blob: 1b3284eeb661d380bb144d7f47d6d304dae053f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.pointer;
/// Aliases
/// A floating-point two-dimensional point.
/// - The values are placed in (x, y) order.
using Point2 = array<float32>:2;
/// A floating-point two-dimensional vector.
/// - The values are placed in (x, y) order.
using Vec2 = array<float32>:2;
/// DeviceInfo
/// A characterization of a device that issues pointer event streams.
/// A device may track multiple pointers, and a pointer's continuous engagement
/// is modeled as a pointer event stream: a discrete stream of samples that
/// follow a simple state machine, modeled with |EventPhase|.
enum DeviceType {
/// A device intended for manipulation by direct contact over its surface.
TOUCH = 1;
/// Information about a device that issues pointer event streams.
/// All fields are required.
table DeviceInfo {
/// An identifier for the pointer device that issues pointer event streams.
/// A device may own multiple pointers, each with its own pointer id.
1: uint32 id;
/// A characterization of a device that issues pointer event streams.
2: DeviceType type;
/// PointerSample
/// The possible states of a pointer event stream's state machine.
/// An event stream follows these state machines:
enum EventPhase {
/// The device has started tracking the pointer.
ADD = 1;
/// The device has reported an update to the pointer state.
/// The device has stopped tracking the pointer.
/// The event stream is no longer available.
/// A description of each sampled data point in a pointer event stream.
/// All fields are required.
table PointerSample {
/// An identifier for the pointer device that issues pointer event streams.
/// A device may own multiple pointers, each with its own |pointer_id|.
1: uint32 device_id;
/// An identifier of the pointer that issued this event. It is unique only
/// to a specific |device_id|. Each (device_id, pointer_id) pointer issues
/// at most one pointer event stream at a time.
2: uint32 pointer_id;
/// The state of this event in the pointer event stream's state machine.
3: EventPhase phase;
/// The position of this event, in the viewport's coordinate system.
4: Point2 position_in_viewport;
/// EventStreamOwnership
/// The pointer event stream's disposition, sent from server to client.
enum EventStreamOwnershipStatus {
/// The client has been denied ownership of the event stream.
/// The client has been granted ownership of the event stream.
/// The ownership status of a pointer event stream, sent from server to client.
/// All fields are required.
table EventStreamOwnership {
/// An identifier for the pointer device that issues pointer event streams.
/// A device may own multiple pointers, each with its own |pointer_id|.
1: uint32 device_id;
/// An identifier of the pointer that issues a pointer event stream. It is
/// unique only to a specific |device_id|. Each (device_id, pointer_id)
/// pointer issues at most one pointer event stream at a time.
2: uint32 pointer_id;
/// The pointer event stream's disposition, sent from server to client.
3: EventStreamOwnershipStatus status;
/// Event
/// A selection of FIFO data sent over the channel.
/// Each data may have a different issuance policy.
flexible union Data {
/// The parameters of the associated view and viewport, sufficient to
/// correctly interpret the position, orientation, magnitude, and
/// inter-event distance of pointer events dispatched to a view.
/// - It is issued on connection and on change.
1: ViewParameters view_parameters;
/// A description of the pointer device, sufficient to correctly interpret
/// the capabilities and usage intent of the device.
/// - It is issued once per device.
2: DeviceInfo device_info;
/// A description of each sampled data point in a pointer event stream.
/// - It is issued on every sample in the pointer event stream.
3: PointerSample pointer_sample;
/// The result of gesture disambiguation for a pointer event stream.
/// - It is issued once per pointer event stream.
4: EventStreamOwnership event_stream_ownership;
/// The self-sufficient, self-consistent collection of pointer-related data,
/// sent from server to client.
table Event {
/// The time this event was observed.
/// Required.
1: zx.time timestamp;
/// The event's data.
/// Required.
2: Data data;
/// An identifier to correlate this event's send/receive occurrence across
/// component boundaries or abstraction layers.
3: uint64 trace_flow_id;
/// Response
/// The possible event stream dispositions that a client can respond with to a
/// given |PointerSample|. Used as part of a gesture disambiguation scheme.
/// The responses revolve around the idea of an ownership claim on a pointer event
/// stream (i.e., current and future events of that event stream). Clients may
/// assert a claim of ownership on the current event stream, but only one
/// client's claim is granted by the server; other clients' claims are denied.
enum ResponseType {
/// The client declines ownership of the event stream.
NO = 1;
/// The client has not yet claimed ownership of the event stream.
MAYBE = 2;
/// The client needs to see a subsequent event stream to decide its claim on
/// the current event stream.
HOLD = 3;
/// The client claims ownership the event stream.
YES = 4;
/// A feedback event per |Event|, sent from client to server.
/// Only |PointerSample| requires a |ResponseType|; for other events, an empty
/// |Response| table is sent to the server.
table Response {
/// The event stream disposition that a client responds with for a given
/// |PointerSample|.
1: ResponseType response_type;
/// An identifier to correlate this response's send/receive occurrence across
/// component boundaries or abstraction layers.
2: uint64 trace_flow_id;