blob: fb8322709b75581617fe51ea9763c4b43fa2a975 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fidlgen_test
import (
// toDocComment formats doc comments in a by adding a leading space and a
// trailing newline.
func toDocComment(input string) string {
return " " + input + "\n"
// Compares two fidlgen.Locations lexicographically on filename and then on
// the location within the file.
func LocationCmp(a, b *fidlgen.Location) bool {
if cmp := strings.Compare(a.Filename, b.Filename); cmp != 0 {
return cmp < 0
if a.Line != b.Line {
return a.Line < b.Line
if a.Column != b.Column {
return a.Column < b.Column
return a.Length < b.Length
func TestCanUnmarshalLargeOrdinal(t *testing.T) {
input := `{
"ordinal": 18446744073709551615
var method fidlgen.Method
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(input), &method)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal: %s", err)
if method.Ordinal != math.MaxUint64 {
t.Fatalf("method.Ordinal: expected math.MaxUint64, found %d", method.Ordinal)
func TestCanUnmarshalAttributeValue(t *testing.T) {
root := fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
type MyUnion = flexible union {
/// my_union_member
1: my_union_member bool;
// MyUnion
unionName := string(root.Unions[0].Name)
wantUnionName := "MyUnion"
unionAttrs := root.Unions[0].Attributes
if len(unionAttrs.Attributes) != 4 {
t.Errorf("got %d attributes on '%s', want %d", len(unionAttrs.Attributes), unionName, 4)
attr, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("doc")
if !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'doc' attribute: not found", unionName)
if arg, found := attr.LookupArgStandalone(); !found || arg.ValueString() != wantUnionName {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'doc' attribute: got '%s', want '%s'", unionName, arg.ValueString(), wantUnionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("UpperCamelCase"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'UpperCamelCase' attribute: not found (using UpperCamelCase search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("upper_camel_case"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'UpperCamelCase' attribute: not found (using lower-case search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("LowerSnakeCase"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'lower_snake_case' attribute: not found (using UpperCamelCase search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("lower_snake_case"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'lower_snake_case' attribute: not found (using lower-case search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("Caps"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'CAPS' attribute: not found (using UpperCamelCase search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("caps"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'CAPS' attribute: not found (using lower-snake-case search)", unionName)
if _, found := unionAttrs.LookupAttribute("CAPS"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'CAPS' attribute: not found (using default string for search)", unionName)
// my_union_member
unionMemName := string(root.Unions[0].Members[0].Name)
wantUnionMemName := "my_union_member"
unionMemAttrs := root.Unions[0].Members[0].Attributes
if unionMemName != wantUnionMemName {
t.Errorf("got union with name '%s', want '%s'", unionMemName, wantUnionMemName)
if len(unionMemAttrs.Attributes) != 2 {
t.Errorf("got %d attributes on '%s', want %d", len(unionMemAttrs.Attributes), unionMemName, 2)
attr, found = unionMemAttrs.LookupAttribute("doc")
if !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'doc' attribute: not found", unionMemName)
if arg, found := attr.LookupArgStandalone(); !found || arg.ValueString() != toDocComment(wantUnionMemName) {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'doc' attribute: got '%s', want '%s'", unionMemName, arg.ValueString(), toDocComment(wantUnionMemName))
if _, found := unionMemAttrs.LookupAttribute("on_the_member"); !found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'on_the_member' attribute: not found", unionMemName)
if _, found := unionMemAttrs.LookupAttribute("Missing"); found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'missing' attribute: found when non-existant", unionMemName)
if _, found := unionMemAttrs.LookupAttribute("missing"); found {
t.Errorf("'%s' 'missing' attribute: found when non-existant", unionMemName)
func TestCanUnmarshalSignedEnums(t *testing.T) {
root := fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
type StrictEnum = strict enum : uint8 {
FALSE = 0;
TRUE = 1;
type EmptyEnum = flexible enum : uint16 {};
type FlexibleEnum = flexible enum : int64 {
FIRST = 1;
type FlexibleEnumWithPlaceholder = flexible enum : uint32 {
FIRST = 1;
// Sort by location for easier comparison with expected values.
sort.Slice(root.Enums, func(i, j int) bool {
return LocationCmp(&root.Enums[i].Location, &root.Enums[j].Location)
expected := []fidlgen.Enum{
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/StrictEnum",
Type: fidlgen.Uint8,
Members: []fidlgen.EnumMember{
Name: "FALSE",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "0",
Value: "0",
Name: "TRUE",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "1",
Value: "1",
Strictness: fidlgen.IsStrict,
RawUnknownValue: fidlgen.Int64OrUint64FromUint64ForTesting(0),
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/EmptyEnum",
Type: fidlgen.Uint16,
Members: []fidlgen.EnumMember{},
Strictness: fidlgen.IsFlexible,
RawUnknownValue: fidlgen.Int64OrUint64FromUint64ForTesting(math.MaxUint16),
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/FlexibleEnum",
Type: fidlgen.Int64,
Members: []fidlgen.EnumMember{
Name: "FIRST",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "1",
Value: "1",
Name: "SECOND",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "2",
Value: "2",
Strictness: fidlgen.IsFlexible,
RawUnknownValue: fidlgen.Int64OrUint64FromInt64ForTesting(math.MaxInt64),
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/FlexibleEnumWithPlaceholder",
Type: fidlgen.Uint32,
Members: []fidlgen.EnumMember{
Name: "FIRST",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "1",
Value: "1",
Name: "SECOND",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "2",
Value: "2",
Attributes: fidlgen.Attributes{
Name: fidlgen.Identifier("unknown"),
Args: []fidlgen.AttributeArg{},
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "3",
Value: "3",
Strictness: fidlgen.IsFlexible,
RawUnknownValue: fidlgen.Int64OrUint64FromUint64ForTesting(3),
if len(root.Enums) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of enum declarations")
// RawUnknownValue has an unexported type; reflect into it to compare.
opt := cmp.Exporter(func(t reflect.Type) bool {
return t == reflect.TypeOf(fidlgen.Enum{}.RawUnknownValue)
for i, actual := range root.Enums {
// Sanitize Location and NamindContext values, as they're not relevant here.
actual.Layout.Decl.Location = fidlgen.Location{}
actual.Layout.NamingContext = nil
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected[i], opt); len(diff) > 0 {
t.Errorf("\nexpected: %#v\nactual: %#v\n", expected[i], actual)
func TestCanUnmarshalBits(t *testing.T) {
root := fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
type Perms = flexible bits : uint8 {
R = 0b0001;
W = 0b0010;
X = 0b0100;
type StrictBits = strict bits : uint64 {
BIGGEST = 0x8000000000000000;
// Sort by location for easier comparison with expected values.
sort.Slice(root.Bits, func(i, j int) bool {
return LocationCmp(&root.Bits[i].Location, &root.Bits[j].Location)
uint8Shape := fidlgen.TypeShape{
InlineSize: 1,
Alignment: 1,
uint64Shape := fidlgen.TypeShape{
InlineSize: 8,
Alignment: 8,
expected := []fidlgen.Bits{
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/Perms",
Type: fidlgen.Type{
Kind: fidlgen.PrimitiveType,
PrimitiveSubtype: fidlgen.Uint8,
TypeShapeV1: uint8Shape,
TypeShapeV2: uint8Shape,
Mask: "7",
Members: []fidlgen.BitsMember{
Name: "R",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "1",
Value: "1",
Name: "W",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "2",
Value: "2",
Name: "X",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "4",
Value: "4",
Strictness: fidlgen.IsFlexible,
Layout: fidlgen.Layout{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/StrictBits",
Type: fidlgen.Type{
Kind: fidlgen.PrimitiveType,
PrimitiveSubtype: fidlgen.Uint64,
TypeShapeV1: uint64Shape,
TypeShapeV2: uint64Shape,
Mask: "9223372036854775809",
Members: []fidlgen.BitsMember{
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "1",
Value: "1",
Name: "BIGGEST",
Value: fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "9223372036854775808",
Value: "9223372036854775808",
Strictness: fidlgen.IsStrict,
if len(root.Bits) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of bits declarations")
for i, actual := range root.Bits {
// Sanitize Location and NamindContext values, as they're not relevant here.
actual.Layout.Decl.Location = fidlgen.Location{}
actual.Layout.NamingContext = nil
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected[i]); len(diff) > 0 {
t.Errorf("\nexpected: %#v\nactual: %#v\n", expected[i], actual)
func TestCanUnmarshalLocation(t *testing.T) {
root := fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
const CONST_A bool = false;
const CONST_B uint32 = 10;
// Sort by location for easier comparison with expected values.
sort.Slice(root.Consts, func(i, j int) bool {
return LocationCmp(&root.Consts[i].Location, &root.Consts[j].Location)
expected := []fidlgen.Const{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/CONST_A",
Location: fidlgen.Location{
Line: 4,
Column: 9,
Length: 7,
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/CONST_B",
Location: fidlgen.Location{
Line: 6,
Column: 15,
Length: 7,
if len(root.Consts) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of constant declarations")
for i, actual := range root.Consts {
if actual.Location.Filename == "" {
t.Errorf("Constant %s has empty file location", actual.Name)
// Sanitize Location.Filename, Value, and Type values, as they're not relevant here.
actual.Location.Filename = ""
actual.Value = fidlgen.Constant{}
actual.Type = fidlgen.Type{}
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected[i]); len(diff) > 0 {
t.Errorf("\nexpected: %#v\nactual: %#v\n", expected[i], actual)
func TestCanUnmarshalTypeAliases(t *testing.T) {
// TODO( Exercise the associated, currently-broken corner
// cases when possible.
root := fidlgentest.EndToEndTest{T: t}.Single(`
library example;
alias UintThirtyTwo = uint32;
alias Foo = vector<uint32>;
alias FooVector = vector<vector<uint32>>;
alias Bar = vector<bool>:optional;
alias Baz = string:<123>;
// Sort results by location for easier comparison.
sort.Slice(root.TypeAliases, func(i, j int) bool {
return LocationCmp(&root.TypeAliases[i].Location, &root.TypeAliases[j].Location)
expected := []fidlgen.TypeAlias{
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/UintThirtyTwo",
PartialTypeConstructor: fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "uint32",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{},
Nullable: false,
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/Foo",
PartialTypeConstructor: fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "vector",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "uint32",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{},
Nullable: false,
Nullable: false,
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/FooVector",
PartialTypeConstructor: fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "vector",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "vector",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "uint32",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{},
Nullable: false,
Nullable: false,
Nullable: false,
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/Bar",
PartialTypeConstructor: fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "vector",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "bool",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{},
Nullable: false,
Nullable: true,
Decl: fidlgen.Decl{
Name: "example/Baz",
PartialTypeConstructor: fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{
Name: "string",
Args: []fidlgen.PartialTypeConstructor{},
Nullable: false,
MaybeSize: &fidlgen.Constant{
Kind: fidlgen.LiteralConstant,
Literal: fidlgen.Literal{
Kind: fidlgen.NumericLiteral,
Value: "123",
Value: "123",
if len(root.TypeAliases) != len(expected) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of type aliases")
for i, actual := range root.TypeAliases {
actual.Decl.Location = fidlgen.Location{} // Does not matter for the purpose of this comparison.
if diff := cmp.Diff(actual, expected[i]); len(diff) > 0 {
t.Errorf("\nexpected: %#v\nactual: %#v", expected[i], actual)
func TestEncodedCompoundIdentifierParsing(t *testing.T) {
type testCase struct {
input fidlgen.EncodedCompoundIdentifier
expectedOutput fidlgen.CompoundIdentifier
tests := []testCase{
input: "Decl",
expectedOutput: compoundIdentifier([]string{""}, "Decl", ""),
input: "fuchsia.some.library/Decl",
expectedOutput: compoundIdentifier([]string{"fuchsia", "some", "library"}, "Decl", ""),
input: "Name.MEMBER",
expectedOutput: compoundIdentifier([]string{""}, "Name", "MEMBER"),
input: "fuchsia.some.library/Decl.MEMBER",
expectedOutput: compoundIdentifier([]string{"fuchsia", "some", "library"}, "Decl", "MEMBER"),
for _, test := range tests {
output := test.input.Parse()
diff := cmp.Diff(output, test.expectedOutput)
if len(diff) > 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected output for input %q diff: %s", test.input, diff)
func compoundIdentifier(library []string, name, member string) fidlgen.CompoundIdentifier {
var convertedLibrary fidlgen.LibraryIdentifier
for _, part := range library {
convertedLibrary = append(convertedLibrary, fidlgen.Identifier(part))
return fidlgen.CompoundIdentifier{
Library: convertedLibrary,
Name: fidlgen.Identifier(name),
Member: fidlgen.Identifier(member),