blob: 5bd2aad5b1aea4fa9963f2c817726717c3fed057 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "magma_util/macros.h"
#include "magma_util/status.h"
#include "platform_object.h"
namespace magma {
class PlatformPort;
// Semantics of PlatformSemaphore match Vulkan semaphores. From:
// "Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between
// batches submitted to queues. Semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled. The state
// of a semaphore can be signaled after execution of a batch of commands is completed. A batch
// can wait for a semaphore to become signaled before it begins execution, and the semaphore is
// also unsignaled before the batch begins execution."
// "Unlike fences or events, the act of waiting for a semaphore also unsignals that semaphore.
// If two operations are separately specified to wait for the same semaphore, and there are no
// other execution dependencies between those operations, behaviour is undefined. An execution
// dependency must be present that guarantees that the semaphore unsignal operation for the first
// of those waits, happens-before the semaphore is signalled again, and before the second unsignal
// operation. Semaphore waits and signals should thus occur in discrete 1:1 pairs."
class PlatformSemaphore : public PlatformObject {
static std::unique_ptr<PlatformSemaphore> Create();
// Imports and takes ownership of |handle|.
static std::unique_ptr<PlatformSemaphore> Import(uint32_t handle);
virtual ~PlatformSemaphore() {}
std::unique_ptr<PlatformSemaphore> Clone() {
uint32_t handle;
if (!duplicate_handle(&handle))
return DRETP(nullptr, "failed to duplicate handle");
return Import(handle);
// Signal the semaphore. State must be unsignalled.
// Called only by the driver device thread.
virtual void Signal() = 0;
// Resets the state to unsignalled. State may be signalled or unsignalled.
// Called by the client (apps thread) and by the driver device thread.
virtual void Reset() = 0;
// Returns MAGMA_STATUS_OK if the event is signaled before the timeout expires.
virtual magma::Status WaitNoReset(uint64_t timeout_ms) = 0;
// If the event is signaled before the timeout expires resets the state to
// unsignalled and returns MAGMA_STATUS_OK. Only one thread should ever wait on
// a given semaphore.
virtual magma::Status Wait(uint64_t timeout_ms) = 0;
magma::Status Wait() { return Wait(UINT64_MAX); }
// Registers an async wait delivered on the given port when this semaphore is signalled.
// Note that a port wait completion will not autoreset the semaphore.
// On success returns true and |key_out| is set.
virtual bool WaitAsync(PlatformPort* port, uint64_t* key_out) = 0;
bool WaitAsync(PlatformPort* port) {
uint64_t key;
return WaitAsync(port, &key);
} // namespace magma