blob: 88b9ece678758439c6f5ddd4ef9d09eb5ed277ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.power.statecontrol;
using zx;
/// All available suspend flags.
// TODO(fxb/42257): When all clients start using the system power state
// these flags can be removed.
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_REBOOT = 0xdcdc0100;
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_REBOOT_BOOTLOADER = 0xdcdc0101;
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_REBOOT_RECOVERY = 0xdcdc0102;
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_POWEROFF = 0xdcdc0200;
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_MEXEC = 0xdcdc0300;
const uint32 SUSPEND_FLAG_SUSPEND_RAM = 0xdcdc0400;
// TODO(ravoorir): When the system power states are properly defined,
// remove the suspend flags. For now, treat each suspend flag as a system
// power state.
enum SystemPowerState : uint8 {
MEXEC = 6;
const uint32 MAX_SYSTEM_POWER_STATES = 7;
/// The maxium number of seconds the server will wait for responses from all SuspendWatchers before
/// changing the system power state.
// TODO(52274): Track how long it takes to persist the reboot reason and adjust this value.
/// Provides administration services for the device manager service and the device tree it controls.
protocol Admin {
/// Ask all devices to enter into the system power state indicated by 'state'. The devices will
/// get into a low power state, that corresponds to the system power state 'state'.
[Transitional = "soon to be deprecated in favor of Suspend2() "]
Suspend(SystemPowerState state) -> () error zx.status;
/// Ask all devices to enter into the system power state indicated by 'request.state' and, in
/// the case of a reboot or a poweroff, specify the reason for the request. The devices will
/// get into a low power state, that corresponds to the system power state 'request.state'.
[Transitional = "replacing Suspend() in the future "]
Suspend2(SuspendRequest request) -> () error zx.status;
/// Allows components to register a callback that will be executed when Suspend or
/// Suspend2 is called. The main purpose of this protocol is to be able to track reboot reasons.
/// Consider relying Component Framework's orderly shutdown if you're looking at using this
/// protocol.
// TODO(52277): Revisit this protocol once Component Manager performs an orderly
// shutdown.
protocol SuspendWatcherRegister {
/// Register a callback to be executed when Suspend or Suspend2 is called.
Register(SuspendWatcher watcher);
/// Allows components to be notified when Suspend or Suspend2 is called. Watchers will be given
/// 'MAX_SUSPEND_WATCHER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECONDS' to return before the system power state is changed.
protocol SuspendWatcher {
/// Callback executed to notify watchers that a change in the system power state is at most
/// 'MAX_SUSPEND_WATCHER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECONDS' away. Watchers should acknowldege after they
/// have performed any necessary actions in response to 'request' in order to prevent delaying
/// the system power state change.
OnSuspendRequest(SuspendRequest request) -> ();
/// The system should enter the power state 'state' and if a reboot or power off is being requested
/// a reason should be provided.
table SuspendRequest {
1: SystemPowerState state;
2: RebootReason reason;
/// Reasons why components instruct a device to reboot.
// If you make a CL adding a new value to RebootReason, please add a member of
// //src/developer/feedback/OWNERs as a reviewer.
enum RebootReason : uint16 {