blob: 04f049c13a85b9a997c06861a8ed0e59d9bb20bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
// The maximum recursion depth the fidl encoder or decoder will
// perform. Each nested aggregate type (structs, unions, arrays,
// vectors, or tables) counts as one step in the recursion depth.
// See
// These methods expect non-transactional messages.
zx_status_t fidl_encode(const fidl_type_t* type, void* bytes, uint32_t num_bytes,
zx_handle_t* handles, uint32_t max_handles, uint32_t* out_actual_handles,
const char** out_error_msg);
zx_status_t fidl_encode_etc(const fidl_type_t* type, void* bytes, uint32_t num_bytes,
zx_handle_disposition_t* handle_dispositions,
uint32_t max_handle_dispositions,
uint32_t* out_actual_handle_dispositions, const char** out_error_msg);
// This method assumes that the message being encoded is transactional (ie, that it includes a
// leading 16-byte header).
// This method is only intended for use by the deprecated FIDL C bindings.
zx_status_t fidl_encode_msg(const fidl_type_t* type, fidl_outgoing_msg_byte_t* msg,
uint32_t* out_actual_handles, const char** out_error_msg);
// Perform a fidl_decode and check handle types and rights against the types and rights specified in
// the FIDL file.
// It is an error for a zx_handle_info_t to contain a handle type that does not match what is
// expected from FIDL unless either the expected or actual type is ZX_OBJ_TYPE_NONE. It is also
// error if there are fewer actual rights than expected rights and the actual or expected rights are
// not ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS. If there are more actual rights than expected rights, the actual rights
// will be reduced to the expected rights via a call to zx_handle_replace.
// This method expects non-transactional messages.
zx_status_t fidl_decode_etc(const fidl_type_t* type, void* bytes, uint32_t num_bytes,
const zx_handle_info_t* handle_infos, uint32_t num_handle_infos,
const char** error_msg_out);
// Perform a fidl_decode_etc as input for HLCPP (leave unknown handles in flexible resource types
// intact instead of closing them, add offsets to unknown envelopes).
zx_status_t internal__fidl_decode_etc_hlcpp__v2__may_break(const fidl_type_t* type, void* bytes,
uint32_t num_bytes,
const zx_handle_info_t* handle_infos,
uint32_t num_handle_infos,
const char** error_msg_out);
// This function assumes that the message being passed in has a 16-byte transaction header
// attached.
// This method is only intended for use by the deprecated FIDL C bindings.
zx_status_t fidl_decode_msg(const fidl_type_t* type, fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg,
const char** out_error_msg);
// Validates an encoded message against the given |type|.
// The |bytes| are not modified.
// This is a version of the FIDL validator that validates against the v2 wire format.
zx_status_t internal__fidl_validate__v2__may_break(const fidl_type_t* type, const void* bytes,
uint32_t num_bytes, uint32_t num_handles,
const char** out_error_msg);
// Validates a FIDL string, and verifies that it is a well-formed UTF-8 code
// unit sequence. That is respect the UTF-8 encoding, and be formed solely of
// unicode scalar value, i.e. any Unicode code point except high-surrogate
// and low-surrogate code points.
// The |data| is not modified.
// See also
bool fidl_validate_string(const char* data, uint64_t size);
// Stores the name of a fidl type into the provided buffer.
// Truncates the name if it is too long to fit into the buffer.
// Returns the number of characters written into the buffer.
// Note: This function does not write a trailing NUL.
size_t fidl_format_type_name(const fidl_type_t* type, char* buffer, size_t capacity);
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
// Attributes of a handle, as defined in FIDL files.
// Intended to be extensible, for instance if a transport introduces a new object type then
// it will be included in addition to the initial fields.
struct HandleAttributes {
zx_obj_type_t obj_type;
zx_rights_t rights;
// Options controlling FIDL encode and decode.
// These are fixed and specified on the transport-level.
struct CodingConfig {
// Max supported number of iovecs on the write path.
// Used to limit the number produced by encode_process_handle.
uint32_t max_iovecs_write;
// In the handle metadata array, how many bytes does each element occupy.
// This field may be set to zero if |encode_process_handle| and
// |decode_process_handle| are both NULL.
uint32_t handle_metadata_stride;
// Callback to process a single handle during encode.
// |out_metadata_array| contains an array of transport-specific metadata being outputted.
// |metadata_index| contains an index to a specific metadata item corresponding to the current
// handle. The implementation should populate out_metadata_array[metadata_index].
zx_status_t (*encode_process_handle)(HandleAttributes attr, uint32_t metadata_index,
void* out_metadata_array, const char** out_error);
// Callback to process a single handle during decode.
// |metadata_array| contains an array of transport-specific metadata.
// |metadata_index| contains an index to a specific metadata item corresponding to the current
// handle.
zx_status_t (*decode_process_handle)(fidl_handle_t* handle, HandleAttributes attr,
uint32_t metadata_index, const void* metadata_array,
const char** error);
// Close the handle.
void (*close)(fidl_handle_t handle);
// Close many handles.
void (*close_many)(const fidl_handle_t* handles, size_t num_handles);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl
#endif // LIB_FIDL_CODING_H_