t<const char>(, ret.size()) {
OnWithResponseResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 32;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 4294967295;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct EventHandlers {
fit::callback<zx_status_t()> on_empty_response;
fit::callback<zx_status_t(::fidl::StringView ret)> on_with_response;
// Fallback handler when an unknown ordinal is received.
// Caller may put custom error handling logic here.
fit::callback<zx_status_t()> unknown;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
class NoRequestNoResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~NoRequestNoResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(NoRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl& operator=(NoRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) =
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) =
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl& operator=(
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class NoRequestWithResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~NoRequestWithResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(NoRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl& operator=(
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class WithRequestNoResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg);
~WithRequestNoResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(WithRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg);
~WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) =
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WithRequestWithResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
const ::fidl::StringView& arg);
~WithRequestWithResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(WithRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) =
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using NoRequestNoResponse = NoRequestNoResponse_Impl;
using NoRequestEmptyResponse =
using NoRequestWithResponse =
using WithRequestNoResponse = WithRequestNoResponse_Impl;
using WithRequestEmptyResponse =
using WithRequestWithResponse =
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
class NoRequestNoResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~NoRequestNoResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(NoRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl& operator=(NoRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) =
NoRequestNoResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) =
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl& operator=(
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class NoRequestWithResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~NoRequestWithResponse_Impl() = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(NoRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl& operator=(
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
NoRequestWithResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
class WithRequestNoResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg);
~WithRequestNoResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(WithRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestNoResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) =
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestEmptyResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class WithRequestWithResponse_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~WithRequestWithResponse_Impl() = default;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(WithRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) =
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl& operator=(
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl&& other) = default;
WithRequestWithResponse_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using NoRequestNoResponse = NoRequestNoResponse_Impl;
using NoRequestEmptyResponse =
using NoRequestWithResponse =
using WithRequestNoResponse = WithRequestNoResponse_Impl;
using WithRequestEmptyResponse =
using WithRequestWithResponse =
class SyncClient final {
SyncClient() = default;
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::NoRequestNoResponse NoRequestNoResponse();
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::NoRequestEmptyResponse NoRequestEmptyResponse();
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is
// heap-allocated.
ResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse();
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Request is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WithRequestNoResponse WithRequestNoResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WithRequestNoResponse WithRequestNoResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg);
// Allocates 16 bytes of response buffer on the stack. Request is
// heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Request is heap-allocated. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
zx_status_t HandleEvents(EventHandlers handlers);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding
// setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::NoRequestNoResponse NoRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::NoRequestEmptyResponse NoRequestEmptyResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Allocates 16 bytes of request buffer on the stack. Response is
// heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Request is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WithRequestNoResponse WithRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WithRequestNoResponse WithRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Allocates 16 bytes of response buffer on the stack. Request is
// heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Request is heap-allocated. Response is heap-allocated.
static ResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Handle all possible events defined in this protocol.
// Blocks to consume exactly one message from the channel, then call the
// corresponding handler defined in |EventHandlers|. The return status of
// the handler function is folded with any transport-level errors and
// returned.
static zx_status_t HandleEvents(::zx::unowned_channel client_end,
EventHandlers handlers);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL
// wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError NoRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<NoRequestEmptyResponseResponse>
NoRequestEmptyResponse(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<NoRequestWithResponseResponse>
NoRequestWithResponse(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError WithRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<WithRequestNoResponseRequest> params);
static ::fidl::internal::StatusAndError WithRequestNoResponse(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<WithRequestNoResponseRequest> params);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WithRequestEmptyResponseResponse>
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WithRequestEmptyResponseResponse>
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WithRequestWithResponseResponse>
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<WithRequestWithResponseRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<WithRequestWithResponseResponse>
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::EncodedMessage<WithRequestWithResponseRequest> params,
::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
struct AsyncEventHandlers;
class NoRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext;
class NoRequestWithResponseResponseContext;
class WithRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext;
class WithRequestWithResponseResponseContext;
class ClientImpl;
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = WithAndWithoutRequestResponse;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
using NoRequestNoResponseCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void NoRequestNoResponse(
NoRequestNoResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class NoRequestEmptyResponseCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using NoRequestEmptyResponseCompleter =
virtual void NoRequestEmptyResponse(
NoRequestEmptyResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class NoRequestWithResponseCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::fidl::StringView ret);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::fidl::StringView ret);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<NoRequestWithResponseResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using NoRequestWithResponseCompleter =
virtual void NoRequestWithResponse(
NoRequestWithResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
using WithRequestNoResponseCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<>;
virtual void WithRequestNoResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg,
WithRequestNoResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WithRequestEmptyResponseCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply();
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WithRequestEmptyResponseCompleter =
virtual void WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg,
WithRequestEmptyResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class WithRequestWithResponseCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(::fidl::StringView ret);
void Reply(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::fidl::StringView ret);
void Reply(
::fidl::DecodedMessage<WithRequestWithResponseResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using WithRequestWithResponseCompleter =
virtual void WithRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg,
WithRequestWithResponseCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the
// server implementation. If there is no matching handler, it returns false,
// leaving the message and transaction intact. In all other cases, it consumes
// the message and returns true. It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch
// functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the
// protocol. If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in
// |msg| and closes the channel with a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before
// returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used
// with |fidl::Bind| to reduce template expansion. Do not call this method
// manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
static zx_status_t SendOnEmptyResponseEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan);
static zx_status_t SendOnWithResponseEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::StringView ret);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via response buffers.
static zx_status_t SendOnWithResponseEvent(::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::BytePart _buffer,
::fidl::StringView ret);
// Messages are encoded in-place.
static zx_status_t SendOnWithResponseEvent(
::zx::unowned_channel _chan,
::fidl::DecodedMessage<OnWithResponseResponse> params);
class EventSender;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_WithErrorSyntaxErrorAsEnumRequestTable;
extern "C" const fidl_type_t test_name_WithErrorSyntaxErrorAsEnumResponseTable;
class WithErrorSyntax final {
WithErrorSyntax() = delete;
struct ResponseAsStructResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result;
explicit ResponseAsStructResponse(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result& result)
: result(std::move(result)) {
ResponseAsStructResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 24;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct ResponseAsStructRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit ResponseAsStructRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = ResponseAsStructResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result;
explicit ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result& result)
: result(std::move(result)) {
ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct ErrorAsPrimitiveRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit ErrorAsPrimitiveRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
struct ErrorAsEnumResponse final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result;
explicit ErrorAsEnumResponse(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result& result)
: result(std::move(result)) {
ErrorAsEnumResponse() { _InitHeader(); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 40;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 8;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = true;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
void _InitHeader();
struct ErrorAsEnumRequest final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
explicit ErrorAsEnumRequest(zx_txid_t _txid) { _InitHeader(_txid); }
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = 16;
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool IsResource = false;
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
using ResponseType = ErrorAsEnumResponse;
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol.
class ResultOf final {
ResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ResponseAsStruct_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~ResponseAsStruct_Impl() = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(ResponseAsStruct_Impl&& other) = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl& operator=(ResponseAsStruct_Impl&& other) = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl() = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl& operator=(ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ErrorAsEnum_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::OwnedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
~ErrorAsEnum_Impl() = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(ErrorAsEnum_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl& operator=(ErrorAsEnum_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using ResponseAsStruct = ResponseAsStruct_Impl<ResponseAsStructResponse>;
using ErrorAsPrimitive = ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl<ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse>;
using ErrorAsEnum = ErrorAsEnum_Impl<ErrorAsEnumResponse>;
// Collection of return types of FIDL calls in this protocol,
// when the caller-allocate flavor or in-place call is used.
class UnownedResultOf final {
UnownedResultOf() = delete;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ResponseAsStruct_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~ResponseAsStruct_Impl() = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(ResponseAsStruct_Impl&& other) = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl& operator=(ResponseAsStruct_Impl&& other) = default;
ResponseAsStruct_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl() = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl& operator=(ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
template <typename ResponseType>
class ErrorAsEnum_Impl final
: private ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType> {
using Super = ::fidl::internal::UnownedSyncCallBase<ResponseType>;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
~ErrorAsEnum_Impl() = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(ErrorAsEnum_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl& operator=(ErrorAsEnum_Impl&& other) = default;
ErrorAsEnum_Impl(::fidl::internal::StatusAndError&& other)
: Super(std::move(other)) {}
using Super::error;
using Super::ok;
using Super::status;
using Super::Unwrap;
using Super::value;
using Super::operator->;
using Super::operator*;
using ResponseAsStruct = ResponseAsStruct_Impl<ResponseAsStructResponse>;
using ErrorAsPrimitive = ErrorAsPrimitive_Impl<ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse>;
using ErrorAsEnum = ErrorAsEnum_Impl<ErrorAsEnumResponse>;
class SyncClient final {
SyncClient() = default;
explicit SyncClient(::zx::channel channel) : channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
~SyncClient() = default;
SyncClient(SyncClient&&) = default;
SyncClient& operator=(SyncClient&&) = default;
const ::zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
::zx::channel* mutable_channel() { return &channel_; }
// Allocates 80 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct();
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 64 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive();
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 64 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
ResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum();
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum(::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
::zx::channel channel_;
// Methods to make a sync FIDL call directly on an unowned channel, avoiding
// setting up a client.
class Call final {
Call() = delete;
// Allocates 80 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 64 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 64 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
static ResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum(::zx::unowned_channel _client_end);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
static UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Messages are encoded and decoded in-place when these methods are used.
// Additionally, requests must be already laid-out according to the FIDL
// wire-format.
class InPlace final {
InPlace() = delete;
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<ResponseAsStructResponse> ResponseAsStruct(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse> ErrorAsPrimitive(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
static ::fidl::DecodeResult<ErrorAsEnumResponse> ErrorAsEnum(
::zx::unowned_channel _client_end, ::fidl::BytePart response_buffer);
struct AsyncEventHandlers;
class ResponseAsStructResponseContext;
class ErrorAsPrimitiveResponseContext;
class ErrorAsEnumResponseContext;
class ClientImpl;
// Pure-virtual interface to be implemented by a server.
class Interface {
Interface() = default;
virtual ~Interface() = default;
using _Outer = WithErrorSyntax;
using _Base = ::fidl::CompleterBase;
class ResponseAsStructCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(int64_t a, int64_t b, int64_t c);
void ReplyError(uint32_t error);
void Reply(
::fidl::BytePart _buffer,
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t a, int64_t b,
int64_t c);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<ResponseAsStructResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using ResponseAsStructCompleter =
virtual void ResponseAsStruct(
ResponseAsStructCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class ErrorAsPrimitiveCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result);
void ReplySuccess();
void ReplyError(uint32_t error);
void Reply(
::fidl::BytePart _buffer,
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using ErrorAsPrimitiveCompleter =
virtual void ErrorAsPrimitive(
ErrorAsPrimitiveCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
class ErrorAsEnumCompleterBase : public _Base {
void Reply(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result);
void ReplySuccess();
void ReplyError(ErrorEnun error);
void Reply(
::fidl::BytePart _buffer,
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result);
void ReplySuccess(::fidl::BytePart _buffer);
void Reply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<ErrorAsEnumResponse> params);
using ::fidl::CompleterBase::CompleterBase;
using ErrorAsEnumCompleter = ::fidl::Completer<ErrorAsEnumCompleterBase>;
virtual void ErrorAsEnum(ErrorAsEnumCompleter::Sync _completer) = 0;
// Attempts to dispatch the incoming message to a handler function in the
// server implementation. If there is no matching handler, it returns false,
// leaving the message and transaction intact. In all other cases, it consumes
// the message and returns true. It is possible to chain multiple TryDispatch
// functions in this manner.
static bool TryDispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Dispatches the incoming message to one of the handlers functions in the
// protocol. If there is no matching handler, it closes all the handles in
// |msg| and closes the channel with a |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| epitaph, before
// returning false. The message should then be discarded.
static bool Dispatch(Interface* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Same as |Dispatch|, but takes a |void*| instead of |Interface*|. Only used
// with |fidl::Bind| to reduce template expansion. Do not call this method
// manually. Use |Dispatch| instead.
static bool TypeErasedDispatch(void* impl, fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::Transaction* txn) {
return Dispatch(static_cast<Interface*>(impl), msg, txn);
class EventSender;
} // namespace name
} // namespace test
} // namespace llcpp
namespace fidl {
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::obj_type> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
a) == 0);
b) == 8);
c) == 16);
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Response) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
__reserved) == 0);
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Response) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response>
: public std::true_type {};
__reserved) == 0);
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Response) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestRequest) ==
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestRequest, x) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestResponse) ==
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::RequestResponse, y) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::OneWayRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::OneWayRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::OneWayRequest) ==
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::OneWayRequest, x) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::EventResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::EventResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
static_assert(sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::EventResponse) ==
static_assert(offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::Transitional::EventResponse, x) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodARequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodARequest>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodARequest) ==
a) == 16);
b) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::EventAResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::EventAResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::EventAResponse) ==
a) == 16);
b) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBRequest) ==
a) == 16);
b) == 24);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MethodBResponse) ==
result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketRequest) ==
offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketRequest, a) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketResponse) ==
offsetof(::llcpp::test::name::ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketResponse, b) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestNoResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestNoResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {};
NoRequestNoResponseRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestEmptyResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
NoRequestEmptyResponseRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestEmptyResponseResponse> : public std::true_type {
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
NoRequestEmptyResponseResponse) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestWithResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestWithResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {
NoRequestWithResponseRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
NoRequestWithResponseResponse> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
NoRequestWithResponseResponse) ==
ret) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
WithRequestNoResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
WithRequestNoResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {
WithRequestNoResponseRequest) ==
arg) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
WithRequestEmptyResponseRequest) ==
arg) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
WithRequestEmptyResponseResponse) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
WithRequestWithResponseRequest> : public std::true_type {
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
WithRequestWithResponseRequest) ==
arg) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
WithRequestWithResponseResponse> : public std::true_type {
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::
: public std::true_type {};
WithRequestWithResponseResponse) ==
ret) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
OnEmptyResponseResponse) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
OnWithResponseResponse) ==
ret) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::ErrorEnun> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ResponseAsStructRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ResponseAsStructRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ResponseAsStructResponse) ==
result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsPrimitiveRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsPrimitiveRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse) ==
result) == 16);
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumRequest>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumRequest) ==
template <>
struct IsFidlType<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumResponse>
: public std::true_type {};
sizeof(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumResponse) ==
result) == 16);
} // namespace fidl
namespace llcpp {
namespace test {
namespace name {
struct Transitional::AsyncEventHandlers {
std::variant<::fit::function<void(int64_t x)>,
::fit::function<void(::fidl::DecodedMessage<EventResponse> msg)>>
class Transitional::RequestResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~RequestResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<RequestResponse> msg) = 0;
RequestResponseContext() = default;
class Transitional::ClientImpl final : private ::fidl::internal::ClientBase {
// Asynchronous variant of |Transitional.Request()|. Allocates 24 bytes of
// request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError Request(int64_t x,
::fit::callback<void(int64_t y)> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of |Transitional.Request()|. Caller provides the
// backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError Request(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t x,
RequestResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |Transitional.Request()|. Allocates 48 bytes of
// message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::Request Request_Sync(int64_t x);
// Synchronous variant of |Transitional.Request()|. Caller provides the
// backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::Request Request_Sync(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t x,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Allocates 24 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
::fidl::StatusAndError OneWay(int64_t x);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
::fidl::StatusAndError OneWay(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t x);
friend class ::fidl::Client<Transitional>;
ClientImpl(::zx::channel client_end, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
::fidl::internal::TypeErasedOnUnboundFn on_unbound,
AsyncEventHandlers handlers)
: ::fidl::internal::ClientBase(std::move(client_end), dispatcher,
handlers_(std::move(handlers)) {}
zx_status_t Dispatch(fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::internal::ResponseContext* context) override;
AsyncEventHandlers handlers_;
class Transitional::EventSender {
zx_status_t Event(int64_t x) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendEventEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(x));
zx_status_t Event(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t x) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendEventEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(_buffer),
friend class ::fidl::ServerBindingRef<Transitional>;
explicit EventSender(std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding)
: binding_(std::move(binding)) {}
std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding_;
struct ChannelProtocol::AsyncEventHandlers {
::fit::function<void(int64_t a, int64_t b)>,
::fit::function<void(::fidl::DecodedMessage<EventAResponse> msg)>>
class ChannelProtocol::MethodBResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~MethodBResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<MethodBResponse> msg) = 0;
MethodBResponseContext() = default;
class ChannelProtocol::MutateSocketResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~MutateSocketResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<MutateSocketResponse> msg) = 0;
MutateSocketResponseContext() = default;
class ChannelProtocol::ClientImpl final : private ::fidl::internal::ClientBase {
// Allocates 32 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
::fidl::StatusAndError MethodA(int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
::fidl::StatusAndError MethodA(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t a,
int64_t b);
// Asynchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MethodB()|. Allocates 32 bytes of
// request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError MethodB(int64_t a, int64_t b,
::fit::callback<void(int64_t result)> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MethodB()|. Caller provides the
// backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError MethodB(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, int64_t a,
int64_t b, MethodBResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MethodB()|. Allocates 56 bytes of
// message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::MethodB MethodB_Sync(int64_t a, int64_t b);
// Synchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MethodB()|. Caller provides the
// backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::MethodB MethodB_Sync(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
int64_t a, int64_t b,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Asynchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MutateSocket()|. Allocates 24
// bytes of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError MutateSocket(
::zx::socket a, ::fit::callback<void(::zx::socket b)> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MutateSocket()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError MutateSocket(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::zx::socket a,
MutateSocketResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MutateSocket()|. Allocates 48 bytes
// of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket_Sync(::zx::socket a);
// Synchronous variant of |ChannelProtocol.MutateSocket()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::MutateSocket MutateSocket_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::zx::socket a,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
friend class ::fidl::Client<ChannelProtocol>;
ClientImpl(::zx::channel client_end, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
::fidl::internal::TypeErasedOnUnboundFn on_unbound,
AsyncEventHandlers handlers)
: ::fidl::internal::ClientBase(std::move(client_end), dispatcher,
handlers_(std::move(handlers)) {}
zx_status_t Dispatch(fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::internal::ResponseContext* context) override;
AsyncEventHandlers handlers_;
class ChannelProtocol::EventSender {
zx_status_t EventA(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendEventAEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(a), std::move(b));
zx_status_t EventA(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, int64_t a, int64_t b) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendEventAEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(_buffer),
std::move(a), std::move(b));
friend class ::fidl::ServerBindingRef<ChannelProtocol>;
explicit EventSender(std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding)
: binding_(std::move(binding)) {}
std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding_;
struct WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::AsyncEventHandlers {
::fit::function<void()> on_empty_response;
::fit::function<void(::fidl::StringView ret)>,
::fit::function<void(::fidl::DecodedMessage<OnWithResponseResponse> msg)>>
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::NoRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~NoRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply() = 0;
NoRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext() = default;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::NoRequestWithResponseResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~NoRequestWithResponseResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(
::fidl::DecodedMessage<NoRequestWithResponseResponse> msg) = 0;
NoRequestWithResponseResponseContext() = default;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::WithRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~WithRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply() = 0;
WithRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext() = default;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::WithRequestWithResponseResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~WithRequestWithResponseResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(
::fidl::DecodedMessage<WithRequestWithResponseResponse> msg) = 0;
WithRequestWithResponseResponseContext() = default;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::ClientImpl final
: private ::fidl::internal::ClientBase {
// Allocates 16 bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation
// necessary.
::fidl::StatusAndError NoRequestNoResponse();
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestEmptyResponse()|. Allocates 16
// bytes of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError NoRequestEmptyResponse(::fit::callback<void()> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestEmptyResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError NoRequestEmptyResponse(
NoRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestEmptyResponse()|. Allocates 32
// bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::NoRequestEmptyResponse NoRequestEmptyResponse_Sync();
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestWithResponse()|. Allocates 16 bytes
// of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError NoRequestWithResponse(
::fit::callback<void(::fidl::StringView ret)> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestWithResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError NoRequestWithResponse(
NoRequestWithResponseResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestWithResponse()|. Allocates 16 bytes
// of request buffer on the stack. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse_Sync();
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.NoRequestWithResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::NoRequestWithResponse NoRequestWithResponse_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Request is heap-allocated.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestNoResponse(::fidl::StringView arg);
// Caller provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and
// response buffers.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestNoResponse(::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer,
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestEmptyResponse()|. The request and
// callback are allocated on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestEmptyResponse(::fidl::StringView arg,
::fit::callback<void()> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestEmptyResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestEmptyResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
WithRequestEmptyResponseResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestEmptyResponse()|. Allocates 16
// bytes of response buffer on the stack. Request is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse_Sync(
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestEmptyResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WithRequestEmptyResponse WithRequestEmptyResponse_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestWithResponse()|. The request and
// callback are allocated on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::StringView arg,
::fit::callback<void(::fidl::StringView ret)> _cb);
// Asynchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestWithResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError WithRequestWithResponse(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
WithRequestWithResponseResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestWithResponse()|. Request is
// heap-allocated. Response is heap-allocated.
ResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse_Sync(
::fidl::StringView arg);
// Synchronous variant of
// |WithAndWithoutRequestResponse.WithRequestWithResponse()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::WithRequestWithResponse WithRequestWithResponse_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _request_buffer, ::fidl::StringView arg,
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
friend class ::fidl::Client<WithAndWithoutRequestResponse>;
ClientImpl(::zx::channel client_end, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
::fidl::internal::TypeErasedOnUnboundFn on_unbound,
AsyncEventHandlers handlers)
: ::fidl::internal::ClientBase(std::move(client_end), dispatcher,
handlers_(std::move(handlers)) {}
zx_status_t Dispatch(fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::internal::ResponseContext* context) override;
AsyncEventHandlers handlers_;
class WithAndWithoutRequestResponse::EventSender {
zx_status_t OnEmptyResponse() {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendOnEmptyResponseEvent(_binding->channel());
zx_status_t OnWithResponse(::fidl::StringView ret) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendOnWithResponseEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(ret));
zx_status_t OnWithResponse(::fidl::BytePart _buffer, ::fidl::StringView ret) {
if (auto _binding = binding_.lock()) {
return SendOnWithResponseEvent(_binding->channel(), std::move(_buffer),
friend class ::fidl::ServerBindingRef<WithAndWithoutRequestResponse>;
explicit EventSender(std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding)
: binding_(std::move(binding)) {}
std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding_;
struct WithErrorSyntax::AsyncEventHandlers {};
class WithErrorSyntax::ResponseAsStructResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~ResponseAsStructResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(
::fidl::DecodedMessage<ResponseAsStructResponse> msg) = 0;
ResponseAsStructResponseContext() = default;
class WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsPrimitiveResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~ErrorAsPrimitiveResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(
::fidl::DecodedMessage<ErrorAsPrimitiveResponse> msg) = 0;
ErrorAsPrimitiveResponseContext() = default;
class WithErrorSyntax::ErrorAsEnumResponseContext
: public ::fidl::internal::ResponseContext {
virtual ~ErrorAsEnumResponseContext() = default;
virtual void OnReply(::fidl::DecodedMessage<ErrorAsEnumResponse> msg) = 0;
ErrorAsEnumResponseContext() = default;
class WithErrorSyntax::ClientImpl final : private ::fidl::internal::ClientBase {
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ResponseAsStruct()|. Allocates 16
// bytes of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError ResponseAsStruct(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ResponseAsStruct_Result result)>
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ResponseAsStruct()|. Caller
// provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response
// buffers. Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until
// OnError() or OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError ResponseAsStruct(
ResponseAsStructResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ResponseAsStruct()|. Allocates 80
// bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct_Sync();
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ResponseAsStruct()|. Caller
// provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response
// buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ResponseAsStruct ResponseAsStruct_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsPrimitive()|. Allocates 16
// bytes of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError ErrorAsPrimitive(
::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsPrimitive_Result result)>
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsPrimitive()|. Caller
// provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response
// buffers. Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until
// OnError() or OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError ErrorAsPrimitive(
ErrorAsPrimitiveResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsPrimitive()|. Allocates 64
// bytes of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive_Sync();
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsPrimitive()|. Caller
// provides the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response
// buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsPrimitive ErrorAsPrimitive_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsEnum()|. Allocates 16 bytes
// of request buffer on the stack. The callback is stored on the heap.
::fidl::StatusAndError ErrorAsEnum(
void(::llcpp::test::name::WithErrorSyntax_ErrorAsEnum_Result result)>
// Asynchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsEnum()|. Caller provides
// the backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
// Ownership of _context is given unsafely to the binding until OnError() or
// OnReply() are called on it.
::fidl::StatusAndError ErrorAsEnum(ErrorAsEnumResponseContext* _context);
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsEnum()|. Allocates 64 bytes
// of message buffer on the stack. No heap allocation necessary.
ResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum_Sync();
// Synchronous variant of |WithErrorSyntax.ErrorAsEnum()|. Caller provides the
// backing storage for FIDL message via request and response buffers.
UnownedResultOf::ErrorAsEnum ErrorAsEnum_Sync(
::fidl::BytePart _response_buffer);
friend class ::fidl::Client<WithErrorSyntax>;
ClientImpl(::zx::channel client_end, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
::fidl::internal::TypeErasedOnUnboundFn on_unbound,
AsyncEventHandlers handlers)
: ::fidl::internal::ClientBase(std::move(client_end), dispatcher,
handlers_(std::move(handlers)) {}
zx_status_t Dispatch(fidl_msg_t* msg,
::fidl::internal::ResponseContext* context) override;
AsyncEventHandlers handlers_;
class WithErrorSyntax::EventSender {
friend class ::fidl::ServerBindingRef<WithErrorSyntax>;
explicit EventSender(std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding)
: binding_(std::move(binding)) {}
std::weak_ptr<::fidl::internal::AsyncBinding> binding_;
} // namespace name
} // namespace test
} // namespace llcpp