blob: 4a4bc4cbce7c2223f6a380e720748cfc11fc544b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/internal_callable_traits.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace fidl {
struct NonMutatingVisitorTrait {
// Types residing in the FIDL message buffer are const
static constexpr bool kIsConst = true;
// Message is const
using ObjectPointerPointer = const void* const* const;
struct MutatingVisitorTrait {
// Types residing in the FIDL message buffer are mutable
static constexpr bool kIsConst = false;
// Message is mutable
using ObjectPointerPointer = void** const;
namespace {
// The interface of a FIDL message visitor.
// The walker class drives the message traversal, and encoders/decoders/validators etc.
// implement this interface to perform their task.
// Visitors should inherit from this class, which has compile-time checks that all visitor interface
// requirements have been met. The walker logic is always parameterized by a concrete implementation
// of this interface, hence there is no virtual method call overhead. MutationTrait is one of
// NonMutatingVisitorTrait or MutatingVisitorTrait.
// Many FIDL types do not need special treatment when encoding/decoding. Those that do include:
// - Handles: Transferred to/from handle table.
// - Indirections e.g. nullable fields, strings, vectors: Perform pointer patching.
// All pointers passed to the visitor are guaranteed to be alive throughout the duration
// of the message traversal.
// For all callbacks in the visitor, the return value indicates if an error has occurred.
template <FidlWireFormatVersion WireFormatVersion_, typename MutationTrait_, typename Position_,
typename EnvelopeCheckpoint_>
class Visitor {
static constexpr FidlWireFormatVersion WireFormatVersion = WireFormatVersion_;
using MutationTrait = MutationTrait_;
template <typename T>
using Ptr = typename std::conditional<MutationTrait::kIsConst, typename std::add_const<T>::type,
// A type encapsulating the position of the walker within the message. This type is parametric,
// such that the walker does not assume any memory order between objects. |Position| is tracked
// by the walker at every level of the coding frame, hence we encourage using a smaller type
// for |Position|, and placing larger immutable values in |StartingPoint|. For example, in the
// encoder, |StartingPoint| can be a 64-bit buffer address, while |Position| is a 32-bit offset.
// Implementations must have the following:
// - Position operator+(uint32_t size) const, to advance position by |size| in the message.
// - Position& operator+=(uint32_t size), to advance position by |size| in the message.
// - template <typename T> Ptr<T> Get(StartingPoint start) const, to cast to a suitable pointer.
using Position = Position_;
// A type representing a checkpoint of the current state of the visitor at the time that the
// envelope is entered. When the envelope is left, this value is given back to the visitor.
// A common implementation is a struct with the number of already-processed bytes and handles.
using EnvelopeCheckpoint = EnvelopeCheckpoint_;
// ObjectPointerPointer is ([const] void*) *[const]
using ObjectPointerPointer = typename MutationTrait::ObjectPointerPointer;
// HandlePointer is ([const] zx_handle_t)*
using HandlePointer = Ptr<zx_handle_t>;
// EnvelopeType is fidl_envelope_t or fidl_envelope_v2_t
using EnvelopeType = fidl_envelope_v2_t;
// EnvelopePointer is ([const] fidl_envelope_t)* or ([const] fidl_envelope_v2_t)*
using EnvelopePointer = Ptr<EnvelopeType>;
// CountPointer is ([const] uint64_t)*
using CountPointer = Ptr<uint64_t>;
// Status returned by visitor callbacks.
enum class Status {
kSuccess = 0,
kConstraintViolationError, // recoverable errors
kMemoryError // overflow/out-of-bounds etc. Non-recoverable.
enum class PointeeType { kVector, kString, kEnvelope, kOther };
// Compile-time interface checking. Code is invisible to the subclass.
// Visit an indirection, which can be the data pointer of a string/vector, the data pointer
// of an envelope from a table, the pointer in a nullable type, etc.
// This will only be called when the pointer is present / non-null.
// |ptr_position| Position of the pointer.
// |pointee_type| Type of the pointee.
// |object_ptr_ptr| Pointer to the data pointer, obtained from |ptr_position.Get(start)|.
// It can be used to patch the pointer.
// |inline_size| Size of the inline part of the target object.
// For vectors, this covers the inline part of all the elements.
// It will not contain any trailing padding between objects.
// |pointee_memcpy_compatibility| Indicates if the pointee only includes objects that can
// be copied with memcpy, i.e. structs without padding,
// arrays, primitives, etc. If unknown,
// kFidlMemcpyCompatibility_CannotMemcpy is the safe input.
// |out_position| Returns the position where the walker will continue its object traversal.
Status VisitPointer(Position ptr_position, PointeeType pointee_type,
ObjectPointerPointer object_ptr_ptr, uint32_t inline_size,
FidlMemcpyCompatibility pointee_memcpy_compatibility,
Position* out_position) {
// Visit a null/absent pointer in a collection that is normally non-nullable.
// The original intent of this method is to handle linearization of null data portions of
// empty LLCPP vectors and strings.
// |object_ptr_ptr| Pointer to the data pointer, obtained from |ptr_position.Get(start)|.
// It can be used to patch the pointer.
Status VisitAbsentPointerInNonNullableCollection(ObjectPointerPointer object_ptr_ptr) {
// Visit a handle. The handle pointer will be mutable if the visitor is mutating.
// Only called when the handle is present.
// The handle pointer is derived from |handle_position.Get(start)|.
Status VisitHandle(Position handle_position, HandlePointer handle_ptr, zx_rights_t handle_rights,
zx_obj_type_t handle_subtype) {
// Visit a vector or string count. The count pointer will be mutable if the visitor is mutating.
Status VisitVectorOrStringCount(CountPointer ptr) { __builtin_unreachable(); }
template <typename MaskType>
Status VisitInternalPadding(Position offset, MaskType mask) {
// Called when the walker encounters an envelope. The envelope may be empty or unknown.
// The visitor can return a checkpoint of its current state that is untouched by the walker
// other than to hand back to the visitor when the envelope is exited.
// Typically this checkpoint would include counts of number of bytes and handles processed,
// but it can have arbitrary value or even be empty.
EnvelopeCheckpoint EnterEnvelope() { __builtin_unreachable(); }
// Called when the walker leaves an envelope.
// |in_envelope| is a fidl_envelope_t or fidl_envelope_v2_t structure containing the original
// input envelope. This should be used for reading because it won't have been clobbered by
// other calls.
// |out_envelope| is a fidl_envelope_t* or fidl_envelope_v2_t* pointing to the actual envelope
// backed by the message bytes. This should be used for writing but not reading.
// |prev_checkpoint| is the checkpoint object returned in the EnterEnvelope call().
Status LeaveEnvelope(EnvelopeType in_envelope, EnvelopePointer out_envelope,
EnvelopeCheckpoint prev_checkpoint) {
// Called when the walker leaves an envelope that is inlined.
// This exists in addition to LeaveEnvelope, because the number of bytes consumed cannot
// be computed by counting the increase in out of line bytes when the envelope is inlined
// since there are no new out of line objects.
// |in_envelope| is a fidl_envelope_t or fidl_envelope_v2_t structure containing the original
// input envelope. This should be used for reading because it won't have been clobbered by
// other calls.
// |out_envelope| is a fidl_envelope_t* or fidl_envelope_v2_t* pointing to the actual envelope
// backed by the message bytes. This should be used for writing but not reading.
// |prev_checkpoint| is the checkpoint object returned in the EnterEnvelope call().
Status LeaveInlinedEnvelope(EnvelopeType in_envelope, EnvelopePointer out_envelope,
EnvelopeCheckpoint prev_checkpoint) {
// Called when the walker encounters an envelope with unknown type that has non-null data.
// This takes the place of the continued walk of the internal object that would take place
// if they type was known.
// |envelope_copy| is a fidl_envelope_t or fidl_envelope_v2_t structure containing the original
// input envelope. This should be used for reading because it won't have been clobbered by
// other calls.
// |envelope_ptr| is a fidl_envelope_t* or fidl_envelope_v2_t* pointing to the actual envelope
// backed by the message bytes. This is used for converting to an internal unknown represention.
// |is_resource| indicates whether the type containing this envelope is a resource type.
Status VisitUnknownEnvelope(EnvelopeType envelope_copy, EnvelopePointer envelope_ptr,
FidlIsResource is_resource) {
// Called when a traversal error is encountered on the walker side.
void OnError(const char* error) {}
template <typename Visitor_, typename ImplSubType_>
friend constexpr bool CheckVisitorInterface();
template <typename Visitor, typename ImplSubType>
constexpr bool CheckVisitorInterface() {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Visitor, ImplSubType>::value,
"ImplSubType should inherit from fidl::Visitor");
// kOnlyWalkResources:
// - When true, the walker will only walk resource types, where possible.
// - When false, the walker will walk all types.
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(ImplSubType::kOnlyWalkResources), const bool>::value,
"ImplSubType must declare constexpr bool kOnlyWalkResources");
// kContinueAfterConstraintViolation:
// - When true, the walker will continue when constraints (e.g. string length) are violated.
// - When false, the walker will stop upon first error of any kind.
std::is_same<decltype(ImplSubType::kContinueAfterConstraintViolation), const bool>::value,
"ImplSubType must declare constexpr bool kContinueAfterConstraintViolation");
// kValidateEnvelopeInlineBit:
// - When true, the walker validates the inline bit is set if the size is <= 4 (and the envelope
// is non-zero) and unset otherwise.
// - When false, the walker skips validation.
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(ImplSubType::kValidateEnvelopeInlineBit), const bool>::value,
"ImplSubType must declare constexpr bool kValidateEnvelopeInlineBit");
"Incorrect/missing VisitAbsentPointerInNonNullableCollection");
"Incorrect/missing VisitPointer");
internal::SameInterface<decltype(&Visitor::VisitHandle), decltype(&ImplSubType::VisitHandle)>,
"Incorrect/missing VisitHandle");
internal::SameInterface<decltype(&Visitor::template VisitInternalPadding<uint64_t>),
decltype(&ImplSubType::template VisitInternalPadding<uint64_t>)>,
"Incorrect/missing VisitInternalPadding<uint64_t>");
internal::SameInterface<decltype(&Visitor::template VisitInternalPadding<uint32_t>),
decltype(&ImplSubType::template VisitInternalPadding<uint32_t>)>,
"Incorrect/missing VisitInternalPadding<uint32_t>");
internal::SameInterface<decltype(&Visitor::template VisitInternalPadding<uint16_t>),
decltype(&ImplSubType::template VisitInternalPadding<uint16_t>)>,
"Incorrect/missing VisitInternalPadding<uint16_t>");
"Incorrect/missing EnterEnvelope");
"Incorrect/missing LeaveEnvelope");
"Incorrect/missing VisitUnknownEnvelope");
internal::SameInterface<decltype(&Visitor::OnError), decltype(&ImplSubType::OnError)>,
"Incorrect/missing OnError");
return true;
} // namespace
} // namespace fidl